InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any character associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

I do claim any original characters that appear in this chapter.

A/N: WARNING: this chapter contains grafic portrayal of ritual killing if this is something that you are not comfortable with do not read. The clean version can be read at http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net(slash)s(slash)2276808(slash )1(slash), rated M. The uncensored version is at http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)mediaminer(dot)org(slash)fanfic(slash)view_st( dot)php(slash)85554, rated nc-17. The ritual killings portrayed were based on information from both Chupacabra websites and historical information on ritual killings done by Mayan, Incas and Aztec Empires.
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Wovoka walked through the home of his lord and friend in search of him. The meetings had not gone well, it seemed that they would never come to an agreement with Xipe. Xipe only cared about what he wanted and the true reason by which the meetings were made seemed so lost now.

Wovoka had not known the young spirit who had lost his life at the hands of the Chupacabras. The poor boy had only been an adolescent, he had not even been old enough to gain his powers yet. The young boy's idenity was still unknown and so his family still had not been found. Why had the young Thunder Bird been in the Chihuahuan desert alone that night was still a mystery as well as why no one seemed to miss him. Wovoka hated to think the poor youth had been alone in the world and would have no one to mourn his death or miss him.

Wovoka could not even imagine how terrifing the boy's death had been. Chupacabras were ritual killers their beliefs were that they gained power from those they killed if they drank their blood and ate certain organs from their victim, they thought the most power could be gained if they ate while the victim was still alive. The Chupacabras had an appendage inside their mouths that could cut through even bones with surgical accuracy. Their saliva had a paralyzing property to it. So if a Chupacabra bit you, well you were at the mercy of a creature who had none.

That was the whole reason for these meetings. Xipe as leader of the Northern Chupacabras was suppose to take responsiblity for the crimes committed by his people and make restitution for it. Not that anything was going to make up for the life that had been lost. They probably would not even be able to find out who had committed the crime.

Wovoka knew Inuyasha had not lost sight of the true reason for the meeting but, he had to operate under the guidelines that had been set up when the council was formed. It had seemed like a fair rule when created, any problems could be presented when any executive meeting was in process. It ensured that one did not have to wait for to set up a specific meeting in order to have important issues to be addressed. Any issue could be brought before those attending the meeting and all issues had to be addressed before the meeting could end, that made sure nothing was ever left undone. As the meeting dragged on though and the boy's life was forgotten in favor of fighting over land Wovoka found himself having to rethink his position on that particular rule.
'Inuyasha, my poor brother.' Wovoka thought as he searched. The happiness that Wovoka had seen in his eyes when he first arrived had been slowly leaving. Inuyasha and he had spent the first evening as old friends, Xipe would not arrive till the next day so there had been no fear in acting as they were.

It had been a wonderful evening. After dinner they had sat on the front porch and talked about what had happened recently that had taken Inuyasha back to his home land. Inuyasha had told him how the young maiden that had been transported through time at the end of the quest for the Shikon no Tama and the defeat of Naraku had been found. Of course Wovoka knew the stories of the evil Naraku, Inuyasha had told him all about the journey's they had experienced and the young women named Kagome's loss. Inuyasha's quest for the one he loved was a true testment to his heart and soul's devotion. Wovoka felt honored to be friends with such a man and to get to witness the resolution to such a life quest.

Wovoka had inquired into his friend's plans and Inuyasha had said he was going to return to Japan to date the young women, as was customary for this time period. That way he could reconnect and build on their relationship they had. Inuyasha had expressed his worry that while she seemed to accept the changes he had went through he wanted to make certain she felt comfortable with him as he was today. After an appropriate time he would ask her to be his mate and return to the Americas with her.

That had been over a month ago and the light that had been in the Great Chief's eyes seemed to dim the longer this whole mess dragged out. Wovoka himself missed his mate, he knew Inuyasha was hurting. That hurt and loss of light in his friends eyes was the reason Wovoka was searching for his friend today. Inuyasha had been so stressed out yesterday that he called the meeting to an end early and informed them that today would be a day of rest, no meeting.

Wovoka had not been a witness to the incident that had all the house hold staff in an uproar but, the rumors were every where. It seems the Great Chief had been on the phone with his brother, the all powerful leader of all the spirits. No one was for sure what the conversation had been about since it took place in Inuyasha's private study but, it seems the pleasant conversation had escaladed into a rampage.

The sounds of yelling, cursing and things breaking had been heard through out the house that evening but, no one dared investigate until morning. The damages were so extensive that most of the house hold staff was needed to clear the room. They had started at sun up and they were still working to cleaned up the mess, it would probably take most of the day.

Wovoka had went into the study during his search for his friend and he very much doubted there was much that would be salvaged. It honestly looked like Inuyasha had Kaza no Kizu the place. Upholster furniture had been ripped in pieces. Side tables and his desk were smashed into kindling. The computer, phone and miscellaneous office supplies were in shambles.

The fact Inuyasha seemed so out of control worried Wovoka, while his friend was known to have a bit of a temper he couldn't recall him having that much trouble with it before. Inuyasha had always kept a short leash one might say on his temper so as not to loose himself to the madness. That and with his youkai blood closer to the surface then it had been in his youth thanks to Lord Sesshoumaru's training it was best to stay controled at all times.

Wovoka was sure Inuyasha's temper problem came from the fact he was no longer suffering the effects of the madness he had once had. Wovoka had seen full spirits suffer with the illness but, to his knowledge Inuyasha was the only halfling to have had it. Full spirits would at times have problems with patients after moving past the illness, so Wovoka could understand Inuyasha having problems as well. He was sure most of the issue was due to the fact that he was being separated from the the young women named Kagome. 'He just needs to find his control again.' Wovoka thought as he exited the house.

Heading out back to search the other buildings Wovoka turned the corner to go check out the doujou when he came upon Toutousai.
"Toutousai, how are you? Have you seen Inuyasha?"
Turning to face the Thunder Bird Toutousai cocked his head and looked at him with a vacant stare. "Do I know you?"
"Yes Toutousai, you stayed with my people while this house was being built. With Inuyasha remember?"
"Inuyasha.." Toutousai said tapping his finger to his chin. "Inuyasha..."
Wovoka covered his eyes with his hand, he had forgotten how hard it was to talk to the ancient spirit. "Yes, Inuyasha...our Great Chief."
Toutousai shook his head. "Doesn't ring a bell."
Wovoka shifted his weight to one foot. "You know, guy about so tall.." He said holding his hand out to Inuyasha's height. "Has long silvery white hair." Wovoka tried pulling on his own hair.
"Hmmm..."Toutousai said rolling his head back and forth cracking his neck joints.
"Oh come on..." Wovoka said raising his voice slightly trying again. He put his hands on top of his head, resting the wrists on the top of his head with the fingers together facing up. Wovoka waved his fingers at Toutousai. "You's dog ears on his head."
At the sight of Wovoka making dog ears at him it finally registered with Toutousai. " mean Inuyasha! Hey, I know you..your Wovoka right?"
'Finally, hope no one saw that.' Wovoka thought removing his hands from his head. "Yes, hello Toutousai. Have you seen Inuyasha?"
Shaking his head Toutousai pointed towards the doujou. "He's in the doujou. I warn you now, he isn't happy."
"What is he doing?"
"Trying to keep himself from killing Xipe. Good luck trying to talk to him." Toutousai said walking around Wovoka to leave.

Sighing Wovoka made his way towards the doujou. Inuyasha's doujou was the only building on the estate that was build in the traditions of his home land. It was a small building, only a few hundred feet square. It had the traditional curved tiled roof and covered wooden porch that went all the way around the building.

Coming to the shoji he could hear rather loud music being played. Wovoka removed his shoes, as Inuyasha had taught him was traditionally done, and entered the small building that's only use was to train in. The floors were polished dark hard wood as were the walls. The only decorations were sparring pads, thick wooden punching and kicking forms and weapons. Held high on a stand in a place of honor was the ancient chain sickle that once had belong to Sango's brother Kohaku.

Wovoka had never had the pleasure to meet Kohaku as he chose to live his natural human life span instead of taking Inuyasha's gift of immortality but, like Inuyasha, Wovoka also could understand why the man had refused it. Kohaku had been through so much at the hands of Naraku, who could blame him.

He spotted his friend at the far end. Inuyasha was either to focus on what he was doing or he had chosen to ignore that he had an audience as he stretched out. Inuyasha was dressed in his fire rat hakama, his ever present rosery and the anklets he had been given by Crowfoot so long ago. His feet and chest bare with his hair hanging loose. Inuyasha had stopped wearing the fire rat outfit excusively long ago, only wearing it when he was training or entered into battle. The last time Wovoka had seen Inuyasha wear the outfit had been when he fought Kizan, Xipe's grandfather.

As the music began to turn to the next song Inuyasha stood, facing the west he bowed. After bowing he settled into a right side fighting stance, his right foot in front, toes facing forward and his left foot turned to the side. His body faced to the left side, same as his back foot, his legs were slightly bent equally sharing the weight of his body.

The music began with a strong drum beat that was soon joined by an electric guitar as Inuyasha moved his hands so his right arm did a side block and his left was up to protect his chest. As lyrics came to the music Inuyasha continued fighting his invisible opponent. Twisting the wrist of his right hand as if to grab his foe's arm he had just blocked he stepped forward with his left leg into a left side fighting stance at the same time he had brought up his left hand up to the right side of his face. His hand was open but, his fingers were curled inward at he first knuckle making his hand stiff. Just as his left foot touched down in the fighting stance he used his right hand, that was holding his invisible adversary, to make the motion of pulling towards him while also delievering a back ridge hand to what would have been the invisible fighters temple.

Wovoka continued to watch as Inuyasha went through his moves. Punches, blocks, other hand attacks, kicks of all kinds, flips to dodge his imaginary challengers. Never once did he do a single spirit fighting technique. No, these were all human techniques he had been taught over the centuries.

Watching Inuyasha, Wovoka remembered why so many of his own braves had been jealous of the lord when they had stayed with them. Wovoka's tribe was made up of spirits, human and the halflings, like Inuyasha. Halflings were considered blessings that came from the unions between the two races. When Inuyasha and his group had stayed with them Inuyasha had practiced like this everyday with the monk Zhou-an and had even taught Wovoka's people some moves. Thunder Birds were not weaklings, one must posses some grace and power to pull off flight. Also they did have the power to control the weather and lighting but, even Wovoka had to admit there was no one like Inuyasha. The Great Chief possesed the grace and stealth of a predatory animal. Very few could match him in brute strength and even if one could come close in a battle of strength no one could win against the Great Chief when he put his endurable will into the equation.

By the end of the song Inuyasha had made his way over to what he used as a punching bag. It was the trunk of a wide tree that had been debarked and polish. Inuyasha had used heavy duty log chains to hang the two foot thick trunk from a metal rigging he had sunk through the floor and far into the ground under the building. Taking a boxers stance he began slowly to punch the massive piece of wood. It began to swing on it's chains as he increased the force of his punches. Wovoka could feel when Inuyasha's fist connected with the wood through the floor as the power vibrated through the ground from the metal poles that held the 'punching bag' as Inuyasha called it.

'He's going to shake the whole building down.' Wovoka thought going to the CD player and turning it off.

Inuyasha turned his clawed fingers wiggling out by his sides as he snarled at his visitor. "Wovoka..." Inuyasha quickly reined in his anger. "What do you need?"

Wovoka grabbed a towel and approached handing it to the lord. "Your not going to have a doujou left if you keep this up."
"Keh." Inuyasha replied taking the towel and wiping his face.
"I'm sorry this whole thing is taking so long..I just can't agree to Xipe's request to allow him that much actual land in the United States as Chupacabra territory. I hope you can understand Inuyasha."

Wovoka spoke of the issue's Xipe was demanding be considered. Xipe was asking the the Chihuahuan desert region become Chupacabra controled instead of it being free reign land as it was now. The Chihuahuan region extended from the southeastern part of New Mexico and Arizona to the western part of Texas the southern boundry reached into a vast area of the country of Mexico. If this land become Chupacabra controled intstead of being free reign land it would highly diminish the buffering zone between the Chupacabra and Thunder Bird tribes.

Inuyasha had decided over a hundred years ago that having large buffering zones between the larger tribes of spirits in the Americas was the best way to keep spirits from fighting. If they only met occasionally in area's that all were welcomed to roam through then the chances of feuds breaking out between them were lessen. Only small spirit family groups could actually live in the free reign areas and they had to have Inuyasha's permission to live there.

Wovoka had happily agreed with Inuyasha, it had been a wise decision on the Great Chief's part in Wovoka's mind. Then Kizan had treacherously made an attempt on Inuyaha's life. That had sealed the deal and the decrees had went out without any more talks. Wovoka had not minded, personally he was sick of fighting with the Chupacabras.

Inuyasha walked over to the wall leaned against the wall he slowly slide down it till he was sitting on the floor. His knees bent with his feet planted on the floor, he rested his arns on his knees and allowed his hands to hang limply. Sighing Inuyasha looked up and shook his head. "No..I don't blame you for how long this is taking...Hell, Wovoka I can't agree to what he is asking. How could I ask you to? The reason for this whole meeting has been forgotten!"
"I haven't forgotten and neither have you. The young man who lost his life can rest knowing we shall fight to make those who did this pay."
"To bad this isn't the good ole days, you and the braves could go off and kill a couple dozen Chupacabras and call it a day."
"Yes, then the Chupacabras would retaliate and come to take their revenge on us and we would be back to the blood feuds." Wovoka said shaking his head. "No, my friend I am not the young warrior I once was. I no longer feel the call to fight as I once did. That is for the young ones to feel and even they now no longer feel the need to walk the way of the warrior as we once did. I do not believe you truly wish to return to the ways of the past. I believe you have something else that is really bothering you. What happened last night in your study?"
Inuyasha regarded his old friend thoughtfully then snuffed at him casting his eyes else where. "I'm actually ashamed to admit it. I know I've always had a bit of a temper but, it seems since the madness left I've had more trouble controlling it. I even lost my temper with Kagome and I took it out on Sesshoumaru ." Inuyasha admitted hanging his head.
"What happened?"
"She was talking about being bored and lonely. I know it's my fault she is, I just feel so bad, having to leave her alone. She said something about getting a job...I just lost was like when we hunted the Shikon no Tama. Her school always took her away, I just felt like she was replacing me with another responsibility. Then I called Sesshoumaru and I blamed him for keeping me away from Kagome"
"You know she's probably just wanting something to keep her occupied while your away."
"You don't have to rub in what a bastard I am you know. I already know that I'm a worthless hanyou who doesn't deserve her."
"Worthless hanyou! Inuyasha...look at me!" Wovoka demaned coming in front of Inuyasha and squatting down to face him directly. Inuyasha raised his head to look his old friend in the face.
"Are you telling me you think halflings or hanyous as you call them are worthless? Are you saying my children and some of my grandchildren are worthless because they are a combination and not one or the other? If so then please enlighten me as to which part is unworthy? Am I worthless because I'm a spirit or is my mate because she is human? Is your Kagome worthless?"
"No! Kagome is the best thing that ever came into my life." Inuyasha bit his lower lip realizing his mistake. "I'm sorry, neither is worthless."
Wovoka reached out and placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Do not let the prejudice of others in the past effect your knowledge in your own self worth. You are Inuyasha, Great Chief of the Americas and my friend. Don't let your fears and self doubt cloud your thoughts. This Kagome, she loves you?"
"She said she did."
"Then don't worry about it."
"But, what if she goes and finds someone better? What can I really offer her? It's hard not to worry."
"That's the thing about fears and self doubt. They are harder to fight then any enemy made of flesh and blood. You miss her a great deal?" Wovoka said as he moved to sit beside his friend on the floor. "What is it you miss about her?"
Inuyasha smiled as he thought about Kagome. "Everything...her smile always brightened my day, Kagome brought light into my life. I miss our talks and how at night we would gaze at the stars. I even miss our stupid fights. She taught me to trust and what friends were. She showed me forgiveness, acceptance and what love really was. She is the one that my heart and soul confided in." Inuyasha looked down and blushed embarrassed at his run away mouth.
"She has been much to you then." Wovoka stated.
"Yes, she has and I know that I love her but, even more than that she is my best friend." Inuyasha continued to hid behind his bangs. "I miss..I miss my friend.."

Xipe checked himself in the mirror once again. He was under concealment as Inuyasha had insisted on. Inuyasha had stated that the Chupacabra in his true form scared his house hold staff, so while at his home he would have to stay in concealment. Xipe smirked, he knew it was also due to the fact that his kind put off a smell. 'The smell of death. The poor dog can't stand it.' Xipe finished smoothing out his white silk shirt. It was warm out but, one could not skip on fashion. He had simply rolled the long sleeves of the silk shirt up to his elbows and left several of the top bottons undone, a thick gold chain showed from under his shirt, which he left untucked. He wore tight grey dress pants and brown leather loafers. Under his concealment he appeared as a very handsome human man of Mexican descend. He had light brown eyes and shoulder length dark black hair, the top and sides all feathered back where it ended in what was called a duck tail at his shoulders. He had no problems finding women willing to warm his bed with this concealment. 'To bad for them it's like playing with the grim reaper.' He amusingly thought as he headed out of his room to see if he could find out what had happened last night.

Xipe smiled at the sight before him. The house hold staff noticed the concealed Chupacabra Lord and quickly shut the door to Inuyasha's private study. Xipe turned walking towards the front door to go out into the grounds. Xipe knew his grandfather would have been proud of how he had began to drive the halfling to throw tantrums like a child. 'He will begin to make mistakes soon. I will continue to watch until the time is right and when the time comes he will pay for what he has done to us.' Xipe promised himself.

Xipe had to admit using his grandfather's plan and building on it so as not to repeat the mistakes Kizan had made was a stroke of genius on his part. Kizan had tried to lure the lord into a false sense of security and when he thought Inuyasha's guard was down he had went to strike, only to be cut down with one swipe from the infamous Tetsusaiga. Xipe would learn from his grandfather's mistake, he would instead drive Inuyasha to the edge and wait till he could find a sign of weakness then he would use it to his advantage.

Xipe was glad his grandfather had meet his end instead of having to live through the changes Inuyasha had forced on them. Xipe had only been a young child when his grandfather died but, he had always been enchanted with the tale his grandfather told. The ancient Chupacabra Lord would regale Xipe with their kinds history of being god creatures in the eyes of the native humans. The Mayans, Incas and Aztec Empires would sacrific their captives from battle and even at times their own children to the Chupacabras. Sometimes they would kill the sacrifics in a crude imitation of a Chupacabra killing. The humans would take a dagger and cut the sacrifices chest open, removing their heart while it was still beating. They would leave their organs and blood in containers for them. Other times the natives would leave the captives tied to the sacrifical stones outside the temples for the Chupacabras to kill for themselves.

Xipe sighed, of course that had been long ago and with Kizan's defeat those days would be no more. Their once enormous hunting and prowling grounds reduced to only parts of Mexico and South America. The Chupacabras were no longer allowed to kill any other with spirit or human blood, the only killings they were allowed to do in their true forms were animals.

The only way their kind had found to get away with killing any other being was by doing so in their human disquises. Many of their kind had taken up their human concealments not because they wanted to fit in but, so they could appear as humans so they could kill and the Taiyoukai of the Americas would not be alerted to their activities. They could only get away with killing humans this way but, they were unable to get away with killing another with spirit blood. To do so would have aroused the dog's suspicion and then the sham would have been up.

With their human looks the Chupacabras became at first bandits and then later on they worked for cartels. Xipe himself had worked for one of the South American cartels just so he could kill. The kills were nothing though, actually it was quite degrading. Having to be under the comands of an imbecile human who believed themselves the most powerful of beings. The fools had no idea what laid beyond the shroud of night. Only being able to kill who the humans told you too and then having to kill as a human, using human weapons instead of using his spirit strength and powers, those kills had never been satisfying. It just couldn't compare to the thrill of stalking your victim, under the cover of the night, until they made a mistake and cornered themselves. Exposing what you really were and then watching the emotions play out on their face, the smell of absolute terror when the vicitim realized there was no way to escape from their fate. Then as they laid helplessly paralysised by a simple bite the feeling of power one got as they drained the life from the victim.

Xipe shook his head. 'There just is no thrill in a killing as a human, not like the ritual killings of old that Kizan spoke of.' Xipe thought with a smile remembering his recent thrill. 'My first real kill, grandfather would have been proud.' Xipe sighed as he thought of the pleasure he found in living out one of his childhood fantasies.

The young Thunder Bird he cornered in the desert really didn't stand a chance. Looking back Xipe knew he had probably had a terribly unfair advantage to target one so young who did not even have his real powers yet. Being it was his first spirit kill in the old ways Xipe thought it best to start small. Had he targeted an older spirit he might have ran the chance of not making the kill and then his victim would have escaped and alerted the lord as to what was going on. 'They would have been able to identify me then and all my plans would have been shot. No it was better to target the young one, I will be able to work my way up this way.'

Xipe didn't take the time to ask the young one his name, a fact he wished he had. 'It would have made the kill sweeter.' He decided as he continued to walk around the estate grounds in hopes of finding something he could use to his advantage against Inuyasha. Inuaysha, that human loving dog halfling, had trampled on the Chupacabras way of life and only his death would bring back their kinds pervious days of glory. The ritural killings were something his kind had been without for far to long and he would be herald as the visionary who returned them to the ways of old.

Xipe was glad Inuyasha had decided to call for a day of rest. The meetings were getting hard on Xipe, he could hardly keep in check his exitement when the lord and Wovoka woud try to talk about the young Thunder Bird who he had killed. They spoke of his death as it was a travesty but, to Xipe it was exhilarating.

Xipe thought back to that evening in the desert, he had left himself concealed so not to draw attention to himself. The concealment not only hid his true form but, also his smell. When he had been sure the young one was completely alone he had herded him over towards a rocky outcrop so he would be cornered. Herding the boy had been a thrill. Xipe was careful not to expose himself, hiding under the cover of darkness until the time was right and the boy had made the mistake of heading toward the rocks Xipe had so eagerly wanted him to go to. When the boy was cornered Xipe had stepped out of the shadows.

Showing the boy his human concealment first he quickly dropped it to stand in all his glory of his true form. Xipe was proud of his true Chupacabra form, he was a true god creature of old. He was a bipedal creature, standing just over five feet tall. His eyes were bright blood red, the color of life blood when it spilled from an artery and they glowed in the night. His skin was light grey color, the color a victims skin took on when the ritual act was finished. Xipe sported long quill like spikes along his spine. His claws and fangs were sharper then a surgeons scaple and inside his mouth he housed true terror, his feeding appendage. It was a long tube, as strong as his claws or fangs, that he could cut even through his victims bones to get to their organs.

The young one's surprised horror when Xipe conrnered him and revealed his true form to him was a feast for the senses in it's self. The look and smell of the boy's fear having never seen one of Xipe's kind in true form before spurred him on. Of course Xipe's promise to let the boy watch as he bathed in his life blood had helped to provoke that fear as well.

Then the boy tried revealing his true form so as to escape by flight. Xipe had allowed him to change to let him think he stood a chance then he made his move.
Jumping on the Thunder Bird's back he sunk his claws into him, ripping into the flesh around his wings making flight impossible and knocking the young spirit to the ground. Once he had him down Xipe had bit into his neck, injecting his paralysising saliva into the boy.

As the saliva took effect and the boy's struggles decreased Xipe jumped off and flipped him on to his back. The young one had hoped to spare himself the fate of watching by squeezing his eyes shut in fear before the paralysising completely took over but, Xipe would not allow it. Reaching down as the salvia's total effects took over Xipe held the boys eyes open till he no longer had the ability to close them. No Xipe would not be denied his satisfaction of looking into the boy's eyes when he forced his feeding appendage through his chest cavity so to eat his still beating heart.

When it was clear the boy could not get away that was just what Xipe did. His appendage had cut through the boys rib cage leaving a completely round hole straight to his beating heart. Slowly Xipe cut into the Thunder Birds heart drinking the blood that the organ was trying to pump to the boy's body. Effectively drained his blood and right before the boy died from blood loss Xipe ripped out his heart with his feeding appendage and ate it for his vicitims lifeless eyes to see. After that he had went on to feast on other organs that would grant him power, like the boy's eyes and tongue.

Turning back to look at the estate house Xipe promised himself. "Soon Lord Inuyasha I will rejoice in your fear also. I only need to find your weakness."

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youkai: demon/spirit/ghost/magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
taiyoukai: demon lord
inu: dog
Xipe: 'the flayed' worshipped in ancient Mexico. Usually depected wearing a flayed human skin as a cloak. Fron the Nahua religion, Mexican Mythology.
Kizin: Mayan evil god of earthquackes, lives in purgetory. Name means 'stinking one' .
Wovoka: Paiute mystic lived 1856-1932. Took the white man name of Jack Wilson, responsible for teaching the Ghost Dance to other Native Americans. Was considered a great leader by his people.
doujou: dojo/hall used for martial arts training.
Kaza no Kizu: cutting wind
Zhou-an: chinese, Zhou means to help or assist. An means peace.
Shikon no Tama: jewel of 4 souls.

websites of interest:
http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)historycentralusa(dot)com(slash) Amhist1adocuments(dot)htm
http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)mysticaluniverse (dot)com(slash)mystical_creatures(slash)chupacabra(dot)html
http(colon) (dblslash)www(dot)kobukaijujitsu(dot)com(slash)sensei4(dot)html
http(co lon)(dblslash)www(dot)desertusa(dot)com(slash)glossary(dot)html