InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

"Yaaak, did you hear that Myogua?" Jaken squawked "it's's finally time." Quickly he ran off to his nearby car. "Oh, Lord Inuyasha will be so happy and of course if Lord Inuyasha is happy he will tell Lady Rin, who will be happy and tell her lord mate Sesshoumaru, who will be happy that she is happy and that means...Lord Sesshoumaru will be happy with my services to the family..oh, happy day's!" Jaken dialed Inuyasha's private line number. "I hope it's not too early over there but, with this news he should not be upset at the time."

Ring, Ring, Ring...
"Oh, come on!"

At the residence of the Taiyoukai of the America's

Ring, Ring, Ring...
"All right already...let's see I guess everyone is out, okay I'm coming!" Slowly old Toutousai made his way into the study. "Hello?"
"...Uh, ummm," Jaken looked at the phone 'did I miss dial? "Is this the residence of Taisho Inuyasha?"
"Inuyasha? Inuyasha you say? Oh yes, he lives here. Who is this?"
"This is Jaken, calling from Tokyo. Who is this?"
"Jaken? Jaken? Don't you work for Sesshoumaru? I don't care for him much."
"AAAAK! Toutousai you old fool, is the you?"
"Where is Lord Inuyasha, let me talk him?"
"Sorry not here, he's probably out in the forest having a meeting with everyone...he always has his daily meetings out's to watch the sun come up."
"Is there no servants or anyone I could talk to?"
Toutousai looked around the study"nope, just me."
"Okay fine, look I need you to give a very important message to Lord Inuyasha...can you do that?"
"Oh sure, let's hear it, " Toutousai assured him.
'Good maybe his more with it then I thought' Jaken mused, "you must tell Lord Inuyasha that the girl he has been waiting on is ready for him. Have you got that?"
"Girl?...You know Inuyasha isn't interested in any girls, he is looking for that little miko with the short kimono." Toutousai reminded him.
"That's who I'm talking about." Jaken yelled.
"The miko with the short kimono!"
"Short kimono?"
"For Inuyasha?"
"Alright, I'll let him know." Toutousai promised.
"Wait, when will he be back? I'll call back and talk to him myself."
"Oh, well after his meeting with Rouyokan, Kouga, Shippou, and Miroku then they watch the sun come up and return for breakfast, so call back at breakfast time and you can talk with him...okay now, bye," and with that Toutousai hung up shaking his head "oh, well, now on to my bath."
"But wait" click "when's breakfast?" Jaken asked "oh damn it all, that fool Toutousai, I'll just wait a couple of hours and call back." Jaken returned to Myogua to watch over his second lord's young miko.

Back across the Pacific Ocean in the Canadian wilderness

Time had touched them all, for the older youkai's of the group they had reached full maturity longer hair, some height and a maturing of their faces were all they had gained. Miroku had not changed in almost 500-years as Inuyasha had found away to connect Miroku and Sango's life span to his through a talisment after Kaeda's death. The two humans still had their 25-year-old appearance they had at the time of Inuyasha's gift. Shippou, having been a child around 11-years-old when Kagome was taken from them, had also reached full maturity. he was much shorter then the other's, only around 5' 9" tall, his hair now reached between his shoulders kept in a high pony tale. It was certain he was no longer a child, his body had become that of a fit young man. Inuyasha had changed as well. Long ago he had developed more control of his youkai blood, with Sesshoumaru's training, with that control came his jagged face markings. He sported the markings all the time now, his amber eyes proved the insanity that came with the markings in the past was not an issue anymore. His silver white colored dog ears and hair were still there but, his hair was longer now almost as long as his brothers, that he usually kept in a high pony tale braided. He had reached his full height of 6' at maturity.

"The Chupacabra clan has requested that restitution be made for the recent encroachment by the Thunder Birds. The Thunder Birds insist they did not know the land had been claimed and wish to confirm that the land in question is Chupacabra's and not free reign. If the lands are free reigns they ask that it stay that way or they be allowed to be part of the claim process. The Sasquatch tribe wish to roam unconcealed again in the Rocky Mountain area's if the Chupacabra are going to continue their ritual animal mutilation in the Mexican and Western American region." Flipping the page Rouyokan continued, "the latest report from the Pacific coast says that the oil slick is not as bad as was first thought. The water imps 'thank you for the added assistance' and believe the slick is under control."

Rouyokan and Miroku sat on the ground under a large tree. Miroku was leaning on the tree not completely awake wearing silk pants. Near the tree Kouga laid still in a pair of flannel sleeping pant. Up in the branches of the tree stretched out were Shippou and Inuyasha both decked out in sweats and tank tops. Rouyokan having been awake for some time was dressed for the day in jeans and a tee shirt.

"My lord?"
Inuyasha sighed, "alright, Miroku you check into the land issue. Kouga contact the Chupacabra and see if they are still having their rituals. I'll figure out a deal for Sasquatch. Rouyokan let Shippou know if any other assistance is needed with the oil slick. Everyone get back to me with the information, I'll make my decisions from there. Enough with the meeting, it's time for the day to come, I wish to greet it now."
"Yes my lord," Rouyokan replied.
" turd what's for breakfast?" Kouga asked.
"The usual, little this, little the way, why were you in one of the guest rooms this morning Kouga?"
"Yes Kouga, do you not have a mate and home of your own down the trail?" Miroku baited, having heard Kouga talking to Shippou last night.
"Thought we were pack dog breath, I'm not welcome no more?"
"Ha, ha, of course you mangy wolf were pack but, if I had a mate I would be damned if I'd sleep at your house." Inuyasha said.
"Grrrr, and Ayame had a fight, she kicked me out, happy?"
"No, I don't like mates to fight. Your both lucky to have one another, you should kiss and makeup."
"Well, it's hard to kiss someone's lips when they've been chewing your ass all day long."
"I know, I know....shut up, thought you wanted to 'greet the morning'."

All was quiet at this point, the night noises had retired and the day noises had remained silent as if they knew not to distrub the great lord. As the sun started to peek over the horizon Inuyasha looked behind the tree and for an instant for his eyes only he could see the form of the one he longed to see, her smile greeted him to another day and then she was gone, just like the day that took her from him.

Sigh "Okay, let's go."

With that the day began and the wilderness came alive as the great lord and his confidantes made their way back to the estate that housed them.

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