InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Joys of Life ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: so, so, sorry I haven't updated in soooo long! But my laptop was broke and I had all my stories on there. Only recently have I been able to retrieve those files. My mom's being awesomer then usual and allowing me touse her computer!
Anyway, I've revised this chapterand the next! My plan is to revise the rest of this story... wish is really close to being done and then continue on with the updating the chapters. So, don't be afraid to give me a shout if you think I'mslacken... I'll let you in on a little secret! I hate revising so usually I give my stories to my friends to fix and they end of keeping them and not correcting them but falling in love with them... so yeah... most of my paper copies get stolen... hehehehe
So... on with the revised... and in my opinion better story! Please review and tell me your opinion!
Chapter 1
Hiei was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of leafs rustling against fabric. He didn't need to look over to know who had joined him. “What do you want, fox?” Closing his scarlet eyes, he waited for the answer he knew he was going to receive.
“I was concerned. You haven't stopped by in a while or checked up with anyone. Plus the others, including Yukina were beginning to worry. Actually, she was the one who asked me to find you.” Kurama eyed his elusive friend carefully, hoping to find some type of clue as to his recent behavior. However, it was in vain. The only thing that the fox could see in the apparition's expression was that he was relaxed and, perhaps, anxious.
After several moments of peace, Kurama's curiosity got the best of him. “What do you know that we don't?” That was the only thing he could think of. The anxiousness that Hiei displayed was not the type that he saw on the other demon's face, as he was about to make a kill. Nor was it the excitement that he displayed in his eyes when they were going to visit the temple that his sister resided in. No, it was the kind of eagerness that came when waiting for something.
This was when Kurama received a response, but it wasn't the kind of reaction that he expected from Hiei.
To put it simply, Hiei had outright laughed at his question. But it wasn't the laugher that had caught him off guard - no; it had been the dark undertone of it. The sideways glance that Hiei had given him had been full of a dark amusement that had Kurama repressing a shiver.
“You'll just have to wait and see, now wont you.” Stretching out on his tree branch, he knitted his fingers behind his head. “Things are to come to pass, and no one will be able to stop them.” Hiei could feel the emerald gaze of the curious fox avatar, and he smirked. If the fox wanted to know more, he would tell him but only enough - the history. After all, it wouldn't do him any good to have his plans ruined by Kurama's human morals.
“She was born to a fire demon that had promised her to the enemy clan as a peace offering. The clan thought that to be a reasonably offer, considering most of their clan females were dead, barren, or too old. She was to go to the first son of the clan leader. However, before it could come to pass they found that there were some… unique abilities about the child that they had not been told about. After she, a mere infant, had killed off several clan members, turning them to dust, she was returned to her own clan, for none wished to touch her with intent of causing harm, for that was how their fellow clan mates had been turned to ash. Her blood clan disowned her and her father from there.” Hiei smirked as he noticed that Kurama was listening intently to him. He had no doubt that the fox was trying to read between the lines of his words.
“What happened to her?” Kurama questioned once Hiei had stopped speaking. This story was actually quite interesting and he was curious as to how he knew it. For as he listened, he was also shifting through the memories of his past life to figure out if he knew it - which he didn't. That in it self was interesting, since his Youko had always been into tales such as the one Hiei was telling.
“Her father, after a few years, meant up with another fire apparition that was in the same boat as himself, excepted he had a son. In the end, they promise their children to each other. They lived together, protecting their “unique” offspring from those who wished for their destruction. And their work paid off, for she produced a strong, healthy son. However, the girl's parent had other ideas and disappeared, taking his daughter and her son with him.” Finally, Hiei gave his full attention to his long-time partner and was amused to find that Kurama had taken an, almost, upset look. Whether it was how he ended his story or what had happened during the last part, he had know idea and he really didn't give a damn either.
“Hiei, don't tell me that's the end!” Kurama whined uncharacteristically as he ran his hand through his hair.
“That's not fair! You know more than you're telling me!” Kurama accused.
Hiei figured that his partner would allow his Youko nature to get the better when it came to his story. A sure indication being the silver streak of hair that ran through his crimson locks and golden colored eyes. “Should you not be returning home, fox? After all, the sun will soon be rising and you wouldn't want your dear human mother worrying about you.” Though it was fun toy with the fox, all good things had to come to an end and Hiei had given his word that he would meet someone an hour after sunrise, and he had no intention of skipping out.
Before Kurama had a chance say anything about his friend's mocking, he was gone heading deeper into the forest.
However, that was what Hiei made it look like, for just on the other side of Kyoto's forest was the outskirts of Tokyo and his destination.
Kurama sighed as Hiei vanished; his hair and eyes reverting back to their natural color. Though he wanted to follow and beat the rest of the story out of the apparition, he knew that Hiei had been right. He needed to return home soon, otherwise his mother would wake to find her son gone and no note telling her where he had went. Turning, he too left, only he was heading in the opposite direction.
~*~ Night/Early, early Morning, same time as Hiei was telling Kurama his little story ~*~
It was time. She had decided that nearly a week ago, but she hadn't been able to put what she had to do in motion. To do so would bring her son - a son that didn't know she was his rightful mother - into things that were going to be disastrous mentally, emotionally, and even physically.
But she'd seen him, she'd promised him. The man that had sired her son, the mate that she was tricked into leaving nearly ten years prior, wished to view a son that had been unfairly taken from him. And her mate didn't want to view their son with a ward suppressing the purist form that their child had been given at birth. No, for if that where the case then he would have just looked through his bedroom window to gaze at his sleeping form or even, and more likelier choice in her mind, follow him to and from school.
She sighed as she replaced her brush on her vanity. She couldn't help the scorn that crossed her features as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, finding her reflection hideous in comparison to her true mirror image. The main thing she disliked most were her eyes and skin. It seemed like no matter how much of the human ointments and creams she used, her skin was still blotchy and ruff. The top thing she despised about her human form, were her eyes. Her eyes, a spectrum of blues, indicating her impure heritage should have stayed, in her opinion, the fiery red scarlet that showed she was a fire demon, but they had not. The spectrum of blues showed her “pure” heritage, as her father had called it. Otherwise known to her as a priestess.
Growling at her image, she rose from her chair and moved towards her bedroom door. Slipping out into the hallway, she didn't make a sound as she easily walked down the hallway that usually creaked under careless footsteps. Opening her “brother's” door, she slipped into his room. Taking a few moments, she allowed herself the luxury to watch him sleep peacefully, also allowing herself to give him a few extra moments of peace that he'll most likely never find again.
Finally, she reached out and tenderly touched his shoulder before giving it a gentle shake. “Souta, wake up. I need to talk to you.” As he sat up, she took up the position sitting on the edge of his bed.
“What do you want Kagome, I'm tired.” He yawned once more and looked through half-closed lids at his “older sister”.
“I know, but I figured you'd want to hear about your father.” At those words, Souta seemed to have miraculously woken completely without a single sign of sleepiness lingered. Chuckling softly to herself, she ruffled his hair. “Now, he found you - us and wants to meet you.”
“Why did you say us? Don't we have different dads'?” Souta questioned, truly confused.
“Well, yes we do-”
“Then what do you mean?”
Kagome sighed deeply. She really didn't want to do this, but yet she did. She wanted to be his mother once more and not his “older sister”. “Let me continue explaining about you meeting your father first and then I'll explain everything else to you, ok?” When she saw him nod in agreement she continued. “Well, your father wishes to see us an hour after sunrise at the park near the edge of town. He will only see you if… if you are in your true form.”
“What do you mean “true form”? I'm nothing but a human. So how can I have a true form when I'm in my true form already?” This was more than confusing for his still-weary mind to grasp. And he admitted it. “I don't get it.”
“You are wrong Souta. You are not just a mere human. You are so much more than that. And so am I.” Kagome didn't wait for him to ask his question. She knew what it was going to be. “You are a demon… well, mostly demon. To be exact you are half fire demon and half ice demon and human.” Now, she turned her eyes from her child. “I am half fire demon and half human. Your father is half fire demon and half ice demon.” She continued to look away, though she continued to speak to him.
“You see Souta, I had a child and my father wanted that child for his power. At the time, I didn't know this and I allowed him to take us, believing him when he told me that my son's father - your father,” at this point she did look at her son, “would meet us along the way. It was a lie of course. But by the time I'd realized it, it was too late. I had one of two options. First I could wander through the Makai forest, hoping the we wouldn't be attacked and killed for what we were or secondly, leave the Makai so that our survival was guaranteed, even if that meant allowing you to be raised by my aunt while I watched from the position of `big sister', while hoping that your father would somehow find us. And finally, he did.”
Souta was looked as his kin with disbelief. “You're my mother?” Those words seem to echo through the silence that hung in the room. When Kagome merely nodded in response, he continued. “And I'm a demon? And you're a half-demon?” When he received another confirming nod, Souta couldn't help him self. “Wow… You sure I'm not dreaming? This isn't a joke?”
She shook her head at this. “No Souta, this is no dream and it certainly is no trick. Let me prove it. Turn around and remove your shirt.” Scouting over a little bit, so that he had more room to maneuver, she waited till Souta had completed what she'd asked of him before continuing to speak. “Have you ever seen or been told about this mark?” She touched the area between his shoulder blades and waited for an answer.
“My friend said it was a perfect circle. I always thought that it was nothing but a birth mark of some sort… but I'm guessing I was wrong?” He couldn't help but shiver at her touch. Her nails were not the dull, round nail that he was accustomed to; instead they were dangerously long and sharp.
Though Kagome noticed his shiver, she ignored it. She had to give him some credit; after all, he hadn't gone into hysteria yet. “You are correct. It is the seal that hides your true form. If you want me to remove it, I'll warn you that there will be side effects.” Kagome allowed him to turn to face her.
“What kind of side effects? And I thought you said that I would have to be in my real form if I wanted to see my dad?”
“Yes, well, actually, you don't have a choice in the matter. I said it the way I did so that you felt like you had a choice.” Kagome told him outright, not really wanting to lie to him. “As for the side effects. They could range from nausea, fatigue, to migraines. My guess is that you will have all of these.” She sighed, before continuing. “The reason why I think this is because you have not been in your true form since you were an infant. Your senses have been dulled and you haven't been exposed the different scents and energies that a normal infant should have been exposed too. Also, demons age much slower than an human, meaning that you are younger and smaller than you are now.”
“Exactly how old am I?” Souta was more than curious. If demon did age slower than humans, did that mean he had to go through everything all over again? Like the grow sprouts and the losing his baby teeth.
Now Kagome clicked her tongue in amusement. “About 5 and you should a foot, foot and a half small than you are now.”
“WHAT!” Souta couldn't help himself. He could deal with being 8, even 7 years old again, but 5! “That impossible!”
Kagome merely shook her head as amusement danced in her eyes. “Nope. Your 5 years old.” Suddenly her eyes became serious and her voice didn't hold that playful note. “Now, turn back around. We got little time left before we are to meet your father.”
The tone that Kagome had used with him didn't leave room for discussion and he found himself automatically obeying. He felt her fingers graze his back and then a warm, tingly feeling spread through him, though he didn't feel anything like what Kagome had said might happen. Just as he turned to tell her so, a wave of nausea hit him. Closing his eyes against the feeling, he wished now that the seal would be returned to him.
Time seem to move in slow motion for him when he felt himself being lifted. Something told him that he was being dress, though he couldn't tell in what. Before he knew it, he felt the chill of the outside air on his cheeks followed by a feeling of floating. He didn't know how long he was floating exactly, but the next thing he knew was that he was being gently placed on the ground and that there were voices talking in hushed tones. Then, as he slipped into a deeper state of unconsciousness, he felt himself being picked up once more.
Kagome's feet soundlessly touched the ground of Kongura Park as the sun was rising. She greeted her mate and passed him their child.
“Hiei, once we get your caves, I release the rest of my own concealment spell. So I can immediately begin sleeping of the weariness that'll follow.” She watched as he nodded once before leading the way to the caves.