InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Stretched Out on Your Grave ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor Yu Yu Hakusho. The characters and original stories belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi. This story is also loosely based on the song “I Am Stretched Out on Your Grave” by Kate Rusby which I also do not own.
I Am Stretched Out on Your Grave
Chapter Two
“And then he just disappeared through some portal.” Yusuke finished.
The Reikai prince leaned back in his seat and contemplated what his team had reported. Their mysterious rogue demon was obviously after this human girl, but why? Koemna couldn't figure it out, so he did the next best thing. “You will bring the girl here,” he announced, “I'll have to question her.”
Yusuke looked at his boss pointedly, “We don't all need to go looking.” He was thinking of Keiko and how mad she would be if he was late for dinner…again. “It's just one human girl. How hard could it be?”
“I must agree, Koenma,” Kurama spoke up, “I really must be studying for my exams, and I believe that the others will be able to get the job done just as well on their own.”
Koenma looked between the detective and the fox for a moment and then sighed, “Alright, Alright. You two can go.” As they made their way to the door--Yusuke chatting happily about his dinner plans with Kurama--Koenma turned to look at his other two employees. “You,” he said pointing to both Hiei and Kuwabara, “Need to go find this girl and bring her back here as quickly as possible.”
Hiei wanted to protest--the thought of working with the larger, ignorant human repulsing him slightly--but instead he exhaled a “hn” and walked through the open portal, not bothering to wait for the other man.
After Naraku's death, Kagome had decided to spend more time in her own era in order to attend high school. Of course she still came back on her days off and during breaks or whenever they heard a rumor about that last elusive shard, but when she ran into Kaede's hut two days before she was due to return, her friends were surprised to say the least.
Miroku was the first to speak, “Kagome is there something wrong?”
The miko stumbled through the doorway, panting heavily and nodding in affirmation.
Sango was on her feet and moving to seat herself next to her friend, but Inuyasha was quicker. “What was it? What happened Kagome?” He demanded.
When her breathing slowed enough to allow her to speak, Kagome started, “I found the last shard…”
They all stared at her with poorly concealed terror as Kagome finished speaking. They were just as shocked as she had been, and they had just as many questions. How had this Masahiko survived without Naraku when none of his other incarnations had managed it, and why had he shown up in Kagome's era? How had he gotten the shard, and how had he managed to conceal it for so long? None of them had the answers.
“But,” Sango began, “If Masahiko is in the future, then how are we supposed to fight him? Only you and Inuyasha can pass through the well.”
Kagome looked down at the fox kit sleeping in her arms. “That's the worst part. I don't think you can,” Kagome's voice quivered as she spoke, “I think this has to be something Inuyasha and I do on our own.”
They all stared at her for a moment. Kagome held Shippo tightly to her chest and tried not to cry. She didn't want to lose him. She didn't want to lose any of them, but there was no other way. The monk rose to his feet and placed a hand on Kagome's shoulder. “Perhaps,” he began, “you should sleep here this evening. We can say our goodbyes in the morning.”
Kagome smiled up at him. “Alright,” she said, and then she started to cry.
When Hiei and Kuwabara had returned to the shrine, they found the young woman to be missing. After searching the shrine grounds and the surrounding property, Kuwabara suggested that one of them go search for the girl while the other stayed behind in case she came back. Hiei had looked pointedly at the human, and Kuwabara was muttering something about keeping his mouth shut as he stalked out of the compound.
That had been last night, and Hiei had seen nothing of either the girl or his team mate. He had taken up residence in the large tree next to the house and had only half watched as the family went about their daily lives. He was about to leave--maybe he would go find some low-level demon to kill--when he felt it.
The energy had come from the small structure to the left of Hiei's tree. It blindsided his senses for a few seconds, but when it died down, Hiei could smell the stench of the human female. He was shocked enough by the girl's sudden appearance, and even more so by the smell of an inu youkai. He descended from the tree quickly but then continued more slowly towards the once vacant building and its two new occupants.
As he drew near, Hiei could hear the two speaking in raised voices. The girl was yelling about respect and maturity, and her companion was arguing that he simply did not care. He heard the girl scream, “Sit boy!” as he opened the door, and the sight that greeted him made Hiei lift one eyebrow in wonder.
Sango pulled Kagome close as they both continued to cry softly. Neither of them wanted to let go, but Inuyasha's gentle voice made Kagome move back, “Come on Kagome. We need to go.” He held out his hand to her.
Kagome looked at all her friends. “This is not goodbye,” she sounded as if she was trying to convince herself, “We'll be back as soon as we can. This is not goodbye.” She took Inuyasha's hand, and together they began the long walk away from their friends.
As they neared the well, Inuyasha made some derogatory comment about shippo. He had only wanted to lighten the mood a little, but soon all Hell had broken loose. They had argued all the way through the well until finally Kagome had had enough. “Sit boy!” Inuyasha's face met the floor of the well house. Kagome turned to leave, and that's when she saw him. There was a small, black haired demon standing in the doorway, and he was looking at her expectantly.