InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Captain's Prize ❯ A little bit closer. ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any other characters in the story.
Chapter 16
They rested their horses in a shady under grove of trees. Inuyasha thought they were making good time so he unsaddled the horses cooling them down even more with less weight than need be. Glancing over the side of the horse, he could see Kagome and Sango in deep discussion, their voices just out of his hearing range. Inuyasha did not care about what they were discussing he was more interested ripping of her outfit and loving her roughly.
The girls sat on a dead log welcoming the shade. Kagome fiddled her hands together nervously. “What is troubling you Kagome?” her friend questioned, her voice filled with concern. “ I'm just nervous about the fight with Naraku. I fear for all of us, he is such a vile creature.” She said with disgust. Sango looked at her and understood her fear, although she did not hear the full story on how Inuyasha and her met. “ It will be ok Kagome, I have seen the captain fight, and I assure you he is very good.” Sango said reassuringly. Kagome could not help but chuckle thinking back to her fight with him on his ship. “So tell me the full story on how you two met?” Sango bravely asked. Kagome nodded her head yes and began to tell the story.
Mukotsu sent out to find two scouts off the ship. If he knew Inuyasha, he would not think that Naraku was awaiting him, and enter the town with no worries. The great vessel docked vertically north, and would be easier to board, incase of a sudden retreat. The grumbling man kept waking the long pier, he could see men sitting on small wooden seats, with tight knotted ropes, luring the men down, to clean any unwanted passengers. The men stripped away carefully not to damage the wood. He finally made it to his destination, only to look up to see a wooden hanging ladder. Frustrated the man yelled up. Satisfied by his response, most of the crew looked down, to see who the annoying intruder was, they were antsy and was hoping it to be a fellow traveler begging for a ride, just so they could steal any personal possessions, and then have the pleasures of killing him. “What do you want Mukotsu?” A voice yelled out by one of the other pirates. “Naraku has sent me to find two scouts, any volunteers or all of you worthless.” He snapped, suddenly startled by a hand on his shoulder. “We will do it, mate.” Mukotsu knew the voice and a wide grin spread on his face. He turned around only two see Musou and Bankotsu smiling back at him. Mukotsu was pleased. “Come let's return.” He said with eagerness.
Miroku walked behind the girls, grabbing Sango's arm and pulling her away from Kagome. Sango left dumbfounded. “ Miroku! What the hell are you doing, stop it your hurting my arm!” She said full of anger, and confusion. He stopped loosening his grip on her arm. “I'm so sorry Sango, I just see you in that dress, and I get jealous of any man looking at you.” He said softly, lowering his head down in shame. “ Please forgive me Sango.” She rushed up to him, wrapping her arms around him. “I'm sorry Miroku, I… we just wanted to be cooler, these dresses are unbearable in this heat.” She said reassuringly. He embraced his lips on too hers, and began kissing her passionately.
Kagome was about to get up and go after her friend, until she found a pair off clawed hands around her waist. “And where do you think your going?” he said seductively in her ear. She froze, she could feel her inner desire escaping, wanting to be freed, by the man she loved. He turned her around to face him. Seeing lust filled eyes, he lifted her up and ran deeper into the woods. He dropped her down roughly, she regained her balance seeing him come at her with a predatory stride, and excitement filled her as she slowly backed into a tree. He smiled since she had no wear to run. In a blink of an eye he was against her his body pressed into her, a small gasp escaped her lips feeling him harden next to her. Talking her hands, he held them over her head, releasing on of his arms carefully regaining total control with his other arm. Slowly his claws ran down her arm, following the trail to her breasts. Taking in her beauty he was distracted when he watched his mate's breast moving up and down with every breath she took. His lips attacked her, while his hand made its way down to her legs. He hoisted up her leg and wrapped it around his waist. Growling for her to hold it their. Raking his claws up her leg, he could feel her body shiver with need. Loosing his hand in the vastness of her dress, he soon found what was calling to him, beckoning him to release her, make her scream. Ramming his finger into her soft folds, he teased her. Watching her face flush with desire, need. She tried desperately holding her stance, using the tree as a backup, was not enough. He kissed her neck raking his tongue over her mark. Frustrated that she could not touch him she moaned louder. He had enough of the undergarment teasing with her breasts; he carefully put the cloth into his mouth and dragged it down low enough so he could rescue her breasts with his mouth. The sudden friction caused her to release very strong orgasmic serge radiating off her. The scream of his name sent him over the edge he could not no longer tease his prey, freeing her hands she collapsed around his neck. He purred in her ear releasing his arousal. Carefully he hoisted her up with both of her legs wrapped around his waist. Once again, he had her braced against the solid tree. He rammed himself into her as she cried aloud in excitable pleasure. He could feel his release soon as he fiercely pounded into her tightness. With a final thrust, he howled out in completeness of his rapture.
After she straightened back up, lost up in the act of lust and love she tried walking back to camp with a laughing Inuyasha behind her. “You know my little vixen, this is all your fault.” He said with a sarcastic smirk. She stopped, turning around in rage. “ My fault! How is this my fault?” She said with an undertone. “Well let's see here.” He said while approaching her. He grabbed her dress, and smiled. “First off your cleavage is very tempting, while the fine definition of your legs, is not helping matters.” He chuckled seeing her cheeks turning crimson. “Inuyasha I will have you…” She started, when suddenly caught off guard by a searing kiss.
Sango and Kagome were both silent continuing their journey. Kagome could see the sun fading behind the trees. She was relieved that soon they would be setting camp for the night. She was very sore and desperately needed a bath. A whistle had taken her out of her trance, noticing that her mate sent his horse into a full gallop. She whipped at the reins and followed quickly behind them.
Hearing a bell dinging in the distance, he slowly got out of bed; once again, he tried to regain his sea legs. He smiled that he did not feel so queasy anymore, so he walked out of his cabin to see what was going on, on deck. A wolf demon approached him. “Come on lad, it is dinner time were all going to the ships galley.” The demon said grabbing Hojo's arm dragging him beside him.
Koga was not ready to go down and eat. He could never eat when going into a battle. He watched the boy and another mate walk downstairs. He chuckled on the way the crew would sense his fear, and most likely will just pick on him. He felt calm that no harm would come to the boy. Sighing he thought about his friends. “They would most likely be making camp in a while.” He tightened his grip on the helm; in frustration that he prayed, he would be able to protect his friends.
Two men took to the trees to camp for the night, near the dirt road; they masked their scents in dirt and mud. Musou stayed behind to be the messenger, since he was the fastest runner in the group. He leaned against the tree waiting for any type of signal.