InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Forgotten ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

He could feel her sorrow and her relief though he knew not how she could feel such troublesome emotions at once. Though for as long as he'd known her, he should have gotten used to it by now. It was only when he felt her tears roll down her cheek that his courting mark flared to life. Her pure tears were unacceptable for any and all reasons. It was in this moment that he regretted his promise to her and the honor of his unbreakable vow. His blood beast growled angrily at being denied to comfort its intended mate. He wondered just how long it would be before it broke free to find their Kagome. It was only his vow to her that kept him here, seated among the documents that were needed to rule his lands. Then there was her need for time alone with her brother. He groaned when he thought about approaching the avatar with his intentions. He would have to start the courting process all over again. It had been grueling enough the first time around, a second time he could only hope that this time would be easier now that she knew the rules of engagement. He could only hope though. He was still thinking about this when he felt her being comforted by some outside source, which in turn calmed him down. Though he didn't stay calm for very long, just who was comforting HIS intended that she could relax so easily into an unconscious state? He should be the only one with that ability. He felt a growl rise up in his throat before he reasoned with his blood beast that it was probably their kit or her brother abating both their furies a bit. Satisfied with his reasoning, his beast settled down while keeping and eye out for any sudden dramatic shifts in their beloved's emotions. Knowing her though there would be one soon. If only he knew how right he was, he would have rushed her back immediately, but even by then it would have been far too late. If only he'd known.
She couldn't understand what had come over her to tell her brother of her past while another listened! It was shocking, it was completely opposite of her intended plan, yet somehow she felt it had to be done. She could deceive the others but never her brother, nor the charmingly silly Youko. She'd let another in on the secret she'd been burdened with, and yet she couldn't regret it for some unknown reason. She slightly feared this unknown reason, after all hadn't something unknown been the very same thing that had hurt her before with Inuyasha? She sighed as she laid there in bed and relived the night before in her restless mind. Her brother's comfort as her tale had finished desecrating the silence that had once again descended upon the room. How unusual that even as she was encompassed by her brother's arms that stopped the flow of her tears, that she could feel the mixed element's child's gaze upon her flesh. Feel the emotions, he so desperately tried to hide, scorch her bare skin, as if in warning. Her devious brother though released sleeping fumes before she could utter another sound. So now after awakening she felt the annoyance boil in her veins telling her that her brother would soon be on the receiving end of one of her famous earache tirades for his deed. She was about to get up and make good on the unspoken threat when she heard her kit whimper at her slight almost unnoticeable movement. She sighed as she snuggled her kit closer, she really didn't want ti disturb him if she could help it.
“Well Kurama, you better thank your nephew when he gets up, he just saved your ears.” She whispered knowing that he would hear her regardless. So with a tender smile she drifted back to sleep, missing the laughing emerald eyes of the kit beside her.