InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Listening To Her Tears Anymore ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No one's listening to her tears anymore
Chapter Four
“Kagome?” An eerie voice asks.
“Who's there?”
A woman steps out into the clearing of Kagome's dream.
“Yes, child. I've come to train you.”
“Because that Genkai woman can't do it properly. She doesn't have miko powers like you and I do.”
“Kagome, it's time to blossom. Now, I need to tell you some things. You are your own soul; you are not Kikyo's. The way you look is a total coincidence. I'm going to get Sesshomaru to practice with you.”
“I know you're upset with him, but all will be fixed.”
“Fine. But how are you going to train me?”
“In your sleep, child. You can train in here and when you awake, you'll have learned everything.”
“Now, first meditation…”
Kagome's training went on for what seemed like four years, but in reality it was just a night of sleep. Kagome learned everything a good miko should know and more. Midoriko also trained her in swordplay and Kagome perfected her archery. It was the last `day' and then she would wake up.
“Kagome, I'd like to present you with your graduation gifts.”
“We're done? Oh, I'll miss you so much, Riko!” Their relationship had grown to one of very close friends.
“I will to, Gome. But first, here you go.” Midoriko handed Kagome a wrapped bundle. “Open it.”
Kagome carefully unraveled a beautiful set of bows and a quiver filled with arrows and a sword with a black hilt jeweled with rubies. Engraved on the bow was `Protectress of Life' and on the sword `Mistress of Death'. “Riko, they're beautiful! Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you, Kagome. And I also have this.” A black and red Kirara came out from behind her and jumped into Kagome's arms.
“He's beautiful!”
“He's a shadow neko. He is basically like Kirara, just a different breed.”
“Oh, he's adorable. Thank you so much! You're the best, Midoriko!”
“Anything for you. Now's the time to wake up. I'll keep in contact with you and Fluffy will stop by in exactly 4 weeks.”
“Bye…” And with that, Kagome woke up in a bright light. Her weapons rested by her nightstand and her neko upon lap. “Your name shall be Kage, okay?” The neko started purring. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“Kagome! Are you awake?”
“Yes Grandma. I'll be down in a second.” Kagome quickly got changed, grabbed her weapons and Kage then ran outside to her grandma's energy. “Okay! Um… How do I say this…?”
“Say what? And where did those weapons come from? And that neko?”
“Well, I've been trained grandma.”
“By whom?”
“Midoriko, in my sleep. She gave me Kage and the weapons.”
“I see. Do you know how to use them?”
“Well I'm extremely good at archery; very good at swordplay and hand-to-hand combat… I know how to merge my miko powers into them so they don't explode and you know… other miko power things.”
“I see. So you won't need me to train you?”
“No, but I do need someone to spar…”
“There's always Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama.”
“Aren't there four of them…?”
“Yes, but the other is a complete dolt.”
“Okay. Oh, and another thing, I'm leaving for Makai in four weeks.”
“With who!?”
“Lord Sesshomaru.”
“I see.”
`Kagome, its Riko. Would you like a disguise?'
“Grandma, Riko's asking if I'd like a disguise. I don't know why, but she always has her reasons. I think I'm gonna take it.”
“Don't want your cousin to know?”
“That and something else is bugging me…”
“Make it quick then.”
`Can I be any kind of demon for my disguise?'
`Okay, how about a fire demon. Black hair, red streaks, blood red eyes, and can you make me like 3 inches shorter so I blend in with the other fire demons? Oh, and change my wardrobe too please!'
`Of course, anything for you. Do you have anything in mind?'
`Something hot and sexy and all in black.'
`Right! Okay…. Just a moment… Okay, done!'
`Thanks Riko.'
“Okay, now that you're all demony, can we see them now?”
“Yes, oh and don't call me Kagome. Call me Kimiko.”
“Right then, Kimiko.”
“Shit, I'll have to talk to Yukina about this.”
“Well, she's with the boys already. Stay here, I'll send Yukina to you and then come when you're done talking.”
“Thanks, Genkai.”
Genkai went to the boys. “Yukina she'd like to talk.” Yukina nodded and left. “What do you want boys?”
“Who's she? And we, well I came for training.”
“Of course, the Dark Tournament. I'd like you three, Yusuke, Hiei and Kurama, to spar with my newest ward. She'll be here for 4 weeks and then she'll be leaving for Makai.”
“Of course.”
“Who is this `ward'?”
“Just wait.”
Yukina spotted the new Kagome and gasped. “Who're you?”
“Kina, it's me, Gome. Look, a miko trained me and then gave me a disguise. I don't know why, but I trust her. Just don't scream or anything. It's still me, I just look different.”
“Okay, I trust you.”
“Okay, call me Kimiko at all times, even in private, okay? I don't want anyone finding out.”
“Of course.”
They walked side by side towards Genkai and the Tentei. Hiei got a little pissed off that an unknown demon was walking with his little sister. His mood got worse when Kuwabara started holding her hands and kept talking to her like the baboon he was.
“This is Kimiko. I want you three to spar with her, maybe she can help you and you can help her.”
“Hn, fine.”
“Eh, why the hell not…”
“Okay, Kuwabara, nice seeing you. Yusuke, I want a hundred laps around my land. Now! Kurama and Hiei, I want you to spar individually with Kimiko.”
“Okay.” Kurama said and walked away leaving Hiei and Kagome alone. He went to train by himself for the time being.
“You're a fire apparition.” Hiei stated
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Is it `cause you're half-fire?”
“Well, whatever. Let's spar.” Kagome trained with both Hiei and Kurama during the whole 28 days. She learned new techniques and as well as how to use her new powers (in private of course, she wanted to seem like she was a demon for her whole like). She also learned, while she was alone, that she could go back to her human form. It seemed Midoriko either screwed up her spell or she meant to, but Kagome was now permanently a fire demon. In between the time, Botan had stopped by and said Koenma wanted to talk to her…
“Let's go, Kimiko.”
“Right. Let's hope Koenma believes it's me.”
“Maybe I should talk to him first.”
“That'd be a good idea.” So Botan went and talked to Koenma about the Kagome-Kimiko thing and came back five minutes later.
“Kimiko, I'd like to offer you a job as a spirit detective once your training is complete.”
“And to be in the Dark Tournament.”
“You'd be allowed to travel the three realms freely and visit Sesshomaru and Shippo at any time you wanted, unless you're on a mission.”
“Er… Sure… As long as after the Tournament the rest of the team finds out. And they aren't allowed to know it's actually me.”
“Yusuke's my cousin and I just have this weird feeling… Maybe it's miko intuition…?”
“Okay then. Here's a communicator.”
“Okay, see ya then.”
Next Update: Thursday.
It's like all those sorts of “clichés” jammed into eleven chapters… yes, it's short… I know… :(