InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Queen ❯ The Boat ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The two months have past. The spirit detectives have become the strongest they could within that time.
They al have grown very close to each other and consider each other family.
They are now waiting to be called onto the boat for tournament. Kagome was nowhere in sight.
“Where the fuck is she? She's going to make us late.” Yusuke yelled.
“Shut the fuck up Yusuke. Your given us all a head ache.” Joey yelled to him.
“You know guys for all we know she could be on the boat already.” Joey J said.
They all fell over anime style.
“Why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place?” Yusuke yelled.
“Well I thought that you would have thought of it you asshole. Damn. You humans can be so stupid.” Joey J said but mumbled the last part.
Only the demons heard it. They all laughed or in Hiei's case smirked.
“Last call for the teams.” The captain yelled.
“I hope mom's on the boat.” Heather said.
They all went on the boat and went to the side of it to rest. It was a hour until they got to the island.
“I don't see her. Damn it.” Yusuke cursed.
With Kagome
Kagome trained everyday and night for two months. She mastered every kind of martial arts and weapons ever to exist.
She was in the tree behind the gang. She heard everything they were saying.
“Where the fuck is she? She's going to make us late.” Yusuke yelled.
“Shut the fuck up Yusuke. Your given us all a head ache.” Joey yelled to him.
“You know guys for all we know she could be on the boat already.” Joey J said.
They all fell over anime style.
“Why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place?” Yusuke yelled.
“Well I thought that you would have thought of it you asshole. Damn. You humans can be so stupid.” Joey J said but mumbled the last part.
She was rather amused at this but she didn't show it. She never showed her emotions anymore due to the fact of that night two months ago.
*Stupid idiots. They can't even sense I'm right behind them. What were they doing all that time? Playing hide and go seek.
I'm only covering my sent and aura a bit. It should be noticeable. They are going to get themselves killed at this rate.
I could easily kill them all right now and they wouldn't know it* Kagome thought to herself.
Just than the captain said, “Last call for the teams.”
She disappeared when she saw them heading towards the boat. She was on the top of the boat on the lower sails, which were twenty feet away from her team. She heard what they were saying again.
“I don't see her. Damn it.” Yusuke cursed.
“Yusuke calm the fuck down. We'll see her sooner or later.” Joey said and Yusuke calmed down a bit.
“Ok the first round of the tournament is beginning. Send your fighters in. Whoever wins this goes to the next rounds on the islands.” The captain said and the ring appeared in the middle of the boat.
“Well since Kagome ain't here and she is the captain I'll go.” Joey said.
*There's no way hes taking my fight* Kagome though and appeared in the ring.
Her group just looked surprised.
“Sorry guys but I am the captain. This is my fight.” Kagome said to them emotionless.
They all looked shocked. They were shocked that her voice was cold and uncaring like it use to be.
“You think a little girl like yourself could beat us.” An ugly toad demon said.
“Yes ugly I do.” Kagome said to him.
“Why you little. I got an idea. How about this if I win I get you to be my mate and if you win I die.” The ugly little tad said to her.
“Deal you ugly little toad.” Kagome said and the toad got real mad but calmed down soon after.
Meanwhile Hiei was pissed that this ugly little toad wanted Kagome as his mate to be.
*Kagome is MY mate to be not his. Wait what? I want her as my mate? Well now that I think about it. Yes I do want her as my mate to be* Hiei said to himself not knowing that Kagome was listening to him.
*So he wants me as his mate? Well I want him too so I guess this works out. But I want to see him in action before I make a final decision.
Ill (that's ill for those who can't read it) the little ugly toad winked at me and blew me a kiss. I just hope that Hiei didn't see that. Oh, shit he did. Well that toad is dead weather or not I want to kill him.
If I don't Hiei will. Come on start the damn thing already captain. I'm getting bored over here* Kagome said to herself.
“Ok. It's the Shadow Blades Captain..” The captain said.
“Kagome Higurashi.” Kagome said and everyone's eyes widened. Well everyone except her team.
“Yo-you are t-the Q-Q-Queen of the W-Worlds?” the little toad said to Kagome.
“Yes actually. Now captain if you don't mind starting the round.” Kagome said to him and he nodded.
“Begin.” The captain said.
The six other guys that were suppose to fight Kagome got on there knees and asked Kagome to spare them.
“Do any of you have children?” Kagome asked them.
Two of them raised their hands. A fire demon and a ice dragon.
“How many. How old and what gender?” Kagome asked them.
“Two. One boy and one girl. Both are 3 years old. Your highness.” The fire demon said.
“Four. Two boys and two girls. The boys are 5 and the girls are three. You highness.” The ice demon said.
“Both of you leave before I change my mind.” Kagome said to them coldly.
“Yes and thank you your highness.” They both said and bowed to her.
“Just don't come here again until your children have mates and are not living with you. If I find out that you entered before that you and your whole family die, got it? Heres a portal so you can go home.” Kagome said and opened a portal for them.
“Yes of course. Thank you again and good bye.” They both said, bowed and left through the portal.
“Now for the rest of you. Since you don't have any children I can kill you all.” She said and a smirked appeared on her face.
The guys got off their knees and ran for there life. Kagome sighed and pulled out her sword. She swiped it and they all perished.
“Stupid bakas. They should know that I only give mercy to those who deserve it. If they would have stood there ground they would still be alive now.” Kagome said aloud but said more to herself.
All of their teams came up and surrounded Kagome. Her team was about to jump in but the ones surrounding her all turned to dust.
“Stupid assholes. No one can beat me they should know that by now. Yet they still try and kill me. Such a pity that some demons are so stupid. Stupid fuckers should know by now.” Kagome said.
All of Kagomes team went on the ring and went over to her.
“Would you like to give me a reason for coming by me right now?” Kagome said.
“We haven't seen you for two fucking months and that's all you have to say.” Yusuke yelled.
“Apparently not and yes that's all I have to say right now. If you have a problem with that than you could go to hell for all I care. I only came back for two reasons and that's it.
One was to do the tournament. If it wasn't for that or the other thing than I wouldn't be anywhere near you right now. Good day.” Kagome said to them and started to walk away.
“Good day that's all you have to fucking say after we missed you and was so fucking worried about you.” Joey yelled at her.
“Yes as a matter of fact it is. You worried and missed me for no reason. You see I'm fine now so you can stop both.” Kagome said.
“What the fuck is the matter with you? Ever since you left two months ago you…. oh” Joey J said and put his head down.
“Well at least you know why I'm like this my son. You don't have to worry though I won't be near you enough to ruin the way you were brought up.” She said very coldly and disappeared.
“You all know why she's so cold now?” Joey J asked them and they all nodded.
“Lets rest until we get to the island. We have to settle this with her soon or else we won't see her again.” Eric said to them. They all nodded. They walked off somewhere.
Hiei than looked at the sails because he sensed something. He saw her. She was staring right at him with red eyes.
With Kagome
Kagome went on the top of the sails this time.
*I can't believe they didn't realize why I'm like this. Those bakas. They have to get some brains. My family or not. They also have to get stronger* Kagome said to herself.
Than she saw the group leave and she saw Hiei look at the spot she was in. Her eyes had changed color due to her change in attitude. She looked straight into his eyes.
*Why are you looking at me* Kagome asked him.
*Because we …I missed you. I also haven't seen you in a long time. What am I suppose to do not miss you* Hiei said to her.
*You did, did you? I missed you too. You're really the only reason I came back. So why don't you come up here* Kagome asked him.
Hiei was shocked at what she had said to him. He jumped up to her and sat next to her. Nobody even noticed because they were long gone.
*One of the only reasons you came back was because of me* Hiei asked her.
*Umm… well yeah* Kagome said. She started to blush. Hiei started to grin.
*Really and why did you come back for me* Hiei asked her and her face got redder.
*Because…* She was cut off.
“Hiei where ever you are get the fuck over here.” Joey yelled.
Hiei was mad as come be. He really wanted to know what she was going to say.
“I'll be right there.” He yelled to him. He than turned to Kagome.
“Now what is it you were going to say?” He asked her out loud this time.
“Go back to the team. I'll tell you later.” Kagome said and disappeared.
“What? But…She's so dead when I see her again. Damn it I wanted to know what she was going to say.” Hiei said and disappeared but only to reappear right next to Joey.

“So what were you doing up there?” Joey asked him.
“Nothing.” Hiei said.
“Didn't seem like nothing. You would have come down here as soon as I called you if you weren't doing something.” Joey said.
“Its nothing that concerns you.” Hiei said and walked towards the team.
Joey dropped it and walked over to the team too.
With Kagome
*I couldn't tell him yet. I'll tell him when I know we're alone and when I'm ready. Most likely after the tournament. That's only if I come out of it alive too* Kagome said to herself.
&You will come out of it alive& Darkness said to her. He than came out of her arm and wrapped himself around her. His head rested on shoulder.
^Yes you will come out of it alive. We now your future^ Fang said to her.
+The future cannot be changed. Well it can but it is not easy to do+ Ryu said to her.
*We'll see what happens. I wonder when we have fights. We also have to see if he kept his promise. He better or else he is dead* Kagome said to her spirits.
“So you are coming to the tournament?” Kagome asked him.
“Of course. After all I have to make sure you don't get hurt, right? That is my job.” A male voice said.
“Yes you do. I'll see you there and thank you.” Kagome said and hugged the man and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank for what?” He asked.
“For helping me train, for coming to the tournament and for letting me stay here with you. I'll see you later. Bye.” Kagome said and walked away from the man.
Flashback Ended
The boat than arrived at Hang Neck island.