InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 21
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha. I do enjoy playing with `em, though.
Kikyo was…annoyed.
Yes, that was the right word for it. The last time she had talked with that pathetic copy of hers, she had already experienced twenty-seven of those shuddering episodes…and the girl had the gall to remind her that the one hundredth would kill her.
The logical thing would be to avoid InuYasha's bitch at all costs. But three things prevented her from taking that course: 1) she wanted to kill that damned Naraku, 2) she wanted to kill that twice-be-damned Kagome (which would also kill InuYasha), and 3) she had gotten addicted to those thrice-be-damned shuddering episodes.
So now she used the shield stone to follow Inuyasha and Kagome surreptitiously. “Just one more hit,” she thought as she settled near their camp. Through experimentation, she had determined the range of those pink and blue lights and now could pick a spot close enough to get the effect, but far enough away that she could crawl to a safe distance when InuYasha and his bitch rested.
So it had been about a month and Kikyo was sure she had surpassed fifty of those episodes. “Over halfway,” she thought bitterly, “but I can control myself.” She felt the excitement building in her: the change in her breathing, the fine sheen of perspiration on her skin, the speeding up of her pulse. She could swear she felt heat building in her core.
“I can control this,” she thought. “I am a miko and have had to train to the most rigid discipline. These wanton feelings shall not control me.”
Kikyo's hips arched into the air as she achieved her release.
In the camp, Kagome held InuYasha tighter. “That's fifty-two, Kikyo,” she thought. She looked up. “Bet you can't do that again.”
“Feh!” exclaimed InuYasha. “You can't wear me out.”
“I can try.” Kagome smiled.
Naraku looked into Kanna's mirror, which allowed him to see and hear all that went on inside the protected field of the shield stone.
“Ku-ku-ku-ku-ku,” he laughed. Naraku watched each time the undead miko vicariously experienced the results of InuYasha and Kagome's rutting. Lately, the clay pot had taken to removing her clothing and using it as bedding, so Naraku found himself watching Kikyo writhe naked on the ground as each wave hit her. Finally, panting and unsteady, Kikyo would drag herself and the precious shield stone he had given her out of range.
Naraku found the whole affair stimulating. It was like watching a moth get too close to the flames…except that Kikyo, unlike the moth, knew the “flames” would kill her.
“Ku-ku-ku-ku-ku!” It did kind of give him the willies, though.
Morning came to the Sengoku Jidai and both InuYasha and Miroku were up and about. InuYasha had caught some game for breakfast and Miroku would be cooking it. While the smell wasn't bothering Kagome, it still bothered Sango a bit…so the two left for a nearby hot spring to wash up from the night before. InuYasha and Miroku would take a quick dip after breakfast.
Kagome and Sango took a quick look around to make sure of their privacy, then stripped off their outfits and slipped into the water. Mindful that their mates were making breakfast and it would not be polite to keep them waiting, the two best friends washed quickly, then dunked themselves to wash off the soap.
“Just one moment, Kango-chan,” begged Sango. “I just want to relax for one minute before we return.”
Kagome smiled. “I guess they can wait that long.”
Both girls lay back along the shore. Both closed their eyes. One of them suddenly opened her eyes.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“I…I thought I felt something.”
“In the water?” Sango looked around nervously.
“No, inside.” Kagome looked pensive. “A flutter…or a gas bubble.”
“That's your babies. They've started to move.”
Both girls started to squeal as they hugged each other.
“Do you ever regret it, InuYasha?”
“Regret what, bouzu?”
“Do you ever regret…you know…with Kagome?”
“But what about…Kikyo?”
“In a way.”
“So you still have feelings for her?”
“For Kikyo, yes.” InuYasha scowled. “That thing that looks like her just gives me the willies.”
“Ah,” said the monk.
“But you never quite get over your first love.”
“I know what you mean, InuYasha. I remember when I was twelve and living with Mushin. We went to a nearby village to buy supplies and the shopkeeper had a daughter around fourteen. She bent over to retrieve some sake for Mushin and I couldn't help noticing she had a really nice…”
“What? She was my first.”
“Your first grope, you mean.”
“I cannot help it, InuYasha. This hand has a mind of its own.”
InuYasha turned serious. “Kikyo was my first love. This…thing…isn't Kikyo. It's like a part of her, but not all of her. I guess it took me a while to understand that.”
“I see.”
“Besides, that thing gives me the willies.”
“InuYasha!” yelled Kagome as she ran back to camp clutching a towel around her.
“InuYasha!” yelled Sango as she followed Kagome closely.
Kagome got a quizzical look on her face and stopped running for a moment. Then she walked in an arc until she felt the connection between herself and InuYasha blocked.
“What is it, Kagome?” asked Sango. The taijiya gasped when Kagome bent over and almost half of her disappeared.
Her top half inside the protected bubble of the shield stone, Kagome looked at Kikyo and smiled. “By my count, that's fifty-six.”
“Shut up,” Kikyo hissed, already feeling the effect of Kagome's presence inside the bubble.
Kagome disappeared for a moment, then reappeared. “Oh, and I just felt the babies move!”
“Congratulations, I'm sure.”
“Bye,” said Kagome, cheerfully.
“What was that?” asked Sango.
“Come on,” said Kagome with a wink and a smile. “Let's get back to camp with the news!”
“InuYasha!” yelled Kagome.
Sango took off after her friend. “Wait up, Kagome!”
Miroku turned to InuYasha. “Think they're in trouble?”
“Feh! I'd smell it if they were.” InuYasha sniffed. “They seem more…excited.”
The monk and the hanyou started walking towards their respective mates, who were running towards them.
Finally, Kagome reached InuYasha and jumped into his arms. “InuYasha!” she screamed, almost deafening the poor hanyou. “I felt it! I felt them move!”
“Felt what move?” InuYasha looked down at Kagome and blushed. In her excitement, she had forgotten to hold onto her towel which was now down by her feet. “Where are your clothes?”
“Back at the hot spring, I guess,” bubbled Kagome. “Isn't it wonderful?”
“I think it's wonderful,” said Miroku.
“Shut up, bouzu,” answered InuYasha. The hanyou took off his haori and turned back to Kagome. “Here, put this on.”
“Oh,” said Kagome, suddenly realizing she was naked to the world. She took the proffered garment and pulled it on quickly.
By this time Sango was blushing furiously. Although she hadn't dropped her own towel, she had realized that it didn't do nearly a good enough job covering her. Suddenly she felt a hand on her back, followed by a yank that left her completely naked. “Miroku!”
The monk danced just out of the taijiya's reach, waving the towel at her. “But you look so good that way, Sango!”
The taijiya struck the classic pose…one arm across her chest, one hand covering her nether region.
“You know, bouzu,” said InuYasha, “I think I see why you liked touching her butt so much.”
“What was that for?”
Kagome straddled InuYasha. “You're only allowed to look at my butt, dog boy.”
The spell having worn off sufficiently, InuYasha turned over. “I see.”
Kagome sat down on InuYasha's chest.
Apparently Miroku had forgotten that Sango hadn't taken Hiraikotsu to the hot spring with her and, consequently, wouldn't be waking up for a bit. Kagome flipped part of her mate's haori over her mate's head. “InuYasha's covered, Sango. Hurry up and get dressed!”
“Thank you, Kagome.” Sango hurriedly got some clothes on and walked back over to the unconscious monk. “Hentai!”
Kagome giggled and pulled the haori back off InuYasha's eyes. “You can look now.”
The hanyou looked up at her with eyes that were somewhat unfocused. “Did I ever tell you that you smell really good?”
Kagome smiled down at her mate, then got off him. “On your feet.”
She took InuYasha's hand and placed it on her belly. “I felt them move, InuYasha.” She smiled up at him.
InuYasha kept his hand on his mate's belly. A human might have missed it, but his enhanced senses didn't. One, two…then three subtle movements. Three pups. His three pups. “I…I can feel them, Kagome.” He smiled.
“Get that goofy-looking grin off your face, dog boy,” said Kagome. “We still have shards to find.”
“She's right, InuYasha,” said the monk, who was finally coming around. “Finishing the quest is even more important now.”
“But first,” squealed Kagome, “I've gotta tell Mama.”
“What?” said InuYasha.
“Sango? May I borrow Kirara?”
“Of course.”
Kagome climbed onto Kirara's back. “Would you please take me to the well, Kirara?”
The neko youkai nodded assent and took off with Kagome.
“Hey! Wait!”
“I'll meet you at the village tomorrow afternoon, InuYasha!” Kagome called back.
At the well, Kagome gave Kirara a big hug. “Thank you so much. I can't wait to tell Mama.” She jumped into the well and the familiar feeling of the time slip overtook her.
A red, a blue and a green sphere of light each passed out of her to remain in the time slip. They looked bigger and brighter to her. “Don't worry, I'll be back for you really soon.” She continued on and emerged in her own time.
Kagome climbed out of the well using the new ladder her jii-chan had provided and ran out of the well house and into her home.
“I'm back!” she yelled.
“Welcome home, dear,” Mama Higurashi called back as she came down the stairs.
“Mama! I have great news! I felt the babies move!”
“But, Kagome, you're not even showing yet.”
“I told you, Mama. I'm pregnant on that side of the well. The babies can't come with me, so they stay in the time slip till I get home.”
“Ah,” said Mama Higurashi. “I understand.”
“You do?”
“I understand that you think of that other place as home.”
“Sorry, Mama.”
“No, that's good. I just wish I could see you as you are there, and I wish I could see my grandbabies.” Mama Higurashi sniffed back a tear. “But I'm sure there are things I can help you with…like shopping. If you're starting to show, you'll need some roomier tops and pants with elastic waistbands and…”
“Stop,” laughed Kagome. “You've convinced me. Let's go shopping.”
Back in the feudal era, InuYasha had reached the well. If anything, he had gotten more anxious when Kagome was back in her time. At least she hadn't gone back because they had fought. In fact, it had been a long time since they had fought seriously, he mused.
Suddenly he had a strong feeling that Kagome was in trouble. He paused. Not danger. No. Trouble was the right word. InuYasha jumped into the well to go to Kagome's time. He greeted the balls of light that were his future pups. “All's well,” he thought. “Going to visit Mommy. Stay.”
InuYasha emerged in Kagome's time and proceeded into the empty house. His nose told him that Kagome and Mama Higurashi had gone somewhere. The car was not in the garage…and that could mean only one thing: they had gone shopping.
InuYasha grabbed the baseball cap he always wore to hide his ears. “Don't worry, Kagome. I'm coming.”
At the mall, Kagome was surrounded by her friends from school, who were all peppering her with questions.
“Maternity clothes?” asked Ayumi.
“Why would you need maternity clothes?” asked Eri.
“Duh. `Cause she's pregnant!” answered Yuka.
All three chimed in, “Pregnant?”
“I'm not pregnant,” said Kagome as she fought down the urge to smile. “I'm buying these clothes for a friend.”
They weren't total lies. She wasn't pregnant in this era…and she was buying some of the clothes for Sango.
Just then Hojo walked up. “Higurashi!”
“Oh. Hi, Hojo.”
“You can't talk with her now, Hojo,” said Yuka.
“Why not?”
“Because she's pregnant.”
“What?” Hojo could only stare.
“I'm not pregnant.” said Kagome. “Not at the moment,” she thought.
“You heard her, Hobo.”
“InuYasha! Where'd you come from?” Kagome was nervous, but grateful her hanyou had shown up.
“…so you all had better leave my mate alone!”
“What did he just say?” thought Kagome.
Kagome sighed in resignation. “He means `wife.'”
“But, Kagome!” said Ayumi. “You're still in high school!”
“Yeah. We didn't want anyone to know.” Kagome looked over at InuYasha, who looked a little crestfallen. “But, as you see, InuYasha is so protective that it was bound to come out sooner or later.”
Kagome looked over at InuYasha who still looked like a puppy who had misbehaved and had spotted the rolled-up newspaper. She whispered something she knew only he could hear…which caused him to brighten.
“Well, guys,” Kagome said, “gotta finish shopping with Mama.”
They left Kagome's four friends still standing there with their mouths hanging open.
“Gonna catch flies that way,” InuYasha called back over his shoulder. He turned back to his mate. “Now, what, exactly, is this `lingerie' you wanted to model for me.”
Kagome stopped walking through the store and indicated that InuYasha should look around.
Oh, it was good to be mated to a girl from the future.
A/N: In case you're wondering, Kagome is about sixteen weeks, with Sango at fifteen.
I want to thank everyone who has sent in name suggestions for Kagome's babies. I have even gotten a few suggesting the same names, interestingly enough. There are two boys and one girl and I will continue to accept suggestions until Kagome's eighth month. Remember, I need three Japanese names with their English translations.
I did have one person email me asking if I wanted names for Sango and Miroku's baby. Okay, you twisted my arm. If anyone wants to send in suggestions, I'll pick a name from those and give the winner credit at the end of the chapter Sango delivers.
Finally, it brightens my day to hear that someone has enjoyed my little story, and I don't mind negative comments (as long as they're constructive), so please read and review. Thanks!