InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ a forgotten love and a forgotten child ❯ She has an imaginary friend? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok Inuyasha or any of its characters do not belong to me. Sorry it took a while I was of on vacations in Mex and I couldn't update. Ok here goes.
Part 6- She has an imaginary friend?
“UGH!” kagome paced back and forth in front of the school building. Waiting for Kaida.
Where is she? What if something happened to her? I'm really worried
Kagome trembled as these thoughts entered her mind. Kaida was no where to be seen and it just wasn't like her to disappear like that.
“kaida… where are you?”
Inuyasha made his way up the stairs of the shrine. “Kagome must be worried sick about you” He sighed at the hanyou in his arms.
She lifted her head again. “How do you know my mom's name?” she asked.
Inuyasha froze in his tracks and his heart sank. He ignored her question and finally arrived at the top. Who the hell is crazy enough to climb all these damn stairs?
He dropped kaida off in front of the sacred tree. “Alright kid, time for you to go on inside before your mother flips” Inuyasha said to the young child before him. “OK” she nodded and hurried on inside.
“Inuyasha!” she shouted out and he turned to see her at the entrance of the house.
“Bye inuyasha!” she waved and ran inside.
He smiled at her and watched her go.
“kaida where were you?” Mrs. Higurashi asked as she saw her granddaughter enter the kitchen.
“Uh?” kaida replied trying to keep her friend a secret.
Mrs. Higurashi sighed “Ok then go on and change” With that kaida stormed of to her room which was actually kagome's room. They shared rooms.
Kagome was about to burst in tears as a light happy tune arose from her purse.
“Hello?... hi mom… she is?! Ok thank you” Kagome hung up the phone and a sign of relief spread across her face. “Oh kaida” she said annoyingly and stormed off madly to the shrine.
“where is she?” kagome demanded as she stormed into the kitchen where Mrs. Higurashi was making dinner.
“Kagome calm you're self” Mrs. Higurashi said to her frustrated daughter.
“UGH! How can I calm down when I almost died of fright?!” she asked overdramatically.
“I know I was worried too, but kagome you have to calm down she's fine, she's safe and that's all that matters” Mrs. Higurashi said as she reached her hand in the cabinet and pulled out a small round container.
“I know but I can't help it! Ugh! Where is she?” kagome asked once more as her anger arose.
“she's upstairs” her mother sighed.
“Oh she's going to get it, Imma, Imma-“ kagome trailed off.
“You're not going to do anything, kagome, the only thing you're going to do is calm down and reasonably talk to her” Mrs. Higurashi said as she approached kagome. “She's just a child and don't you yell at her”
“MOM! She's my child and my responsibility!” kagome protested.
“yes I know and you're a wonderful, caring mother” she sighed “but you're my daughter and my responsibility and I can't allow you to discipline kaida that way, and I won't. Now you head upstairs and comfort her and explain to her what she did was wrong”
“Oh I'm going to discipline her alright” kagome said hopelessly “she's just like her father never listening to me and always doing the wrong thing!”
“OK! Ok! I get it, Now please excuse me while I go discipline my uncontrollable child” kagome said as she left the kitchen.
“Kagome clam down or you're gonna scare the poor child” Mrs. Higurashi shouted after kagome.
“Oh Imma discipline her alright” kagome mumbled as she stormed through the hall and into her room “ugh! She's just like her father! Just like him! Always doing things to make me worry”
Kagome reached her room and burst in “Kaida-“ but before she could say a thing or two, kagome's anger left her body as she saw kaida lying on her bed wearing her pajamas that didn't even fit her, sleeping like a baby.
Her sweet fragile sleeping face made kagome feel guilty for wanting to punish her.
Hmm.. she looks so cute wearing my pajamas. Kagome smiled and sat next to kaida.
“Kaida, I love you but-… but sometimes you make me worry” kagome sighed as she embraced her child. “I don't know what I would do without you in my arms”
Kagome lay next to kaida, still embracing her. “I wonder what-.. what inuyasha would think of our child?” kagome wondered.
“I would think she was the most beautiful child I had ever seen” Inuyasha responded as he sat at her window.
Kagome's eyes widened and turned quickly to her window “Inuyasha?!” but no one was there. She peeked out and saw nothing but the small shrine and the sacred tree. 1
Inuyasha hid on top of the tree next to kagome's room.
“For a second there I though-… I thought I heard inuyasha” kagome whispered to herself in a disappointed manner. She sat back next to kaida.
Inuyasha?... where are you? Why can't you stay out of my mind?... and my heart…
Kagome snapped out of her thoughts as she felt kaida move around.
“Hey sweetheart, you're awake” kagome said sweetly.
Kaida yawed slowly and blinked a couple of times. “Kaida?”
“Yes mommy”
Kagome hesitated before she spoke. “Where were you after school?” she asked removing kaida's bangs out of the way so her deep green eyes would show.
Kaida didn't speak and she shifted her eyes away from her mother. “Kaida?” kagome asked, “Where were you?”
Kaida hesitated once more. “School” she finally replied.
“I know, but after” kagome said.
“No kaida, after school and before home” kagome said sitting kaida down and facing her.
“No where..” kaida said.
“Sweetheart? Is there something you're not telling me?” kagome asked with much reason in her voice.
Kaida looked around, avoiding her mother's eyes. She sighed loudly and gave up. “I was with my friend” she said.
“You're friend?” kagome asked a smile spreading slowly. Kaida has a friend? I'm glad, it makes me happy that my little girl finally found a friend…
“Who is it?” kagome asked happily. “Is it a kid from your class?”
Kaida shook her head no. kagome smiled and kept on guessing, but when she failed all the kids she could think of and all the kids kaida knew, kagome grew worried.
“Kaida I've guessed almost every boy and girl in Tokyo. Now please tell me who it is” kagome said with a begging smile.
Kaida looked down. “I can't” she said.
“And why not?” kagome asked quizzically.
Kaida turned her sad green eyes to kagome's. “Shhh… it's a secret” she whispered as she put a finger over her mouth.
Kagome stared at her, kaida gave her a small smile and stood and walked out the room.
A secret? Kaida has a secret friend?... who could it be? Unless… unless she doesn't want me to know who it is…. Kaida… why do you have to make me worry like this?
“Mom have you seen kaida?” kagome asked as she reached downstairs.
“Yes, I just changed her, oh kagome you should of seen her in your pajamas” Mrs. Higurashi laughed.
Kagome smiled “I know I saw her, so where exactly is she?”
“Oh right, she's outside with souta”
“Thanks mom” kagome said and kissed her mother on the cheek.
Kagome headed outside, she spotted souta kicking a soccer ball against a small brick wall.
“Souta? Where's kaida?”
“Huh? Oh she's somewhere around here” souta said keeping his concentration on the ball.
“OK” kagome said and left to find kaida.
Kaida sat on a large rock just big enough for her to sit on. That was surrounded by a bundle of bushes, right in the same spot where she first saw inuyasha. She held a small shy smile on her beautiful face.
“Inuyasha, how old are you?” kaida asked curiously.
Inuyasha sat on the floor lying against a tree. He smiled at kaida. “Old enough” was his only response.
“Old enough? To do what?” Kaida asked quizzically.
Inuyasha chuckled “never mind” he smiled.
“Come on tell me!” Kaida begged.
“Let it go kaida” inuyasha smirked.
“Oh come on!” kaida said as she arose from the rock “Please!”
“Ok, ok, “
Kaida settled and sat back on the rock across from Inuyasha and awaited his response.
“So?” kaida said after a long period of silence.
“So? What?” inuyasha asked.
“Inuyasha!” kaida whined and jumped back up from the rock.
“Ok, I'll tell you how old I am” inuyasha said “I'm 100”
Kaida's eyes widened “wow! You're old! Like my grandpa?” she asked.
Inuyasha smiled “not that old”. Kaida gave out a small giggle.
“Ok kaida, now how old are you?” he asked.
Kaida thought about it for a while. “Four!” she said happily raising 5 fingers.
Inuyasha smiled more and shook his head. He grabbed kaida's small hand and put down a finger. “There”
Kagome couldn't find kaida anywhere. Soon she heard laughter coming from behind the bushes.
“kaida?” kagome went through the patch and found kaida laughing all by herself.
“kaida? What are you doing here by yourself?” kagome asked as she approached kaida and picked her up.
Kaida hesitated. “I'm talking with my best friend” kaida said. She knew very well what kagome was about to think.
“Oh?” kagome smiled at her daughter “is he invisible?” she asked.
Kaida nodded.
So her friends invisible? Poor kaida I didn't realize how hard it was for her to make friends with actual kids…
Kagome looked sad for a bit but then smiled “Ok come kaida, its almost dinner time” she said and took kaida, still in her arms.
Kaida looked back and waved at Inuyasha who was hiding in the tree top. He had sensed kagome coming and he quickly hid.
Kagome…, he thought, I still love you, I can't get you out of my mind… or my heart..
~~~~~there you go, please review and tell me what you thought. Bye, bye.~~~~~