InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dark Past ❯ Psychiatrists and Twenty Questions ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I'm bored, tired, and hungry. . . just to top it off, I also don't own Inuyasha. . .
A/N: Thanks for your support, you don't know how much it means, do you? Anyway, please keep it up! ^_^
Great, now I just know I'm going to be kicking myself when all the revelations are, uh, revealed... I have to say though, I'm not a big fan of Inuyasha arguing with himself in his head, just because everyone does it. There has to be a more interesting way to go about the same thing.(I dunno, maybe have him dream the arguments or something, it's not like he's been an insomniac in this story) And yay, more Sango! I think those sessions are my second favourite thing in the story. Maybe because she reminds me of my high school guidance counsellor, which makes it easier to feel Inuyasha's annoyance and write chapter reviews. And I was finally right with a prediction, (I was due!) which is nice. About his mother though... still, you'd think if she was doting she would have visited at least a couple of times (I believe it's mentioned that Inuyasha's had no vistors since being commited) or written to him. Or that she would've stopped the calender that she probably knew Inuyasha wouldn't have been thrilled about, since it was done without him knowing about it (unless she's just spineless or something). Doting parents don't allow things to happen that will make their committed child even more angry/depressed than he already is. That's why I thought she was out of the picture somehow (in a coma, unable to travel, divorced and living on the other side of the world, something like that) not necessarily dead, but just not able to do anything. And it's looking like Inuyasha screwed one of his friends over. I'll be very disappointed if guilt is what's put him there, mainly because it's one of the few things I don't think I guessed. I liked the stuff with the kid though. Usually I don't like the sappy stuf, but here it worked because it shows that Inuyasha can be nice to other people than Kagome. He's only a bastard to people who deserve it (Sango, Miroku, and Kaede), which makes it okay. Frankly I had my doubts. And when will Kaede make a reappearance? I want to see her get knocked down a peg. Or nine.
Heh, I have some good ideas for “dreaming the arguments.” Yes, there shall be more Sango… wait, if she's your second favorite thing, than what's your first? Of course, if she was doting she would have come, stopped the calendar, etc.… but, for all you know something could have happened to her (like you mentioned with commas and such)… I'm not going to tell (besides to mention that she is still there)… Hm, don't worry, he's not there out of guilt… I would be disappointed as well if that were the reason. ^_^ I enjoyed writing that part… it does show that he isn't always a bastard… Mwahaha (No idea why I did that), Kaede shall have a reappearance somewhere in the near future. (Yes, it would be nice to have her knocked off her stool that's the size of Mt. Everest—and it just might happen.)
InuYasha: 19
Kagome: 18
Kouga: 19
Naraku: 19
Miroku: 19
Sango: 18
Keade: 65
A Dark Past
Chapter Seventeen: Psychiatrists and Twenty Questions
`I don't feel for MenouMaru. . . not after what he did to me.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There was a `click' as Kagome ran her card through the scanner, and Inuyasha pulled the door open for her.
She didn't even look surprised as she smiled at him. “Ready to go to Sango's?”
Inuyasha grunted. “Keh.”
Kagome rolled her eyes but smiled. “I take that as a `yes'?”
When the hanyou didn't respond, but folded his arms across his chest, Kagome grabbed his sleeve and pulled him after her as she closed the door to his room, bustled through the hall, went through half the building, and stopped in front of Sango's office - and, surprisingly, Inuyasha didn't whine.
“I'll come and get you later,” the nurse said as she gently tried to shove him through the door. He complied and went into the room, although he could have easily fended her off.
He had no more than took one step into the room when Kagome left and Sango hovered over him. “So, are you ready for another break-through?”
`Break-through? Keh.'
When Inuyasha didn't answer, she ushered him to a chair, grabbed a notebook and pen, and seated her self in her own chair.
“What's with the book?”
Sango didn't miss a beat as she continued scrawling. “I've decided to take notes on everything that happens in here with you so that I can look back sometime if I'm ever in a rut as to what's wrong with you and be able to figure it out. Mr. Dai suggested it.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. `Of course, she could never think of something so logical.'
“Okay, so what are you going to try to do today?”
Sango actually looked proud of herself. “Nothing.”
“ `Nothing'?” Inuyasha echoed.
“That's right. From now on, you talk and I take notes. I listen to you.”
“I. . . talk? You. . . take notes?”
Sango nodded. “That's right.”
`I suppose it wouldn't. . . hurt to tell her some unimportant things.'
Inuyasha shrugged, trying his best to look nonchalant. “Well, when I was younger, hanyous were shunned. I had to work my very best to change everyone's mind about me being a `dirty half-breed.' It took awhile, though. I had to make my first movie when I was about seven. After the premiere, people started to change their first impression of me.”
“Oh,” was all Sango could manage. She blinked at him before realizing that she hadn't been keeping up with her notes. With a jump, her hand started making little jerking movements as her hand flew over the pages, writing what her client had just said. “Anything else?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “I didn't have any real friends until I turned five or six.” Sango wrote that down as Inuyasha continued. “My first friend was. . . was a girl.”
Sango, hand flying from side to side of the paper, seemed to just realize what the hanyou had said and her hand abruptly came to a halt. “A. . . female. . . friend?”
“Yeah. . . K- Ki- - -” he swallowed before forcing out the name. “Kikyou. Her name was Kikyou.”
“O- oh,” Sango managed. Her face held utter shock and her hand slowly starting writing, though her eyes were on Inuyasha's face and she wasn't looking at what she was writing.
“Yeah. . . My next friend was MenouMaru.”
“The painter?” Sango cut in, her gaze back on her notebook.
“And author.”
“Of poems. . .”
Inuyasha relaxed against the chair. `I need to tell someone about what happened. It's like a huge rock that won't go away and I have to carry it. . . But I won't tell Sango. . . I'll tell her about some trivial things, but I won't tell her about. . . what happened.'
“I have an older brother. We don't really get along too well. . . He has a girlfriend.”
“Is that the problem?”
Inuyasha knew the answer to that. Seeing his brother and Rin together. . . It hurt. It made him realize what he was missing. . . That was probably part of why he agreed to date Kikyou in the first place. . . Just to feel like he had a certain someone. . . Despite the fact that Kikyou had never been like that to him in his eyes.
“No,” he lied. “I didn't care. I had two friends.”
“Were you close?”
“I was with Kikyou. . . MenouMaru was somewhat a bastard after a few years. . .”
“Any reasons as to why?”
“I. . . upset him a few times. . . But I think the worst thing I did to him happened only a little while ago.”
“What did you do, Inuyasha?”
“That's none of your concern,” Inuyasha snapped.
“Uh. . . okay. . . Anything else you want to say?”
At the moment, Inuyasha would have liked to rip out a certain psychiatrist's vocal cords out. “Why not? I only have six friends.” He seemed to sense that Sango's next question was going to be what their names were, so he took it one step ahead. “Kikyou, MenouMaru, Kouga. . .sometimes, Naraku. . . sort of, Miroku, and Ship- - - Screw it, I have five friends.”
“Okay, five then.” Sango murmured.
“Are we done yet?”
“Can you believe it's only been about twenty minutes?”
“No, actually.”
Sango wrinkled her nose. “Not very optimistic. . .”
“MenouMaru told me that.”
“How old is he?”
“Twenty-two, -three? I'm not really sure.”
“Okay, then. We'll work around this. Tell me about Kikyou.”
“She's a female. . . and she's my friend. That's all there is to it.”
“Just your friend?”
“Okay then, she was my dearest friend.”
Slowly, his words went through her and she looked up from the notebook. “ `Was'?”
Inuyasha shrugged, trying to keep only nonchalance in his tone. “We grew apart.” He swallowed and winced at the abnormal tone that did its best to hide in his voice.
“Don't see how that's any of your business.”
Sango sighed before putting her pen down for a second to rub her tired wrist. Inuyasha's past was a bit complicated. . .
Sango tried to smile as she rolled her neck slightly as she dropped her pen and notebook on her desk. Truthfully, the first half of the session had been better. After awhile, all she got from Inuyasha was “I don't see how it's your business,” or “It's none of your concern.” It was very tiring. But, nonetheless, this had been, by far, the best session yet.
“Okay, Inuyasha, I'm going to have a two minute overview: You're really starting to open up. I'm glad about that. You've apparently had a lot happen to you. . .”
Inuyasha easily tuned her out as she continued to ramble on.
She had just finished and was catching her breath when there was a knock at the door. Inuyasha's ears perked as he heard Kagome mutter, “Sango-sama? I think it's time for Inuyasha to come back, now.”
Sango smiled at the hanyou before standing and stretching. “Okay, Inuyasha. I'll see you tomorrow. You're free to go.”
Inuyasha was about to snap back a reply when he heard the doorknob grind as it was turned. His mouth froze, half-open, and he flew to the door, grabbing the doorknob and yanking the door open.
“Wench. . .”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Oh, please, Inuyasha.”
“Please, what, wench?”
Kagome growled at him. “Are you ready to go to your room?”
“Of course, wench.”
Kagome puffed out her cheeks as she whirled around. “Then come on.”
“Keh! Impatient wench.”
“Okay, Inuyasha. I just dropped Ellen off at her next session, so I have a bit of free time. . . Which means. . . I get to ask you some questions.”
“Keh. Like hell.”
Kagome rolled her eyes as she plopped down onto the foot of the bed, leaning against the wall. Inuyasha followed her example and crawled to the head of the bed. His back resting against were the headboard would be - had there been one - but, instead, met the wall.
Kagome took a deep breath before observing Inuyasha from the corner of her eyes. “Can we play twenty questions?”
“Keh. . .”
A smile blossomed on her face as she started. “So. . .who was your first friend?”
“Kikyou. . . why are you so interested in knowing what happened to me?”
Kagome shrugged. “I just don't think you deserve to be hurting so badly, like you are. Besides, I thought your first friend was MenouMaru.” Her response from the hanyou was a `keh!' “Okay. . . Tell me. . . How did you meet Kikyou?”
Inuyasha sighed. “I was only five. . . almost six. She had just moved in. . . I was outside, running around trying to train. My father had just told me about how he used to fight youkai off quite a few decades ago. I thought that if I trained. . . If I became strong. . . than I wouldn't be `dirty.' But I had tried to jump into a high-branched tree. . . As you could guess, I didn't make it. My leg was bloodied up pretty badly after a good deal of my weight landed on it. I. . . sat there awhile, sniffling, telling myself youkai don't cry, that I was being weak, when I first heard her. I suppose I was so wrapped up in trying to act strong that I hadn't smelled her coming. . . She asked what was wrong and I told her. . . I fell. . . I was weak. I was afraid she would laugh at me. . . scorn me about being `dirty.' But, instead, she smiled and told me her mother had a really good first-aid kit that was being badly abused. . . Funny how I remember her trying to cheer me up. . . to make me laugh. . . It worked.
“I went to her house. Her mother was nice enough. She always smiled. I got cleaned up and ever since then, I've been her friend. . . I've protected her from a lot of things. She was the first person I've ever considered a friend, even though I knew MenouMaru a little longer, I never really considered him a `friend' like I did Kikyou.”
Kagome swallowed. Inuyasha had it rough when he was little. . . and maybe he still did. `She seems important to him.'
“So. . . do you have any other siblings besides your brother?”
Kagome shook he head. “Nah, only the brat. I have two questions. . . I don't know which one to pick,” she whined. She wrinkled her nose before asking, “Just how old is our father?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “I'm not exactly sure. . . I think he was born in the early sixteenth century. . . I think, but for all I know, he could've been born in the thirteenth century.”
“Wow,” Kagome mouthed.
“My turn; Do you have parents? Mother, Father?”
“I live with my brother, mother, and grandfather. . . My father died. Now, what do you mean when you say `dirty'?”
“Didn't I already tell you? Hanyou's were considered `dirty' when I was a pup. I was frowned upon and had to prove my worth.”
“You sure did that. . .” Kagome frowned as she remembered the girls that had fawned all over him at the fast-food restaurant.
“Keh. So, wench. . . Did you have any boyfriends before you came here?”
Kagome shook her head, slowly. “No, I- - -” she cut herself off as she cast him a curious glance, but continued. “No, I didn't. Unless you count Hojo. And why do you care?”
Inuyasha shrugged, trying his best to keep the cursed flames from nestling on his face. “No reason; I told you something personal, now you have to return the favor.”
Kagome thought a second. “Sounds fair. Okay, now- - -”
“Ah, ah, ah, wench. You already got your question.”
Kagome pouted but let him continue.
“So, wench. Who's Homo?”
Kagome bit her lip to keep from breaking out into a fit of giggles. “Inuyasha. . . That's not nice whatsoever. But, he's a friend from High School who tried to get me to date him. Happy?”
“Yeah, did you have any- - -?”
“Inuyasha! It's my turn!”
Inuyasha shook his head as he sent her a smirk. “No, it's not, you distinctly asked: `Happy?'. So, it's my turn.”
Kagome's jaw dropped as she pinned Inuyasha with a stare. “No fair!”
“Rules are rules. So, did you have any friends at school?”
Kagome's smile was genuine. “Lots of them. But I only had a few close ones.”
Inuyasha nodded and Kagome continued. “So, Inuyasha, who were your friends? You said you had six. . .”
Inuyasha wrinkled his nose. “I changed my mind. . . I didn't have that many.”
“Names?” Kagome gently prodded.
“Naraku, Kouga, MenouMaru, Miroku, and Kikyo.”
“What about the sixth- - -?”
“One question, wench,” Inuyasha grumbled.
“Okay, okay, we'll do it your way.”
“Thank-you. Now, what type of movies do you like?”
“What?” Kagome giggled.
“You heard me,” Inuyasha remarked, smile in place.
“. . . Everything.”
“Really, now?”
“Even horror- - -?”
“Ah, ah, ah, dog-boy. One question.”
Inuyasha growled but complied.
“Now, what about your sixth friend?”
“Shippo? Hell, no. He's just a runt that I know. . . An orphan.”
Inuyasha gave a look but said, “I should tell you only one question, but I'm feeling nice today, I'll count this as your next one. . . I found him living out in the woods. He said he's an orphan. . . I guess he's no older than your brother. He begged me not to tell anyone that he's back there, and in return, he'd owe me one huge ass-wipe of a favor.”
Kagome nodded. “Okay. . . So you don't think of you two as friends?”
“Nope. . . now, how many friends do you have?”
“I told you.”
“You said `a lot.' That's not very helpful.”
“I don't know. . . twenty? Thirty? Forty?”
“You had that many. . .?”
“Yeah. An that's your next question, so I get to go.”
Inuyasha opened his mouth to protest, but Kagome cut in, “What goes around comes around.”
Inuyasha snorted.
“It's your last question, anyway.”
“You've been keeping track?” Inuyasha shot her a look.
“You haven't?”
“Then that was your last question.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome whined.
Said hanyou sighed. “Fine.”
Kagome thought before saying, “You know what? You can go first, I'll think of my next question as I answer yours.”
“Fine. . . Do you think you're my friend?”
Kagome beamed at him. “Of course!”
Inuyasha hid his blush well. “K- keh.”
“So. . . tell me. . . what did you do to make your friend, MenouMaru, so angry at you?”
“C'mon, Inuyasha. Don't tell he just had anger-management problems, I know that's not true.”
Inuyasha gave her a suspicious look before answering very slowly, almost as if he were measuring each word. “There was a girl. . . Monique. I. . . I told her something about MenouMaru that wasn't all too. . . flattering, and she went home, back to America. She was an exchange student and she was going to move here to become his mate. . . but he never heard from her again.”
Kagome whistled low. “Yeah, I don't think I'd be too happy with you, either, if you did that to me.”
There was a pause before Kagome stood up saying, “It's time for me to pick up Ellen. . . See you later.”
He watched as she stood up. He snorted before he opened the door when she unlocked it. She gave him a smile and left.
Inuyasha sighed as he let the door close. `She hates me. . . she thinks I'm a monster. . . MenouMaru, are you happy you fucked up my life?'
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Hi! I don't have much to say besides that I hate my computer now, since it broke on me. Well, review and I'll post more as soon as I can—which should be in the next few days! :)
Ja ne!