InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Hanyou's Heart ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The InuYasha franchise and its characters all belong to mangaka, Rumiko Takahashi.


1. Prologue

"InuYasha? What are you doing?"

He gripped the now pure, glowing jewel tightly in his fingers. InuYasha’s hand was becoming basked in the ethereal light as it encased the jewel. He shook as he held on to the jewel tighter, giving the young woman before him the impression that he was trying desperately to suppress an unwanted emotion.

Even with her human hearing, Kagome could hear InuYasha’s teeth gritting and grinding together as the apparent inner struggle took place in his mind. The snowy white fringe of his bangs covered his beautiful golden eyes in complete shadow.

He looked as if he was in utter turmoil and pain. The man she loved.

Kagome was terrified.

"InuYasha, please tell me what's wrong.” She reached a hand up to touch his face.

Hurt washed through her when he shrugged her hand away, taking a step back.

Argh! He was killing her here! What was going on? What was wrong with InuYasha? Had she done something to upset him? Was he hurt in some way?

Finally, InuYasha broke Kagome from her reverie when he chose to speak.

"Kagome... the battle's all over. You... you have no reason to be here anymore!," he said, his voice rising in volume as he spoke but lacking in any emotion whatsoever.

Kagome blanched, falling back a step. She could feel the pain seeping into her heart, spreading like thick smog inside her body. InuYasha... what are you saying?

He continued, his voice stern and cold.

"We... I don't need you anymore Kagome. You'll just get in the way now; Miroku and Sango are starting their own life together, Shippou is going off to take the kitsune exam... it's over. You should go home."

His voice became hoarse as he continued, but the miko failed to notice. The reality of what he was saying was starting to sink in, distracting her from all else. And the pain was choking her.

"No... No! You can't mean that! You can't! I want be here with you, InuYasha! You! I'm happy here, I'm happy to just be by your side! I promised I'd stay with you!," she all but screeched, close to hysterics.

InuYasha growled low in his throat. He clenched his teeth together even tighter.

Just... do it. You have to be strong. You have to do this. You can do it... for Kagome.

He brought the jewel up and glared at it from behind his bangs. Oh, how he hated this jewel. It had brought him and his friends so much pain... Kikyou, Miroku, Sango, Kohaku, Shippou. The list went on. Now the hanyou knew he was about to endure even more at the expense of Kagome's well being.

There was a moment of hesitation. InuYasha could feel the hurt Kagome was feeling, smell the pain that surrounded her normally happy and optimistic aura. He knew he was breaking her spirit with his words as well as his own.

For Kagome. He continued to chant in his head, almost like a mantra. Do it for her.

But still... he couldn't let her leave looking like this. He had to have one last pleasant memory of her.

Losing the control he'd had over his emotions just moments ago he suddenly leapt forward, wrapping his arms around Kagome's sobbing form and clutching her to him as tightly as he dared. One last hug, one last memory...

Kagome gasped, too stunned to return the embrace. Her tears began to slow after a moment and she grasped his red haori in her shaking fists, burying her face into his chest. He buried his nose into her hair in return.

One last pleasant memory...

"InuYasha, please, please don't make me go! Don't make me leave you,” the miko pleaded once more.

Kagome was almost rewarded for her efforts when she felt InuYasha hesitate. He truly didn’t want this anymore than she did but he knew what he wanted and what was actually the right thing were two completely different things.

She won't be sad. She won't even know I existed.

InuYasha took one deep breath to inhale her floral scent one last, bittersweet time before he brought the Shikon No Tama up to his face and spoke the words that would surely end him.

"I wish that Kagome would forget all about the feudal era. I wish for her to return to her time and live as if she'd never fallen through the bone-eater's well."

A bright, burning flash of ethereal pink light sparked from the Shikon no Tama and Kagome was gone, leaving InuYasha standing alone in the meadow.

He fell to his knees.


Big, BIG thank you to my new Beta, Sakura-ue.

This was one of those ideas that come and you just have to write it down. I'm sticking with this story, I have plenty of ideas for it ;) It should be updated quite regularly, and the next chapter will be up within the next week or so. Hope you enjoy!

For an update on 'Starlight', please check the fic's author's notes!