InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 20
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha. I do enjoy playing with `em, though.
One piece of advice InuYasha was willing to give any father or potential father out there was: never, ever let your mate place a charmed necklace on you allowing her to smash your face into the ground any time the mood takes her.
The hanyou rubbed his sore nose again. Sometimes he thought Kagome's mood swings would be the end of him. One moment she wanted to cuddle, the next she was telling him what a jerk he was. Then he'd be sat so he would remember just what he had done to prove himself a jerk, and so that he'd remember never to do it again.
On top of that, she wasn't over her morning sickness and had a nasty tendency to throw up on his haori. But all that aside, he wasn't sorry for what he'd done. And she did realize that she had mood swings and would apologize later. InuYasha smiled at the form of some of those apologies.
Sure, he'd made mistakes, like bringing Kagome that raw liver `cause it would be good for the pups if she ate it. That's how he knew that at two-and-a-half months, she wasn't done with her morning sickness.
So he made accommodations. When he hunted or fished, he now made it a point to clean his catch before bringing it to camp. And sometimes he and Miroku would cook the food before allowing Kagome or Sango anywhere near it. Oddly enough, Miroku turned out to be a pretty good cook, and was even good at preparing dishes that wouldn't offend the girls' stomachs.
Both girls appreciated that. Although InuYasha didn't like the fact that he had to sit well away from Kagome while eating Ramen.
“What was that for?”
“The wind changed direction. I could smell your Ramen.”
InuYasha glared at his mate. “As much as I love you, I'm not giving up my Ramen.” He clutched the precious cup to his chest and hopped back and forth…trying to stay downwind of Kagome. When she wrinkled her nose, he'd cower a bit and jump again.
“I'm sorry, InuYasha,” Kagome sighed. “Make it up to you later?”
InuYasha's head snapped back in Kagome's direction and he couldn't help smiling. “Sure.” He quickly finished the rest of his Ramen and dashed back to Kagome's side.
Kagome wrinkled her nose. “You've got Ramen breath, dog boy.” She sniffed again. “But, you know…I think it's not affecting me so badly anymore. Mama told me it would get better.”
Sango was still looking a little green. “I'm looking forward to it.”
Miroku was holding something out for Sango. “Here, Sango. I'm told this raw liver would be good for…”
Miroku was doing his best to brush off his robe.
Kagome was glaring at InuYasha.
“What?” said InuYasha. “You didn't want it.”
Kagome was giggling.
“Oi, what's up, wench?” asked InuYasha.
“How do you live with this?” Kagome whispered.
“Live with what?” InuYasha whispered back.
“Being able to hear everything,” Kagome giggled again. “And I do mean everything. I think my senses are getting sharper.”
“You'll learn to block things out.”
“Hey, you two,” Kagome called out, “keep it down!”
There was a pause, then Miroku's voice: “Too late!”
“Houshi-sama!” That was Sango. There was another pause, then the two went back to what they were doing.
“This isn't fair,” said InuYasha.
“What isn't fair?”
“You said you were going to make it up to me…and Miroku's getting all the action.”
“So you're jealous, huh?” Kagome gave her mate an evil grin as she crawled out of the sleeping bag, removed what little she still had on and crawled back in, head first.
InuYasha lifted the top of the sleeping bag and looked down in to see Kagome going lower. “What are you doing?” he asked. You always accused me of not opening up to you. Now you're avoiding me?”
“Oh, I'll be opening up to you in a second.”
InuYasha felt something warm and wet slip over him. He closed his eyes in sheer ecstasy. Then it was gone. He whimpered.
“InuYasha,” Kagome whispered. “What do you see in front of you?”
InuYasha opened his eyes. So that was where that intoxicating scent was coming from. He leaned forward, sniffed his mate, then gave her a little lick…sending a wave of pleasure through her.
“You can be so dense sometimes…but I think you've got it now,” chuckled Kagome.
Again, InuYasha felt something warm and wet. “It's good to have a mate from the future,” was his last coherent thought.
A short distance away, Kikyo sat observing the couple. Finally Naraku had placed an additional spell on the shield stone that allowed her to get close to Kagome without…without…
The undead miko hissed. What was that poor copy of her doing? And what was InuYasha doing? Pink and blue lights were beginning to emanate from the couple as they were caught up in their joining.
Unfortunately for Kikyo, her Shinidama Chuu had been slacking on collecting the souls of dead lesbians and she had been forced to subsist on the souls of dead bisexual women. This left her in the rather odd condition of both hating InuYasha and Kagome and being sexually attracted to them.
A fine sheen of sweat began to appear on Kikyo's skin. Her breath became irregular. She hadn't noticed that while the barrier of her shield stone had allowed her to approach Kagome, it didn't keep out the spillover effects of Kagome's mating with InuYasha.
The pink and blue lights reached the barrier…and passed right though. They suffused Kikyo with an aura of pure sexuality.
She had a massive orgasm on the spot.
Kagome paused. “Did you feel anything, InuYasha?”
“Not that, silly. Did you feel…” Kagome felt InuYasha's hot breath as the hanyou drew her back to him. She moaned. “I guess we can worry about that…later.”
Kikyo writhed on the ground. If she hadn't been able to control herself at least a little, she would have crawled over to InuYasha and that bitch. She convulsed again. What was that? Three, she thought. “Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Make that four. Sweat was pouring off her, yet she couldn't get up the strength to move. She would have to wait till those two settled down.
“Again?” asked InuYasha, raising one eyebrow.
“I don't know what's come over me. Must be that blood I got from you.” Kagome turned around, laid on her back and pulled her mate on top of her. “I think I could go all night.”
“Feh! Think you can keep up with me?” snarled InuYasha playfully.
“Try me,” answered Kagome.
“Damn it!” shouted Kikyo. Still the shield stone kept her from being detected, yet it failed to protect her from…”uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh!” What was that? Seven? Sweat poured off the undead miko. Her priestess' garb was completely soaked through. No, that was eight.
InuYasha and Kagome paused in their lovemaking and took a moment to just hold each other.
“So,” said Kagome. “Have I made it up to you?”
“What did you say about going all night?”
Kagome giggled, then started rubbing her mate's ears. “If you're up for it…”
InuYasha rolled onto his back and pulled Kagome on top of him.
“Hmmmm,” said Kagome. “Looks like you are up for it.”
Kikyo, who had been crawling away slowly, felt InuYasha and Kagome's sexual aura wash over her again. “Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!” she thought, as wave after wave crashed over her.
“Don't those two ever stop?”
Morning came to the Sengoku Jidai. The Inu gang prepared a breakfast and struck camp.
As they were getting ready to leave, InuYasha performed a quick circular reconnaissance around their camp. At one point, Kagome was startled. She called her mate over and asked him perform his sweep one more time.
InuYasha was slightly annoyed, but did as his mate asked. “Oi, what's the matter? Didn't think I did it right the first time?
“Shhh,” said Kagome as she pulled InuYasha close. “You remember the shield stone Kagura mentioned?”
“Feh! Of course.”
“At one point your youkai disappeared.”
“The connection I feel between us due to our marks on each other disappeared. Only a shield stone could block it.”
“Sesshomaru and Kagura peeping again?” InuYasha's hand went to Tetsusaiga.
“Awww, I would have just taught him a lesson.”
“I don't think it's them.”
“Naraku?” shouted InuYasha. “I'll kill the bastard!”
“No, not Naraku,” said Kagome. “InuYasha, please stand over there.” Kagome indicated a spot on the other side of the barrier. As long as InuYasha's connection to her didn't reappear, Kagome knew she was walking towards the barrier. Finally she passed right through…only to find Kikyo slowly recovering from the night before.
“Damn you,” Kikyo hissed.
To InuYasha, Kagome had simply disappeared. “Kagome!”
Kagome could see and hear InuYasha and everyone else, however. She poked her head outside the barrier…resulting in a disconcerting Kagome head floating in mid-air…and said, “I'll be out in a minute.”
Kagome faced Kikyo and put up a barrier so that Kikyo felt her growing sexual excitement diminish.
“Thank you…for that.”
Kagome took in the state Kikyo was in. “You must have been here all night, I'd guess. How many…episodes…did you have?”
“I'd guess about as many as you did.”
Kagome blushed.
“How...How do you keep that up?”
Kagome blushed deeper. “I don't know. I guess it's from the mating ritual. We exchanged blood. InuYasha got some of my qualities. I got some of his. Apparently my…our…drive is part of that. Ironic, isn't it?”
Kikyo was exasperated. “What's ironic?”
Kagome smiled. “You wanted InuYasha to turn human…and I'm sure you would have had a pleasant life. I love him as he is and…”
Kagome dropped the shield and an immense wash of sexual energy washed over her.
“…look what I got.”
“Damn you.”
Kagome re-erected her barrier. “You should stay away from me, from us, you know. How many is that now, Kikyo? Twenty-seven?”
“How did you know?”
“Cause I can feel it every time you…”
“Yeah. His.”
Kikyo glared at Kagome.
Kagome looked Kikyo straight in the eye. “I've given you the choice, you know. All you have to do is stay away from us. I will not kill you.”
Kikyo arched one eyebrow at what she still considered her poor copy.
“If you die, it will be because you killed yourself.”
Naraku sat in his castle, staring into Kanna's mirror. Although he had put an additional spell on the shield stone so that Kikyo could approach Kagome, he had not (of course) told the undead miko that he had also included a spell that allowed him to see all that transpired within the barrier.
He had done it because he did not trust the clay pot. It had paid off in a completely unexpected manner.
“What a woman!” he exclaimed.
He would destroy InuYasha and Kagome's pups and convince Kagome that InuYasha had done it. Kagome would then kill InuYasha for him, bringing the Shikon no Tama to black perfection.
And if Kagome didn't cooperate after that, he'd just kill her.
Naraku looked back to the image of Kagome in Kanna's mirror. “It's the motion in the ocean,” he thought. “You'll find out.”
A/N: Uh-oh. Now Naraku has the hots for Kagome. And it looks like soon enough Kikyo will be running out of…episodes.
Thank you to all who have sent suggestions for the “Name Kagome's Babies” contest. As noted, there are two boys and one girl. Send me three Japanese names with English translations. I will be the judge and reserve the right to use all three names from one person or even one name from each of three persons. I will give credit to the winners at the end of the chapter Kagome delivers. Good luck to all entrants.
I really enjoy all comments, so please read and review. Oh, and I have a new story and will give the title when this one's over. Thanks!