InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Left Behind ❯ Broken Dreams ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yuu Yuu Hakusho
Left Behind
In death comes rest
Never bite the hand that feeds you. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Every now and then though; someone does. And they lose.
They were approaching their one-year anniversary. Kikyo's return to the village and joining of the group. Nine months of Miroku and Sango gave their trust to her, eight and a quarter months of Shippou calling her mother and the most hurtful one of all their abuse.
Did they ever stop every now and then to help the very person that saved their lives, remained caring for them; brought back things for them each time she had come back from her home? No. Their minds made-up they blamed her for all their troubles.
Time never stopped, as a heart grew weak. Naraku's attacks have grown stronger and the risk of him finding her family greater. Sacrificing her family for a duty she never wanted; a woman stays in a time where she is unwanted. They destroyed the well to the only place where she was truly loved.
On the path that leads to a new battle six figures walked together. But one lone figure walked ten feet away silently struggling to keep up. All of a sudden she fell over a rock hitting her knee hard on the unforgiving ground. Closing her eyes she waited for the insults to start coming.
Inuyasha's back stiffened as he heard a thud, turning to see a kneeling Kagome struggling to get up. Shippou snickered from his place in Kikyo's arms thinking of how the rock just `magically' appeared. Sango glared at the woman wasting their time.
“Hurry up wench!” was yelled at the woman as she tried over again to get up.
“The only reason your still here is because Kikyo can't sense the jewel shards.” Sango snarled out as she leaned against a near by tree. Miroku only nodded his head in agreement.
“Stupid Copy.” Inuyasha mumbled turning back around, putting his hand around Kikyo's waist once more, and carried on forward.
Kagome stopped all of a sudden. Her eyes going wide and glossing over to appear like the most fragile glass.
Hearing something hit the ground, the ones that had treated her so badly, betrayed her trust, accused her of things that she could not stop, gave her no reason to move on turned around to be greeted with the site of a broken woman spread flat on the ground. Eyes open staring into the vast green field of broken dreams.
Just like that, she died knowing the true down falls of being in love.
Soul gatherers tried to catch the incomplete soul, but were all purified. The pure spirit took to the heavens to find solitude until the time came to make itself known once more.
Decades past and the world refused to stay the same. People had grown but as the saying goes where there's good there's bad. A king had risen up parting the conflicting souls of the earth. Spirits were given a realm to be sorted in, demons a realm to do as they pleased, and humans the world to continue to kill and desecrate on their own.
Very few had taken notice of the spirit that had taken a home in the limitless lonesomeness of the heavens. The legend was that only the purest souls could see it, all else would see a star. Those who were not blind to the illusion were allowed to make one wish upon it, and it would come true.
Decades turned to centuries for the ghost of the once living continued to piece together the soul it had once been. The final piece set in the soul glowed with a renewed vigor to live again.
A blue haired woman looked up a the crystal clear sky hoping to find an answer to a question that had been plaguing her for years now nothing but a star gazed back at her. Leaning her head back more she examined the star further. The young woman took to the sky in less than a minute on her broom trying to figure out what was so off about this seemingly harmless star.
Ten feet higher in the air it hit home. The star wasn't a star it was a soul glowing of its pureness. It was as if she had found a long forgotten treasure of immeasurable value to this defective thing others called living. Slowly as if the gem would dart off or just unexpectedly disappear from existence she made her way to the soul, just as slowly engulfing it in a hug.
A dull pain range through her body as the gem of a being took comfort in her arms. The dull pain of loss, neglected love, and being taken for granted. “It will be okay. I'll make sure no one hurts you. Come on lets go to Spirit World.” Opening a portal to her home in what most believe only to be a myth she took the newfound spirit into her home and into her room. She gently placed the spirit on her bed looking around she got the phone from its charger calling her boss to report in.
Glowing brightly as if it was the sun itself the orb began to transfigure into a forgotten being known as Kagome.
End of Prologue