InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ..::~This World, My Home ~::.. ❯ "It's Party time." ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 20: "It's party time."


Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns Inu Yasha and the gang. But I very much own this story.


Author's Note: That Chunky Monkey © is calling me. I can't wait. Well here's the long awaited chapter 20. Which is also the party that is supposed to get Inu Yasha and Kagome `closer'. I wonder what that means? Plus I need to hurry because my friend whose buying me the Chunky Monkey © couldn't believe I went two chapters without getting to the party yet. *sighs *


P.S. There are a lot of lyrics in this chapter I just wanted to let you guys know that I actually listened to the songs so that I could figure out how the characters would move to the songs. It was actually pretty hysterical to me and my roommates. Well hope you enjoy.

Chapter 20: "It's party time."



Kagome walked back into her house with the bags of clothes she had picked up from shopping. "I have the most perfect outfit for tonight." She emptied everything out onto her bed and looked at the outfit that she knew would take everyone's breath away. She reached over to the end table and picked up the jewelry box. Inside of it was the necklace that she had found the other day. "And this will be the finishing touch to the outfit." She then reached out from under her pillow and pulled out another necklace and said, "Plus my little gift to Inu Yasha and I think everything will be set."




Sango opened up the fridge to look at the Jello © shots and smiled to see they were done. Then a thought hit her and she slowly walked over to the living room to see Inu Yasha playing Mario Kart Double Dash © against Shippo on the floor with Miroku laughing his ass off at Inu Yasha trying to so hard to shoot Shippo's go cart with a red turtle shell. Sesshomaru was showing Rin how to do a certain problem on her homework on the couch when Sango spoke up.


"Hey Inu Yasha, Sesshomaru I have to ask you something."


Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru looked up at her.


"Do you guys know how to dance?"


Inu Yasha paused the game then said, "Well I did a little festival dancing back in the feudal era."


"No I mean do you know how to do modern day dancing."


"You mean that hip grinding crap that I see on those things called `Music Videos'?" Sesshomaru spoke up.


Sango smiled, "That and there are other dances."

"No." They both said.


Rin and Shippo both jumped up, "You mean you guys are throwing a party and you don't know how to dance? Inu Yasha if you don't know how to dance how do you think your gonna be able to get Kagome alone?"


Inu Yasha's eyes widened, "You mean it's required to learn that?"


"In this day and era it is."


Sango smiled evilly and Miroku uttered an, `uh oh', "Rin, Shippo put some music on. We have to teach these guys how to dance."


"WAIT! I don't want to learn that crap."


Sango turned to Inu Yasha and said, "Inu Yasha I am going to tell you straight up right now. Kagome can dance. Whenever she goes to a party she literally is the dance queen of the party. Especially if she is drunk she is going to be all over the place. If your gonna want to snag her from the dance floor your going to have to know how to dance."


She turned to Rin and Shippo near the stereo system and handed them a mix cd. They put it in and she said, "Turn to track number 3. Lets see if I can get them to dance to `I like that.' By Houston."


Shippo and Rin grinned and turned to track number 3.


She grabbed Inu Yasha's and Sesshomaru's hand and lifted them up. "Ok what I need ya'll to do is listen to beat and move to it."


(Whoa! whoa! whoa!)
I like that, I like that
Girl, twurk that back


Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha started to move to the music.

(Whoa! whoa!)
I like that, I like that
Girl, freak that back
(Whoa! whoa! whoa!)
I like that, I like that
It's where the money at
(whoa! whoa!)
I like that, I like that
Girl, freak that back


Miroku clutched his stomach from laughing so hard, Rin and Shippo were holding each other up from laughing so hard. "This is gonna be one long night."



The doorbell rang and Okaasan opened the door. Kanaru bowed at the door and said, "I am here to pick up Kagome."


"Oh you must be Kanaru," She turned and yelled up the stairs, "Kagome! Your ride is here."


Kagome ran down the stairs and her mom smiled at how beautiful Kagome was. She had her hair in spirals so that half her hair was up and half was down. Her make up was put on giving her a smoky look. She had a long black coat that reached her knees, she had four inch strap up heels that went all the way up her leg past where the coat started.


Kanaru smiled at her, "Well let us go beautiful. This should be an interesting night."




Kagome got out the car and frowned as she looked at the place they were at.


"Kanaru, why are we here?"


Kanaru frowned at her and said, "This is where the party is being held at. You didn't know where it was going to be held at?"


"No I didn't…"


Kanaru grabbed her hand and said, "Come on let's go. It looks like it is good. If you don't feel comfortable though we can leave."


Kagome shook her head and said, "Lets go in."


They walked to the front door and it swung open.


My Goodies, My Goodies, My Goodies
Not my goodies!


I got a sick reputation for handlin broads
All I need is me a few seconds or more.
And in my rap
Tell valet to bring my 'Lac
And I ain't comin back
So you can put a car right there.


Kagome's eyes glazed over as one of her favorite songs played and she already felt like dancing.

I'm the truth
And ain't got nothin' to prove.
An you can ask anybody
Cuz they seen me do it.
Barracades, I run right through 'em
I'm used to 'em.
Throw all the dirt you want it's no use.
You still won't have a pinup in a fabulous room
On her back pickin' out baskets of fruit.
(I love you boo)
Yeah freak and Petey love you too.
Ha Ha
You know how I do..


Kagome's eyes glazed over as one of her favorite songs played and she already felt like dancing.


She heard a scream and turned to see Sango bum rush her. Kagome giggled and said, "Girl I already feel like dancing. It looks like all the schools in this area are here. This place is packed."


You may look at me and think that I'm
Just a young girl
But I'm not just a young girl.
Baby this is what I'm lookin' for:
Sexy, independent, down to spend it type that's gettin' his dough
I'm not bein too dramatic that's the way I gotta have it.


"Yeah I know. It's awesome. Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru really know how to throw a party."


"Yeah they do. I thought you were the party master but I guess your being out done here."


I bet you want the goodies.
Bet you thought about it.
Got you all hot and bothered.
Mayb' cuz I talk about it.
Lookin for the goodies
Keep on lookin' cuz they stay in the jar
Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh


Sango smiled then looked to the guy holding her arm and her smile faded, "Who are you?"


Kanaru smiled and said, "My name is Kanaru Tamahome and I am Kagome's date for the party. You must be her dear friend Sango. She was telling me all about you in the car."


Sango frowned more then said, "Why don't you two head to the main area. I have to find Miroku, I will bring you guys back some drinks." With that she turned heading towards the back of the house.


"That was strange it was like she just brushed us off just now." Kagome shrugged and started to head to the main dance area with Kanaru in tow.




"Hey guys we have a problem."


Inu Yasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku all turned around to look at Sango as she came into the kitchen.


"Ok Miroku remember Kagome said she was supposed to go on a date with somebody to a party today?"


Miroku looked at Inu Yasha then said, "… Yeah… why?"


"She is here with her date and you won't believe who it is…"


"WHAT!," Inu Yasha yelled. He jumped up and ran out the kitchen.


"WAIT, INUYASHA!" Sango screamed as she dashed after him grabbing before he went into the full throng of the crowd.


She pushed him back into the kitchen and said, "Don't run out there like a mad man! She will definitely not get back with you if you do that!"


"Well what the fuck am I supposed to do?! I can't believe this shit!"


Sesshomaru pulled Inu Yasha back down to his chair and said, "Calm down. It's not going to make matters any better with you acting like you have lost your mind."


Inu Yasha settled down in the chair and banged his head onto the table.


"Why don't you let us take care of Kagome's date?"


They all turned around to look at Rin and Shippo standing in the door way to the kitchen. Sango smiled and said, "If you guys can do that then I would love you forever."


"Take us to Dave & Busters and you have yourself a deal."


Sango laughed and said, "Definitely."


Rin and Shippo giggled and ran out the door. Sango turned to Inu Yasha and said, "I told you we got this. We're about to start the real fun so you just go out there and get ready to start talking to Kagome." She grabbed Miroku's hand and pulled him out the kitchen to the dance floor. She stopped in her tracks and turned to Inu Yasha, "By the way I hope you can hold your liquor because we're about to do shots out there soon and it takes a bit for Kagome to get drunk."


"Yeah that girl is a beast when it comes down to holding liquor," Miroku said.


"I can drink a decent amount of sake."


"Yeah well we got hard core liquor out there. Just don't get drunk before Kagome does."



Kagome leaned over to Kanaru and said, "Hey I have to head to the little girls room. I will be right back."


Kanaru nodded and watched her head to the bathroom then he turned his head bobbing it to the music. He sighed wondering when he would be able to get Kagome alone when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Kagome smiling back at him.


"That was fast."


"Yeah I just wanted to check my makeup real quick. Hey do you want to walk off to one of the back areas? It feels overcrowded at the moment."


Kanaru's eyes widened a little as his previous dilemma was fixed for him. Kagome grabbed his hand and brought him to a door. She turned and smiled seductively at him before pulling him into the room. His smile faded a little at the darkness in the room then came back in full force as he thought of why she would want him to come into a dark room with her. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." She moved her face towards his so that their lips were barely apart.


"What is it that you have been waiting for? " Kanaru asked entranced by her lips.




Kanaru saw stars as he felt something crash against his head and then he crashed to the ground as he fell unconscious.




Kagome came back out the bathroom and looked around for Kanaru. `Where the hell is he? How is my date gonna walk off. I was barely in there for two minutes.'


She walked over to the little bar that was set up and took some strawberry Jello© shots. She gulped them down and then started listening to the music again. Nelly's "Flap your wings." Was playing and she started moving to the beat.


Drop down and get your eagle on, girl (flap your wings)
Drop down and get your eagle on, girl (flap your wings)
Hell naw, ain't leavin' me alone, girl (flap your wings)
Drop down and get your eagle on, girl (flap your wings)
Drop down and get your eagle on, girl (flap your wings)
Drop down and get your eagle on, girl (flap your wings)
Hell naw, ain't leavin' me alone, girl (flap your wings)
Drop down and get your eagle on, girl
She's got that sweat drippin' all over her body
[Girl] Do you like that sweat drippin' all over my body?
Yea, I like that
That sweat drippin' all over your
[Girl] You like that sweat drippin' all over my body


Kagome was now really dancing at this point and moving her body in rhythm with the music until the music stopped. She looked up to see Sango on top of a table with a mic in her hand.


"Hey everybody, we're about to have a shot tournament. Do we have any contestants?"


Kagome looked around to see if she could see Kanaru while people stopped moving so much then shrugged her shoulders and ran over to where Sango was. Sango looked down and covered her mic smiling, "So do we have a contestant Miss National Honors Society President?"


Kagome smiled and said, "You know it."


Sango put the mic back to her mouth and said, "We have one contestant can we get another?" She paused and then said, "Ok we have our two contestants. Everyone gather around."


Kagome sat in the chair that was provided for her at a table seat in the middle of the dance floor. She looked up and her eyes widened as she saw who her opponent was. Inu Yasha smiled at her and flipped his chair around straddling it. Kagome crossed her legs and sat up straighter.


"Ok everyone how many shots do you think we should give them?" All different kinds of random numbers were thrown out. Then Sango smiled and spoke to the two contestants still on the mic, "Ok guys we're gonna do this like it is supposed to be your 21st birthday. I want you guys to drink 21 tequila shots with the worm in each shot. Whoever looks like their gonna fall out first loses."


Kagome's eyes widened and she said, "With the WORM in it? What the hell are you trying to kill us? We're going to be more messed up then anything."


Sango laughed, "Ok then we'll have mix liquors in each shot but five of them have to be tequila with the worm in it."


Kagome's eyes bugged out even more, "That is even worst!"


"Stop your bitchin'" She turned as she saw Miroku put down a tray full of 42 shot glasses. He put them out in front of the two of them and smiled at Kagome, "Good luck Kags."


Kagome frowned as she wondered what she had gotten herself into. She looked at Inu Yasha and her frown deepened as she saw how relaxed he was. `Fuck this I won't be outdone by him. I have never fallen out from liquor before and this isn't going to be the first time.'


Sango looked down at her friend and saw her determined look on her face. She silently wished Inu Yasha luck the brought the mic back to her mouth. "Ok on the count of three I want you two to start drinking your heart out."


Kagome looked at her first shot glass and frowned as she noticed that you couldn't even really call those things shot glasses. They were more like mugs of liquor. She was regretting the fact that she just had 2 Jello © shots.




Kagome took a breath.




Her and Inu Yasha locked eyes.




She grabbed her first shot glass and sucked in the liquor. That one was cranberry and vodka. She grabbed her second one and drained it, that one was coke and rum. She looked over at Inu Yasha and noticed that he had already finished four. `What the fuck!" She narrowed her eyes and using both of her hands grabbed two shot glasses she drained each one down her throat letting the fuzzy navel and the tequila sunrise mix down her throat. She did the same with the next two pouring the Long Island Iced Tea and Sex on the beach.


Sango's eyes widened as she watched the prceedings, `I have never seen Kagome drink that fast.' She looked at Inu Yasha and watched him down his drinks also. Kagome was up to his speed and was killing the drinks. They were neck and neck. Sango looked back at Kagome and saw a little bit of dizziness taking the girl as she kept picking up their drinks. They were both up to their eleventh shot and poured down the hypnotic.


Kagome looked back at Inu Yasha and saw her vision blur as she reached for her twelfth shot almost knocking the drink over. Inu Yasha was doing so good either on his end either. His senses had started to go haywire on his ninth shot. He looked at Kagome and started to notice that she had this funny smile on her face. He started to chuckle thinking that it was funny. Kagome looked at him and said, "Wuz so funny?"


"He he, your… face."


Kagome growled at him and said, "You don't think I try to hold my tears of laughter every time I see you. Being born with a face like that would make anybody want to laugh."


Inu Yasha narrowed his eyes as he drowned down his white Russian, " I don't know why you think your so cute because your not."


Kagome's white Russian swam in her stomach as she grabbed her buttery nipple gurgled it down, "You obviously must think I am cute or else you wouldn't talk to me."


Inu Yasha's buttery nipple was still sliding down his throat as his bahama mama sloshed against his throat. His face had a blush on it as he turned to her and said, "Well if you think I am so ugly then why do you talk to me. You obviously must think I am cute also. Even though I don't think I am in the cute category. I think I am more in the down right sexy category, but hey who am I to judge."


Kagome's face was also blushed as she drank down "a boner", "Yeah you must be blind, because I don't think you should ever be a judge, especially not with your face looking like that." She pointed a shaky finger at his face and everyone turned to look at him. He had one eyelid half closed and he was breathing hard as he was trying to hold himself up with one arm. Miroku leaned over to Sango and said, "I don't think this was a good idea."


Sango stared at them as she continued watching the proceedings.


Inu Yasha drank down an "atomic shit" then pointed at Kagome saying, "Speak for yourself."


Everyone turned to look at Kagome and saw that her head was tilted oddly to the right and she was also breathing hard leaning over the table. Her blue-gray eyes were oddly glazed as she smiled retardedly at Inu Yasha. "Stop trying to discrat meeee… Drink your poison."


They both grabbed their first tequila and looked at each. They looked back down at the tequila and saw the worm filled with alcohol to the max floating in it. Kagome smiled at Inu Yasha and said, `Bottooooomms up." She tilted her head back and drank down the tequila. She felt the worm slide down her throat and slightly gagged looking back at Inu Yasha. He had the funniest face on as he swallowed down his worm. They both narrowed their eyes and grabbed their next two glasses drowning them down. They were both tilting dangerously out of their chairs but then Inu Yasha grabbed the table straightening himself and downing his last two glasses. Kagome grabbed her drinks and down her last two almost falling forward onto the table. Sango looked at the two and couldn't figure out which one of the two looked more drunk then the other. She turned to Miroku and he shrugged his shoulders. Sango then brought the mic to her mouth, "Well ladies I don't know who is more drunk so lets see both of these to stand up and then we will decide from there." Kagome looked drunkenly at Sango then started to stand up at and fell out the seat. Inu Yasha reached over to Kagome and lifted her up.


Sango yelled out to everyone who the winner was as Inu Yasha whispered into Kagome's ear, "Are you ok?"


Kagome blushed as she was pulled into Inu Yasha's hard chest, "Now I am." She looked up at him as he pulled her over to the side of the room and sitting her down on a chair while he sat next to her. "Why don't we sit here for a bit while we try to recuperate from all those drinks?" Kagome looked down at her hands as she blushed even more from Inu Yasha's presence. What was wrong with her? It wasn't like she hadn't been around Inu Yasha before. But maybe it was because now that she remembered everything she felt butterflies in her stomach at his presence. Kagome blushed and looked down at him actually noticing his outfit. He had loose fitting jeans on that hung low on his hips from the look of it. He had a red shirt on with Japanese symbols written all of over it, the shirt hung open show a wife beater under it that also had a black Japanese symbols that spread across the front of it. She looked down at his shoes and noticed that he had red Timberlands on with the laces tucked in. It was interesting to see him wearing shoes when he never did in the feudal time. She looked back up him and noticed that he still had the necklace that she had put around his neck so long ago finally showing on top of the wife beater.


The music started up again and the song that played made Kagome jump up and grab Inu Yasha's hand pulling him to the dance floor. `If he thinks he can act like he is a part of the modern world he has another thing coming. I betcha he don't know how to dance.'


Kagome turned around to him and smiled seductively as she started dance to the music.


Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my *pant pant*
Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my breath


Inu Yasha smiled down at her and started dancing in front of her. Kagome's eyes widened as she saw him actually moving like one of the best dancer she had ever seen. She gasped as he put his hand on her hip and pulled her close to his body so their hips were gyrating together.


I put it right there, made it easy for you to get to
now you wanna act like you don't know what to do
after I done done everything that you asked me
grabbed you, grind you, liked you, tried you
moved so fast, baby now i can't find you
I'm startin' to believe that I'm way too much for you
all that talk but it seems like you can't come through
all them lines like you could satisfy me
now I see where believing you got me
gave you the wheel but you can't drive me


Kagome turned around so that her back was to him and started to move her hips around to really work it with the music.


Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my *pant pant*
Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my breath


Inu Yasha kept up with her the whole time now adding a new movement to his hips and it made Kagome think, `If he can move like that then he should be able to work it in bed.' She blushed hotly at the turn of her thoughts.


Two things i don't like when i'm trynna get my groove
is a partner that meets me only halfway, and just can't prove
Take me out so deep when you know you can't swim
need a lifegaurd and I need protection
to put it on me deep in the right direction
You understand the facts that I'm trynna get to you
You movin' so slow like you just don't have a clue
Didn't momma teach you to give affection
learn the difference from a man and an adolescent
It ain't you boo, so get ta steppin'

Kagome leaned down grabbing her knees and starting to bounce her butt back into him. He grabbed her hips and closed his eyes as he tried to will his erection away that he felt coming up. Sango's voice rang in his mind `Never get a boner while doing any grinding dancing. Not unless the girl is a whore then you can scratch that law. But it usually freaks girls out unless you two are both horny beyond belief than that is another exemption.'

Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my *pant pant*
Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my breath

Kagome bent her knees and started bending up and down really moving into him. Inu Yasha felt like she was actually rubbing `him'. `So she wants to play rough. I got rough for her.'

Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my *pant pant*
Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my breath

Kagome's eyes bludged as she felt him do something behind her where his hands were seductively rubbing up and down on her, even though he was still keeping them on her hips. He started moving his hips in a way where they kept on moving with hers and still doing a movement of their own that seemed so erotic to her.

If you can't make me say oooh
Like the beat of this drum
Why you ask for some
You ain't really want none
If you can't make me say ooh
Like the beat of this groove
You don't have no business in this
Here's your papers, baby you are dismissed

Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my *pant pant*
Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my breath

Kagome pulled opened her jacket and pulled it off as her trump card. Inu Yasha's eyes bludged as he looked down at her now open back. He closed his eyes as the last verse of Destiny Childs "Lose My Breath" washed over him.

Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my *pant pant*
Can you keep up?
Babyboy, make me lose my breath
bring the noise, make me lose my breath
hit me hard, make me lose my breath

Kagome stood up and turned around, "You really can dance. I don't know why I feel surprised." She smiled as the next song came on and she started making her body move to this new beat. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Kouga smiling at her, "Can I get this dance with you."

Kagome nodded her head but didn't notice the glare that Inu Yasha threw at Kouga. Kouga started to work it on the dance floor to the new song.

This is what I sound like after 5 years
(You back kid)
Why do I feel I still got the floor
(You back kid, Bad Boy for real, Let's go)

Before 99 I was born again
5 years later and I'm on again
Man I think I'm born to win
Mase broke, that's a oxy moron
Forget a bus, I bought a drop to tour on
G-4's What I soar on, uh
You thinkin I ain't hot you so wrong
Sorry for the prolong
But now life goes on
Long list of hits and it goes on
I wake up, and I don't even feel like a star
And man I'm getting a million a bar
Indeed I need not take no lie
Man, ya'll gone make me cry
It's kinda eerie when you hear me
Ya hairs stand up
Been a change of plan
Rip your old plan up
Instead of hatin
Help me lift the big man up (As we proceed...come on....yeah)

Kouga moving to the song where it brought Kagome back to her earlier thought of `Why a guy can move like that.' She was entranced.

Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'

Inu Yasha pushed Kouga out the way.

(Betha I love this one...endeavor, for real, Bad Boy)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go

Kouga pushed Inu yasha out the way.

Some days I make thousands
Some days I make millions
Spend my day chillin
Coupe's with suede ceilings
Everybody out there wanna know what Mase got
Way hot gray drop Maybach gray yacht (Whoooo)
And that's just the way it be
Favor, people wanna pay for me

Inu Yasha tripped Kouga.

When I'm in Mr. Chows, they waive the fee
And I don't chase money man
Money chase me
I give my wife things that she dream and more
I give a little bit, and she fiend for more (lets go)
I'm back like Moses to bring the law (Come on)
Brand new saint Mase in mean velour
I had bling before you ever seen the tour
Fans from Iran and Singapore
And grown men beg me to bring them on tour
Even if it mean they gotta sleep on the floor (Let's Go!!)

Kouga kicked Inu Yasha in the shin.

Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Betha I love this one...endeavor, for real, Bad Boy)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go

Kouga tackled Inu Yasha to the floor. Sesshomaru came in and kicked them apart telling them to get a grip. Miroku came in and dragged Inu Yasha away from Kouga as Hojo did the same for Kouga.

A girl stepped over Kouga and said, "Are you alright?"

Kouga said, "Yeah I am alright," Then looked up at the girl and his eyes flashed.

Ayame smiled down at him and then looked over to Kagome who was now with Sango. "Hey ladies I just put in a request for a song. I think this is it coming up. We don't need guys to dance."

As Mase went off the new song came on and they smiled at each other. Moving into their own group the girls started to move sensually as the song started, they all smiled at the Britney spears song that came on.

People can take anything away from you
But they can never take away your truth
But the question is,
Can you handle mine?

They say I'm crazy
I really don't care
That's my prerogative
They say I'm nasty
But I don't give a damn
Getting boys is how I live

Some ask me questions
Why am I so real?
But they don't understand me
I really don't know the truth
About my sister
Trying hard to make it right
Not long ago before I won this fight

Everybody's talkin' all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live? (tell me why)
I don't need permission
Make my own descisions (oh)
That's my prerogative

Kagome's hands went up into her hair. She pulled out the top of her hair and it all fell down around her shoulders. The spirals framed her face and her black halter top mini dress fit her curves so that she looked like a fallen angel. Sango was on her right with a strapless red dress on making similar movements like Kagome. Ayame was between the two with a pink dress on that was longer but hand a slit up to the thigh showing the slightest hint of a garter belt.

That's my prerogative

(It's my prerogative)

Its the way that I wanna live
(It's my prerogative)

They can't tell me what to do...

Kagome's movements were more exaggerated by the fact that she was still drunk as shit. But the liquor wasn't making her look crazy but more on the wild, seductive side.

Don't get me wrong
I'm really not souped
Ego trips is not my thing
All these strange relationships
It really gets me down
I see nothing wrong
Spreading Myself Around

Everybody's talkin' all this stuff about me

The boys watched in fascination until the song was over. Then Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome and said, "Can I share you with Inu Yasha for a dance?"

Kagome moved over between the two and started to dance.

When the pimp's in the crib ma
Drop it like it's hot
Drop it like it's hot
Drop it like it's hot
When the pigs try to get at ya
Park it like it's hot
Park it like it's hot
Park it like it's hot
And if a nigga get a attitude
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
I got the rolly on my arm and I'm pouring Sean Don
And I roll the best weed cause I got it going on

Kagome was sandwiched between to as they started moving with her to the song.

Uh! I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams
See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams?
Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat
That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat
The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs
The interior like suicide wrist red
I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed
Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead
Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street
Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat
So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit
Trying to ask me shit
When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit
You should think about it, take a second
Matter fact, you should take four B
And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P

She felt herself sinking into the dark abyss of two sexy and her being the lucky girl sandwiched between them. She felt so sexually frustrated and even hornier in the state she was in.

When the pimp's in the crib ma
Drop it like it's hot
Drop it like it's hot
Drop it like it's hot
When the pigs try to get at ya
Park it like it's hot
Park it like it's hot
Park it like it's hot
And if a nigga get a attitude
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
I got the rolly on my arm and I'm pouring Sean Don
And I roll the best weed cause I got it going on

Kagome screamed out in frustration at the predicament she was in. She pushed the two away from her and ran off the dance floor in panic trying to getting away from the group of friends.

"I think we are ODing her on all this stuff."

Ayame turned to Sango and asked, "What does ODing mean?"



Kagome ran to the first bedroom at the top of the stairs and opened the door. There was a couple making out and she slammed that door. She went to next one and this couple was literally `humping like rabbits'. She ran to the next room and opened the door. Seeing no one in it she ran in and fell onto the bed. She tried to gather her nerves.

The door opened to the bedroom and she turned to see Inu Yasha looking at her. "Are you ok? I am still a little dizzy too from all the drinks that we had."

Kagome smiled and said, "Yeah I just feel so tired I don't know what to do with myself."

"Yeah I am tired too."

Kagome moved over on the bed and pat the side next to her, "You can lie down. I don't bite."

Inu Yasha laid down on the bed next to her and said, "I was hoping you would."

Kagome looked at him and felt herself getting sucked into his eyes then slowly she moved her face towards his and they were locked into a kiss. She wrapped her fingers in his hair as he wrapped his arms around her bringing her closer to him.


Author's Note: Yeah, Yeah, I know I really am fucked up for leaving this like that on a serious cliff hanger but I can work on this story for more then two days. So I am posting it and putting the other half of this chapter up. I think it's going to the "LEMON". But hey let me know what you thought about this chapter.

Please Review. I don't think I can write anymore chapters until I get a decent amount of reviews because this is the most I have done in a long time and I need here from my lovely fans.
