InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Forgotten ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Did she.............?" Botan nodded, the seemingly nigen sister of Kurama had not only seen them all but had identified Botan as the grim reaper. She had also stunned her brother speechless, most likely the son thing, and then she knocked out Hiei in one move. A hand gesture at that!
"Was she glowing?" they all turned to look at Kuwabara. Why was he so slow?!
"Yes... but Koenma, sir, I thought all miko's were extinct." Koenma nodded.
"They are officially at least; I mean there are a few around but none with any real power at least not for the last 500 years." Yusuke was now looking at Koenma weird.
"Then what about her, I felt some serious power from her." Botan shook Kurama lightly trying to wake him up.
"We had no knowledge of her existence or her power but then again she did say she'd been gone for years...." Kurama seemed to wake up and look around.
"Kags? Where'd she go and what happened to Hiei?" Botan looked nervously around, Koenma had popped out mumbling.
"She knocked out Hiei, Kurama, we suspect her of being a miko. OH and she said to tell you that she's in her room." Kurama bent over Hiei and sighed.
"I've known she was a miko. I grew up with her most of the time. She's been with a foster family. We found out when she almost purified Youko out of me..... Looks like we'll have to ask her to revive him, or else he'll be out for days. Wait did she say son?" his eyes wide he tore out of the room.