InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ..::~This World, My Home ~::.. ❯ "You know those New rich kids..." ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"You Know those new rich kids..."

Disclaimer: I so wish I owned these characters but I don't so I will have to live with it. All I have is Sesshy and he hangs from my ceiling ovah my bed like a mobile. ^_~

Authors' Note: This fanfiction is gonna have some lemon and lime scenes in later chapters. Even though it saids NC-17 you know younger kids are still gonna try to read this. I am just pre-warning you.

Chapter 1: "You know those two new rich kids…"

Kagome sighed as she watched Miroku and Sango kissing each other tenderly in front of her at the lunch table. She gripped the sides of the lunch tray as she imagined herself being kissed by a guy somewhat like Miroku. But then when she saw Miroku cop-a-feel on Sango's chest and get slapped for it, she scratched that idea immediately.

As Sango mumbled about how much of a doofus Miroku can be she turned to Kagome and said, "Did you hear about those two new rich kids that transferred to our school?"

As she said that Kouga and Hojo took the liberty of sitting on either side of Kagome and giving each other the evil eye while at it. Miroku saw it as he was getting back up into his chair and smirked before saying, "Sango dear, I believe everyone has heard about the two new rich kids."

Sango sighed and ignored him but Kagome said, "No I haven't heard about them. I have really been oblivious to things today. I don't now why, but have you met them?"

Sango shook her head but Hojo said, "I met one of them he's actually a senior but I take a elective computer class and it's mixed with all different grade levels. Well there was a big fiasco when he came in the room. All the girls were getting all giggly about him. But to me he seemed really closed off. It annoyed me that there was such a big deal about him already know Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator when I know how to do it since I was a freshman."

Kouga laughed, "Don't get too touchy about him Hojo. I met his brother who's a junior like us. He just annoys me by just looking at him. He came into my Spanish class and was acting all bad ass wearing all black and black sunglasses. Who the fuck wears sunglasses indoors?"

Kagome giggled at this then Sango said, "But I can understand why all the girls are going all ga ga though. I saw them in the hallway and their hair is so strikingly white, I want to know what shampoo they use. Plus their skin is evenly tanned, and their voices are all deep and sexy, and…"

Miroku started making a face at this and said, "Ok Ok I think we heard enough aobut the two new boys, Sango…"

"No I think the conversation was just getting good." They all looked up and there they were. The two guys were looking down upon Hojo and Kouga with upmost disgust. They took the liberty of pushing Kouga and Hojo out of their chairs and onto the floor, then they pushed their trays to and open seat. Even though the table was set for 10 they just wanted to be spiteful about what they overheard and sit next to a Kagome.

Hojo and Kouga jumped up but Hojo being somewhat of a punk just made a annoyed sound and sat in the seat where his tray was pushed.

But Kouga was a horse of a different color and said, "What the fuck you ass! What makes you think you can push me out of my fucking seat you turd! I'ma beat you with this fucking tray!" As he was saying it he picked up his tray and had moved the stuff off of it in a flash aiming it towards the boys head.

The boy had stood up and also took up Kagome's book and they were ready to do some bashing. Kagome jumped up and grabbed both their arms standing in between them.

"Boy's stop it! Have you lost your minds? I can't believe you'd actually start all this drama. Kouga just sit there for today please? It's only a one-day thing. Please?"

Kouga started to waver looking into Kagome's big soulful eyes. He looked back into the boy's eyes and sneered before sitting into the seat that the boy assigned him. Miroku couldn't hold it anymore and went into a laughing fit, Sango started giggling even though she had tried to suppress it also.

Miroku laughed out, "I wish you hadn't stopped that. I had wished I had some popcorn for that fight. God, I would of paid money to see that," Miroku sighed, "I guess something is gonna have to provoke them again."

"No it just seems that your Kouga friend is short tempered," the boy on Kagome's left said.

Kouga grit his teeth but the other boy said, "Inu Yasha you are just as hot tempered as this Kouga maybe even more so." Kagome could feel Inu Yasha narrowing his eyes at his brother behind his sunglasses.

"Well Sesshomaru at least I know how to show my feeling instead of suppressing them." Sesshomaru visibly narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. There was an uncomfortable silence where Miroku and Sango's laughs had sorta died out and there was some shifty movement form the others.

Kagome cleared her throat and said, "Well I guess I don't have to ask what your names are anymore. My name is Kagome Higurashi. I'm the National Honors Society President so if you have any questions about the school, ask me. So umm… where do you guys live?"

Sesshomaru said, "We live near the mountains on Crescent road." Kagome's eyes literally bulged out of her head, "You mean the really really BIG mansion?," she gulped, "Oh I should've known…you are the new RICH kids…"

Kagome sat back in her chair, "So what made you guys come out to out neck of the area?"

Inu Yasha said, "Mother. She loves cherry blossoms. So she wanted to move somewhere where she could see cherry blossoms all the time out her window. Plus she wanted to live in a closely knitted town. She chose this."

"Wow that is an interesting reason to move." Inu Yasha looked at her tray at the hot bowl of Ramen that was still untouched and then look at the clock seeing there would only be five minutes left to the period.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Kagome looked up, "Oh you can have it but I am about to head out. I want to stop at the library and get a book." She stood up and gathered her books, "Later everyone." As she started walking she could feel eyes on her but she refused to look back and see who it was kept heading out the door.


^_^ This is my first fanfiction but I am always reading fanfics and I wanted to try it out and see what I can put together. I have a really good plot to this story set up. I am also planning on writing another story while I am writing this one. Review if you want I would like to hear your thoughts on it. Or email at My aim is cocoasweets4u and yahoo is songiesworld. The next chapter will be posted up either today or tomorrow. ^_~ * waves bye bye *

< I had accidentally deleted this today. I am really sorry. When I was adding chapter three this was lost along the way and I had to go to class so I didn't have time to put it up until now. My bad. *_* >