InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 22
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha. I do enjoy playing with `em, though.
InuYasha was overwhelmed.
He was surrounded by statues of women wearing next to nothing; and every time he looked at one, he imagined Kagome wearing it just for him. He finally found one he liked the best and kept looking back and forth between the mannequin and his mate until Kagome got the message.
“You like that one, huh?” asked Kagome, who was blushing more than a little at the thought of wearing such an outfit. “I don't think I could wear that one, InuYasha. It's indecent.”
InuYasha just smiled. “Judging by the spike in your scent…”
“Keh! Then drop the innocent act.”
Kagome blushed again. “At least have the decency to go find Mama while I buy this.”
“Feh! If you say so. But,” InuYasha sighed, “I don't think you'll be wearing it soon, anyway.”
“And why not?”
InuYasha tapped his nose. “You're going into heat again. You might be pregnant with my pups on the other side of the well, but not here.”
“True.” Kagome's face reflected the beginning of her realization.
“Yeah, that's right,” said InuYasha. “You could find yourself pregnant on both sides of the well.”
“Oh…………………… ………..oh!”
“I think pups on one side of the well is enough.”
“Hmm,” mused Kagome. “Well, please find Mama anyway and we'll meet at the front of the store.”
InuYasha left to complete his errand and Kagome quickly found a salesperson to help with her purchase. She slipped the bag inside another store bag so InuYasha wouldn't see it. She then walked to the front of the store and, spying a drugstore across the mall, rushed over to make one last purchase for the day.
“So you don't mind staying overnight before going back, InuYasha?” asked Kagome.
“No problem. Besides, your mom made steak for dinner.”
“And Ramen.”
“And Ramen.” InuYasha smiled. “Steak and Ramen.”
Kagome giggled. “Well, why don't you get ready for bed while I change in the closet?”
“Feh! Why do you have to change in the closet, wench? It's not like I haven't seen you.” InuYasha reached for his mate.
Kagome smiled and dodged the hanyou. “Relax, I'll be out in a moment. Besides, I think you'll like it. Oh, and lock the door.”
“Sure likes her privacy,” mumbled InuYasha as he did what his mate asked. “Now, why is her scent spiking?” he thought as he stripped off his clothes and lay down on the bed.
“Ready?” called out Kagome from the closet.
Kagome stepped out of the closet and InuYasha's eyes widened. She was wearing the lingerie from the store…and to say he was right about how good it would look on her would be an understatement.
Kagome did a little pirouette “You like?”
“I like.”
Kagome smiled wickedly, approached her mate and straddled his lap. “I like that you like it,” she purred.
InuYasha nuzzled his mate's neck, then sighed. “This isn't fair, Kagome,” whined InuYasha. Kagome's scent was getting to him, especially since the lower part of her lingerie left her completely open to him. “You're torturing me,” he gasped.
Kagome giggled, stood up and retrieved a couple of small packages that were under her bed, and stood in front of her mate. “These are called condoms,” she said as she opened a packet from one of the packages and partially unrolled one.
“Think of it as a barrier.”
“Here, stand up.” Kagome stripped the last item of clothing off her mate and sat him down on the bed again. “Looks like I won't have any trouble demonstrating this.” Kagome smiled and unrolled the condom down over her mate. “See? A barrier. Kagome straddled InuYasha's lap again, eased herself down and moaned, “It keeps your seed from getting into me.”
“Oh-h-h.” InuYasha grinned. “So, then, we can…”
Kagome pushed InuYasha back onto the bed, still straddling him, and started moving up and down. “You're in for a long night, dog boy.”
Mama Higurashi was cleaning the house and had finally made her way to Kagome's room. “Kagome and InuYasha left quite a mess,” she thought as she worked. At least her daughter had pulled off the bedding and taken it to the laundry.
She was a little surprised to find an open box of condoms beside Kagome's bed. Then she realized that Kagome was not pregnant on this side of the well and…my, that would be awkward.
Kagome's mother couldn't resist snooping a little and looked in the box. “Nine left,” she thought. “No wonder she likes that boy.” She went to empty Kagome's trash can and her eyes widened to see the empty second box. “No wonder she likes that boy.”
Back in the feudal era, Kagome and InuYasha had reached the village and Kaede's hut. The elder miko was sitting outside with a half dozen village girls and was holding a rather lively discussion.
After Kaede was finished, Kagome asked sheepishly, “Are those the girls who got pregnant because of us?”
“No,” Kaede answered. “Those are the midwives I'm training to help with all the girls who got pregnant because of you two and you're influence.” The elder miko fixed her one good eye on the younger miko. “Ye do remember your promise to help, do ye not, Kagome?”
“Y-Yes, Kaede-baachan.”
A couple of weeks passed and Miroku and Sango returned from a trip they had taken into the far north, checking out rumors of Naraku and his whereabouts. They hadn't found much…just more rumors…but the trip had done them both good.
“InuYasha!” called out Miroku as the pair plus Kirara approached the village.
“Kagome!” yelled Sango. The taijiya was wearing her traveling kimono instead of her fighting outfit. Kirara landed beside InuYasha and Kagome and the monk and taijiya slid off.
Kagome noted that Kirara didn't transform right away, but stayed near Sango in demon form. “What's with Kirara, Sango?”
“I think she knows, Kagome.”
“Feh!” said InuYasha. “Any demon would know…even Shippo.”
Sango continued, “Kirara's just being extra careful to guard me.” At that moment Kirara, satisfied that there was no immediate danger, transformed into her smaller size and jumped into Sango's arms.
InuYasha turned to Miroku. “So what did you two find out, bouzu?”
“Not much, I'm afraid,” answered the monk.
“I'm over my morning sickness,” said Sango.
“Keh! Big help.”
“InuYasha!” exclaimed Kagome. “It's important to her.”
“But it doesn't get us any closer to…” InuYasha noticed Kagome's eyes were getting little red flecks in them as she got angry. No, not little red flecks…big red flecks. It seemed that his youkai blood was having more influence the further she got into her pregnancy. “Feh. I guess Naraku can wait a little longer.”
The red in Kagome's eyes faded. “Good, dog-boy. You're learning.”
Miroku broke in. “What I was going to say, InuYasha, is that it's more interesting that there have been so few rumors of Naraku.”
“It's as though he's holding back…planning something big, perhaps. I believe we must constantly be on our guard, InuYasha.”
“Keh! Let Naraku show his face!” InuYasha place his hand on his Tetsusaiga. “I'm ready for the bastard!
“Ku-ku-ku-ku-ku,” laughed Naraku as he looked into Kanna's mirror. One of his Saimyoushou hovered over the Inu gang, relaying the sights and sounds below. “Ready for me, is he? Ku-ku-ku-ku. We'll see if you are ready for me.”
Naraku frowned. The monk was right. Naraku thought about launching a series of weak attacks, but that might point out even more that he was holding back. He could, however, stir up other youkai to cause trouble for the shard hunters. Nothing powerful enough to beat them, but powerful enough to distract them.
He might even still be able to use that walking clay pot. That could be amusing. Now, who to throw at them first? A sneer crept over Naraku's visage. “Perfect,” he thought.
A week later a rumor of a jewel shard came to the Inu gang from the east. It came in a rather odd form: men, women and children fleeing into the west were the victim of bizarre practical jokes by a demon apparently named Fuzakeru.
A group of children ran through the village. When Kaede approached them, they darted away and grazed in the village pasture.
“Weird,” said Miroku.
“Uh-huh,” said InuYasha.
A kitsune came through. Shippo had approached it to see if it had been affected by Fuzakeru. Unfortunately for Shippo, the “kitsune” drew back at his approach, lifted its tail and sprayed him. It turned out to be an itachi in kitsune's clothing.
Miroku sent Shippo to Kaede. InuYasha, with his sensitive nose, retuned after Shippo was far enough away.
Within a few minutes, a husband and wife whose heads had been exchanged came through in a wagon. The man with a woman's head kept demanding they go faster, while the woman with a man's head kept stopping and asking directions.
“That is just so wrong,” said InuYasha.
Miroku just nodded. “We must leave to look into this, InuYasha.”
“For once you're right, bouzu,” answered InuYasha, “especially since Kaede, Kagome, Sango and Shippo are coming this way…and none of `em look happy.”
Miroku climbed onto Kirara's back and followed InuYasha into the east, the complaints of the women fading behind them. Kagome appeared to say the word “sit” over and over, but was too far away for InuYasha to hear…especially with his fingers in his ears like that.
Two days later Miroku, InuYasha and Kirara found the source of the problem. They could tell because they were increasingly surrounded by ticked-off humans and youkai.
Also, the loud laughter coming from over the next rise helped. InuYasha stopped at the top of the hill. Kirara landed next to the hanyou and Miroku hopped off.
“Do you see that, InuYasha?” asked Miroku.
A tiny youkai sat on a large throne placed on the crest of the next hill. It didn't look dangerous. In fact, being an insect youkai, it looked anything but dangerous. On the top of the throne was written “Wishes Granted*” and a long line of humans and youkai waited in line before it.
“Wishes granted, huh?” said InuYasha. “I smell Naraku's doing in this, Miroku.”
InuYasha and Miroku approached the throne while Kirara waited on the hill. Various calls of “Hey, no cutting!” and “Get to the back of the line!” were heard until Fuzakeru called for quiet and announced that it had been foretold that InuYasha and Miroku would come to him now.
“Welcome, hanyou. Welcome, monk,” said Fuzakeru, smiling the whole time. “You are most welcome.”
“Keh! It's a damned flea youkai,” said InuYasha.
“Tell me, Fuzakeru,” said Miroku. “Do you happen to know a flea named Myoga?”
“Myoga?” said the flea youkai, stroking his chin. “I had a great uncle attached to the Inutaisho…but that was years ago. He's dead, I think. I heard he had been squashed by the Inutaisho's son.”
“He's my retainer,” said InuYasha. “Big coward, too.”
“Hey! You do know him.”
“So why are you making all these humans and youkai lives miserable?” asked Miroku. “Are you in league with Naraku?”
“Funny-looking guy in a baboon suit?”
“That's the one,” said InuYasha.
In his castle, Naraku scowled as the scene unfolded. “This is going downhill fast.”
“He gave me this jewel shard which lets me grant wishes.”
“I see,” said Miroku.
“Keh!” exclaimed InuYasha. “We've seen the results of those wishes wandering the countryside. Doesn't look like they're getting their wishes to me!”
“Ah,” said Fuzakeru. “You didn't read the disclaimer.”
Miroku read the fine print. “Must be a pure wish.”
“That's right,” said Fuzakeru.
“Just like the Shikon no Tama,” said Miroku.
“Or it backfires,” said InuYasha.
“But I don't understand,” said Miroku. “I thought the jewel had to be complete to grant a wish.”
“Oh yes, you're right,” replied Fuzakeru. “The shard your friend, Naraku, gave me grants wishes…but they only last three days.”
“Interesting,” said Miroku. “In that case I have a wish.”
“Sure. Just ask.”
“Miroku. I don't think you should…”
“I wish that InuYasha and I and our mates, Kagome and Sango, could share each other's happiness.”
There was a purple flash. “Done!”
“That's it,” said Naraku as he sent an order for his Saimyoushou to fly down and retrieve the jewel shard, which it dutifully did.
InuYasha and Miroku made it back to the village and their mates that night. Somehow Kaede had managed to remove the skunk smell from poor Shippo and the girls had calmed down as a result.
Dinner came and went and the girls were entertained by the tale of the boys' adventure. Miroku even related his “pure” wish to the girls, although he had yet to see any effect. Both girls thought it unlikely that any wish Miroku made could be pure. Of course Miroku took umbrage to this…but soon it was time for bed and both couples retired to their respective huts.
Some time later, Kagome was just falling asleep in InuYasha's arms when she felt something warm and wet settle over one of her...wait a second…she could still feel InuYasha next to…what was going on?
She opened her eyes. InuYasha was still beside her. With her improved senses, she heard Sango telling Miroku that she couldn't feel anything. Sango told Miroku to “do it harder” and all of a sudden she felt a hard tug that caused her to cry out.
As an experiment, Kagome stroked and pinched herself on the other side and heard Sango cry out in surprise. Kagome woke InuYasha, laughing.
“What's going on?” mumbled the hanyou.
“It's Miroku's wish,” chuckled Kagome. “The one about sharing each other's happiness?”
Kagome reached out and grabbed InuYasha below the belt. In the next hut, Miroku gasped.
“You're kidding,” said InuYasha.
In the next hut, Sango had apparently grabbed Miroku herself, `cause InuYasha was beginning to squirm.
“This ought to be interesting,” whispered Kagome.
A/N: In case you're wondering, Kagome is about nineteen weeks, with Sango at eighteen.
Thank you, again, for all the name suggestions for Kagome's babies. I'm debating whether I should post my two or three favorites for each baby and hold a vote. If I did, it would be the chapter before Kagome delivers. Again, there are two boys and one girl and I will continue to accept suggestions until Kagome's eighth month. Remember, I need three Japanese names with their English translations.
I haven't really gotten suggestions for Sango and Miroku's baby. I'll entertain suggestions for another two chapters and drop it if I don't get any. If I do get suggestions, I'll give the winner credit at the end of the chapter Sango delivers.
Again, I look forward to your reviews and comments…and I don't mind negative comments (as long as they're constructive), so please read and review. Thanks!