InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... ❯ Buttery Popcorn and Salty Tears ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey, everyone! I hope that it wasn't a long wait for everyone out there. If it was, SORRY!!!! Well, here's the story. I even had a reviewer saying what Sessy and Kag-chan will do in her era. Read, damnit!! READ TO FIND OUT!!! Heh, heh... I got crazy, sorry. I hope you like the story, anyway. Rate & review!

A life I can't even life is what I have to deal with... - Chapter 11: Buttery Popcorn and Salty Tears

Blue swirls of light ingulfed their bodies as time was speeding past them both. Sesshoumaru stared in amazement at the sudden chnge of scenery in the well. Blue lights swirled like a whirl pool, all so familiar to Kagome, but brought much dread. Then, all was still as the the whirlpools of light disappeared, replaced by the well once more.

"Last stop, Modern Japan, Higurashi Shrine." Kagome said climbing the ladder to the top. When she reached the top of the well, as did Sesshoumaru, the miko shrugged the fealings all off.

Kagome opened the doors to the well house and rubbed her eyes. She advanced towards her house, openning it to see her own home. Sesshoumaru eyed everything, curiousity taking over his youkai senses. "I need something to eat. Make yourself at home, Lord Sesshoumaru." Then, Kagome disappeared behind a wall and looked through her little pantry. She eyed the popcorn and put it into the microwave and returned to Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru had sat down on the ground, staring at Buyo. "Oi! You found Buyo-chan!" Kagome sat down next to him, rubbing Buyo. "Smell anything...different, Lord Sesshoumari?" Kagome asked with an innocent face.

Sesshoumaru glared at her. "I hate the smell here, if that's what you mean."

"Well, don't I feel better already." Kagome smiled and heard the beeping of the microwave, meaning the popcorn was done. Sesshoumaru half jumped at the sound, making Kagome giggle slightly. She sat up, handing Sesshoumaru Buyo and going to get the popcorn.

She came back to the living room, seeing the same scene as before, but Buyo was being playful this time. Buyo, this time, was fliching at Sesshoumaru's tail. Kagome laughed loudly, making Sesshoumaru glare at her again. He gave her a look that said, 'Get the animal off of me or death is coming'. Kagome laughed even harder, but got Buyo away from him.

"So, do you like my little kitty?" Kagome asked with innocent eyes, trying to forget that she was in HER house, where HER family should be ALIVE.

Sesshoumaru snorted and looked away from her. Kagome giggled and ate a peice of popcorn. "Haven't had good food in a long time. It's buttery!" She gave Buyo a peice, Buyo sniffing it and carrying it off somewhere else in the house.

"Well, can't have popcorn without day-time television." Kagome sat down on her couch, and dug around looking for the remote. Once finding it, she turned it on. Sesshoumaru's snapped tot he television. He stared at square, black box with amazement. Kagome alaghed and ate anther piece of popcorn.

"Maybe channel 5 can give us the low-down of the week." Kagome said switching channels, Sesshoumaru watching in curiousity. "I've been gone so long, people could say I moved out of the country," she started, "or have been in the hospital because of breaking my spine, thank you Jii-chan."

"What is this, 'hospital'?" Sesshoumaru asked, not taking his eyes off of her. He was starting to get very, almost too so, curious about the terms the miko was frequently using.

Kagome put her hand to her and, and thought about his question. "I guess you could say it's a place where people go when their very sick. Or near death." Kagome ate another peice of popcorn and stopped when she came to channel 5.

"The car-crash the Higurashi family's aqaintinces have been questioned about the Higurashi family's history for the papers. One girl, Ayumi Hikito, has stated that there was another member of the Higurashi family. Hikito has said that the other Higurashi is in the hospital at the moment, but has not been found in any in the Tokyo ER's. No one in the Tokyo area know's of the other family member's whereabouts, at the moment. If anyone does know, please call..."

Kagome almost spit out her her popcorn when she heard the small news update. Her eyes twitched as she remembered the news update. Small parts flashing in her mind. "Ayumi Hikito...another Higurashi in the hospital...not been found..."

"Why that little bitch... Ayumi..." Kagome said quietly. Her eyebrow twitched thinking that Ayumi had warned the media that she was in the hospital when she was in Fuedal Era. And then there was Jii-chan! He's the one that told Ayumi about it! Damn you Jii-chan!

Sesshoumaru stared at Kagome in amusment. Her emotions were shifting quite fast, and very easily. She was, at one moment happy and excited; covering that us with sadness and quilt, then she was confused and angry. What had the black box said that made Kagome so angry.

Kagome stuffed her face with more popcorn, trying to ignore the t.v.'s report. "Oi, Lord Sesshoumaru?" She said between chews of the buttery goodnes.

"Nani?" Sesshoumaru asked, looking at the t.v. and then to Kagome eating her popcorn.

"Popcorn, mi'lord?" Kagome asked, imitating Jaken's annoying, squeky vioce while holding out the bag. She winked at him and chaked the bag.

Sesshoumaru snorted. "Funny." Kagome tossed him a piece of popcorn. He caught it and ate it. This food, he ate, was purely deslicious.

After Kagome tossed the popcorn to him, she ate another piece and tossed another over the couch for Buyo. Kagome laid down on the couch, her hair spreading all around her head like a halo. She tossed another peice fo popcorn, it landing in her mouth.

Sesshoumaru reached out for another piece of popcron, getting one and eating it. He reached for another right after that, and another, too.

"Geez, you're like ramen to Inu-baka and chocolate to Shippo." Kagome shrugged at the name of Inuyasha and handed the bag of popcorn to Sesshoumaru. "Here. Have the rest. You like it more than me, I can see." Sesshoumaru took it and began stuffing his face with it. Kagome laughed and at the sight and turning off the t.v.

While Sesshoumaru was eating his popcorn, Kagome stood up and went to the front door. There she saw the paper from a days ago. It still even had the picture of her mom's car. It was smashed in the front, and the left turn light was shattered. Kagome picked it up and brought it to the kitchen. She brought out some scissors and cut out the whole articule.

She reread the whole thing almost fire time, 'till she probably even memorized it all. They died that day. They died while I was in the Fuedal Era. They died... They died, kami-sama, why!? A teardrop rolled of her creamy skin and landed on the newspaper cliping. She wipped her eyes and her tears away. She found a thumb tack and pinned it to the wall where her mom sometimes left notes. Then, the tears came spilling down again.

It's just not fair! Nothing about this is fair. They shouldn't have died. The shouldn't have...

'You know it was only destiny, Kagome.'

It's still not fair, damn it!

'I know it isn't, Kagome. Still; you couldn't have known it would ever happen.'

Well, you're no help...

'I know someone who can erase the pain, though.'

Who? Wait-- You better not be tlking about Fluff-boy...?

'Read my mind'

Kagome rubbed her eyes again and shook her head. Go to hell. She thought to herself. None of this was ever going make sinse to her mind. It was all just to confusing to her. She walked out fo the kitchen and slowly walked up the stairs to her room, almost forgetting there was a powerful demon lord on her house. When she got up to her room, and laid down on her bed, she groaned at how exausted she was. "Damn you stupid drunk drivers."

"Drunk drivers?" A voice asked from her door.

Kagome jumped up from her bed, glaring at Sesshoumaru at the door. He scared her to death! "People who drink to much sake and then they go onto soem sort of transportational vehical, still drunk from their sake." She eased down on her bed and then glared at him again. "And what the hell are you doing scaring me like that!?"

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. "Keh." Kagome rolled her eyes then, and laid back on her bed.

"Did you get that from your father or something?" Kagome asked, curiousily. She saw Sesshoumaru stiffen and Kagome shuddered. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I was just thinking that because Inu-baka did it a lot."

"Keh." Was all he said to it. He knew that it most likely was. He knew that Inuyasha said it a lot. He knew he did get it from his father. He knew all that.

"I take that as a, 'Yes I did, as well as Inu-baka.'" Kagome grinned at him, seeing he wasn't taking it well. She was curious as to what happened in the past that would affect Sesshoumaru so much.

"Are you really this curious?" Sesshoumaru asked coldy, it scaring Kagome down to the bone. All, even just the slightest, bit of happines and warmth had disappeared.

"I'm shutting up now. I can see something happened between you two and I don't feel like interfering." Kagome said in concern, sitting up to look at him.

Sesshoumaru just nodded as Kagome stared at him concern. It seemed an eternity before either spoke another word to each other. "No matter what, our memories will always come back to haunt us." Kagome said simpley. "We may forget them, but in time everything will seem to reel to the very memory we try to bury deep within."

By nightfall, the everything was still. The stars were dim, and the midnight sky was pleasant. Kagome walked to the well and stared inside of it, Sesshoumaru still in her house watching t.v. She leaned on the lib of the well, the little well shrine making the inside like a nightmare with no scarey dreams.

"A memory to haunt for an eternity. Is there really such a thing?" Kagoe looked to the bottom fo the well, imagining the first time she fell down when she was looking for Buyo. "I guess so."

~*~End Chapter~*~

Hope you like the chapter! Please review. ^.~