Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Paradox ❯ Souta ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Rating: NC-17

I don't own either
Inuyasha or YuYu;
Somebody else does.


Chapter 10: Souta


When Kagome approached the dojo on Monday evening, she was surprised to see Yuusuke and Kurama waiting outside for her. Yuusuke was twirling a set of keys on his forefinger.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" she asked, trying to appear nonchalant in front of Kurama. She hadn't forgotten what had almost happened last Thursday night, and that made her a little nervous around him.

"Kurabara is taking over the class tonight," said Kurama. "I thought perhaps that you might enjoy some special training, in light of your upcoming visit to Makai. Kung fu is wonderful for taking on human opponents, but against demons, you're going to need something more."

"I'm already training with Sango, in case you haven't forgotten."

"That's great," said Yuusuke, "but we want you to meet someone else who's got experience fighting youkai."

"Hm?" Kagome's interest was piqued. There are more people in the human world who fight youkai?

"Yeah," said Yuusuke, "she can kick ass, even if she is an old hag."

"What Yuusuke means to say is that we will be taking you to meet his sensei, Genkai," Kurama said.

"Oh, okay," Kagome said, as if she understood. She didn't.

"We should get going. It'll take about fifteen minutes to get to Genkai's temple," said Kurama.

Kagome was curious, but she didn't ask any questions as she rode in the passenger seat of Yuusuke's car. The drive only took fifteen minutes, but it probably would've taken a normal driver twice that time. By the time they arrived at the temple, Kagome was clutching the door handle like a lifeline.

"We're here," Yuusuke announced, and Kagome opened her eyes to see a long flight of steps. Wow. That's even more steps than Sunset Shrine has. The temple grounds were immense, and Kagome couldn't see any other structures around for miles.

Her feeling of dread increased as she trudged up the steps with Kurama and Yuusuke. Who was this Genkai? Was she human? Youkai? Kagome could see various wards posted on the temple gates, but it was unclear to her exactly what they were supposed to keep out, if Kurama could make it through.

As they walked up to the main temple building, Kagome could see a young woman with blue hair sweeping the steps. Is that Botan? What's she doing here? she wondered, but that assumption was tossed out the window when the young woman looked up and their eyes met.

Crimson eyes and blue hair...is this...

"Is she...Genkai?" Kagome asked, suddenly confused. The youkai looked identical to what Hiei had shown her of his sister, but she didn't look like much of a fighter.

Kurama answered, since Yuusuke was gasping for air through a fit of laughter. "No, that is the Koorime Yukina. She is a resident here." He approached the blue-haired youkai, who was smiling gently at them. "Yukina, it is a pleasure to see you. Is Genkai about?"

Yukina nodded. "If you will follow me," she said, and she laid down the broom and walked around the back of the main building, with Kagome, Yuusuke, and Kurama following.

So, this is Hiei's sister. She's so gentle and friendly. Nothing like Hiei at all. At the thought of the fire apparition, Kagome suddenly wondered whether he'd followed them here.

In a small copse of trees behind the temple, a small, elderly woman sat in meditation with her eyes closed. Kagome was curious. Is this Genkai? And why does she have pink hair?

Genkai snapped her eyes open and glared at Yuusuke as he approached. "What couldn't wait until I finished my meditation, dimwit?"

"Heh. You must be getting senile, granny. This is the girl I told you about, Higurashi Kagome," Yuusuke said.

Genkai tilted her head and gave Kagome a long, appraising look. Kagome was a bit flustered, but she managed a passable bow in respect for the older woman.

Genkai remained impassive. "Now...this is all very interesting, I'm sure, but what exactly did you bring her here for?"

Yuusuke shifted uncomfortably. "Um...well, I kinda thought...you know...that you might want to train her or something."

"Train her?" Genkai kicked up an eyebrow. "Does this look like a dojo to you?"

"But you trained Kaito and--"

"And?" Genkai's eyebrow rose a little further.

"But- but-" Yuusuke sputtered.

"Um, hey, it's okay, really. She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to," Kagome interjected, smiling nervously. This had to be the most awkward situation she'd been in since- Well, since the other day when Hiei had smarted off to Kouga. Stupid life. Stupid awkward situations, she grumbled to herself.

"Yes, it's quite all right," Kurama said smoothly. "In fact, that's not what I had in mind at all when I said I wanted to bring you here."

"It's...not?" asked Yuusuke. "Then why the hell didn't you say so?"

Genkai chuckled. "Cheap entertainment, I'd imagine. So what did you have in mind?"

"I simply ask for your hospitality. A dojo in the middle of town isn't exactly appropriate for the kind of training Miss Higurashi needs."

"Ah." Genkai tilted her head to the side and paused for a moment before continuing. "As long as you get rid of a few of the pests out in the forest, I will allow it."

"Pests?" Kagome asked suspiciously.

Genkai turned and started to walk back to her meditation spot. "Oh, you'll see," she replied through muffled laughter. "You'll see."

Kagome frowned slightly. That doesn't sound good. She shrugged it off and bowed toward Genkai's retreating form. "Thank you for allowing me to practice here," she said quietly.

Genkai grinned and looked over at Yuusuke. "You could learn a thing or two from her about the proper way to treat your elders," she said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, old hag."

Genkai chose to ignore that for now and addressed the Koorime. "Yukina, would you be so kind as to give Kagome a little tour of our temple?"

"Of course, I'd be happy to," Yukina said with a sweet smile. "Come with me and I'll show you around."

Yukina showed Kagome the various buildings before taking her on a stroll around the perimeter of the grounds. Kagome wasn't certain how well Yukina knew Hiei -- she knew that Hiei hadn't told Yukina he was her brother -- so she decided to approach the subject in a roundabout manner as they walked.

"How well do you know Kurama and the others?" Kagome asked.

"They freed me once. I was being held prisoner by a crime lord, and it was Yuusuke and the others who freed me. Yuusuke comes to train with Genkai often. He is rude, but he has a kind heart. Kurabara is a good friend. He comes here often as well, and brings his cat. I do not see Hiei and Kurama much, but I know that Hiei watches over the temple at times," Yukina said with a wistful smile.

"What do you think of Hiei?"

"He is quiet, so I do not know him well. I can feel a great discord in him, stains of the past on his soul, but he has never been anything but kind to me." Yukina smiled again, and then whispered, "I think he protects me." Then she gave Kagome a sly look. "You ask about Hiei in particular. Why is that?"

Kagome blushed. "Oh, he's just so quiet. I was just wondering about him," she said, avoiding Yukina's gaze. Yukina had a twinkle in her eyes, but she didn't press the issue further.

By the time Yukina and Kagome got back to Genkai and the others, Yuusuke was nursing a couple of bumps on his head, and Kurama was shaking his head. Kagome agreed to come and train at the temple every night instead of going to kung fu.

"Hey, Kurama? Don't you have a class to teach?" Yuusuke asked. He suspected that Kurama had a thing for the girl.

"Kurabara is more than capable of teaching the class for me. I will still teach on the weekends, when Kagome is not here. You can't train her, because Keiko would have your head for leaving her alone every night, and I'm afraid Hiei isn't much company for her." Kurama could barely hear a growl from the trees overhead at that last comment, and Youko smirked. If he thinks we're going to back down on this one, he's sorely mistaken.

Kagome felt compelled to defend the fire apparition. "Hey, don't talk that way about Hiei! I thought you guys were friends! And besides, I happen to enjoy his company."

Yuusuke and Kurama stared blankly at her, while Yukina gave her a knowing smile and Genkai just chuckled. Hiei and Kurama, fighting for the affections of the same young woman...this is going to be entertaining indeed.

They said their goodbyes, and Genkai and Yukina watched as Kurama, Yuusuke, and Kagome walked back down the shrine steps to Yuusuke's waiting car.

Yukina smiled as she thought about what Kagome said about Hiei. I think you will be good for him, Kagome. I think you are just what my brother needs to heal his troubled soul.


It was late by the time Kagome got home, and she was surprised to find not Mama, but Souta waiting up for her.

"What's the matter, little guy? Have a nightmare and couldn't sleep?" Kagome asked, ruffling her little brother's hair.

"Hey, I'm not little!" Souta protested, ducking away from her. "I just wanted to see my big sister. I haven't seen much of you lately, you know. Is something going on with the jewel?"

Kagome's heart clenched at his words. Poor Souta...when's the last time I even spared him a thought? I'm such an awful big sister. "It's nothing big," Kagome said with a shrug. "I've just been doing some extra training with some new friends of mine here in my era."

Souta's eyes widened. "Do they fight youkai too?"

Kagome nodded. "Yep, they sure do." She figured it wouldn't hurt to tell Souta at least that much; after all, he was more than aware of the existence of youkai.

"That's so cool, Kagome. Haru is always bragging about his big brother because he's so good at kendo, but I keep telling them that my big sis could kick his ass any day of the week!"

Kagome giggled at Souta's confidence in her. "You're not trying to get me in a fight, are you?"

Souta shook his head. "No, but they keep calling me a liar. I wish I could fight like you, Kagome."

"The only reason I fight is because I have to. I fight to protect myself and my friends. There's no honor in picking a fight just to prove yourself."

"I know that, sis. I just thought that maybe if I was tougher, they wouldn't pick on me so much."

"I'll tell you what," Kagome said with a sly grin, "you show me where your stash of candy is, and I'll show you a few moves. But you have to promise you won't fight unless you're defending yourself."

"You've got a deal!" Souta grabbed Kagome by the hand and led her to the closet that she was well aware he kept his secret stash of snacks in. Kagome picked out a bag of lemon chews, intending to give it to Hiei later that night.

"So, what do you want to learn first?" Kagome asked, once they were outside under the Goshinboku. It was overcast, and the reflection of the city lights gave them plenty of light to see by.

"How about some kendo?" Souta asked eagerly. "I've always wanted to learn how to use a sword!"

Kagome shook her head. "You need to learn some more basic martial arts before you move on to weapons. I'll show you the first kata that Sango taught me. Now watch carefully." Kagome went through the motions first while Souta watched, and then repeated it, this time explaining what she was doing.

"You start with the basic fighting stance, left foot forward. Keep your hands relaxed, so that you're ready to block, or to strike with an open palm or a closed fist. We start with an open-palmed strike, like so, and then a block with the left hand, and remember to keep your fingers extended. Step back to dodge, and then forward at a 45-degree angle with a punch. You can see how the momentum of my body is behind the strike, right? And you have to remember to keep your elbows in." Kagome went through the moves slowly, explaining each of the ten points of the kata thoroughly. Then she and Souta went through it together a couple of times before she watched him try it on his own.

"You forgot to block here," Kagome said, correcting him. "And keep your weight centered over your legs. Don't lean too far forward, or you'll be easy to knock down."

"Man, sis, this is a lot to remember." Kagome could see that Souta was getting frustrated.

"I had a really hard time at first, too. Taking dance when I was little helped, but there is a lot to remember. I'll draw up some diagrams for you so you can practice on your own, and I'll practice with you when I can. Once you've got these moves down, I'll add some more for you, okay?"

"Sure thing, sis! And then maybe you can show me some of the cool taijiya stuff, too?"

Kagome laughed at the hopeful look in his eyes. "Sure thing, little brother." But I hope you never, ever get the opportunity to use what I teach you. For your own sake, Souta.


Hiei was waiting for her when she finally went to bed. He'd watched with amusement as the girl attempted to teach her brother some moves. The boy had obviously never had any training.

He felt a bit envious at their easy relationship with each other. It was something he and Yukina could never have. Even if he did gather the courage to tell her the truth about himself, it wasn't in his nature to be outwardly affectionate, the way Kagome and her brother were.

He'd followed Kagome and Yukina earlier, of course, keeping watch over them as they walked the perimeter of the temple grounds. Hearing Yukina speak so kindly of him gave him hope, but he wasn't entirely surprised at what she said about him. After all, Yukina was just the type of person who looked for the good in everyone, and she was the one person toward whom he'd never shown any animosity.

Of course, Kagome's defense of him to the fox had pleased him to no end. The look on Kurama's face when she'd told him that she actually enjoyed Hiei's company was priceless, something he'd never forget. Kurama needed a blow to his ego every once in a while, in Hiei's opinion. The fox in his head was entirely too full of himself.

There was also the satisfaction of hearing Kagome actually say it, and in front of other people, no less. That pleased him in ways he'd rather not acknowledge, much less explore.

Kagome gave him a bright smile when she entered the bedroom after a short shower. She tossed him the bag of candies.

"That's Souta's payment for me teaching him to fight," Kagome said with a grin. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you eat anything that's not sweet. But those have vitamin C in them, so at least they've got some nutritional value."

Hiei shrugged and popped one of the lemon-flavored candies into his mouth.

Kagome turned off the light and snuggled down into the covers. All was silent for a few minutes, and then--



"I meant what I said earlier. I really do enjoy your company."

You seem to enjoy the fox's company as well.

Kagome was confused. Hiei's mental 'voice' was as calm and monotonous as usual, but the way he said that... Is he...could he be jealous? Hmph. It's not like he has any right to be.

"Of course I do. I enjoy the company of all of my friends," she replied, emphasizing the last word. "But you-- Oh, never mind. I don't know why I told you that. Goodnight, Hiei." Kagome turned her back to him and closed her eyes. The whole situation was reminding her a bit too much of Inuyasha and Kouga's rivalry.

Hiei tried to ignore his own annoyance at her ambiguous answer and instead concentrated on getting the chewy candy out of his teeth.

The nights spent in Kagome's room were becoming unbearably long for Hiei. While it was true that her presence did calm the opposing forces of his nature, there was an underlying restlessness that he couldn't pinpoint for the longest time, and when he realized what it was, he was perplexed.

The Jagan was reacting to her.

It was true that the implant was a separate entity from him, but he'd had it for so long that he sometimes forgot. Of course, he'd been harshly reminded of that fact every time he'd tried to use the dragon, every time he gave himself over to the full power of the Jagan and lost his control. And for the first time since he'd had it implanted, Hiei was getting the strangest feeling that it wanted something.

And that something was the girl.

Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe it wanted something from her. But Hiei wasn't particularly inclined to find out what that was. After all, the Jagan was likely to harm her, and Hiei wasn't about to risk bringing the full wrath of Reikai down on himself because of the whims of the savage eye artificially embedded in his forehead.

He was the Jagan's master. He would not allow it to use him for its own foolish vagaries.

But he couldn't deny that the Jagan wasn't entirely responsible for the pull he felt toward the girl.

He found himself both relieved and disappointed that there hadn't been a repeat of that...interesting...dream she'd had in the Sengoku Jidai. Was it just a one-time thing, something her subconscious conjured up to distract itself from the disagreement she'd had with Inuyasha? Or was it something more permanent?

She did seem to become aroused when I pulled her away from Kouga, he mused. And his own body's reaction to her scent had been undeniable. If she had another one of those dreams, gods help him, but he might not be able to control himself in such close quarters. And nothing good could come of that, he told himself firmly.

She is female. She is attractive. My reaction to her is physical, nothing more. But he couldn't ignore the tiny voice in his mind that whispered back:

It is never good to lie to yourself.



The next evening, it didn't take long for Kagome to second-guess her decision to train - really train - with Kurama. She was half certain that he was out to kill her.

"You're too focused on the sword, Kagome. You've got to keep your senses attuned to your surroundings. If you concentrate too much on a single opponent, it leaves you open to attack from others," Kurama told her for what must have been the sixteenth time.

"Can't we take a break? I'm exhausted!" Kagome complained in what she hoped was her most pitiful voice. She'd learned a thing or two about manipulation from Shippou.

"We've only been practicing for an hour, but I suppose a short break wouldn't hurt."

"Excellent." Genkai's voice startled Kagome to the point where she nearly dropped her sword. "I'd like to discuss your strategy for defeating Naraku," she said.

"You've...been watching?" asked Kagome, half-embarrassed.

Genkai snorted. "Of course. Come, sit down." Kurama left to go and fetch some water.

Kagome told Genkai about the plan she had come up with, the one she had told Koenma and the others. It was designed to take full advantage of the team's best strengths and Naraku's greatest weaknesses, taking into account all of his defenses.

"It is a good plan," Genkai proclaimed, "but you need to have something to fall back on. You're making some rather glaring assumptions, and if you're wrong about Naraku on any of several points, you will fail."

Kagome sighed deeply. "I haven't mentioned this to anyone else, but I do have a backup plan. It will require Sesshoumaru's cooperation, so I'll have to tell him, but there are reasons I don't want any of the others to know. It could cause a lot of trouble, and Inuyasha in particular won't be happy about it." Kagome ran her backup plan by Genkai, and was pleased when she approved.

"I have to say that I'm surprised at your inventiveness, Kagome. I admit that when I first met you, I didn't hold a lot of hope for Naraku's defeat, but you may well prove me wrong. I hope that you do. But you have a long road ahead of you yet, and many obstacles that could destroy you before you ever reach the final battle."

"Makai," said Kagome grimly.

Genkai nodded. "You have progressed amazingly for one with such little training, but the demon world is a hazardous place for humans, female in particular. Youkai will seek you out and hunt you down just because they'll see you as an easy meal, or worse. You and Sango may be a liability to the team."

"We have no choice but to go. I am the only one alive who can sense the jewel. I am the only one on the team with the power to purify it. And Sango cannot be left out. She can handle herself better than I can, and she deserves a hand in the justice due her family."

Genkai thought over this for a while before she spoke again. "You said that one of your allies in the past is a powerful monk, correct?"

Kagome nodded. "Miroku."

"Then I suppose he is skilled in the production of ofuda, is he not?"

"Yes. I've seen him take down some powerful youkai with nothing more than a slip of paper and ink, and his wards have always been successful at keeping youkai at bay." Kagome grinned, remembering the times Miroku and Kaede had sealed Inuyasha in a hut, for one reason or another.

"I have some scrolls I'd like you to show this friend of yours. I have something in mind that might allow you to mask your humanity, and with a little cosmetic help, you and Sango just might be able to pass as youkai to the casual observer."

"But what about Kurabara and Yuusuke? Won't they have the same trouble?" Kagome asked.

"Those two have more experience in Makai. Their names are well-known because of the Tournament, and they won't be seen as easy targets. And there is more to Yuusuke than meets the eye. Human blood is not all that courses through that one's veins."

Kagome blinked in surprise. "You mean he's a hanyou?"

"No. His youkai ancestry is far more diluted than that. But his youkai blood was awakened, and he can transform under the right circumstances."

Kurama stepped into the clearing and bowed toward Genkai. "It's been far longer than five minutes. We should resume training." With a groan, Kagome stood and unsheathed her wakizashi.


Kagome was sore from head to toe by the time her first real "lesson" with Kurama was over. She absently rubbed her right shoulder as she and Kurama walked down to Yuusuke's car.

"You never did tell me how you convinced Yuusuke to loan you his car," Kagome said as Kurama unlocked the passenger side door.

"Someone insulted him at a party three months ago, and he got into a fight. Keiko doesn't know about it." Kurama opened the door for her and waited for her to get in.

It took a moment for what Kurama said to register with Kagome. "You mean... You mean you blackmailed him?" she asked incredulously.

"Nothing of the sort, I assure you. I merely reminded him that I had not divulged this information to Keiko, and in a show of appreciation, Yuusuke offered the use of his car to me," Kurama said with a smile.

"You did blackmail him!" Kagome giggled despite herself as she sat down.

"Again, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." Kurama shut the passenger side door and went around the car to the driver's side. Kagome leaned across and unlocked the door for him.

"That's not very nice," Kagome said, shaking her head, "but still, I'm glad I don't have to walk here from the bus stop."

"Indeed. I doubt you could make it the three miles to the nearest--" Kurama stopped short when he happened to glance in the rear view mirror and see a pair of red eyes staring back at him. Startled, he turned around to see who else was in the car with them.

Hiei was sitting in the backseat, arms folded across his chest and looking as bored as ever.

"Are all of your conversations this boring?" Hiei asked.

"You ask as though you don't listen in on every conversation we have," Kurama said, frowning at the fire apparition who had so rudely interrupted his "alone time" with Kagome. Youko was angry. 'He's sabotaging us on purpose. Make him stop.'

"Besides," Kurama added as he started the car, "even if my conversational skills were lackluster, I assure you that Kagome finds even boring conversation better than none at all."

"I doubt that you have spent enough time with her to know her likes and dislikes so well, fox."

"Perhaps not, but I assure you that I am working on correcting that." Or I was, until someone so rudely interrupted me.

"Um...guys? You do know that I'm sitting right here, don't you?" Kagome asked. She didn't know whether to be flattered or embarrassed by their behavior, so she settled on a mix of the two.

"Indeed, Kagome," Kurama said, "I am quite aware of your presence."

Kagome glanced back at Hiei just in time to see him roll his eyes at Kurama's words. She barely suppressed a giggle.

'Hiei? Why are you two fighting like this, anyway? I thought you guys were friends.'

'It is nothing to worry yourself over.'

Kurama didn't miss the looks Hiei and Kagome were giving each other, and it didn't take him long to figure out that they were having a mental conversation.

'Interrupt them,' Youko insisted. 'Make her see that we're better company than he is.' Youko still hadn't forgotten Kagome's defense of Hiei.

"Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way," Kurama said, glancing up at Hiei's reflection in the mirror. "You spend so much time with Kagome. Maybe you'd like to tell me about her likes and dislikes."

Youko was pleased with Kurama's tactic. 'Ooh, good one. Hiei has never taken much of an interest in humans. He won't be able to answer that.'

"Um...guys?" Kagome looked from one male to the other, wondering what had brought this on. Is this normal for them?

Hiei, meanwhile, was conflicted. He was being drawn into a game he had no desire to play. After all, if he wouldn't admit to himself that he had an interest in the girl, he hardly wanted to show how much he knew about her to someone else. But then again, Hiei was never one to back down from a challenge.

"Kagome dislikes being talked about as though she's not here," Hiei said with a smirk. Kagome gave him a grateful smile.

'Well, shit. He sure turned that one back around on you,' said Youko.

'Us, Youko. Us.'

'Don't remind me. Just fix it.'

"Ah, forgive me, Kagome. Perhaps if I had spent more time with you, I'd have never made such a mistake." Kurama flashed her his sexiest grin, and Kagome couldn't help but smile back. "It is a problem I look forward to solving in the near future."

"Um...okay?" Brilliant, Kagome. With witty remarks like that, you'll be sure to die an old maid. In a house with fifty cats. And lots and lots of bric-a-brac.

"It is such a pity that our acquaintance has been limited to the dojo," Kurama continued. He reached over with his left hand to finger the tendrils of hair at the nape of her neck, a touch so soft that it sent shivers down her spine. "Kagome..."

"Yes?" she asked, in a daze.

"You will be coming with me to dinner tomorrow night. At my apartment. After our lesson is over."


Kurama nodded and continued to stroke the back of her neck. "Yes, you will." Hiei's low growl in the backseat only heightened Kurama's sense of victory.

"Oh...okay, then." She just sat there, too stunned to move. She didn't say a word for the rest of the drive, and failed to notice when the car came to a stop.

"Kagome?" Kurama could feel Youko's ego swelling with each passing second that the girl sat there, bewitched by his charm.

"Mm hm?"

"We're at the shrine."

"The shrine? Oh!" Kagome blushed and ducked her head. "I won't be keeping you, then. Have a good evening, Kurama." She picked up her bag and opened the car door. She stopped when she felt Kurama's hand on her knee.

"If you like, I could escort you up to the--"

'Don't press your luck, fox.'

Satisfied that he'd gotten under Hiei's skin, Kurama grinned. "I had probably better get the car back to Yuusuke. I'm sure he's missed it. Good night, Kagome."

"Good night, Kurama," Kagome said as she exited the car.


When they reached the top of the stairs, Hiei prepared to leap to his usual post in the tree, but stopped when he felt Kagome's hand on his arm.

"Hiei? Did I just agree to a date with Kurama?"

Hiei snorted. "So it would seem."

"Oh. Okay. I'll see you later tonight." Kagome turned and walked into the house.

Souta jumped up from the couch when he heard the front door close. "Hey, sis! I've been practicing, just like you told me! Come on, I'll show you!" Souta tugged at the hem of her shirt, and Kagome laughed as her little brother dragged her toward the back door.

Mama smiled when Souta and Kagome came into the kitchen, headed for the back door. "Hold it, kids. Whatever it is can wait until after dinner. It's getting cold."

"Aw, Mom, I was just going to show Kagome--"

"Dinner?" Kagome asked. She was suddenly reminded of just how hungry she was. "You can show me after dinner, Souta. I promise."

Once they were seated at the table, Grandpa started prying Kagome for information about her new allies in the modern era.

"So you say they fight youkai as well?" he asked.

Kagome nodded. "They are the ones who keep the modern era safe from youkai," she explained.

Grandpa frowned. "Young lady, you can't go around trusting everyone you meet. Are you certain they are not after the jewel? They could be youkai in disguise."

"I trust them, but I'm careful. And I know they're not youkai in disguise because--" She shut herself off there. Oh, brilliant, Kagome.

"You know they're not youkai in disguise...how?" Grandpa regarded her suspiciously. He suddenly gasped. "They are youkai! Oh, my granddaughter has gone and allied herself with more of those abominable creatures! Our ancestors must be furious!"

Kagome winced. "They're not bad youkai, Grandpa."

"If they're not so bad, why haven't you introduced them to us? Oh, my poor young granddaughter, traipsing about with all these youkai--"

"Hey! I don't traipse!"

"--without properly introducing them to her family!"

"We need their help to defeat Naraku!"

"She won't take the sacred sake I offer back to the Sengoku Jidai, but the first youkai that comes along in the modern era, and she goes and teams up with them!"

Kagome glanced over at her mother, looking for support. Mama shook her head.

"We would like to meet these new friends of yours," Mama said as she sipped her tea. "You did say one of them was guarding you at all times."

"Yeah! Are they as cool as Inuyasha?" asked Souta excitedly.

Kagome sighed in defeat. "What are we having for dessert?"

"Don't you change the subject, young lady," Grandpa scolded.

"I'm going to have a hard time convincing him to meet you. If there's something for him to eat, he'll be more likely to come in," Kagome explained.

"I wasn't planning for dessert tonight, but we have some leftover cake in the refrigerator," Mama offered.

"Good. You go ahead and get the cake out, and I'll see if I can get him to come inside."

Outside, Kagome sat down and looked up into the tree. "Hiei? Are you there?"

'You want to show me to your family.' She couldn't see him, but Hiei's voice was strong and clear in her mind.

"I would like for you to meet them. They won't worry so much once they've seen you."

'You think they'll rest easier after they meet me?' Hiei asked bemusedly.

"Oh, come on, Hiei. You're not all that bad. And besides, you don't look like any of the youkai in Grandpa's old books. At least you're not a big green monster with horns or claws or something."

Hiei snorted at that. If you only knew...

There was a long pause, and Kagome's shoulders slumped in defeat. She started to walk back to the house, but stopped when she heard Hiei's voice.

"There will be cake?"

Kagome turned to see Hiei standing behind her. She flashed him a grateful smile, and he was surprised when she grabbed his hand, her calloused fingers intertwining with his own.

"Come on," she said, tugging him toward the house, "I hid all of Grandpa's ofuda the other day, so he won't try to exorcise you."

Mama was setting the plates of cake on the table when Kagome and Hiei walked in. Mama and Souta stared at the strange youkai holding Kagome's hand.

Whatever they had expected, this wasn't it. And why was Kagome holding his hand?

Kagome dropped Hiei's hand when she saw her mother staring. "Where did Grandpa go?" she asked.

Before Mama could answer, the old man barged into the kitchen, waving a yellow piece of paper. "Youkai be--" Before he could reach Hiei, the youkai disappeared.

Grandpa blinked. "What--" He turned around to find the strange youkai standing behind him.

"Grandpa, what is that?" Kagome asked, eyeing the paper in his hand.

"Someone stole my ofuda, so I had to improvise," Grandpa said, holding up what appeared to be a yellow Post-It Note, with the ward written in ballpoint pen.

"This is my friend, Hiei, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to stick anything on him. Hiei, this is my Grandpa, Mama, and Souta," Kagome said.

"How come you don't have doggy ears like Inuyasha?" Souta asked.

"He's not that kind of youkai, Souta," Kagome said, answering for the silent youkai.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hiei. Won't you sit down and have some cake?" asked Mama. He's so small...surely he can't be much of a threat, she thought.

Hiei grunted and instead picked up a plate off of the table, eating the cake as he stood near the doorway.

"You're not very big," Souta observed. "Are you sure you can guard my sister?"

"Souta!" Kagome was horrified that her little brother had just insulted one of the most dangerous youkai she'd ever met, but apparently Hiei was amused.

Hiei grinned and held up his right fist. Everyone gasped when a sword of black flame suddenly appeared, and the temperature in the room suddenly got a whole lot warmer. The sword dissipated, and Hiei crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wow," said Souta. He looked at Kagome. "Can Inuyasha do that?"

Kagome shook her head. "Different kinds of youkai have different powers."

"So who would win in a fight between you and Inuyasha?" Souta asked. He'd thought Inuyasha was the strongest person he'd ever met, but this guy could do the cool fire sword thing, and he was so fast.

"I would. Of course."

"But what about Inuyasha's Hijinkessou?"

"Too weak."

"The Kaze no Kizu?"

"Too slow."


"Souta, that's enough. They're not going to be fighting each other, so it's not really important," Kagome said, interrupting Souta's interrogation. Although I have to admit, it would be a spectacular fight, she thought to herself.

Kagome's family stared as Hiei finished off the cake, consuming every last crumb on the plate.

"Would you like another piece?" Mama asked.

Hiei shook his head. He was getting tired of being in the presence of so many humans, and he'd picked up on the presence of a Saimyoushou about a kilometer away.

"I must be leaving," he said, and before anyone could protest, he was gone.

"Well...that was...interesting," Mama said. "He certainly doesn't have much to say."

"Don't take it personally. He's always like that," said Kagome.

"I don't like the look of him. Reminds me of those teenagers I caught smoking behind the well house," said Grandpa with a frown.

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Grandpa, those were gang members. You can hardly compare Hiei to them." At least, not anymore, I think.

"He seemed pretty cool to me," said Souta. "Mom, can I wear a dress like that?" Kagome collapsed in a fit of giggles while Mama just shook her head.

"I hope you're being careful, Kagome. I'd hate to think that you were completely trusting someone you just met," said Mama as she cleared away the dishes.

"I've handled myself just fine for the past two and a half years, Mama. I know what I'm doing." She looked over at Souta and smiled. "Are you ready to practice?"

Souta jumped out of the chair. "Come on! I'll race you to the tree!" Mama shook her head as her two children raced out the back door, and she smiled. It was nice to see the two of them playing together again.


Later that night, as she settled down onto her bed, Kagome looked over at Hiei on the windowsill.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet my family. It really means a lot to me," she said. "Why did you run off so fast, by the way?"


Kagome gasped. "That's the first one in a while now. Did it see anything?"

Hiei shook his head. "It was dead long before it was close enough to observe anything."

"Thank you, Hiei. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you." Hiei rolled his eyes at that, and Kagome sat up in bed. "I mean it! If I didn't have you here, Naraku would be watching my every move!" She shuddered at the thought.

Hiei didn't like the sudden fear emanating from the girl, so he decided to distract her.

"Your family are nothing like you," he said.

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.

"Your spiritual energy is strong for a human. But I sense nothing more from your family than any other normal human, with the exception of your mother, and even she pales in comparison."

Kagome shrugged. "I don't know why that is." She smiled at him. "You're not a whole lot like your sister, either."

"She and I are nothing alike."

"I don't know about that," Kagome said. "You both have the same sort of thoughtful look about you. You're both understated, with a quiet sort of intelligence that I don't see very often. And you both have that inner strength that has nothing to do with your fighting ability."

Hiei was surprised at her insight. He'd been so caught up in the differences between himself and Yukina that he'd never even thought to look for something they might have in common.

"Besides," Kagome continued, "you have the same eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Maybe that means that deep down, you and Yukina have a lot more in common than you know."

Hiei mused that over a bit. If he hadn't been tossed aside like vermin hours after his birth...would he have turned out like Yukina? He'd always thought that it was in his nature to be cruel and ruthless. Could it be that he was merely a product of his environment? He didn't like the thought. Hiei was what he made of himself.

By the time Hiei broke away from his reverie, Kagome was already asleep.



Kagome checked her makeup for the third time. It was strange, preparing for a date in the bathroom at Genkai's temple. She had changed back into the grey skirt of her school uniform, but wore a simple black t-shirt instead of the white shirt and vest of the uniform, hoping to make herself look a little less girlish. She'd washed away the sweat and grime that had accumulated on her face during the sword training, and applied a bit of powder to take away the shine. A little lip gloss, a quick brush through her hair, and she was ready to go.

Yukina was waiting for her when she left the restroom. "You changed back into your school clothes? Are you going somewhere?" she asked curiously.

Kagome smiled sheepishly. "Kurama is making dinner for me at his apartment tonight. I didn't want to go in my workout clothes."

A slight frown crossed Yukina's face, but she quickly recovered. "Is he courting you?" she asked.

"Not really," replied Kagome. "I don't even know if this is a real date."

"Do you like him?" Yukina had thought that Kagome was interested in Hiei, but now she wasn't so sure.

"I guess so," said Kagome, blushing. "He's very handsome. And he's polite, and he treats me well. But..."

"But?" Yukina prodded. "There's someone else you like too?" She was going out on a limb there, but she had to know.

"Maybe," Kagome replied carefully. "But I don't know if he likes me."

Yukina considered that for a moment. Hiei's moods were so difficult to read. "Does he act differently around you than he does with other people?"

"I think so. He's usually more open with me, but it could be just because he doesn't have a lot of friends. I don't have any reason to think that he sees me than more than just a friend."

"It never hurts to keep your options open," Yukina suggested.

Kagome smiled. "Thanks for talking to me about this, Yukina. I don't have any girlfriends here that I can really talk to."

Yukina gave her a light hug. "Be careful, Kagome. I'd hate to see you get hurt."

Kagome heard a light noise behind her, and turned to see Kurama walking toward them.

"You look lovely, Kagome. Are you ready to go?" he asked.

Kagome blushed. "Thank you. I guess I am ready." From the compliment, Kagome gathered that Kurama did consider this a date.

"Very well. Good evening, Yukina," he said, offering Kagome his arm. She took it, with another blush that delighted Youko, and they walked back to Yuusuke's car.

Kagome nervously pulled at her skirt as they drove to Kurama's apartment. She didn't have much experience with dating. In fact, other than her dates with Hojo a couple of years ago, she hadn't gone out with a boy at all. And here she was, sitting next to one of the hottest guys she'd ever seen, and he was taking her back to his apartment for a private dinner. What had she gotten herself into?

Kurama was of two minds about her skittishness. On the one hand, he found her innocence to be absolutely irresistible, and every time she ducked her head and blushed, his masculine pride soared. But on the other hand, he didn't want her to be too nervous around him. He had to find some way to relax her.

"I decided to order out dinner instead of preparing it myself," he said conversationally. "I hope you don't mind. I didn't think you'd want to wait for me to cook, when you're probably quite hungry after your lesson."

"Oh, I don't mind at all. You cooked for me last time, and it was wonderful. What are we having tonight?"

"There's a nice Chinese place near my apartment that delivers. I have their menu, so you can pick out whatever you like."

"That sounds great," Kagome said with a smile. "I haven't had Chinese in a while."

Kurama stopped the car in front of the apartment building and walked around it to open the door for Kagome. He offered her a hand, and she took it with yet another blush as he helped her out of the car. He certainly can turn on the charm, she thought.

Once they had ordered -- dun dun noodles with shredded chicken for Kagome, and suan la show chow for Kurama, with enough crab rangoon and bean curd soup for both of them -- they sat down on the couch in the living area to wait for the food.

"They serve a wonderful dim sum brunch on Sundays," Kurama said. "You should go with me sometime."

Kagome smiled wistfully. "Maybe. If I'm ever here on a Sunday," she said, suddenly reminded that she spent every weekend in the past, searching for the jewel shards. Not much longer...and then, maybe everything can go back to normal. But Kagome highly doubted that she'd ever have anything close to resembling a normal life again.

Kurama could see that Kagome's thoughts had wandered to other things. 'She's upset,' Youko observed. 'You reminded her about the quest. Take her mind off of it.'

Kurama reached over and took Kagome's hand, lightly running his fingers lightly over the calloused pad of her thumb. "What do you plan to do after it's all over?" he asked softly.

Kagome was entranced by his light touch. "I don't know for sure. It depends on a lot of things. Now that Sango, Miroku, and Shippou will be coming here, I've got a lot more to think about. They're going to need a place to live, and some way of making a living."

"Always thinking of others first. What about yourself? What do you want?"

Kagome laughed. "That's another good question. I can't see myself ever settling into an office job, not after what I've been through. I've thought about taking over at the shrine; Grandpa is getting older, and I know Mama has been wanting to teach for years. But still, I'm a girl, and the shrine would need a priest."

"Could your friend Miroku not perform that duty?" Kurama asked, continuing to stoke her hand.

"The thought had crossed my mind. I don't know if Grandpa would be to happy about it, since Miroku is a Buddhist monk, but it's a possibility. Grandpa might be more inclined to go along with it once he sees the kind of spiritual power Miroku has."

Kurama smiled at her. "You've told me what you've thought about doing, but you still haven't said anything about what you want to do, Kagome. Have you thought about university? Is living in a shrine for the rest of your life really what you want to do?"

Kagome shrugged. "With the things I know now, and the power that I have, I could turn Sunset Shrine into something really special, even more so with Miroku's help. I've always wanted to help people, and the world today is almost devoid of spirituality. Maybe that's what I should do once this is all over. But what about you? What are your plans for the future?"

"I am studying botany at the university. I'm not sure about my long-term plans, though. Like you, I would never be satisfied with an office job. Perhaps field research would be an ideal solution. After all, Youko and I draw our strength from being in a natural environment."

The doorbell rang, and Kurama stood to answer the door. After he paid for their meal and tipped the deliveryman, he set the bag down on the kitchen counter and pulled out some plates.

"Would you like me to get you something to drink?" Kagome asked as Kurama dished out the food.

"I'll take care of everything," he said. "You can go ahead and sit down at the table, if you like."

A few minutes later, the two of them were seated at the table, with the fragrant meal set out before them. Kagome attacked her dun dun noodles enthusiastically, savoring the flavor of the spicy peanut sauce.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Kurama said, amusement coloring his voice. "You should try the crab rangoon." He speared one of said appetizers with his chopsticks and reached across the table to offer it to her. Kagome felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she opened her mouth and took the crab rangoon between her teeth, gently pulling it off of the chopsticks.

Kurama smiled as he watched her. While it was true that she wasn't the type of girl he was usually attracted to -- normally, he liked girls who were a bit more academically inclined -- he found himself enjoying her company nonetheless. He was having second thoughts about letting Youko feed on her energy even a tiny bit.

'But then what would be the point of all this?' Youko asked. 'We agreed that we both wanted a taste. Doesn't she look delicious with her hair down?'

'I would be satisfied even if it was just dinner with a good friend,' Kurama said. 'But yes, she does look nice with her hair down. She always has it pulled back during training.'

After dinner, Kurama and Kagome went out on the tiny balcony to eat sherbert and watch the sunset. Kagome laughed as she told him a story about one of Shippou's pranks.

"...but by the time Inuyasha clawed his way out from under the mountain of screaming mushrooms, Shippou was long gone. And it took him a week to get the smell out of his clothes!"

Kurama laughed. "It sounds like Shippou is quite a handful. Have you thought about what he's going to do after all this is over?"

"I'm not leaving him, and I won't allow anyone to send him away. Shippou will live with me, wherever I am. I'd like to send him to school, but his illusions aren't good enough for him to pass as human yet. It's too bad, because he's already learning to write, and he knows his multiplication tables."

"Perhaps I could be of some assistance with that," offered Kurama. "A kit his age should have no trouble passing as human, once he's been taught properly."

Kagome flashed him a grateful smile. "Would you? I feel bad for Shippou, because it's been so long since he's been around another kitsune."

"It would be my pleasure," said Kurama.

Kagome glanced down at her watch and sighed. "It's nine o'clock already. My mother is going to have a fit if I don't get home soon. I do have school tomorrow, after all."

"Come on," Kurama said, taking her hand, "I'll drive you home."

Sunset Shrine was only a few minutes away by car, and when they arrived, Kurama stopped the car and turned to look at Kagome.

"I have had a wonderful evening with you," he said, reaching out to gently stroke her cheek. "Perhaps you will give me the pleasure of your company another time?"

Kagome smiled and nodded, but some part of her felt guilty for accepting another date with him. She couldn't, for the life of her, figure out why.

Her breath caught in her throat when Kurama's hand slid around to the back of her head, and he gently pulled her toward him. When his lips brushed across hers in a feather soft caress, she closed her eyes and laid her hand on his shoulder, losing herself in the moment.

Kurama felt Youko pull the tiniest tendril of energy from Kagome through the kiss. It was small enough for her to replenish easily, but the flavor was heavenly, and he was struggling to stop Youko from taking more.

Kurama was about to deepen the kiss when a soft thump drew his attention. He pulled back from Kagome and was not too surprised to see Hiei crouched on the hood of the car, his crimson eyes blazing with anger.

'I warned you not to feed on the girl,' Hiei said.

'We didn't take enough to hurt her,' said Kurama. 'She has probably already recovered.'

Kagome was still in a daze when Hiei threw the door open and forcibly pulled her out of the car, his grip almost painfully tight on her arm.

"You should go inside," Hiei said, grinding out the words through gritted teeth. "It's going to rain soon."

"O-okay. Good night, Kurama."

"Good night, Kagome. I'll see you tomorrow." Kurama flashed her a dazzling smile before he reached over and pulled the door shut. Kagome stood numbly at the foot of the shrine steps and watched him drive away.

When she realized what had just happened, Kagome turned on Hiei, her eyes lit up with anger.

"You!" she yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him. "What gives you the right to barge in and interrupt us? The first time, I thought it was just a coincidence, but you're doing it on purpose, aren't you?" She stopped and waited for him to answer, but he just continued to scowl at her silently, so she continued.

"This is the first good thing that's happened to me in ages! I finally find one guy in my era who likes me, and you're intent on messing it all up! Gods, Hiei, I would almost think that you're jealous, if I didn't know how much you despise humans!"

A streak of lightning pierced the sky above them, the crack of thunder silencing Kagome for the moment. Hiei clenched his hands at his side. Even from here, he could smell the scent of the fox on her, and he hated it. She was standing there, almost shaking with rage, and when she opened her mouth to continue her tirade, Hiei shut her up the best way he could think of.

Kagome was in shock. One moment, she was getting ready to yell at Hiei for being an inconsiderate jerk, and the next...

...his mouth was covering hers in a fierce, possessive kiss. She felt his hand fisted in the hair at the nape of her neck, and he wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his body. Instinctively, Kagome tilted her head and parted her lips, and she was rewarded with a low growl of approval from Hiei.

She clutched at the fabric of his cloak with one hand, and snaked the other up to curl her fingers into the hair at the back of his head. Something about this just felt so right, the way he held her so possessively, the soft texture of his tongue tracing the line of her lower lip. She closed her eyes and gave into the thrill and the raw passion of the kiss.

Hiei's heart was pounding in his chest as he sought to remove every last trace of the fox's scent from Kagome, covering it with his own. He was surprised at the enthusiasm with which she responded, and felt a thrill run up his spine when he felt her tongue tentatively reach out to explore his mouth. His grip around her waist tightened, and he gave in completely to the kiss, seeking to remove more than just the scent now, but also the very memory of Kurama's kiss from her mind.

Something nagged at the back of his mind, and Hiei reluctantly pulled back, turning to look up at the shrine. Kagome rested her forehead on his shoulder, panting, trying to come to grips with what had just happened.

"Hiei?" He looked to see her soft brown eyes staring at him inquisitively. "What--"

"Something's wrong," he growled out, and before she could respond, Hiei renewed his grip around her waist and practically flew up the steps, skidding to a halt before a scene that would forever be etched into Kagome's mind.

Mama was kneeling on the grass in the courtyard. Her back was turned to Kagome, but she could see her mother's shoulders shaking. Grandpa was leaning against a tree, looking like he'd collapse completely without its support, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

Kagome disentangled herself from Hiei's hold and rushed forward, kneeling on the ground to face her mother.

"Mama, what..." Her voice trailed off when she followed her mother's downcast gaze. She stared in morbid fascination at the tiny object lying on the ground in a pool of red liquid, and it took a few seconds for the reality of what she was seeing to sink in. Even then, she couldn't quite wrap her mind around the incongruous picture before her.

Lying on the grass in the courtyard of her family shrine was a tiny finger, sliced off cleanly above the third joint.

"Mama? Mama, what--" Kagome couldn't begin to form words for the questions in her mind. She stared at her mothers hands, but she didn't appear to be missing any fingers.

Mama's voice was barely above a whisper as she continued to stare down at the finger. "White... He took... He said... You have to bring them to him, or he's going to-- He's going to--"

"Naraku?" Kagome asked, and suddenly the truth of the situation pierced the confusion in her mind, and she promptly turned around and emptied the contents of her stomach on the ground.

Hiei could only watch as Kagome's hunched form shook with sobs she couldn't voice, but a single whispered name confirmed his worst suspicions.


The heavens burst open, and a driving rain pelted the ground, washing away the last traces of Souta's blood.

Edited 17 May 2005