InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 24
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha. I do enjoy playing with `em, though.
The Inu gang had left. Kikyo, dressed again in her priestess' robes, placed the shield stone within its protective cover and reappeared to the world. She was soon surrounded by her Shinidama Chuu who came bearing souls to sustain her artificial body.
She absorbed the four souls they brought her. The first was another spiritually-powerful lesbian. Kikyo sighed. The second was a nymphomaniac. Well, those two might just cancel each other. The third was a pickpocket who had picked the wrong pocket, and the fourth was apparently an older woman who suffered from both bad breath and an obstruction of the bowels. The undead miko glared at her Shinidama Chuu and shuddered.
“You idiots!” she shouted. “Young women, I keep telling you. Young women!” Was it her imagination or were her own Shinidama Chuu laughing at her?
Kikyo picked up her bow and arrows and started after the Inu gang. “It's now or never,” she thought. She had gone through ninety-nine of those shuddering episodes and one more would kill her. Well, the shield stone would let her get close enough. Then she'd put something long and hard right up between her copy's…
“…legs are tired.”
“What was that, Kagome?” asked InuYasha.
“I said my legs are tired, InuYasha,” answered Kagome. “You've got to remember that I'm carrying three of your pups, now.”
“Oi, I remember.” InuYasha squatted down. “Want to get on?”
Kagome smiled. “If you don't mind, I'll ride Kirara.” InuYasha looked a little downcast. Kagome smiled again. “It's just that when I ride you, I tend to lean forward on my stomach…and that's not as comfortable as it used to be.” Kagome rubbed her mate's ears. “I can sit up straight on Kirara.”
“Keh! If you say so.”
“You can carry me,” called out Miroku. “I mean, now that Sango and Kagome are sharing Kirara…”
“Forget it, bouzu!” answered InuYasha. “You can call Hachi if you want a ride that badly.”
“Come on, Miroku,” called out Sango. “I think Kagome and I can still fit you between us.”
For a moment, InuYasha actually considered carrying the monk, but couldn't bring himself to do it. “Just watch it, monk. Don't you be groping anyone you shouldn't!”
The Inu gang headed on their way with a suspicious-looking hanyou keeping an eye on a lecherous-leaning monk sandwiched between his own mate in front and InuYasha's mate behind.
Kagome had to put her arms around Miroku to steady herself, Miroku had his arms around Sango, and Sango, apparently out of habit and forgetting Kagome was behind Miroku, had one arm reaching behind her and between Miroku's...
“Hmmmm, this is interesting,” thought Kagome. Then she smiled mischievously and leaned closer to the monk's ear. “Hey, Miroku. You remember the night your `share each other's happiness' wish backfired?” she whispered.
“What of it?” The monk whispered back, straining to keep an even voice.
Kagome reached down and started stroking Miroku's butt. “I want you to know I really enjoyed it.”
Sango's eyes widened. Was it her imagination, or had Miroku grown suddenly?
Kagome's giggling broke out into full-fledged laughter.
“Okay, you two,” said Sango. “What's going on back there?”
“I'll tell you later, Sango,” answered Kagome. “Let's just say I got Miroku back for years of butt-stroking.”
Kikyo grumbled. This was taking longer than she thought it would. She had been following InuYasha and Kagome and their friends for weeks now and it seemed that every time she caught up with them, she was just in time for the light show.
What really appalled her was that she had to fight back the urge to use the shield stone to get close enough to…no, she had to dispose of that poor copy of herself once and for all!
“Oh, come on, InuYasha,” complained Kagome. “I just want to see Mama. It's been over a week!”
“Keh! You just want to leave the pups in the time slip thingy and take a break from pregnancy.”
“Well-l-l…you caught me.”
“I'm getting cramps, my ankles and feet are swelling, and I feel like I have to pee a half dozen times a day. Plus I've been getting these contractions I want to ask Mama about.”
“Feh! Well, if it's for the pups…”
“Thank you, InuYasha!” Kagome was beaming. “I'll be back in a day, or you can come get me.”
“You can bet I will.”
Kagome gave her mate a quick kiss on the lips, then started for the well. Suddenly she felt herself scooped up.
“I've changed my mind. I'm coming with you. You're not jumping in the well in your condition!” InuYasha picked up his mate bridal style.
“Kagome looked up at her mate and grinned. “I suspect you have ulterior motives, dog boy.”
“Feh!” InuYasha jumped up onto the edge of the well. Just before jumping in, he turned to Kagome and asked, “By the way, do you have any of those con-dome things left?”
“Thought so,” Kagome giggled, as InuYasha carried her through the well to Kagome's era. Once again the red, blue and green spheres of light emerged from Kagome's body and waited in the time slip on the feudal era side.
The three spheres of light seemed to be playing with each other when they all stopped and moved near to the exit on the feudal era side. The spheres started trembling together.
“What was that?” the red sphere thought.
“I don't know,” thought the blue sphere.
“I think that was the willies,” thought the green sphere.
All three concentrated on what was going on outside the well.
“One day,” pondered Kikyo, talking to herself as she looked into the well. “They will reappear in one day and I will ambush them.” The undead miko smiled. “That bitch will never know what hit her.”
“So that's normal, Mama?” said Kagome.
“Of course. They're called Braxton Hicks contractions…and I had them with both you and Sota. Perfectly normal.”
“Thanks, Mama.”
“Will you two be staying the night?”
“Yes, Mama, if you don't mind.”
“Of course not. Your room is always ready for you. You know that.”
“Thank you, Mama Higurashi,” said InuYasha.
Kagome looked up in surprise. InuYasha? Being polite?
“You're welcome, InuYasha,” replied Mama.
InuYasha surprised Kagome even more when he helped with the dishes after supper…although she did have to stop him from slaying the garbage disposal. Still, the evening went well and after some pleasant chitchat, it was time for bed.
Just before entering her room, Kagome stopped InuYasha with a hand on his chest. “I'm so embarrassed, InuYasha,” she said. “I think we left an open box of condoms on the nightstand the last time we were here. If Mama threw them out, we can't…”
InuYasha steeled himself for a disappointment, then opened the door. There on the nightstand were three boxes…plus the open box.
Kagome put her hand up to her mouth and giggled.
“Your mother's cool, Kagome,” said InuYasha as the two mates entered the room and then closed the door behind them.
Soon pink and blue lights could be seen flashing under the door.
Kikyo woke from her slumber. In truth she didn't need to sleep much, but it was an escape from the world. InuYasha and Kagome would be emerging from the well soon. The undead miko took the shield stone out from it's concealing cloth and felt the barrier erect that would keep her from being detected by the miko or the hanyou or anyone, for that matter.
“Yeah,” she smiled, “the bitch won't know what hit her.” Kikyo readied her bow.
“Thank you, Mama,” said Kagome. “Thank you for everything.”
“Thank you for breakfast…and all the Ramen.”
“You're welcome.”
InuYasha and Kagome made their way to the well house and prepared to go through the well. InuYasha picked up Kagome bridal style, stepped up onto the edge, and jumped.
Immediately the time slip took them back to the feudal era where the pups were waiting at the exit. They appeared extremely agitated and were even trembling and flickering as they reentered Kagome.
Kagome placed her hand over her now pregnant belly and looked at her mate. “The pups are worried…but all I can get out of them is something that feels like the willies.”
“Kikyo,” InuYasha hissed. “She must be outside the well.
“She hasn't learned,” murmured Kagome.
“What was that?” asked the quickly-angering hanyou.
“Oh…nothing.” Kagome mused for a moment. “I have a favor to ask of you.”
“Why are they taking so long?” wondered Kikyo. “I know they're in the well again. Why don't they come out?”
All of a sudden, pink and blue lights started flashing from the well. At first, because of the daylight, Kikyo couldn't see them that well, but she sure could feel it.
“That bitch!”
Kikyo felt the heat building in her core. Her breathing was already uneven and sweat was starting to pour off her. She couldn't hold her bow and arrow any longer and they dropped to the ground. In a daze, Kikyo stripped off her priestess robes and lay on the makeshift bed they made. Usually she could crawl away, given half a chance, but this was somehow stronger, more compelling.
Down in the well, InuYasha and Kagome were both naked with their clothing beneath them. Kagome was on the bottom on her hands and knees. The red flecks in her eyes had grown together and all she could think about was the pleasure her mate was giving her. InuYasha was on his knees behind Kagome, Tetsusaiga cast aside. The intense pleasure his mate was giving him had caused his eyes to redden, too, and both mates were rapidly approaching climax.
Outside the well, Kikyo was desperately crawling away from the well. She had come to kill her copy, and her copy was killing her!
Damn the bitch. But she'd make it. She knew through experience that if she got a hundred feet away she'd be safe. Another wave hit her and she rolled on her back. “Oh, kami!” She struggled to hands and knees and crawled again. Just a little more…
Down in the well, Kagome ran her fingers through InuYasha's hair till she found the charm she was looking for. Simultaneously, she pulled off both her and InuYasha's charms. Suddenly the pink and blue lights coming from the well were no longer being controlled.
Kikyo had just made it a hundred feet away. She rolled onto her back, gasping for air. “It will take a while to recover from this one,” was her next to last coherent thought as the now unrestrained pink and blue auras caught her full force.
The heat in her core increased beyond endurance. She stiffened in an obscene position, hands clawing the air as though pulling her lover deeper, knees raised as if her lover were between them.
The final straw came when InuYasha and Kagome climaxed together, both howling. A blast of pure sexual heat washed over Kikyo. Her eyes went wide and froze that way. Her mouth formed a perfect “o.”
Her last coherent thought was “That bi-“
A short time later, InuYasha carried Kagome out of the well. It took Kagome a little more time, but using the connection between herself and InuYasha, she was finally able to find Kikyo and her shield stone.
She bent over and poked her head inside the bubble created by the shield stone…then backed out. A smile came to Kagome's face. “Well, at least she went out with a bang.”
“Kikyo's in there?” asked InuYasha.
“Uh-huh,” said Kagome. “Can't say I didn't give her plenty of chances to avoid this, though.”
“What's she look like?”
“Ever see a clay pot that's been fired?”
“She has a nice glaze,” said Kagome. “It's really kind of hentai.”
“Feh! Really?” InuYasha poked his head in.
When he didn't emerge for a minute, Kagome grabbed him by a certain part of his male anatomy and backed him out. “Don't go getting turned on by her now.”
“It's the best she's looked in a long time.”
Kagome grabbed InuYasha by the ear. “You're coming with me, dog boy. Back to the village and our hut…where I'll help you forget about that thing back there.”
A few minutes later, there was a rustle in the trees surrounding the well clearing. A minor demon emerged and headed for where he had seen both the miko's and the hanyou's head disappear into thin air.
His master, Sesshomaru, might be interested in this…especially if it had to do with Naraku. Showing unusual courage, Jaken poked his head into the bubble created by the shield stone.
“What's that?” he thought. “Isn't that the undead miko who gave everyone the willies?” He walked around the statue. “Doesn't give me the willies any more.” Jaken realized that the barrier prevented anyone from seeing what went on inside it.
He began removing his robes. Lord Sesshomaru wouldn't miss him for a while.
A/N: In case you're wondering, Kagome is about twenty-eight weeks, with Sango at twenty-seven.
I've gotten a few, but not many, comments about posting my two or three favorite names for each baby and holding a vote, so I'm just going to make the choices myself. Again, there are two boys and one girl and I will continue to accept suggestions until Kagome's eighth month. Remember, I need three Japanese names with their English translations.
I've finally gotten suggestions for Sango and Miroku's baby…and one person reminded me that I should take suggestions for Sesshomaru and Kagura's baby. I thought that would be asking too much and might get too confusing for my poor brain. Anyway, since I have gotten some suggestions for Sango and Miroku's baby, I'll take more till Sango's ready to deliver. I think I'm going to reserve the choice of names for Sesshomaru's and Kagura's baby to myself.
Again, many thanks for all reviews…and I look forward to your future comments.