InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall, or 99 sits for inu-yasha ❯ 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall, or 99 sits for inu ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
99 Bottles of Beer on the wall, or 99 sits for inu-yasha

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story.

Spamfic for laughs. Breaking the fourth wall . . . something humorous while working on a serious fic . . . not to be taken seriously.

Inu-yasha and Kagome are fighting. (What is new under the sun, right? What was it about? School, kikyo, or something new, does it matter?)

Kagome stops in the middle of fighting Inu-yasha and turns to look at Sango. "Sango"

"Huh" Sango was surprised at the change of subject, Kagome and inu-yasha were really into fighting and Sango thought Kagome had forgot that there was an audience.

"Yes, you Sango. The last time I was home . . . " she glares at inu-yasha. "Anyway, my Grandfather came home drunk singing a new song. Do you want to hear it?"

"Yes, Kagome." "Please, Lady Kagome, hearing something new might be enjoyable." "Yeah, Kagome I want to hear it!" "Feh"

"Well, the song went like this
99 bottles of beer on the wall,

99 bottles of beer,

Take one down, pass it around,

98 bottles of beer on the wall" Kagome sings out in her nice voice.

"It's a Good drinking song, Kagome, but."

"But, I was thinking about changing the lyrics. So Sango, Miroku how does this sound . . .

99 Sits*thump* for inu-yasha sitting in the tree.

99 Sits * thump* for inu-yasha

Takes you down, laying you around
98 sits *thump* for inu-yasha sitting in the tree."

"Does that sound good?" Kagome politely asks the group.

"You fucking bitch! I ..."

"98 sits*thump* for inu-yasha"

"Why doesn't everybody join in?" Kagome politely asks the group and after a moment, turns and looks at you, the reader, "and I do mean everyone." Smile!

"Count down with me and freely adapt the lyrics . . . " She says as she starts again . . .

To the reader

If anybody has different lyrics, please mention them. I will update the story and include any additional lyrics and credit the creator.

At the end of the song . . .

Kagome is standing next to the inu-yasha shaped crater. Inu-yasha is the red pancake at the bottom of the crater. "Inu-yasha, sighs, I am sorry for the song. It's just . . . sometimes, you really get me upset and well . . . It feels good to say that. I am sorry. It is wrong for me to feel good about hurting you or anybody."

"Feehh." Inu-yasha slows gets up and leaves of the crater.

"Please Inu-yasha. Talk to me. Sometimes I'm afraid this is the only thing we'll do together. Fight, I mean. I just wish, You and I could talk, and share things." She looks through her eyelashes, "even feelings."


"Inu-yasha, please . . . why are you always shutting me out." Kagome's says with a hitch in her voice.


"Fine . . . be that way." Kagome twirls around and walks to the rest of the party. Under her breath, she whispers, "I do not how many more times, I can make that offer. Sooner or later, I am not going to give him any more chances to talk to me . . . "

Inu-yasha thinks, 'Until the jewel is fixed, until Kikyo is taken care of. Until Naraku is dead. Until all those things are done. I cannot allow you to get close to me Kagome. I wouldn't break your heart, in case I die while doing those tasks . . . '

the end . . .

Something funny and something serious.

Hopefully, you the reader, got a giggle out of the song.

Thank you for reading.
Jeff shelton