InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Family's Love ❯ The Family ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Love my reviwers.Here's second chapter...Don't know where this is getting to...

Everyone including InuYasha stared at the black pealr like or pebble thing in InuYahsa's hand.Shippo grabbed it.

"Is this candy?"he said taking a bite of it.

InuYasha grabbed it from him."No it's not Candy ya brat!"he punched Shippo on the head.

"WAAA!!Kagome!InuYasha hurt me!!!"he said sobbing on her chest.

(A/N:O__o;; wat a perv...)

"INUYASHA!Don't hurt Shippo!!"Kagome said to him.SHe patted SHippo's head.

InuYasha ignored her and looked at the pearl.

~~~~Inu's Thoughts~~~~

My father's grave?!But why did it came out of my eye?What could this mean???


Then a scent hit his nose.It was kind of like Sesshoumaru's and his.

"I smell someone!"Inuyasha said getting up.Sango changed into her demon exterminator,grabbed her hiraikotsu and followed Inuyasha out the door along with Miroku,Kagome,Shippo and Kilala.

The Inu group stared at a figure in front of him.He had long silver hair.With red stripes on his cheek like Sesshoumaru,a blue cresent moon on his forehead,the fluffy thing and golden eyes.Inuyasha blinked and stared at the man.ANd said nothing.


The figure smiled."Hello..."he was cut off by Sango's hiraikotsu.He grabbed the hiraikotsu and threw it back at Sango who catched.

"He's stronG!"she said.Ready to throw her boomerang bone again.

The man cleared his thoart."As I was saying..Hello my son..."

"SON?!!"Everyone but Inuyasha yelled.They truned to inuyasha.

"Hehe....yeah..that's my father..."he said.So they did grant me my wish..but what about mom?he said in his head.

"Come home to us..."his father said.


"Yes home!"


"No BUTS!"he transformed into his full form."Get on!"he yelled in Inu Youkai.InuYasha jumped onto his father's back."How about your friends too??"InuYasha said okay.

:You guys!WANNA COME?!"

"SURE!"yelled the group.The got onto InuYasha's father's back.


Izayoi smiled happily.She was finally getting to see her big baby!She ranned her fingers through her hair and turned to Sessshoumaru."Your getting handsome I see?"

Sesshoumaru didn't do anything but smiled."I can see that mother."

They then both went to the family graden.

The whole gang except for Inuyasha mouths dropped to the floor.

"This is your home??!!"Shippo yelled in awe.

Inuyasha nodded."But is she?"

InuTashio nodded."Yes she's been wanting to see you since we came back!"

Inuyasha grinned and ranned toward the doors."COME ON!!!!"

The group followed Inuyasha inside.

Once they were inside they were greeted with youkai and human servants.<iorku eyed the human servents..ummm...bottom.(BUTT!)Sango saw and slapped him in the face.Suddenly Sesshoumaru and Izayoi appeared.Inuyasha smiled and stood still.Sango,Shippo and Miroku stared at Izayoi.

"Whose she?"asked Sango.

"Dunno!"Miroku replyed.

The lady went over to Inuyasha and embraced him."Hello my son..."

Sango,Miroku and SHippo eyes widen.

Inuyasha smiled and hugged back."I missed you mother."

Kagome and Sango awwed.That was the most cutest thing they thought Inuyasha do.Hug his mother.

They pulled off the embrace.Inutashio capped his hands together."Let's go eat!!!"

They all went to the dining room.

I'm sorry this is so short but I have alot of things or stuff on my the only thing you can do...