InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ “Brothers and Other Members of the Family” ❯ “Brothers and Other Members of the Family” ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Brothersand Other Members of the Family"

By. EastsideGeorgiaBoy

A story of two of the most unlikely people in the story (big surprise).

This is my first fic, and I hope it's good and worthy of your time. Anyways, I am a poor college boy, and do not own Inuyasha or any of Rumiko Takahashi's works, please do not sue me, I only have a scholarship to ride on, no money. (You would only get my money for Ramen).Now on to the story. Every one should know that Stupid, idiot, or fool, means baka in Japanese, so I'm not gonna bother putting baka down I don't think.

"Kagome you have to stay here and help me find more shards of the jewel" Inuyasha called. Kagome replied loudly with 2 loud "SIT's". Inuyasha fell to the ground violently, his breath escaping him for the moment. Lousy bitch he murmured, and with that followed another "Sit". "I will be gone for 2 weeks, to visit my sick aunt", she told him. And with that, she jumped in the well. Feh, he said, and he took to the trees. He soon got to the Goshinboku tree, and slowly took a nap. When he awoke, he took off to Kaede's village. Upon entering her hut, there was a series of loud smacks. "You fucking lecherous pig, how dare you do that while I sleep? And you dare call yourself a monk." Not knowing what was going on, Inuyasha ask," what happened this time" and Sango replied "lets just say his fingers were doing some digging were they shouldn't." and with that, she grabbed her weapon, and kiarra, and abruptly left. Miroku went running after her. No more than 5 minutes passed, when Shippou bounded in. He was out of breath, and perched himself atop Inuyasha's shoulder. When questioned what the matter was, he said, "I was attacked by some bird youkai that had shikkon shard fragments with them." Upon hearing this, Inuyasha asked Shippou what direction, and then he headed off, with Shippou still on his shoulder. When Inuyasha got to the birds territory, Something Swooped overhead, and he heard a familiar yelp. He looked to where the sound had come from, and saw a bird demon taking Shippou away in its claws. Shippou screamed as the demon tightened its grip on him. As the demon did this, it injects Shippou with a sort of venom. After the sharp pain of being pierced by the hidden talon, Shippou started losing consciousness. Inuyasha jumped after the demon, knowing all to well that his friend was going to be eaten if he didn't do anything, and that his chances of ever getting with Kagome would be slim to none, if she found out that he had let Shippou get eaten while she was away. He could see it now, "Inuyasha, I'm back. Where is Shippou Chan? What? A bird demon took him away to eat, and you did nothing. Inuyasha….. "Yes Kagome" Sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit. You are the most Conceded person I know. Good luck finding the shards on your own." Then she would leave him to go to the future, and seal up the well. Well he couldn't let that happen. So he pursued the demon. Shippou cries for help getting weaker and weaker. The demon, sensing something or someone was behind him, put the young fox demon down on a nearby perch. "Shankon Tessouu" is heard, and there are feathers everywhere, but the demon it self was not hurt, seems it barely dodged the attack in time. One of its claws managed to slice our demons upper torso. It was nothing he couldn't handle. He then pulled tessaiga from its sheath, and with a quick movement of the sword he performed "kaze no kizu." The demon was ripped to shreds. With that done, he quickly picked up the 4 shards that the demon bird had, and put them in the top of his kimono. Inuyasha then rushed to where Shippou was laying, barely conscious. When he got there, he picked up his comrade and back to the village he went. His condition got worse, and Inuyasha thought to something he could do to keep this kit from dying. Now Inuyasha, being injured and all was not foreign to herbs and all, but it had been a while since he himself had to fix up something for a poison. He grabbed some of Kaede baba's herbs. He did some mixing, and came up with a potion that he hoped would work. The now unconscious kit was barely breathing. Inuyasha hurried to him, and poured the contents into the kits mouth. He then felt that the kit was burning up and sought out to get a cold, wet rag. He placed it on the kits head, and waited. It was a long while, and a couple of hours passed and still nothing. Inuyasha grew worried, and prayed to the gods that he had done everything right, and that the kit would be okay. After about another hour or so, the kit finally regained consciousness. He felt warm, and though he was sitting on Kagome's lap, but when he opened his eyes, he realized, that he was cradled in the arms of Inuyasha. As a last ditch effort to help the kit, Inuyasha took the kit into his arms, and meditated, slowly, he began draining some of the poison from the boys body into his own. The rest was up to the kit and fate, as Inuyasha fell sleep, slightly knocked out from the poison, and the battle. As the Kitsune stirred around more and more, Inuyasha awoke. He said" Shippou, are you all right?" and the kit replied, "yes, but why did you save me, you act like you hate me, and don't care that I exist?" Inuyasha then replied, "Well, I never hated you, and always thought of you as a good demon friend, it's just that sometimes when me and Kagome are getting into, you go and say something and ruin my image, besides would you not do the same for me?" "Well" Shippou said, " I just think you don't have to mask your feelings, and true self all the time behind that kick ass mask you put yourself up to be, and yes I guess I would do the same for you, after all, you and Kagome took me in after father was killed. I guess I could say we are like brothers, since we are both demons, but not just that I see you as a good friend, one that looks out for the ones closest to him." Inuyasha was taken aback by these words. He had a half brother, but he treated him like shit, and Shippou never really did anything to tick off Inuyasha on purpose." Yeah I guess you are right" Inuyasha said, as he gave Shippou a slight hug, thanks for giving me a family that I can trust. "You never made fun of me for being a Hanyo, except for that first time Kagome and I (don't you love when people type in proper English<_> anyways) met you, but still, you all are the first to treat me as an equal. That's something I can never forget" Inuyasha said as a tear rolled down his face. He thought about all the painful childhood memories, and this rare phenomenon of tears kept on coming down his face. Not knowing what else to do, Shippou patted him on the back, and said, "I am here brother." Shippou just said some things while Inuyasha wept, and eventually the hanyou was asleep. About an hour passed, as Miroku return with Sango, and Kagome, who came back because her Aunt got better at a superhuman rate(it had been a day), and all were told the story of what happened. They sighed, as they realized what a hard life Inuyasha had lived. No wonder he made himself up to be so hardcore, it was just a mask for all the things that hurt him. As they went in, Inuyasha awoke. He said nothing, but just hugged everyone, finally he said I thank you all for being part of my first true family.

C'est Fine

How did you like it? Like I said before, it is my first FAN FIC I have ever written ever. Like or hate it, please tell me, I'm thinking about writing more, but I am unsure. I'm pretty sure that this isn't the best of work, but I still would love to hear any feed back you have on this. Please send to me at My real name is Jonathan Reeves. Oh yeah I do have lots of episodes that I can send to people, just ask me about that in my email. All episodes are free because that would just be so wrong to charge for them.