InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon ❯ Chapter 21

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon
Author: Ryukotsusei and Cyntinell
Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. We do however own the plot. Steal it and you shall face our wrath.

Warnings: This is a dark fic. It does have graphically detailed rape in it, as well as lemons. It's likely to have major character deaths as well. Reviews are always appreciated, flames not tolerated. You are forewarned.
Chapter Twenty One
Kagome opened her eyes slowly, a wave of disorientation washing over her. Groaning softly she concentrated on ignoring the feeling. Something was wrong, she realized that immediately as her gaze trained down at the body laying on the floor. When had she managed to stand up? The memory was not forthcoming but for the moment she wasn't going to question it. Kneeling down Kagome reached out to touch the body, gasping when her hand passed right through it. Several possibilities raced through her head in an attempt to explain just what was going on but as she stared at the still features of the girl on the floor. It was a grim realization that came to her, she was staring at her own body. 'I can't be dead, it's not possible!' She could say that with all certainty, for even as she knelt there she could see the steady rise and fall of her chest. Another unfamiliar wave of power pulsed through her, that of the sceptre. 'Now what do I do? I can't stay like this!'
Kagome looked up as the Seer knelt down beside her and began shaking her body. The woman's words reached her, urging her to wake up but Kagome just didn't know how to. She stared down helplessly and feeling the panic beginning to rise within her. Once again her soul had been ripped from her body but would she survive the experience? Or would her body continue to live but be nothing more than a shell of what she once was? "This is all your fault!" She screamed her anger at the woman who had caused this, though her rage went unacknowledged. If it hadn't been for her she never would have touched the rod. Clenching her fists she stood, glaring at the woman who ignored her in favor of attending her soulless body. 'If the Sceptre caused this then the damned thing can fix it!' Reaching deep within her she fought the agonizing pain that coursed through her as she attempted to grasp the weapon's energy that had made itself at home within her. Several long minutes passed as she continued her attempt at capturing the elusive energy, only to fail time and time again.
It was no use, no matter how she fought it continued to elude her. She was now at a loss for what to do next. Sighing heavily her gaze wandered once more to her body and the Seer who was becoming even more frantic with each minute that passed. 'Funny, I should be the one panicking here. I'm the one with my soul ripped out.' As she sat there a dull pink began to emanate from her chest, making her blink in surprise when she finally noticed it. With the glow came awareness, something she never thought she would experience again. It was the Shikon though how it had come to life once more she couldn't say. Her hopes of home had been destroyed when she used the jewel to save Hiei but now, now if the jewel worked once again then she could go home. They could be free of all this pain and begin to move forward once more. They would escape and go to the well, they would make it through. She refused to leave Hiei behind. Touching her body once more she prayed that the jewel would help her, until she rejoined with it any thoughts of leaving this place was in vain.

"Ryuji come quickly I fear her human form could not handle the strain of the merging." The Seer had been afraid something like this might happen, though she could not have known the actual consequences. This part had been obscured in a haze which she took to mean that the events were necessary and could not be changed. Hesitation would have been the only thing to have come from knowing about this before hand and that was unacceptable if the prophecy was to come to pass. She continued trying to wake the girl as the dragon stepped up next to her, gazing at the still form with thinly veiled contempt.
Kagome stared at the newcomer with open hatred, no matter what he had done in the past to help it didn't change who he was or what he had done in previous times. She had not been fooled by him, he only sought power himself and that dictated his actions. She would be a fool to trust him now or at any other time, once her usefulness was at an end she had no doubt he would kill her.'What possible good are you going to do you bastard? You're the one who brought that damnable rod here in the first place!'
As much as he disliked what he had to do, too much was at stake for the priestess to die now. His hands began to glow as he placed them on her body, seeking out any potential injuries to heal them. If this was the Sceptre's doing he doubted there was much he could do for her, though he still tried to fixed what was wrong. 'Unbelievable.' He searched her again, scanning for any sign of her consciousness. One was found but it was not her own but the child's deep within her. 'So she bears a young one. This could become problematic.' Several men had lain with the girl, the brat could be any of theirs but the most likely one was Masakazu's simply because of the frequency he took her. Allowing offspring of that bastard to live would never do, he gathered his energy and prepared to destroy the child who would be a threat to his rule. As he did so though his energy was ripped away from him and he was flung backwards into the wall.
The Seer watched in shock as he pulled himself up off of the floor and turned an accusing glare on her. "Twas not my doing Ryuji. What were you doing that would provoke such a reaction from the girl?" Even with all that had happened to the girl the Seer doubted that she would attack like that for no reason.
"You did not tell me the bitch was with child! It must be destroyed or would you have another tyrant such as that bastard after us?" Ryuji stalked up to them both and stared down at the girl. "It wasn't the girl that attacked either. I felt its youki. Whatever it was is definitely male." He reached out towards her once again, cautiously trying to feel if the energy emanated from the child. It was doubtful he decided, she couldn't be far along. Youki did not manifest itself until near birth so there had to be something else at work.
The Seer sighed, she should have known that Ryuji would pick up on the child's existence if he were to touch her with his energy. It wasn't something that they could hide. The foreign male youki however she had no knowledge of. It was strange. "Be at ease Dragon, it is not Masakazu's child she bears but that of the apparition. Should they survive they will be of no threat to you. Now tell me, what is wrong with her? Why will she not awaken?"
Ryuji considered the girl on the floor and the rod laying next to her. Using his other sight he could see the tie of energy between them and the ghostly figure of the girl sitting next to them. The shock on her face was almost amusing, apparently she hadn't known that she was pregnant.'Worry about that another time, it is not my concern. However now that I know what is going on, we may be able to fix this mess.' Quickly he picked up the Sceptre, ignoring the flare of energy that coursed beneath his hand and placed it in the limp grasp of the girl. "It has ripped her soul out of her body, though how she is not dead I do not understand exactly. When the soul passes all function should cease but it hasn't. There are unknown forces at work here woman. My talent alone is not enough to bring her back, however with yours there may be a chance. She is still tied to the Sceptre, if we can break the hold it has on her then perhaps she will return."
Kagome stared unblinkingly as she listened to the conversation going on. A child, her child. They could not have known what would happen, the effects of giving herself over to Hiei to spare him anymore pain. It was her love for him that allowed her to do so, overcoming the feelings of fear that she held.'What will he say when he finds out?' Doubt filled her briefly before she shoved it away violently. 'He promised me that he would never leave me. I believe him, he won't hurt me.' It was a belief that she held onto desperately, they had been through too much together. This would just be another test for them to overcome, they would get through it together.
The Seer sighed and took one of Ryuji's hands in her own, the other going to Kagome's body. As one power began to flow from the both of them they began the tedious fight against the Sceptre's hold. It was tenacious, wanting to keep the prize that it had claimed but eventually they felt it give even the smallest bit. Moments later a third presence joined them in the fight, the male youkai that Ryuji had detected once before. Abruptly the hold snapped and Kagome's spirit was free.
Kagome felt it the moment it's grip was released and she tried moving closer to her body. Over and over she attempted to enter it but it was in vain. She didn't have the knowhow in order to rejoin with herself. This was different from her encounters with Kikyo, her thoughts of her soul automatically rejoining with her body thrown to the wind. 'Someone please help me.' Even as she said the words, she knew that she was beyond help. Hiei was imprisoned and could not come to her rescue this time. Even if he could, what could he possibly do to help?
In response a calming influence wrapped around her, one that was extremely familiar. If she had the means she would have cried, having believed she would never see him again. 'Kouga! Is it really you?' Hope welled up in her but was quickly followed by guilt and remorse. She had killed him, why would he be there to help her? This had to be a figment of her imagination, a desperate delusion to keep the full horror of what was happening from crashing down on her.
Kouga slowly separated himself from her body and stared at her, a slight smile on his face. The girl had always been so easy to read and this time was no different. His hand came up, cupping her cheek gently. "I forgive you Kagome, you did what was necessary. I know that now and I don't hate you for it. Remember that you will always hold a place in my heart, no matter what happens. Enough of that though, we must hurry there is not much time. The jewel is alive once more. With your energy and mine it has enough power for one final trip. You can return home as soon as this is over." When it looked as if she was going to question him as to how it was possible the shook his head, silencing her. "No questions, it is time for you to become one with your body again Kagome. You must live, for yourself and that of your child. Take my hand, I will help you."
Kagome reached out, taking his warm hand with her own. A feeling of peace washed over her and for the briefest of moments she felt his emotions. He was not angry with her and did not blame her for anything that had happened. Her eyes closed as he embraced her closely and began to do what she could not. Her body convulsed violent as she rejoined with it, her eyes flying open. It took quite a few seconds for the strangeness to wear off, her eyes closing once more. "Thank you Kouga." Her voice was no more than a whisper, but the other two occupants of the room heard her clearly.

The Seer sighed with relief, glad to see that the girl had managed to survive. Glancing over to Ryuji she noticed the frown on his face as he contemplated the girl's words. She was well aware of who Kouga was, the only thing that either of them could figure was that the wolf had somehow come through, finishing his task he had been attempting before he died. It was only with his added strength that they were able to aid the girl.
"Tell me child, can you walk?" The Seer finally broke the silence, knowing that even though the first step had been executed they still had to get her back to the cell. If Masakazu were to arrive now then surely he would kill them all and this would have been all for nothing.
Bracing herself Kagome gathered what little strength she could and attempted to sit up. All that she managed was the slightest twitch of her fingers but still she tried. A growl of frustration escaped her lips that spoke of just how much time she had spent with Inuyasha before coming to this wretched place. She refused to give up, continuing to fight her body while the Seer and Ryuji looked on. The disgust on the dragon's face was plain to see, eventually she looked away from him and tried to find something else to focus on. Her breath caught in her chest as she noticed a lone wolf curled up in the shadows, watching her intently. The sight brought a smile to her face as she remembered that Kouga was with her. Perhaps the creature had managed to sneak in and was there to help her when the time came.
Sighing heavily the Seer turned to Ryuji, their time was running out and Kagome's progress was slow. The girl could just barely move her arms, they'd be here for far to long before she succeeded in standing. "The price the Sceptre demanded was a high one, we don't have the time to spare. Ryuji you must carry her back to the cell for I cannot. If Masakazu returns and finds us here..." She didn't need to finish the sentence, knowing he was well aware of how the crow would react.
The Dragon merely grunted in response, his annoyance obvious at having to handle the girl any more than necessary. Complaining would get him no where and she was still vital to helping him carry out his own plans. After the crow was dead, only then could he give her what he thought she had earned. Even though she was helping his rule come to pass, he had still gone through hell to do so. It was her fault that the wolves were here now, her fault that she had chosen the wolf to die. Her fault that the wolf bitch attempted to destroy his hands. Yes, this little priestess would pay for all of that and more. Wordlessly he picked her up and slung the girl over his shoulder, not caring whether the position was a comfortable one or not.
Kagome winced at the way his armor dug into her ribs but she was unable to shift her position. Complaining was likely to get her dumped to the floor head first so she held her peace, instead concentrating on the wolf that was following them closely. With great effort she tried reaching out to the creature only to be met with narrowed eyes and a low growl, one that had she not been so close she was certain that it would have been lost under the sounds of them walking through the hall. It was then that she let her hand fall, her eyes closing against the pain she felt. Never before had the wolves treated her in such a fashion, instead they had opened their home and embraced her as a sister. Now, all that had changed it seemed. Perhaps this one knew of her choice and hated her for it, if so she would not ask for it's forgiveness. She still didn't feel as if she deserved it regardless of what Kouga had said.
They had arrived, she knew it when Ryuji stopped and shortly after she heard the all too familiar creak of the cell door opening. How she loathed that sound, it almost always brought something unpleasant along with it. the exception being when Hiei had come to her. That seemed like it was ages ago though, now the only visitors she got was Masakazu or his followers. Even when they brought her food, meager as it was she couldn't help but notice the way they stared at her naked body even though they hadn't made an effort to touch her. Hiei had been the last person other than Masakazu to touch her, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the crow handed her off to these other demons once more. They were biding their time and they all knew it.
The sound of the second door opening was her only warning before Ryuji dropped her unceremoniously onto the hard stone floor of the cave cell. Even though she tried to catch herself before she hit the ground her arms were still too unresponsive to do her any good. The sound of her head cracking against the stone echoed through the room as she fought the pain that exploded in her head. Dimly she heard the Seer chastising the dragon for what he had done but it was useless. He wouldn't care one way or another. Darkness threatened to overwhelm her but somehow she managed to hold onto consciousness. How she hated him, both the Dragon and the Seer. Masakazu was in a class all his own but these two were still not blameless. One way or another they would get what was coming to them. Fate would see to that, if she was so important then no doubt the Gods would be angered because of they took the abuse further than necessary. 'Please just get both of us through this.' Whether or not her pleas to those Gods would be answered remained to be seen.
The Seer knelt down next to the girl, taking the threadbare blanket that had been on the ground and placing it under Kagome's head. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. "I must take my leave Kagome. I wish you the very best on what is to come and pray that you survive to work past this. Goodbye."
Kagome narrowed her eyes at the woman, there was more here than was being said. It wasn't the words but the finality that sounded in the woman's voice that set her nerves on edge. "Goodbye? Don't tell me you are leaving for good!" When the woman did not deny it Kagome became furious, how dare this bitch destroy their lives and weaken her in such a fashion so that she couldn't even fight back and then decide to leave. Why should she get the luxury of escape while they were still trapped.
The Seer was puzzled by this outburst and the look of rage in the girl's eyes before realization dawned on her. No she would not be leaving, at least not in the way that Kagome believed. "Be at ease child, you misunderstand." Sadness crept into her eyes at having to reveal part of what she knew. Kagome would no doubt take on the guilt for this too when it was not needed. She carried too many burdens as it was. "I must continue to play my part in this in order for you to succeed and there is a strong chance that I will not survive." Sorrow filled her voice, for what she had done and what she was about to do. Death was not something she looked forward to but it was everything that she deserved. She could only hope she would be spared when the Gods judged her soul.
Kagome stared at the woman in shock, she would continue with this knowing she would die? She understood being that committed to a cause, she and the others had done much the same with the quest for the jewel but that was different than the situation now wasn't it? Suspicion ran through her, perhaps the Seer was seeking a way out and death was her only option. Maybe she saw that they wouldn't succeed but still had to try. So many questions ran through her head but she knew the woman wasn't likely to answer them. "Don't be a coward and take the easy way out. If you know the outcome then tell me so we can change it. You might deserve to die but not under these terms!"
The Seer actually chuckled at the girl's choice of words. Strangely enough she wasn't angry at the accusation, it was a bit too close to the truth but she wasn't going to admit that. If her death would pay for what she had done then so be it. "It is not so simple Kagome, you will understand in time. I've done much to get us all to this point, to back out now would bring ruin to all of our efforts. My time will soon come to an end, if this is what needs to be for you to succeed then I shall embrace my fate."
Staring at the woman Kagome realized that perhaps the situation was not so different than what it was with the jewel. It was pointless to try and change the woman's mind, even now she could see the grim determination in the Seer's eyes. There would be no backing out for her now that she had made the decision. No amount of begging or pleading would change that and for the moment all Kagome could feel for the woman was pity, her anger disappearing in an instant. No matter what the woman had done to the both of them, the Seer believed she had been doing right in her actions. "I guess this is really goodbye then."
Nodding the Seer stood and began walking towards the door. When Ryuji didn't follow right away she looked over her shoulder. "Come Ryuji, we must go. Masakazu will return soon and ask for the sceptre."
The Dragon nodded to the woman as she walked out the door, taking a moment to kneel beside the little Miko who had caused so much turmoil. "You may have her protection now but it will not always be. Not even Hiei will be able to save you when this is finished." A cruel smile formed on his lips as he stared into her hate filled eyes. "If I could I would see you and that bastard child dead bitch but for now you must live. However, when this night is over I will rape your bleeding corpse and eat the abomination that you carry within." To prove just how serious he was he allowed his hand to stray over her body, stopping over her abdomen where he grazed her skin slightly with his claws leaving raised welts behind. Abruptly he stood and walked out the door with the wolf following, shutting it firmly behind them.
Terror raced through her at his words and she knew that at the moment she was powerless to stop him. Frantically she set to work attempting to move, ignoring the pain in her head that pulsed with every heartbeat. She had to protect herself and her child, Hiei couldn't do it all and she'd be damned if she became any more of a weakness to him than she already was. Doing so could get him killed and she refused to allow that to happen. For now, she would keep the child a secret. For if Hiei were to learn of it then it would only be one more worry on his mind. Groaning she continued to try sitting up, time was not on her side at the moment and somehow she just knew that soon Masakazu would be coming to pay her a visit. She had to be ready for him.
The winds of change were quickly approaching and Masakazu was riding on those swift moving currents. He had spent much of the day in an attempt to validate the rumors that were circling around. A wolf pack, likely to be the one of that bastard he had killed not long ago was said to be lurking in the area yet he had not found any indication that those rumors were true. Thoroughly he searched, relying on his ability of teleportation to travel hoping to catch the pack off guard but the threat never materialized. Not even a single print was to be found, nor the stench of the beasts themselves which was so prevalent when any number of their kind gathered. Stopping for a moment Masakazu surveyed the area around him. It was looking as if his men had mistaken what they had seen. Something of the sort was not out of the realms of possibility, especially if they had been returning from the bar as he suspected. Too much ale was enough to cloud any of their senses, though if they were that far gone then perhaps a lesson was necessary. It would never do for his minions to allow such a mistake to happen. These unfounded rumors would be punished in some form, he would have to think on the most suitable form. They were all loyal, as bandits went. It would be a waste of valuable resources for him to just kill them. Replacing them would be a waste of time and effort, for the most part anyway.
The other rumor had been that Ryuji's distinctive energy had been felt as well, though he had yet to detect it as of yet which was vexing. The idea that the dragon had finally returned pleased him to no end, he would have the Sceptre of Darkness in his hands and then nothing would stand in his way. All he needed was that little bitch to help him control the excess energy that would occur after it was keyed and he unleashed the weapons fury on the Makai. Once that was complete he could kill the girl if he saw fit, though truthfully he enjoyed having her around. If nothing else her pain brought him amusement, how far would she fall into despair when she realized that she aided him bring about the end of the world as they knew it? A new way of life would be born and she was the key to it happening. But first, he needed the Sceptre and for that he would have to face Ryuji. Oh, he was well aware of the treachery that lurked beneath the dragon's haunting eyes. It had been something he had seen from the first, but the man had his uses and thus was allowed to remain alive. He had no aversion to committing the vilest crimes imaginable and that had made him invaluable on more than one occasion.
A smirk crossed Masakazu's face as he thought about Ryuji's latest mission. Surely the dragon was furious with being reduced to a simple courier, sent to retrieve an item that he could not use. Perhaps he would be granted a quick death for the time he had proven himself useful. But then again, perhaps not. Ryuji's death was sure to give him a power boost if he timed things just right, the more pain he inflicted in the process would sweeten the experience so much more. Either way Ryuji's reward for a job well done would be death.
It was a shame things had to end for them like this, if only Ryuji's thirst for power had not gotten out of control. There was much they could have accomplished together but Masakazu knew it was not to be. Now the dragon would be just another victim, one to fall to the wayside when there was no more point to his existence. His presence would be long forgotten before this was all said and done. If he found the need, another could be found to replace him. Someone who knew their place in the scheme of things.
Masakazu continued thinking as he continued making his way back towards the cave, his exploration complete. He had two slaves waiting for him, perfect victims to take his frustrations out on because of this fruitless search. Their fate had been decided as his sour mood had grown, already his mind working to find pleasurable ways to relax himself with their bodies. Shadow was a constant thorn in his side and the truth was he had grown tired of fighting him at every step. Realization had hit him that he had been a fool to allow that particular demon to survive as long as he had but that was something that was easily remedied. As much fun as it was to sate his every desire with the apparition he grew weary of the constant power struggle. He should have learned his place long before now and still took liberties he was not entitled to. He, like Ryuji would be easily replaced in the near future should he so desire.
The priestess was a different matter entirely. It would take years of searching to come across another of her kind, much less one with her level of power or purity. More than once he had wondered if her bonds would be enough to hold her, though the truth was it excited him even further knowing that she possessed the power to kill him with nothing more than a gentle touch. Her biggest drawback however was her humanity and it was something he had to remind himself of each time he visited her. She could not fully experience the true pain he wished to give her because even with Ryuji's assistance in healing she would never recover. The cave was in sight now but Masakazu continued to take his time walking there. Once Shadow was gone the girl would fall in line quickly, perhaps enough that he could loosen the restraints on her that would give her freedom to walk through the lair. Though he wasn't foolish enough to give her complete freedom, until she knew there was no one to turn to and no hope of escape she would continue trying to fight her way free.
Yes, the winds of change were coming and Masakazu had to admit that he liked the direction those winds blew from. A smile settled on his face as he reached the entrance to the lair, though his mood was far from pleasant. It had been a day wasted on a futile search but perhaps things would change for the better. Reaching the main chamber he stopped and leaned against the wall, taking in the appearance of his second in command who just happened to be sitting in his chair, looking for all intents and purposes as if he owned the place and it was Masakazu who was the underling. 'So he has returned and with the Sceptre. He must think he is strong enough to challenge me now. Let's see him try.' Crossing the distance between them he came to a stop several feet from the dragon and looked at him with open amusement. "I see you've finally returned and with what I require. Now that you've done your job might I suggest you remember your place and get out of my chair." Though his expression hadn't changed there was no mistaking the threat in his words.
If Ryuji was intimidated he didn't show it, instead choosing to cross his legs and lean back in the chair. With the Sceptre's power made inaccessible he wasn't concerned about what threats the Crow could possibly throw at him. He answered the statement with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and kept his voice as neutral as he could "It seemed to be as good a place as any to sit while I was waiting on you. Really, for someone who was so anxious for this trinket I was surprised to find you gone. What could have possibly been so important for you to have gone gallivanting across the countryside?"
Though the dragon had tried to mask it, Masakazu had picked up on the condescension that had been hidden in that tone. He'd be willing to bet that Ryuji had some part in the rumors though for what reason he wasn't quite sure of yet. His stance took on a menacing tone as he stalked towards his second in command, ready to tear his throat out for his insubordination. He had almost reached him when a hint of movement in the shadows caught his attention which caused him to pause. A wolf lay still, closely watching him approach. He could see the deadly intent in the beasts eyes and the way it was tensed, ready to lunge if it deemed such action necessary. Pieces began to fall into place, Ryuji's knowledge of his activities for the day and the seeming lack of concern the dragon had. With the wolf present it solidified the idea that the rumors of the wolf pack were not rumors after all.'This changes nothing, let them come. They will die just as their leader did.' If the strongest of their pack had fallen so easily then no doubt the rest would fall before him if they were foolish enough to attempt revenge.
Keeping a wary eye on the beast he addressed Ryuji once again, though he was careful not to allow any emotion to show through that would suggest he knew more about what was truly going on. "Bringing home pets are we now Ryuji? Really, I thought you would have had better taste in company or was I wrong in your sexual preference after all?"
Ryuji curled his lip in disgust at what Masakazu was implying. It would be a cold day in hell before he took a wolf to his bed, in humanoid form or otherwise. The beast in question apparently didn't care for the insinuation either by the low growl and the brief flash of teeth glowing in the darkness. "Hardly though I dare say his presence might be preferable to anyone else present in this room. Regardless, I found him just outside of the desert while retrieving this for you." Ryuji's eyes were cold as he motioned to the rod laying innocently in his lap. "Why did you not speak of the perils I would face?" He was slowly losing control of the anger he was keeping so closely reined in and it was becoming increasingly evident.
"Watch your fucking mouth or I will be sure to give you what you want with that flea bag tonight. It might be entertaining watching that thing cover you since you've left the possibility open. You do not question what I say, regardless of the circumstances." Masakazu glared heatedly at Ryuji for several long moments, trying to control his temper. If he were to get any information at all out of the bastard he needed to keep him alive long enough to extract the information from him. A condescending smile graced his face as he composed himself. "I'll humor your though and answer your question but if you ever question me again your life is forfeit. This is why you will never lead this group, you do not have the knowledge necessary. For true sight you must blindly search fool. To accomplish what you have there could have been no knowledge of what was to come or the barriers that protected the sceptre would have rejected you. As such I could not have gone and you were the only one that was strong enough to survive the trials."
Ryuji's eyes flashed with rage, he was nothing more than a puppet for the crow and it was clear the Seers tendency towards ambiguity was beginning to rub off on him. The likelihood that Masakazu spoke the truth wasn't something he would easily accept. Risking his own life was something that the bastard was unlikely to do, who better to send then if death was probable.
Seeing that Ryuji was about to lose his temper Masakazu took a deceptively lazy position and smiled slowly. "Ahh Ryuji, this is no time for open hostility or heated words. Instead we should be rejoicing, you have brought the weapon and the time to act is nearly upon us. Surely this can wait for another time. Instead let us celebrate over wine while you tell me of your adventures. I am sure the trip was not easy and I am most interested in the perils of your journey."
Ryuji stared at him long and hard for a moment before shaking his head. The crow was cunning, likely wanting to get him drunk to see if he would slip. It wouldn't do for their plans to come unraveled at such a late stage. "My apologies but I must decline your invitation for the night. I have other needs I must attend to but I needed to wait here for your arrival. Since the sceptre was the entire reason for the trip I knew you would not wish to wait longer than necessary. For now I will take my leave, we shall continue this another time." Ryuji stood slowly, never taking his eyes off the crow as he set the Sceptre down on the chair that he had just vacated. He made his way towards the nearest doorway that would take him deeper in the lair. He had no wish to be present when Masakazu figured out what had happened to the Sceptre.
"Not so fast Ryuji." Masakazu strode towards the chair as the dragon paused and turned. "After all of your trouble you should be here to behold the awesome power that you have just bestowed upon me." There was something wrong he knew, just by the way Ryuji tensed but he chose to ignore it to examine at a later time. Eagerly he reached forward, his fingers wrapping around the cool metal. A pleased hum escaped his lips as he lifted it from the chair, feeling the power that coursed beneath its surface. Several moments passed as he waited for the rod to begin the process which would allow him to have control but nothing happened. Something was amiss, it was up to the rod to choose its master upon first contact being made. He looked to Ryuji, his eyes glowing in his rage. "What the fuck have you done?"
Seeing the anger on Masakazu's face Ryuji couldn't help the slow smile that emerged. "I find it funny that you called me the fool. Did you honestly think I would give you such a gift and not have some form of protection in place for myself?" His tone was mocking, further inciting the crows rage but still he continued. "Oh yes, I knew exactly of your thoughts about killing me once you had what you wanted. It is you that is the fool, having the stupidity to believe I would allow you to do such a thing. Now, there are precautions in place. I hold the key to the sceptre, not you. If you kill me then all is lost. Will you I wonder, risk everything at this late in the game?"
Masakazu was nearly shaking with rage, his knuckles white as he maintained his grip on the weapon that should have been his. "You could not have unlocked the power to the Sceptre or you would have used it already." When the look on Ryuji's face didn't falter he took a step forward. "So I have underestimated you. Trust me, it will be for the last time. I will kill you and then nothing will stand in my way again!"
Ryuji merely shook his head, as if amused by Masakazu's anger. "Oh you had it right the first time you bastard. It is not keyed to me, but someone else. I did not possess the power but rest assured you are not the only one with that ability. I was gone for a long time, it would have been simple with my connections to find someone with that ability." A sinister smile graced his face, taunting the crow into doing something.
Details were bugging Masakazu, he knew something wasn't quite right though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "You think that a lack of knowledge will stand in my way Ryuji? You forget, there are more ways to find what one seeks than the original source. The Seer can uncover any secrets you may be hiding after I kill you."
To this Ryuji actually laughed much to Masakazu's consternation. "You think she will actually help you? You are an even bigger idiot than I thought. She's the one who helped me locate the one who had the power to control this damned thing. Accept it Masakazu, you have lost. All of your plans are gone, there is no hope for you now. Accept defeat and I will make your death a quick one."
That was the final straw for Masakazu, he would not allow Ryuji to ruin what he had planned for so carefully. Quickly he was moving across the room, intent on striking the dragon down. Ryuji wasn't about to just roll over and die though, he was just as lethal as Masakazu, given the right circumstances. As the crow raised the Sceptre to strike, Ryuji lunged forward intent on disemboweling his opponent.
Dodging just in time Masakazu felt the slightest sting as Ryuji's claws cut through his shirt and tore into his skin. It was by no means an incapacitating blow and it left the dragon open to an attack as he stumbled over the rough surface of the floor. The Scepter cut through the air, passing harmlessly over his head as he rolled desperately out of the way. Such mistakes would cost him his life and it was with grim determination he sprang to his feet, drawing his sword in the process. "I'll kill you for this!"
Masakazu used the sceptre to deflect the deadly blade that would have claimed his life. The sounds of their fight echoed through the room, youki flared violently warning away anyone who would be foolish enough to enter. Seeing that the wolf was about to join into the fray he phased out of existence and reappeared behind Ryuji. Bringing the Sceptre down sharply he embedded the weapon in the back of the dragon's head, though he didn't have enough force behind it to land a killing blow. In hindsight it was for the best, he might need Ryuji alive just in case his thoughts were incorrect. As the dragon fell the Sceptre pulled free, blood beginning to pour from the wound.
Spinning quickly he brought the rod around in a vicious circle at the head of the wolf moving behind him. It was enough to buy him some time as it connected into the beasts side. When it sprang for a second attack he shoved his arm deep into the beasts mouth, giving it something to bite as he made his final attack. As the jaws clenched his other hand came up to the wolf's throat, claws tearing through the thick skin that protected it. Blood poured around his hand as he wrapped his fingers around the dying creatures spine, crushing it instantly. Satisfied that it was no longer a threat, he dropped its body to the ground not caring in the least that it landed on top of Ryuji's unconscious body.
Disgust colored his voice as he stared down at the two of them. "You live by my graces but when I find out the truth of your words your usefulness will be at an end." Wiping his bloody hand on his pants he contemplated exactly what he knew. If the Seer had given the dragon advice before he had left then the barriers protecting the Sceptre would have easily destroyed him. This had to be done after he had arrived back at the lair, which left few options. He snarled as he thought about the possibilities, he would see the Seer dead for her betrayal to the cause but first he had a visit to make. There was only one person with the ability to control the Sceptre, the same one he had been told he would need in order to control it once he activated it. The priestess would pay for her role in this, in order for him to regain control of the weapon she would have to die.
Death was close at hand, there was no denying that fact for her now. Masakazu had returned just moments ago and she could hear his cruel voice echoing through the halls. There was little time left for what she must do, soon the foretold events would unfold and the world would know if they had succeeded or not. It wouldn't take long for Masakazu to figure out what was going on and once he did he would attempt to thwart their plans. Ignoring the sounds of the argument in the other room she ran down the hall.
Ryuji was a smart one but in this she had no doubts that the crow's intelligence would quickly unravel the lies the dragon would tell him. She had planned for this, counted on it really and while he was preoccupied she would be taking the final steps to ensure his downfall. It was a tremendous risk to Kagome but it was the only way that they would be saved, in the end it would be worth it should they succeed. The girl was favored by the Gods and she knew that if they failed it would not be because she didn't put forth every effort she could. While the Seer knew that her own life was meaningless should the girl fall her soul would be well cared for while yet another took her place. This was only the beginning, even should Masakazu fall the Sceptre was freed from its prison. In the future another would come for the weapon until it was destroyed, forcing the cycle to continue.
Her face was ashen as she turned the corner, traveling down the hall that would lead to Hiei. She knew what fate awaited her yet she did not falter. She could have walked away from this at any time, regardless of what Masakazu had thought. She had stayed on her own accord and now it was too late for her to turn back even if she wanted to. They were past the point of no return and she would finish her part in things, no matter what the cost was. Some events had been unforeseen, Hiei's death, the presence of the wolf pack being but a couple of them. Some no longer mattered and others would be dealt with after this ordeal was finished. The wolves might slaughter anyone that survived the upcoming fight but she remained firm in her belief that the two trapped souls who were their salvation would survive. 'They must survive. May the Gods forgive me for what I'm about to do.'
The door was the only thing left that barred her journey now, through the thick wood she could hear the rattle of his chains as he continued trying to work himself free. It couldn't be done, not without massive amounts of anger and that was exactly what she planned to give him. The power within him must be ignited and brought to the surface. Only by harnessing his hatred for Masakazu and the love he had for the girl would he overcome the wards that held him in check. A lone tear streaked down her cheek as she raised her hand to the door, laying it on the cool wood. Quickly she wiped it away, erasing all trace of its existence. A show of weakness such as that would do her no favors.
Dread had already made its home in her heart and she knew she had to hurry before her strength failed her. Steeling herself for the horror of what was to come she prepared to turn the handle. One final plea escaped her lips as she hoped that whatever Gods that were watching would hear her. "I know why you have brought us here and to that end I have done everything in my power to make sure that your will was done. For my services I only ask one thing in return, hear my plea. Make this as quick and painless as possible, we have all suffered enough." No answer was forthcoming, not that she expected one. Squaring her shoulders she put her mask firmly in place and pushed the door open.
Hiei stood still when light flooded the room, the Seer walking in with a cruel look in her eyes. He was surprised when she didn't close it behind her but paid it no mind, grateful for the light it allowed. Ignoring the blood that trickled down his arms he gazed at her, somehow knowing it was time but unsure of what exactly she planned. "What is it you want now?"
The Seer gave him a condescending look before shaking her head. "I guess my visit here earlier was useless. Here I went through all the trouble to feed you so you could escape and yet here you remain. I guess you aren't as strong as I thought, my faith was misplaced. " A heated glare was the Apparition's only response. She knew he was angry but it wasn't nearly enough. "It makes me wonder if telling you this will make any difference but I will anyway since you seemed so concerned earlier. The rod accepted Kagome, though I'm shocked she survived. You should have seen it, one moment she was standing there and the next sprawled out on the floor."
Struggling commenced once again as Hiei threw his weight against the chains. This woman's entire attitude was unacceptable, she was talking about Kagome as if she were nothing more than a bug to be crushed. "She better not be injured you bitch or I'll swear you'll pay!"
A laugh escaped her lips, cruel and mocking. "Injured? No Hiei it was far more than merely injured. The Sceptre ripped her soul out. Kagome died and would have stayed that way if Ryuji hadn't helped me guide her spirit back. She may have survived this time, but Masakazu has returned and he's fighting with Ryuji as we speak."
"You fucking bitch! I told you not to bring that thing anywhere near her!" A sharp pain radiated from his chest at the thought of the girl being dead. How many times would he come close to losing her? How much more would they be forced to suffer. He refused to even voice his question about the child, if Kagome had died was their offspring still alive or had the baby perished as well? His thoughts had been running nonstop since the Seer had left the first time, how he would care for Kagome and the little one. It was a daunting prospect but he refused to back down from the challenge.
"You do not dictate my actions child. I foolishly put my faith in you, thinking you would be strong enough to escape but here you are, still helpless against the wall while the world passes you by. How long do you think it will take for Masakazu to figure out just who the Sceptre is keyed to? Five minutes? Ten at the most? I assure you that he will be paying Kagome a visiting in the very near future and most likely she will die." Watching his struggles increase told the Seer that she had hit a sore spot just like she had hoped. With luck it wouldn't take much more to push him over the edge.
Hiei ignored the pain in his arms as he thrashed, frantically trying to escape their chilling embrace. "I won't let it happen. Free me you bitch! Don't just stand there gloating about what you've done, let me loose so I can go to her!" Hatred burned in his eyes as he stared at the woman, how he longed to tear her heart out for what she had done.
I'm not here to free you Hiei, you'll free yourself or not at all. You talk much but standing here watching you I have to wonder just how truthful your words are. Are you a coward? Choosing to stay where you are until all hope is lost? If that is the case then Masakazu is right, he is better than you. As twisted as he is at least he goes after what he wants. Maybe you are nothing, discarded trash of the Koorime." She grabbed his chin and stared at him hard, as if to see into his very soul. Suddenly the hand left his face, only to return, striking him sharply.
Hiei stared at her in disbelief, she had dared to hit him! Her words stung though it was nothing that he hadn't thought before. The Koorime had discarded him, it was a fact and he couldn't deny it. But to hear her saying such things and then to touch him in such a fashion was inexcusable. A growl escaped him, even as his tongue ran over the lip that was now dripping blood. "I may be trash you traitorous bitch but you are nothing more than a walking corpse. Why are you doing this, I thought you were desperate for my help."
The Seer brought her hand to her lips, slowly licking his blood off of her hand. "I'm correcting a mistake, doing something that I should have done a long time ago. You fooled me Hiei, I'll give you that. I believed you were stronger than this. You should have been taken out long before Kagome arrived. You are the reason is here, no one else. If you would have died then she would be at home, quietly sleeping in her own bed and none of this would have happened. She might die tonight and it will be your fault."
"Get out, if you aren't going to help me then just get the fuck out." Cold fury was building within him and he could feel it straining against the wards. He longed to burn this place to the ground but first he needed freed.
Ignoring the low growl coming from the apparition before her she approached him slowly. "Maybe I was wrong," A contemplative look crossed her face though inside she was quaking with fear. "I thought you cared for the girl, maybe you don't though. Perhaps you want her dead after all. Is that it? You've played the whore for Masakazu so long that you prefer his touch to the girl who is so taken with you? Or perhaps..." Her hand laid gently on his chest and trailed down his taut abdomen, slipping beneath the fabric of his pants. "Perhaps you are wanting a more experienced woman. Was your time with her so unfulfilling?" She knew that he was still in heat, unable to control his body's reaction as she firmly caressed his hardening flesh.
"Don't you fucking touch me!" Revulsion spread through him as the woman continued her caresses. It sickened him that his body would respond to her even as he could picture slitting her throat in his mind. Oh yes, this bitch would pay for molesting him in such a fashion.
"Why should I? I know you like this, otherwise I wouldn't get any reaction. That must be it then, you want her dead. You know, I might be persuaded to speak on your behalf to Masakazu, promising to help remove the Sceptre from Kagome's power in order to allow you to live. Then he would still have his fuck toy and you would be free of her. There would be no ties, Masakazu would believe your child his own and raise it accordingly. Would you like that Hiei?"
Hiei's eyes began to bleed red as she continued to speak. The thought of Masakazu playing father to his child was far too much to even consider. Even worse was the Seers assumption that he wanted her instead of Kagome. Never would he touch this bitch, he had chosen his future mate and he'd be damned if he took another. His ki jumped even higher than it had been as he lost control of his emotions, he could feel the power coursing through him.
The Seer could feel it as well and knew that it was almost enough. She continued toying with his body, pressing up against him seductively. "No need to be angry Hiei, this is what you wished for after all. Someone else to do your dirty work, to get rid of that little girl that causes you pain and would hold you back. Masakazu will do it for you and then I will make sure we will end up together." With those words she leaned in, seizing his lips with her own. A gasp escaped her as he tore his mouth away from her, panting harshly. Fury was etched in every line of his face, he was finally at his breaking point.
Everything she had said were lies in an attempt to get him to this point and it made her heart ache to say them. There was no doubt that he cared for the priestess, regardless of what touches his body would accept because of his cycle. A shiver racked her body as the room alternated between sweltering hot and freezing cold. The elements he controlled were now surging forth, fighting to be free and soon they would emerge to wreck havoc on everyone there. A sadistic smile graced his face causing her to take a step back. "So you do smile, I thought as much. You like the idea of us together, that filthy human gone from the scene. I'm almost certain now that you rutted with her only because of your sexual urges, not because of any feelings you have for her. Just wait, soon Masakazu will walk in and he will be covered in her blood. Perhaps then he will free you.”
Hiei refused to speak, choosing instead to push his power higher. The chains protested the violent temperature changes, creaking under the pressure even though he had stopped struggling. The steel was old, brittle and they wouldn't stand up to the strain much longer. When the bitch leaned forward as if to kiss him once more he lashed out, trying to kick her away. His head snapped back suddenly as her fist connected with his face, causing his head to strike the wall behind him.
"So you spurn my attention as well? I'll leave you to Masakazu then, he'll be here soon. Will you enjoy being fucked by him, with Kagome's blood dripping all over your body? You are undeserving of love. You are nothing and that is what you will always be." She made to turn from him but the sound of metal shattering stopped her. Taking a step back her hands flew up automatically to defend herself from the furious apparition in front of her. It made no difference as her hands were seized in an unforgiving grip, fire erupting from his hands.
Hiei smirked at her, delighting in the way she screamed when his fires engulfed her arms. It had been years sense he had felt the exhilaration of his power unleashed and now it would not be denied. Her skin cracked and blistered under the assault before he doused the flames. He regarded the woman before him as she fell to her knees. "I promised that you would pay for each and every thing you have done to us, know this. If Kagome dies tonight she isn't going to be the only one. Your corpse will be cold long before her lifeblood is shed." His hand shot out towards the woman's throat, easily bypassing her defensive gestures. His claws pierced the skin, thick blood pooling dripping over his fingers. They locked eyes, engaged in a silent battle of wills and Hiei could easily see the pain and terror she was experiencing. For the briefest of instants she smiled at him, confusing him for a moment. Why would she smile where she was mere seconds away from death? Did she not think that he would do it? The thought brought forth the rage again and he channeled the flame through his hands once more. A scream pierced the air as the Seer began to burn, the fires consuming her clothing and hair. Dropping her to the floor he stared down at her as she writhed on the floor, his power consuming her. Soon after her body was no longer recognizable, the scent of charred flesh and hair hung thick in the room.
He smiled as he turned from her but it was not one of happiness. It was of grim determination and the satisfaction of knowing revenge was in his grasp. He was free of the chains that had bound him, both to the wall and from his powers. Tonight death would reign over the lair and his next victim would be Masakazu. Wasting no time he bolted through the door and made his way towards the cell. He needed to reach Kagome, he just prayed he wasn't too late to save her.
Authors note: I'd like to thank every single reviewer for that last chapter. I was so thrilled with the sheer number of people who took the time to review, it let me know that there were still people who were following this story and had not lost interest. I can only hope this chapter is as well liked.