InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Marriage of Convenience for Whom? ❯ Revalations Are Good for the Soul...Some Times ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others. I also don't own any of Steven Colbert's copy written vocabulary.
Thanks to all my reviewers!: babyblueyes (2x, for two reviews), guest, baka_mai_28, ra, pokiepal, Bri-chan, unistar, DemonGirl11, lunarcat12, Jabba1, cutee2054 (also for 2 reviews. Yay!), sveta89, xXKimiko SakakiXx, Magawa, firevixen73, kagome1312, ladygeri, Rose of Sharon, Sassa, Autumn_the_Reviewer, bbbeleana, srg1, TrueBelle, LiLaZnCrAzYgUrL216, Miss BinKy, nat9380, Jessie Angel
Xaenthe: I hearted My Little Pony—it was totally a guilty pleasure fic for me! Trust me, I have read far worse stories than that, and it was really awesome. But I get not wanting to keep up old stories when you've moved on and changed. I still have my writing notebooks from when I was in middle school, and I cringe every time I flip through one, lol.
Chapter 20
Silence and something more than silence.
The room had turned into a fucking void. Inuyasha couldn't smell, couldn't hear, and he sure as hell couldn't breath. This nightmarish abyss only contained the two women before him, so similar, but so different.
In the deafening silence, it was Kikyou who finally broke the quiet as the other woman was obviously in as much shock as he was. Neither had the ability to speak coherently at the moment. “Inuyasha,” her voice purred with a formal ring. “You know my sister Kagome.”
“I—I…” He couldn't get the words out. Not that he had any idea of what he would say anyway.
Inuyasha couldn't believe it. There were two of them—two fucking women. Not just one, but two. But that meant—was it possible that the press had got it all wrong? They never said anything about a Kagome Higurashi, just that Kikyou Higurashi was married.
Was Kagome married?
Going on, Kikyou tried to read Inuyasha's mind: “You're wondering why dear Kagome hasn't been formally introduced to you, considering the two of you have been married?” In a daze, Inuyasha nodded, so the actress continued: “For the record, if you haven't already figured it out yet, Kagome is not married to two men.” A small smile crossed her face, “You've already met my husband in the basement. And I can vouch for her that Kagome was only seeing you—though perhaps more so than she thought.” Kikyou quirked a smirk.
“Kikyou what are you doing?” The girl hissed in the softest whisper, face blushing, and her voice telling signs of desperation, depression, and distress. Kagome wanted to scream. Did her sister have to bring up the fact she had been dating Inuyasha and Inu at the same time? It was only going to make matters worse.
“I'm making introductions.” Kikyou paused to take something off the coffee table that set in front of her couch. “Before we go any farther, I think is only fair to Kagome—seeing as you know her secret—that she should know yours Inuyasha. Or should I say Inu?”
Looking back, even if he had known it was another one of Miroku's damned sacred scrolls, Inuyasha wasn't sure he would have been able to stop Kikyou in time. She had reflexes like a cat.
Once again, he found himself with an ofuda stuck to his forehead. Only this time, instead of paralyzing him or deadening his senses, he felt the familiar indicators that could only mean he was now in his human form. Kagome's gasp only further confirmed his metamorphosis had taken place.
The hanyou turned actor felt painfully torn. Everything was falling apart, and no matter how he grasped for anything, all hope of normalcy slipped through is fingers. Kagome was going to hate him for deceiving her, not to mention she would be disgusted to know that the perfect actor she was married to was also the lowly hanyou she went slumming with.
The most miniscule amount of guilt bloomed in Inuyasha's chest. Here he had been blaming Kagome for hiding part of her identity, and he had never stopped to question the fact that he was doing the same.
Kagome stood, staring at the man before her, Kikyou momentarily forgotten.
“I-Inu?” Her tongue stumbled over the name. How could it be? For a moment, she was sure she was going to swoon.
Inu was just staring at her, clearly as unsure as she was. Her mind could not break through its own muddied confusion to grasp what the hell was going on, and it appeared neither could Inu—Inuyasha—whoever he was.
“Dog got your tongue?” Kikyou asked, reaching up to rip away the ofuda so Inu returned to his hanyou form. “Why don't you tell her who you are?”
Inuyasha was running on autopilot—that was the best way to describe how he felt. At Kikyou's prodding, his mouth opened, seemingly of his own accord, and he spoke, mechanically turning to face Kagome. “I'm a hanyou,” it seemed a good place to start, “I use my demonic as a disguise to hide from the press and fans. That's what I really am—a half demon—and I use my human half to act with because it's more acceptable.” Yes, she really was going to hate him now. Who took a relationship with a hanyou seriously? Who would want an actor who hid a big secret like that?
Kagome nodded, her brows knitted in understanding. Despite the remorse she felt for being in love with two men at the same time, she was honestly tickled pink at the fact they had turned out to be the same guy. How many girls got that lucky?
Her happy moment was over quickly when Kagome remembered the entire situation at hand. I must be such a let down after Kikyou—even a married Kikyou. She dared to sneak a peak at her clothes, so sloppy compared to her sister's glamour. Disappointment probably doesn't even begin to cover what he sees when he sees me. And I've deceived him. I should face it, I'm screwed.
Not noticing Kagome was only half focusing on his little speech, Inuyasha scratched the back of his head, trying to think of what else needed to be said. “That's probably why I got so angry at you, with that Kouga guy, and when I thought you were married to someone else—that's why I went ballistic. It was all my demon instincts afraid something of mine would be taken from me.”
Between her own depressing thoughts and Inuyasha's words Kagome was going to be sick. That was the only thing she could do at a moment like this: vomit her guts up. Inuyasha was so possessive of her when he thought she was Kikyou, she felt a little left out when she realized he would never have reacted to her as herself in kind. She was just dumpy little Kagome. Maybe if he had met me for me, things would be different? Wavering on her feet, Kagome gave a drunken look around the room, trying desperately to decide where would be the best place to run to. She took only one staggering step and she was falling.
Thankfully, there was a hanyou in the room, and he easily caught Kagome. They stood frozen for some time, Inuyasha's hands clutching her forearms to steady Kagome when he pulled her flush against his chest. Neither Kagome nor Inuyasha knew what to say or do. Both felt an overabundance of discomfort being so close to the person they sure didn't want them so near. However, since deep down they personally did not want to untangle themselves, they found they were in a bit of dilemma.
“Isn't this a nice little moment?” Kikyou queried, as she stood a little too close for comfort to the couple, her hand on her hip, an infuriating smile on her face.
Two pairs of eyes turned to glare at her. “Could you stay out of this?” Inuyasha snarled.
Kikyou took a step back.
“Don't talk to my sister like that!” Kagome huffed, pulling herself out of the hanyou's hold. There was a tiny spark of anger from the hanyou's tone toward Kikyou.
Kikyou grinned like the Cheshire Cat and took a sliding step toward the door leading into the kitchen.
Inuyasha snapped back a Kagome, being miffed both by her reprimand and that she had removed herself from his hold: “She's the one who's fucking standing there, keeping a running commentary on us. Do you have any idea how fucking annoying that is?”
Kagome rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “She's still my sister and I would prefer if you weren't such an ass to her. This is her home after all—don't you have any manners?”
Kikyou slipped through the swinging door, leaving the oblivious couple to their own devices.
“Your sister,” Inuyasha growled. “I guess she's the one who put you up to the whole marriage thing?” He flashed her an ugly sneer, but Kagome was becoming rapidly too angry to care. It felt good to channel her energy into something other than depression.
“How smart of you to figure it out. And thanks for your honesty—its always nice to know when your husband can change species at will. When were you planning on telling me?” Kagome missed Inuyasha's grimace at the words “change species” even though she was glowering right at him.
“Because you're Little Miss Truthiness!” Inuyasha spat back, more out of his personal hurt than any actual anger, “You fucking married me pretending you were your sister! To top it off, you thought you were seeing two different men. You just happen to be lucky I'm the same guy as Inu.”
“I told you about Inu! You never hinted you were someone else…” Kagome took a moment to pause, coming to a realization, “You knew I knew there were two of you. You knew—or you thought—Kikyou had an alter ego. Why didn't…?”
Inuyasha scoffed. “Why didn't I say anything?” In his fury he couldn't stop the words coming out of his mouth; they leaped straight from his slighted heart to his vocal cords before his brain could properly process them. “Because I wanted to go along with it. Because of your smell.”
Kagome blushed. Do I stink? “You wanted to go along with it because I smell?”
Inuyasha suddenly looked defeated, deflated, knowing he had said too much, even if Kagome didn't seemed to have grasped the full meaning yet. “No, your smell. You smell like you could be my mate.” Kagome didn't say anything, but looked confused, so he stumbled on. He could at least set things straight if he was going to dig his own grave. “Demons pick their mates by scent—it's like a test to speed up the courtship process. That way you don't spend time on someone who in the end won't be compatible.” Inuyasha gave a chocking cough as he said his next words: “I'm pretty sure you're mine.”
Kagome looked shocked. “Your mate?” This was too much for her.
It seemed to be too much for Inuyasha too. “Yeah, well, I'm sorry for keeping things from you, and,” he paused to sniff her arms. Using his youkai speed, he pulled up the sleeve of her robe, revealing the bandages around her upper arm. “I'm sorry for getting mad at you, for doing this. I was just so angry—not that that's an excuse. I—”
“Its alright. I think we both have made our mistakes. I'm,” she swallowed noticeably, “I'm sorry too.”
Inuyasha nodded. He surprisingly felt a little ashamed of himself. As they had spoke, he had moved close enough to really see Kagome. She looked tired and lonely and extremely stressed. He had done that to her.
Giving her a tight smile, Inuyasha gently pulled her back to him, dragging her into a one-armed hug. “I think I should go.” Suddenly, he didn't want to go, but he felt it would be for the best. Pressing a careful kiss to her temple, Inuyasha released her.
He was gone before Kagome had a chance to stop him.
“So you just left her there?”
Miroku sat at Inuyasha's table, head bandaged and a piece of meat strapped over his black eye from the hanyou's revenge.
Inuyasha nodded, concentrating on digging a water chestnut from the Chinese take-out box he was currently devouring.
“No, `I'll call you' or “Catch you later, babe'?”
Inuyasha looked up at Miroku, flashing the man a withering glare that commanded his friend end this line of questioning. Popping the water chestnut in his mouth, he only shook his head.
“So let me get this straight, both of you apologized, you told her you thought she could be mate material, and then you left?”
“If I had stayed, would I be sitting here, eating lousy take-out with you?” The hanyou quipped back, his tone steady, but his eyes focused on his food.
“I guess not.” A shrug. “Are you ever going to see her again?”
Inuyasha had to count to ten to keep from exploding. “What are you some kind of hopeless romantic? After everything that happened, I highly doubt she ever wants to look at me again.”
“But do you want to see her again?” Miroku pressed.
Inuyasha shrugged and was silent. He stared into the take-out box as though it would give him the answer he sought. “Yeah, I would, but right now I don't think that's possible—if it will ever be possible.”
“We could always kidnap her.”
Inuyasha shot his friend another glare. “Haven't you been beaten enough already?”
Miroku cowered behind the line of little white take-out boxes and said nothing more.
Kagome dusted off the counter in her apartment. She was grateful to be home, but the tiny space felt lonelier than it usually did. Not to mention the fact that she had spent all afternoon cleaning all the dirt and grime that had accumulated while she had been away.
But she was home, and away from all the drama her sister had brought on her. She could get out of her funk and move on with her life.
Sighing, she took her seat at her now clean kitchen table, and opened one of the boxes Kikyou and Sango had packed for her. Setting on top of all the other contents was a bag of cereal. Kagome snorted when she realized that it was from that health food market, but on closer examination, she saw that it was the sugary stuff she had fought Inuyasha over. Thinking back, she never had gotten around to eating it.
Carefully, afraid that it would break, Kagome lifted the sack out of the box. She looked at it for several moments, moving it in a way that suggested if she were to turn it the right way it would give her the answer to the meaning of life. Then, without warning, Kagome clutched the plastic and cereal to her chest in a death grip. Though she fought them, the tears came along with the happy memories, and Kagome cried sadly and alone in her empty apartment.
Did you honestly think he would leap in your arms when he realized you weren't your sister? Maybe just a little.
I'm going to miss you Inuyasha.
A/N: Not completely thrilled with the way this chapter turned out, but its better now that I've picked it over a few times.
As for the next one, I can't really say when I'll have it up by. I'm going back to my friend's without Internet place, so I will by unable to upload. I'll check out the computers at the library and see if something can't be managed there, but it might be two or three weeks before I'm back home. But happiness awaits!