InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Latent Destiny ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and its characters are created by Rumiko Takahashi, not me, but the new plots and the original characters (Akiyama, Moriko, Kajimaru, Eiko, Shoichi, Katsuo and Natsumi) are mine. This fanfiction had been written for entertainment purposes only and without intention of infringing upon any copyright.
A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing the previous chapter.
For those of you who are following `A Mere Digression', please note that the updates will be erratic as best, simply because there is no real plot to follow, not to mention my time is all taken up by this story and another one I'm doing for another fandom.
All that said… here's the last part of the background to the story. I have to say that I'm happy it's finally done because it was terribly tedious to write. Anyway, I hope that it'll make some sort of sense.
A Latent Destiny by elle6778 - Chapter 3
“She is Inuyasha's daughter.”
Sesshoumaru's words slowly sank in. In her shock, Kagome could do nothing but gape at the woman before her. Inuyasha's daughter? Why would Inuyasha's daughter want to kill her? What had she done to cause this?
The woman's expression became pinched. Then she snapped at Sesshoumaru, “Where is Jousuke?”
Kagome blinked in confusion. Jousuke?
“Your brother is no longer present,” Sesshoumaru intoned icily.
Golden-brown eyes flashing in anger, the woman swung her sword threateningly towards Sesshoumaru and raged, “What did you do to him?”
“Wait!” Kagome interjected. She needed to get more information before the entire situation escalated into a fight. Maybe this was all just a misunderstanding.
When the woman turned to glare at her, Kagome took a deep breath and pressed on, “Why do you want to kill me? I'm Inuyasha's friend.”
Sneering, the woman hissed, “Friend? Is that what they call it then?”
Before Kagome could say another word, Sesshoumaru stepped forward. “Leave,” he bit out in an uncompromising tone. “Or you will suffer the consequences.”
For a long while, the woman simply glared at both of them. Then she snarled, “This is not over. I'll catch you one day without your guard-dog.” With a loud hiss, Inuyasha's daughter spun around and streaked away.
Only then did Kagome released the breath she did not realize she was holding. Raising her hand to rub her forehead, she groaned helplessly. Things were getting more and more confusing by the second. Deciding that it was time Sesshoumaru spilled what he knew, she directed an unyielding look at the taiyoukai.
“So, you want to tell me what's happening? I'm a little confused here with all that talk and Jousuke and the training earlier.” She gestured around her helplessly. “Everything is different. I mean, Mama looks the same and the shrine is still there, but nothing else is the same.”
Sesshoumaru gave her a steady look. “Inuyasha explained that this was not how he remembered it.”
“Yeah. He would know, since he used to visit me. Now, why does his daughter want to kill me?” She inhaled deeply. “What happened, Sesshoumaru? When I made the wish, I didn't mean for it to be a selfish one, but now everything is different and the jewel is back inside me.”
His eyes widened slightly before his expression settled back into it usual blandness. “The jewel's appearance is curious indeed. Perhaps it would be prudent to explain what happened since you made the wish.”
Somehow something told her that she would not like what she was about to hear. After all, if things had changed so much, it meant that something had gone very, very wrong.
Staring expressionlessly at her, Sesshoumaru began, “Once you made the wish, you dissolved out of sight. What was obvious at that very moment was that wish revived the undead miko, the taijiya's brother and Rin.”
Kagome smiled, thankful that at least that had happened. Then she frowned as something occurred to her. What if this was the result of the revival of those who should remain dead? Maybe those three were not meant to survive?
“I changed the timeline when I revived them, didn't I?” she whispered shakily.
“Hn. The Shikon-no-Tama is a powerful object. Due to the wording of your wish, the consequences extended further than anticipated,” he said.
The words instantly came back to her.
`I wish for my friends… and Sesshoumaru to regain those they lost at Naraku's hands.'
Kagome instantly gasped when she realized what it could have meant. Her `friends' included just about everyone she had met. And in those three years, she met a lot of people… and demons. What had she done?
“Who else was revived?” she asked apprehensively.
“The most evident was the taijiya's family. The taijiya, her brother and the houshi returned to her village to find that her father and most of those who had been slain once again walked the earth as living beings. The village was rebuilt and their demon-slaying operation expanded under her father's demand for revenge. Since then, many demons were killed.”
Gasping, Kagome protested incredulously, “But Sango doesn't hate all demons. Didn't she explain what happened?”
“I could only surmise that her father simply did not understand what his daughter had experienced.” Sesshoumaru took on a contemplative look. “I believe that they were the ones who had built the shrine.”
Kagome bit her lips. “Does that mean that Sango and Miroku's descendants are still around here somewhere?”
“That is possible.”
Expecting Sango and Miroku to be alive after so many centuries would be stupid, but Shippou and Inuyasha… Lips trembling slightly at the thought of her hanyou friend's death, she asked, “Can you tell me what happened to Inuyasha? Since I left, I mean?””
“Inuyasha mated with the miko.”
Kagome glanced down at her hands. What else did she expect?
Then she frowned. That meant that the woman who tried to kill her and the other one called Jousuke were Kikyo's children. Half-miko and half-hanyou. She still could not think of any reason why Inuyasha's children would want to kill her. Unless Kikyo…
“However, the mating was a mistake.”
Eyes shooting up to Sesshoumaru's, Kagome asked apprehensively, “What do you mean, a mistake?”
Sesshoumaru's eyes flickered as he hesitated uncharacteristically. Then his expression was placid once again as he replied, “Inuyasha… belonged to another.”
Kagome sucked in a sharp breath. What was Sesshoumaru implying? He could not be saying what she thought he was saying, right? Or maybe in all those years, Inuyasha had fallen in love with someone else?
“Inuyasha knew that his mate was aware of his affliction, but he could do nothing to appease her anxiety. His continual distraction eventually drove her to… madness.” He paused to contemplate something, and then continued, “Conscious of it and yet not able to prevent it, Inuyasha simply watched as his mate poisoned the minds of their offsprings.”
“Poisoned?” she echoed shakily, raising her hand to press against her forehead. Poisoned as in Kikyo asked her children to kill her?
Sesshoumaru inclined his head. “Perhaps she was fearful that Inuyasha would seek you in the future, as his lifespan exceeded hers significantly. Their hanyou offsprings, Jousuke and Kaori seek to relieve you of your life. Once Inuyasha learnt of their intent, he attempted to dissuade them. His offsprings ignored him and left the village as soon as their mother died.”
Lips parted in disbelief, Kagome could only stare at Sesshoumaru. So it was because of her? Inuyasha loved her more than Kikyo after everything that had happened? She knew that Sesshoumaru had no reason to lie, but could all this be possible? Did Kikyo hate her so much that she wished her dead? It was as if Kikyo did not want anyone to have Inuyasha if she couldn't. But why Kikyo's lifespan was shorter. As far as she knew, Kikyo's lifespan would have matched Inuyasha once they mated.
“I thought Kikyo would live as long as Inuyasha since they were mated.”
“A common human misconception. A human mate's lifespan could only be prolonged if the youkai mate truly bonds himself, body and soul, to the human.”
“But he loved her,” she ventured uncertainly.
“Inuyasha did not know his own feelings. He only bound his body to hers when they mated. It was… incomplete.”
“I didn't know,” she whispered.
“Inuyasha informed me that as centuries passed, he grew increasingly aware that the future was not what he had expected. And he was waiting for your return so that things might be mended.”
“How did he…” she trailed off, unable to put it into words.
“He was caught in a battle between the slayers and demons and was gravely wounded.” Sesshoumaru's eyes darkened. “It was by sheer willpower that he had managed to reach me.”
Her eyes stung with tears. How could he die just like that when Sesshoumaru had Tenseiga? Unless Sesshoumaru had decided not to save him. Before she could think of what she was doing, Kagome grabbed Sesshoumaru's arm.
“Why didn't you save him with Tenseiga!” she yelled.
“Unhand me, Miko,” he ground out icily.
As her tears began to fall, her hold loosened and she let her arms drop to her side. Dejection washed over her. So many things had gone wrong just because of one wish. The one wish which she had made in an attempt to make her friends happy again had backfired so badly that she knew no words to express her regret.
Then, as if nothing had happened, he continued flatly, “Inuyasha had been revived by Tenseiga once before, therefore it was not possible to revive him in the same manner.”
She blinked. Sesshoumaru was not as uncaring as he let on.
“He left a wish before he departed. He wished for me to pass this information to you if you returned through the well.”
Inuyasha wanted her to fix things. And she knew that it was something she could not refuse. It was her fault after all.
Lifting her damp eyes to meet Sesshoumaru's, she whispered shakily, “I'm sorry.” For everything.
Sesshoumaru gave her an unreadable look. “There is nothing you can do about it now. Inuyasha had been watching over your ancestors and this shrine ever since he realized what his mate intended. That is why there is a ward around the shrine, keeping out anyone with malevolent intents. Your other companions assisted him when he was unavailable to perform the task.”
“Who is still around?”
“Kirara, the nekomata is currently residing with Rin and Shippou.”
Gasping, Kagome spun around to face him fully. “Really? Where are they?”
“They live just past the border between the east and west.”
“They live together?”
“Shippou and Rin are mates.”
Brightening, a smile crossed Kagome's face. “I can't believe Shippou is all grown up. Can I see him?”
Sesshoumaru watched the miko silently as she contemplated what she had just been told. Standing silently beside him on his cloud, she was staring unseeingly at some point in the distance, appearing to be mulling over the information. She had taken it rather well, considering the circumstances. It could not be easy, being told that one was responsible for changing the entire future. Still, he could not help but wonder if that was really the case. It seemed rather farfetched for the action of one miko to affect the future to such an extent.
A sudden tug on his sleeve jolted him from his thoughts. Irked at the miko's action, he glanced down at her with narrowed eyes to find her attention fixed to the forest beneath them.
“There's a battle going on down there!” she exclaimed, her expression twisted in surprise.
She snapped up at him. “Is that all you can say? Should we not go down and help?”
Hardly believing what he was hearing, Sesshoumaru simply stared at her incredulously. Why should he waste his time with such nonsense?
“Sesshoumaru! Someone might get hurt down there!” she urged, repeating the irksome tugging motion.
Realizing that he would have no peace until he responded, Sesshoumaru bit out, “Who do you wish to aid? The slayers or the demons?”
He felt her stiffen beside him. It was obvious that she had not considered her words fully.
“Oh.” Her voice was weak.
Ignoring the battle and the miko beside him, Sesshoumaru continued to fly high in the sky, determined to reach Shippou's and Rin's residence as fast as he could. Explaining everything to the miko was troublesome considering her never-ending questions, so he preferred Shippou to be the one to fill in the gaps.
After a while, she broke the silence once again. “What about you, Sesshoumaru? What have you been doing the last five centuries?”
He held back his surprise. This was not something he had expected her to ask. “It is not necessary for you to hold this information,” he grunted.
“I just want to know.”
A pause followed as he pondered the implications of imparting this information to the miko. And then, with an inward shrug, he said, “Since Rin is mated to Shippou, I visit them on occasion.”
“That's all?”
“Hn.” That would suffice. He was not about to regale her with five hundred years of his life.
“But surely you did other…” She paused, waving a hand in the air. “…other stuff in all those centuries. Do you work or something?”
He bit back a sigh of impatience. This promise he had made to his brother was growing to be more bothersome than he had anticipated. “No I don't.”
His eyes swept across the familiar landscape beneath them before he landed in the familiar flower garden.
“We are here.”
Kagome's lips parted in admiration as she eyed the garden.
Burst of colors of all hues decorated the ground and green creepers blanketed the bamboo fence around the space. Lined with more flower bushes, a path of pale-colored pebbles form a path to the house. It was a wooden one-storey with intricate carvings decorating the entrance and the construction was mainly traditional.
It was the most colorful thing she had seen ever since she got back to this alternate future. Wordlessly, she followed Sesshoumaru down the twisting pebble path.
“Umm… Sesshoumaru?” she ventured.
Before she could ask where they were, the door slid open, revealing a dark-haired woman who looked as if she was in her twenties. After a long moment of staring at each other wordlessly, the woman's face broke out in a large smile.
“Kagome?” she exclaimed, taking a quick step forward. “Sesshoumaru-sama! You've found her!”
Getting hold of herself, Kagome nodded. “You've grown!” she said as she returned Rin's smile.
Grinning, Rin said, “Of course. It has been five hundred years.” Then Rin's eyes widened and she reached out to grab her hand, pulling her into the house. “Come on in.”
With a short laugh, Kagome stepped into the house and toed off her shoes before being led to the living room. A quick glance around the room told her that it was simply furnished, but looked very comfortable, done in the traditional Japanese style. The sound of rapid footsteps brought her attention to a shoji screen just as it slid open to reveal a tall red-haired, red-tailed male. The hair, the tail, the shining excited green eyes - it could only be Shippou.
“Kagome!” the male exclaimed as he rushed forward.
Kagome gasped when strong arms wrapped around her, lifting her off the floor.
This was Shippou all grown up. A joyous feeling instantly replaced her shock at seeing him and she began to laugh as he spun her around the room. When the kitsune finally set her back on her feet, Kagome was breathless. For a moment, she could only stare up at the grinning, mischievous face in front of her. Overwhelmed by emotion, she threw her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.
“S-Shippou! I'm so glad you're here,” she whispered.
Pulling back slightly to look into her face, he said somberly, “We've waited so long for you. Took us a while of spying before we figured out that the other you back at the shrine was not the same you.”
Head spinning at the convoluted words, Kagome finally figured out what Shippou was saying. Then she nodded. “Apparently she disappeared just before I emerged from the well. I think we merged or something, because I got some of her memories.”
Shippou frowned. “That's so strange. But I guess it kind of makes sense, otherwise there would be two of you here.”
Kagome's reached down to her side. “That's not all that's strange. By the way, when I landed, I realized that the jewel is back inside me.”
“WHAT?” Shippou exclaimed incredulously. “B-But, how is that possible? You made a wish, and it was supposed to disappear.”
Even Sesshoumaru looked concerned.
“I guess the wish wasn't so pure after all,” she muttered dejectedly. Remembering the first time she noticed the return of the jewel, Kagome glanced down to her side and added, “There is something strange about it now, though.”
“Strange?” Rin prompted curiously.
Kagome nodded. “It's glowing like usual, but I get a different feeling from it.”
“Hmm… Maybe it's because you already made a wish on it,” Shippou suggested thoughtfully.
It was then that she felt something soft rubbing against her ankle. Glancing down, her eyes settled on a familiar white form. “Kirara!”
The nekomata mewed, blinking up as if to welcome her.
Chuckling, Shippou nudged at Kirara. “Three of us took turns to watch out for you at the shrine. So it's kind of funny that you should appear just when it was Sesshoumaru's turn to take watch,” he remarked wryly.
Realizing suddenly that she had all but forgotten about Sesshoumaru, Kagome peeled herself out of the kitsune's arm to glance over her shoulders. The taiyoukai had made himself comfortable on one of the cushions lined up against the wall. He was staring out of the window, seemingly unaffected by their outbursts of emotions.
She took a step towards him. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru, for bringing me here.”
Turning away from the window, he graced her with an almost imperceptible nod of acknowledgement. It was then that she realized that it was quite strange to see him in such a homely setting, considering that in the past, they almost always met in the battlefield as enemies at first and later as allies. Her perception of him revolved around him being a warrior, a fighter, and she instantly realized that her view of him was somewhat narrow.
Shippou's voice reached her. “I guess you want to know what happened over the last five hundred years.”
She shifted her attention to the kitsune, noting that he had now settled on a cushion with Rin beside him. If Sesshoumaru was in contact with Inuyasha, it made sense that Shippou did as well.
“Sesshoumaru explained a little, but I'm a little confused here. Everything is different from my future.” She snuck a quick glance at the stoic taiyoukai before turning back to Shippou and Rin. “If Sesshoumaru wasn't there when I got out of the well, I would have been even more lost. He told me about Inuyasha and Kikyo, and also about the demons and the slayer. What happened, Shippou?”
“You might want to sit down.”
It was just as well. Her legs were about to give out from all the excitement. Kirara jumped onto her lap and settled there the moment she lowered herself to the cushion. Sango's and Miroku's image instantly came to mind as she patted the purring nekomata. Kagome forced down her rising sadness, reminding herself once again that it was stupid to expect them to be alive after all this time.
Clearing his throat, Shippou began slowly. He explained how he and Inuyasha had jumped into the well right after she had made the fateful wish, only to find that even Inuyasha could not get through. All of them had been distraught, but eventually realized that there was nothing they could do. Resigned to the fact that they would not see her again, at least for another five hundred years, they had begun to rebuild their life.
Repeating what Sesshoumaru had told her earlier, Shippou told her how the wish had revived Sango's family, and even Kouga's clan and who knew what else. Unfortunately, in his desire of revenge, Sango's father had decided to wage war against the demons. A war that continued till this very day, with some very disturbing consequences which he refused to go into in detail.
Kagome frowned at him, debating if she should press the issue. But before she could form the words, he moved on to another topic.
A smile made its way to her face when she heard how Shippou had courted Rin, but understandably not without some difficulties. Apparently Sesshoumaru had not been too happy about the entire thing, until he realized that the mating meant that Rin would end up sharing a demon's lifespan.
Rin glanced at her mate mischievously. “Do you remember what Sesshoumaru said about the mating?”
Shippou blanched slightly before raising a hand to rub the back of his neck, a sheepish grin appearing on his features. “Yeah. That if the mating failed to bestow you with my lifespan, he would make sure that my own life would be greatly shortened.”
Kagome gave Sesshoumaru a horrified look.
Rin beamed. “The fact that I'm sitting here proves how strong Shippou feels for me. Right, Sesshoumaru-sama?”
While Shippou made a face, Rin continued by gleefully related just how clumsy Shippou had been during the courting, and how wary he had been of Sesshoumaru. Laughing, Kagome snuck another glance at the silent taiyoukai only to find his lips twitching.
Then Rin pulled out a photo album, and to Kagome's felt her heart warm when she gazed down at Shippou's and Rin's three children. The elder son and daughter unmistakably took after Shippou, while the youngest son resembled Rin. All three were adults now, and lived their own lives in the Western Land.
When Rin put away the album, Shippou's narrative carried on to touch upon Sango and Miroku. The two of them had gotten married and stayed at the shrine they had built. Their children remained within the shrine grounds for a while after Sango and Miroku died, and then moved away from the area. That was the last anyone had heard from them.
And finally, with more subdued tones, Shippou moved on to his hanyou friend.
Kagome's heart felt like lead when she heard how Inuyasha had missed her terribly for a long time, even after he was mated to Kikyo. The hanyou used to stare wistfully for hours at the well. And after a while, unsurprisingly, the entire situation got to Kikyo.
Shippou's expression was dark when he continued, “I don't know what's going on in Inuyasha's head, but I don't think he meant to make Kikyo feel that way. That baka didn't even realize what Kikyo was thinking until years later, and that was only because he overheard her talking to their kids. By that time, the kids were old enough to understand these things, and from what I could tell, Kikyo's anger and despair got to them.”
Kagome bit her lips, a sour feeling rising from the pit of her stomach. “Is that why their kids hate me,” she asked in a small voice.
Shippou's eyes flickered. “It's not your fault, Kagome. I think Kikyo wants more from Inuyasha that he could give.”
“But he loved her!” she insisted shakily.
Rin spoke then. “Maybe Inuyasha thinks he loves her. But the proof is there for all to see with what happened to their mating.” She glanced towards Sesshoumaru before adding, “Isn't that right, Sesshoumaru-sama? Kikyo didn't get to share his lifespan because he only gave part of himself?”
Kagome slumped as she digested the same information for the second time. This whole thing was just too depressing. And it all happened because of her, irrespective of what Shippou had said to the contrary.
As if sensing her thoughts, Shippou said firmly, “Look, Kagome. Inuyasha was never the type to know his own heart that well. For all you know, he really thought that he loved her fully and was giving her his entire self when they mated. I didn't even suspect anything until I saw with my own eyes that Kikyo was growing older with each passing year. That was when I asked him about it. And that was when I found out that he didn't know what went wrong with the mating.” He paused, crossing his arms over his chest thoughtfully before he continued, “His kids inherited his life-span, though.”
“I guessed as much,” Kagome said quietly. “I kind of met his daughter today. She wasn't too… friendly.”
Shippou's eyes hardened. “Jousuke and Kairi blame Inuyasha for their mother's death. Apparently, Kikyo was angry at the thing between you and Inuyasha right till the end. But I suppose the kids have enough loyalty to not harm their own father, so they decided to take it out on you instead, since you're the other party.”
“They probably have every right to,” Kagome murmured mournfully. After all, she had indirectly ruined Inuyasha's and Kikyo's relationship. But then again, if she had not made the wish, they would never have had the second chance to be together.
He had seen her expression dip the moment Inuyasha was mention and from then onwards, the light in her eyes had gradually dimmed. Tiring of the miko's obvious misery, Sesshoumaru decided that he had remained silent long enough. After all their efforts in protecting her and watching over her, the miko's lack of sense irked him to no end. They had not spent all this time so that she could wallow in self-blame.
At his clipped tone, the miko's eyes snapped up to find him.
Hardening his expression, he continued, “If you wish to take responsibility for the undead miko's foolishness, perhaps you should simply present yourself to Inuyasha's offsprings.”
Shippou sputtered as the miko gasped in surprise.
“Sesshoumaru-sama! Don't say things like that!” Rin exclaimed in protest.
He ignored his ward in favor of eyeing the miko with undisguised disdain. The miko was being foolish and weak. The first trait was understandable, but the second irked him to no end. After all, this was the miko who had played a part in defeating Naraku.
After a while, Shippou's quiet tones broke the silence, “Inuyasha wants you to go back to fix things. I don't know what exactly he wants you to do, though.”
“I guess Inuyasha wants her to prevent the war and things like that. Maybe also to prevent him from mating Kikyo.” Rin paused for a moment, and then continued in a small voice. “But if she goes back to change things, we might not be here together.”
A moment of silence passed after Rin's proclamation. It was true. No one knew what would change if the miko returned to the past.
“I can't do this…”
Sesshoumaru frowned at her tone. Much as he disliked the uncertainty nature of the timeline modification, he had a greater aversion to those who feared the unknown. Especially considering the bother he had gone through in the attempt to keep his word to Inuyasha. And it did not escape him that Inuyasha's last wish would not be fulfilled should the miko refuse to return to the past to do her part, thus nullifying all he had done so far.
“Perhaps Inuyasha had expected too much from you.” Sesshoumaru bit out.
Her eyes shot up to his, and her growing anger quickly became evident. Jumping to her feet, she stalked towards him, ending up just an arm's length away from him. Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed in annoyance at the presence of her slender finger pointing at his face. Impudent!
“You! Don't talk about this like you know what's going on! You have no idea what it feels like, coming home to find that everything is completely different only to find out that it is my fault!” she gritted out through her teeth.
Her display of temper did not faze him. “If it is indeed your fault, perhaps you should seek to rectify it instead of sulking,” Sesshoumaru pointed out stonily, ignoring Rin's and Shippou's groans.
The miko threw her arms up in the air. “Even if I go back, how do I know what I should change? What if I make it worse?” She glared at him. “Then what do we do? Say I messed things up and end up getting more humans and demons killed? Then what, huh?”
His own annoyance growing, Sesshoumaru pinned an uncompromising pair of eyes on her. “The decision is yours to make, Miko.”
She glared at him for a while longer before she slumped visibly. “Why do you care anyway?” she muttered after a while.
Sesshoumaru stiffened. But before he could say anything, Shippou spoke.
“Just before Inuyasha…died, he made Sesshoumaru promise to make sure that you know what happened. And also to protect you.” Shippou gave her a pointed look. “Sesshoumaru just wants to keep his words to Inuyasha.”
She blinked up at him in surprise. It was obvious that she had not expected this. Somewhat disconcerted by her perusal, Sesshoumaru redirected his gaze out of the window. Shippou should not have disclosed such a thing to the miko. It was wholly unnecessary.
“You know, Kagome. Whatever you do, I don't think it's going to get worse. I mean, we know what is causing the problem, right? Like the slayers and the demons? So maybe you can fix that.” Shippou paused briefly before he added, “But please, whatever you do, just make sure that I end up with Rin, alright?”
The miko remained motionless.
Things were bad. And although she knew that she played a huge role in the changes, she was beginning to get tired of blaming herself. There was just so many times she could repeat the phrase `It's all my fault' in her head. Something needed to be done about the entire situation once way or another.
“I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?” she murmured mostly to herself.
Rin spoke quietly, “I suppose not.”
Traveling would not be so easy this time considering that her mother knew nothing about the well. Especially considering that if she was really going back to the past, she would need to stay there for days at a time, at least. Raising her head, she sighed. “What am I going to tell my mother?”
Shippou rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I guess you can just say that you're going on one of your training journeys.”
“Huh?” What was Shippou talking about?
“From what we could tell, once in a while, the other `you' would travel for weeks. Those trips looked like they was a part of the miko spiritual training.” Shippou hesitated momentarily before he continued his explanation, “She used to hire a guard. Not that we would allow anything to happen to her, but she doesn't know that we were around since we hid ourselves from her.”
“A guard?” Kagome asked, trying to ignore the way Shippou referred to her other self as another person. But she guessed she could understand why he did so.
“A demon bonded into slavery,” Sesshoumaru clarified blandly.
She gasped, spinning around to face the taiyoukai. “What do you mean, slavery?”
Shippou looked reluctant to continue, and he sighed. “It's all because of the war. When the slayers manage to capture their enemies alive, those demons are tamed by restraints and made into slaves.”
Horrified, Kagome could only stare at Shippou. This was just too terrible to think of. And her other self `used' these slaves? An image flashed across her mind then.
Sakura-sensei was gesturing at the young tiger demon beside her. Kagome saw herself protesting at the idea of forcing the demon slave to guard her with his life, but Sakura-sensei would not hear of it, seeing that she was merely a trainee miko. Reluctantly, she had allowed the silent demon to come with her. Although the tiger demon had not been unpleasant, she could not help but feel bad about the fact that he was there unwillingly. And that he would no doubt kill her if not for the spelled metal band circling his forehead keeping him in check.
A rushed breath escaped her as her mind returned to the present.
“I remember.”
“Remember what?” Rin asked curiously.
“I remember how I ended up with a demon guard,” Kagome elaborated, acutely ashamed at the fact especially considering that most of her friends in the past were demons. “How can the slayers do this to the demons? It's all so wrong.”
Sesshoumaru's tone was flat when he remarked, “Some humans are also turned into slaves by demons.”
Shippou nodded while Rin sighed sadly.
The bitter taste of revulsion almost choked her. If she had any more doubts about going back to the past, this would have cemented her decision. Slavery in any form was despicable and if she could help it, she would make sure that it never happened.
Mind made up, she got to her feet. Looking around to find all of them staring at her, she took a deep breath. “I'll go back and I'll try to fix this somehow.”
It was already late in the night when they finally returned to the shrine. To Kagome's consternation, her mother was waiting for her when she walked into the house.
“Oh, Kagome, you're finally home. I was worried.”
“Sorry, Mama.” The excuse that she and Sesshoumaru had discussed earlier presented itself. She hated lying to her mother, but it could not be helped considering the circumstances. “I was arranging to go on a training trip tomorrow. I got caught up and forgot the time.”
“Oh, so soon? You just went two months ago.”
“I… I just want to improve faster,” Kagome offered lamely. Trying to distract her from more questions about the trip, Kagome quickly said, “I passed my test today.”
Her mother's eyes brightened as she clapped her hands together. “Congratulations, my dear! Your Jii-chan would be so happy to hear this, and so will Souta.”
Realizing that she had not seen the rest of her family since she came back, Kagome immediately said, “Where are Jii-chan and Souta? I want to tell them myself.”
“Oh Kagome, have you forgotten?” her mother asked with an amused smile. “They went to another village for that priest meeting. Souta is almost old enough to further his training.”
Kagome blinked in astonishment. Her little brother Souta was going to be a priest like their eccentric grandfather? Somehow the entire idea was just weird.
“Tell them when you return from your journey.” Her mother gave her a conspiratorial look. “I'll keep it a secret.”
Smiling, Kagome nodded. After bidding her mother goodnight, she went up to her bedroom, noticing vaguely that it was not decorated in pink. No longer shocked by the changes, she simply washed up and then climbed into bed.
She would return to the past tomorrow and do her best to fix things.
Sesshoumaru watched as the miko paused next to the well, her expression displaying her hesitation. To his consternation, he found himself sympathizing with her predication.
His brows instantly furrowed at the notion. Such a feeling was unacceptable, for he should feel no such thing towards the miko.
She fingered her bow. “At least I got my own bow. Better than getting a second hand one from someone, right.” A frown appeared between her brows. “Having said that, this bow could be considered second hand as well, depending on how you view the other `me'.”
Sesshoumaru wondered if she would cease her prattling anytime soon.
She sucked in a deep breath. “Yes, I'll just have to find Inuyasha and Sango,” she muttered, as if to remind herself. “It shouldn't be too hard, right? After all, Inuyasha should be with Kikyo and he could find-”
“Miko,” he interjected impatiently.
Her eyes snapped up, looking startled. Then her cheeks reddened slightly as she cleared her throat. “Sorry. I guess I'm just nervous.”
The heavy silence which followed her proclamation hinted to Sesshoumaru that he should say something. His frown instantly deepened. Why should he say anything? He had ensured that she was informed of the situation, thus his duty to his decease brother was complete.
Was it?
The second part of his promise to Inuyasha prodded at him, irritating him once again. Yes, he had promised to protect the miko. However, he could only do so if the miko was present. There was nothing he could do to protect her once she descended into the well.
She was staring at him expectantly.
He still did not know what she wanted from him. “Is something the matter?”
Her lower lips trembled slightly. “I… I'm…” she hesitated, and then cast her eyes downwards.
Did she wish for some form of reassurance from him? A surge of annoyance coursed through him. What did she expect him to say?
Then the words came, surprising him. “You will be fine.”
Her eyes shot up, clearly astonished. Then slowly, a smile broke out over her features. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru. I needed to hear that.”
Still stunned by the words of reassurance which had escaped his lips earlier, Sesshoumaru simply inclined his head stiffly.
“Well, I'm as ready as ever,” she declared.
She took a deep breath and then swung her legs over the rim of the well. Glancing back at him over her shoulders, she gave him a small wave before she disappeared from sight.
He immediately tensed when a flare of energy exploded from the well before it disappeared as fast as it had appeared. For a long while, he stared wordlessly at it. Then he stepped forward to look down into the dark empty space. She was gone, just like that.
Idly, he wondered if the other version of her would reappear. He hoped not, for this task of guarding the miko was growing tedious. Still, he would honor his words to his brother if the other version appeared. Or perhaps he should instruct Shippou or Kirara to relieve him for a few days.
Just as he touched the darkened wood of the wellhouse door, a familiar energy flared out behind him. Tensing, he spun around swiftly. His eyes narrowed when he spotted slender fingers latching onto the rim of the well, quickly followed by a dark head and finally, the rest of the miko's person. What was she doing back so fast?
“Sesshoumaru! Thank Kami you're still here!” she exclaimed breathlessly as she landed on her feet beside the well.
He waited for her to explain herself.
She clamped her hands to the side of her head, groaning loudly before she raised a pair of stricken eyes to him. “I don't know what to do. Something is very, very wrong back there.”
Sesshoumaru felt a tingle of apprehension. “Calm yourself and explain, Miko.”
She licked her lips and swallowed, a frown marring her brow as she pinned her eyes to her feet. “I climbed out of the well as usual, and then went looking for them. That's when I saw it.”
Clenching her hands into fists, she took a deep breath.
“Inuyasha is still sealed to the Goshinboku.”
A/N: That's it for the background. The first arc of this story will begin in the next chapter. As always, please review if you can. Thanks!