InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Demon Reborn ❯ I Want To Kill Those Hands, Those Bloody Hands ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello this is Inuyasha666 for and Yukai666 for this is another fanfic and I hope you guys will like it so…ENJOY!!!

A Demon Reborn Those

Chapter One- I Want To Kill Those Hands, Those Bloody Hands

Kagome stood on the cold, dirt, ground tension rising on what she did, the rest of the group stood at end amazed to see that they have finally destroyed Naraku. His limp body laid on the standing ground some puddles of blood encased around his corpse. The crimson liquid sunk into the crevices of the earth staining the soil to a scarlet red. The Shikon no Tama was enclosed in his right hand.

Kagome cautiously walked over to the deceased Naraku, she crouched down and pried his hand open to receive the dark jewel. She reached for it slowly and picked it up. From her touch it turned back to the way it belonged. A sign of relief flew over her face and she stood up straight. She ran back to the gang to say she has gotten it. This all brought joy to their hearts, even to Inuyasha knowing what the jewel will help him accomplish.

Kagome joined the rest of the pieces of the Shikon and at last it full, but Kagome noticed something there was still a sliver not there!

"You guys I think the jewel isn't complete yet!" she said terrified.

"What?!" they all yelled in unison. When they realized it was true they were in shock.

"But Kagome, were would the last shard be?" Shippou whimpered.

"I don't know Shippou, I don't know."

Suddenly Kagome felt a pulse go through her body; she sensed it, the jewel shard. But then it went away, just like that leaving her clueless.

"Why don't we set up camp we can worry about the jewel tomorrow it is getting quit late." Miroku insisted.

"Good plan Miroku." Sango responded.

They walked a distance until they came to an opening. Their surroundings changed a lot, from the cold damp area, to a leafy and grassy plain. The attempt to set up camp was successful knowing they have done this countless of times before hand. Inuyasha and Miroku dealt with the fire while the other three, Kagome, Sango, and Shippou set up every thing including food, cleaning objects, sleep mats, and all sorts of other things. When all is complete they sit around the fire and snack on what ever food Kagome brought from her era, and talking about the things they did that day. Today they were talking about the Naraku fight.

"You're sacred arrows are pretty powerful aren't they Kagome? Kind'a hard to believe that they killed Naraku today." Sango pleased Kagome with her words.

"Yeah they are real good at times." Kagome giggled.

"Oh and Tetsiaga was great to wasn't it Inuyasha." Kagome said happily.

"Yeah what ever." Inuyasha mumbled closing his eyes in discuss.

"Don't listen to him Kagome he is probably mad `cause we didn't get the whole jewel." Exclaimed the little Kistune.

"Shuddup fox boy." Inuyasha angrily said while he was strangling the little beast.

"Inuyasha stop it." Kagome yelled. Inuyasha didn't stop. "Fine then you bring me to one thing…SIT BOY!!!" Kagome screamed. Inuyasha's face plowed in the dirt lousing his grasp on Shippou so he wiggled out of his hands.

"Thanks Kagome." He smiled and went back to were he was sitting.

"No problem, oh that reminds me if you guys don't mind but I have to go back home for a week tomorrow." Kagome explained.

"Tomorrow?!" Inuyasha yelled.

"That's fine with us Kagome we'll jewel hunt when you get back." said Sango.


"Hey I never agreed to this!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Would you quit your yapping?" Miroku hit him on the head with his staff, hard.

"What you do that for monk?!"

"Miroku, Inuyasha, settle down why don't we just go to sleep."

Everyone took her advice and ended sleeping like angels, well except for Inuyasha which was pouting all night about Kagome leaving tomorrow.

Morning came the sun rose excelling the brightness on their faces. Kagome's eyes flew open and her arms flung in front of her face to block the light. She peered around the group to notice they were all asleep, this was her chance. She leaped out of her sleeping bag making sure she didn't make a sound. She packed up the rest of her things in her big yellow backpack and made sure she had the jewel; it was tied tight on a necklace which was around her neck. She left early it was best so Inuyasha wouldn't try to make her stay here.

She began her walk towards the well when she felt the pulse again she kept walking but it got fainter. She turned back around and walked to the group. She stood in between every one and noticed that the pulse grew when she went towards Inuyasha.

`Inuyasha do you have the last shard.' She thought but then it stopped there where no more pulsing she thought she had it that time but she didn't.

`My mind is playing tricks on me I bet.' She thought. She went on her way to the well looking back at the group ever so often until they were out of sight.

When she reached the well she noticed Inuyasha was standing right by it.

"Where do ya' think your going?" he smirked.

"I told you last night I'm going back for a week." She said a little annoyed knowing she had already said that.

"Give me the jewel."

"Ha you think I'm that dumb, I know what you would use the jewel for."

"The jewels not full stupid so give it to me." He said bringing out his hand. Kagome grew silent.

"…You have the other shard…I sensed it!" Kagome yelled running towards the well. She jumped in and Inuyasha was following close behind. Kagome quickly got out of the well and ran towards her house. The follower slowed to a walk knowing he would catch up any way. But for Kagome she knew Inuyasha would do anything for the jewel so she went as fast as she could.

When she reached the door to the house she looked back at the well and didn't see him. She sprinted into the house and thought of a place to hide. Inuyasha of course would find her but she would have to hide the jewel somewhere else, in the toilet. After hiding the jewel she hid in the closet at the end of a hall upstairs this only took seconds for Kagome but Inuyasha was already at the door.

The half breed stood in the main hall of the house momentarily sniffing his way around searching for the girl foremost to the jewel. He verified each room on the central floor. He figured that she wasn't there so he headed up stairs.

At hand were only three rooms that continued down a hall to a dead end. At the end of the hall was a closet which was ajar the tiniest bit, Inuyasha ignored that and went to the other rooms.

The first door he opened seemed to be a bedroom, but not Kagome's. He slid inside the area and noticed the ceiling was low for his height so he bent his knees a little so he wouldn't hurt his head. He inhaled the aroma to pick up a scent of cinnamon the scent of Kagome's mother. He pondered why her mom had a single bed, doesn't Kagome have a dad? He thought. Then he heard something, from the hallway, the creaking off a door.

Inuyasha shoot out of the room to see the closet door move but then it stopped like knowing someone was watching it. Inuyasha stepped slowly to the closet in which the scene took place.

"Kagome I'm back!" Kagome's mom yelled from down stairs. Kagome had to go down there her mom was expecting her but she didn't move. Inuyasha had to get out of the way other wise her mom would notice him. He went into the closest room he was near.

The room seemed to be cooler since the walls and floor were cover in tile. The area looked like a room to refresh your self or so Inuyasha thought. The only thing that sort of looked filmier to him was the bath, the other two appliances looked very odd he walked over to the sink and stared at it for quite some time until he decided to see how it worked.

There were two knobs and what seemed to be a spout, he turned one of the knobs and water began to come out the spout. Inuyasha was alarmed of what happened and turned it back quickly, but soon after turned it back on. He put his hand under the water and it splashed his hand, leaving his hand wet when he lifted it out. He slowly brought his hand towards his mouth and carefully licked one droplet. Inuyasha was stunned,

"It's…it's water." He was deeply surprised that such a thing egested.

He turned off the water and while he moved over to the other machine he still starred and the sink.

Finally he brought his attention towards the toilet, he didn't know what the heck this thing would do but he noticed a lid and opened it. His eyes grew wide there he saw the Shikon no Tama floating in the water; he scooped it out and stood up straight.

He finally had it in his very own hands, the jewel. He did not waste a second he devoured it entirely including the shard he kept himself, Inuyasha looked down at his hands and noticed his claws grew long, and he could feel also his fangs grew twice it's normal length. His gold soft eyes turned to a horrifying blood red giving blue slits for pupils. Also purple stripes formed on either side of his face below his eyes. And last but not least he felt the erg to kill.

Inuyasha left the bathroom in despite the fact that he could find something to kill, anything would do but not Kagome she was the only one he cared about enough to keep her alive. He continued his way to the closet and opened it eagerly but, there was no one there not even a soul. He turned around with anger and walked back down the stairs but tried to keep secret, but then he heard it Kagome's voice,

"So…I'll…see…you, sota, and gramps…next Saturday?"

"That's right the other two are in the car right now so I better get going."

Inuyasha walked slowly up to them, Kagome's mom was looking away from him and Kagome was looking in his direction. He had to do this fast.

He leaped up to her mom and was about to slaughter her when Kagome yelled out,

"Mom watch out!" she tried to block the demon's attack but it was no use he sliced through her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kagome dropped to her knees and began to weep on her mother's behalf. She was crouching down next to the ripped body.

"Inuyasha…how could you." He voice was muffled from which she was crying her eyes out, she peered up to him and saw his blooded hands, the hands that killed her mom those hands, those bloody hands. Oh she wanted to kill him even if it was really the nice Inuyasha under that demon skin those hands were the ones that brought her down…she needed to kill those hands.


So how do you guys like it how bout sending a review…hehe