InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Life in Sakura High ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok about the story…. I just want to tell you guys how its going to go. I'm planning on this story to be a verylong one. It's gonna have a lot of chapters and the chapters are gradually get longer and longer. For some reason my brain is actually getting a lot of ideas on this story, unlike on my other Inuyasha story, Feudal Adventures. I find it weird but whatever… I'm gonna be working on this one the most, but I'm not going to abandoned my other story.
Disclaimer: I've said it before, and I'll say it again… I DON'T own Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi does… but I DO own any characters that happen to appear on here.
Now to the story!!
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--Kagome's thoughts—
#Sesshomaru's thoughts#
(Sesshomaru's Beast's thoughts)
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Last time:
She looked at the secretary in distaste, grabbed her papers, and turned around, muttering quietly “I don't.” She chuckled softly when she heard the secretary gasp in surprise, knowing she heard her with her demon hearing.
She headed towards the door that leads to the hallway when someone stopped her.
A voice rung out in the office. “And where do you think you're going?”
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This time:
She scoffed, “Out of this ugly dump, and away from you.” She responded almost immediately before smiling fondly. She turned her head to look at the man in his mid-thirties who spoke. He was leaning against the doorframe of his office.
The man chuckled, while the secretary stared wide-eyed at the two. “Oh is that so? You're just going to leave without saying hello to your favorite uncle?”
She rose her eyebrow “You're my only uncle, of course you're my favorite.” She paused and shrugged “But yea, why not? I don't see the problem in doing that.”
The man pouted. “Oh, your words wound me so, hearing those words from my own ne-“ he was interrupted.
“-nephew pains your heart. Yea I heard it all before.” Kagome recited.
The man, known as Kagome's uncle, furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at the uniform and realized what she meant. He shook his head, chuckling softly. “True. I see you're up to no good already.”
Kagome smirked, “Why do you say that, dear uncle?” She started grinning. “Never mind, so how ya been?”
He smiled, “I've been alright. Kikyo too, if you were wondering.”
She nodded. “Ah yes, I've been wondering how Kiki's been doing… it's been a while since I've last spoken with her.”
Her uncle walked up to her, and put his arm around her shoulder. “Well don't worry, you'll get to see her soon enough. I've made sure you were put in almost all her classes… she'll be glad to see you, I'm sure.”
“Thanks old man! I appreciate it.”
He laughed, “Ok, you two better get going. Don't want you guys to be late. It was good seeing you Kagome, you too Souta.”
Souta and Kagome both nodded and headed towards the door. Kagome paused and turned back to her uncle, raising her fist. “Oh before I forget, pound it.” She grinned/
Her uncle laughed, used to this. He bumped his fist against her. “Have a good day you two, and Kagome?”
She cocked her head. “Yea?”
Her uncle smirked. “Try not to get into too many fights today; it is only your first day. And if you must, try to wait until after homeroom.”
She gave a smirk, identical to her uncle's. She pretended to sigh in disappointment. “Ok, I'll try not to start anything, but you know what'll happen if someone messes with me.”
Her uncle shook his head. “Yes I know, now get.” He watched them walk out, thinking about how different and exciting this year is going to be with his niece here.
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After walking out of the office, Kagome and Souta headed to find Kagome's locker. While they were walking, they saw people staring, muttering things about her.
“Who's he?”
“Do you see his eyes? I've never seen anything like them?”
“Can you feel his aura; it's so powerful, almost as strong as Sesshomaru, maybe even more!”
“Yea looks like he's got some competition this year, in looks and powers.”
The two siblings looked at each other and shook their heads.
“Hey Kagome,” her brother said to her. “I have to do something, can you find your way to your locker by yourself?” he asked.
She nodded, “Sure, I'll see yah later.”
Souta nodded as well and turned into a different hallway leaving her to her thoughts. She started thinking about what those kids were saying earlier.
--Hmmm, I wonder who this Sesshomaru is….-- She started looking around, gazing at the kids in the hall and at the hallway itself.
While she was looking she didn't notice the person in front of her. They walked into each other, making Kagome fall to the ground.
She snapped out of her daze. -What the…?—She looked up at the person who bumped into her.
The person glared at her. “Oi, watch where you're going, ya bastard!” he snarled out.
Her eyes widened. “What the hell! You're the one who bumped into me!” she shouted back.
The person growled at her. “Well you shoulda been payin' attention.”
She got up and dusted herself off. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by some wind demoness that came up to her side. “Don't talk to him like that!” The demoness said.
While the demoness and the boy who bumped into her argued with each other, Kagome took a closer look at the boy. He was taller than her, like most of the people she already seen. He had a mane of silver hair, reaching mid-back. She looked at his face and thought it looked boyish and a little roguish. She noticed his eyes and saw that they were of an amber color. Her gaze trailed up, to the top of his head and noticed something important. Dog ears.
--So he's a hanyou? Hmmmm, his description sounds kinda familiar-- She came back to hear what the dog-hanyou respond to the girl.
“Keep out of this Kagura, it ain't any of your business so just walk away!” he growled out at Kagura.
Kagura got a mad look on her face. “Don't talk to me like that and don't tell me what to do! You have no right, your just a stinking half-breed!” she sneered, saying the word “half-breed” in disgust.
The boy's ears flattened against his skull at her words, and if you looked closely, deep in his eyes, you could see sadness, disappointment, and a tad bit of hurt in them. But it was overtaken by anger and hate.
After Kagura spoke she took three steps to the boy, and raised her hand as if to strike. She was about to hit him when her hand was suddenly grabbed and she was pushed back. She gasped in shock. Both Kagura and the boy looked at her in surprise.
“Don't insult him like that!” Kagome shouted at her, her energy spiking.
Kagura reared back, feeling the force of the purity. “W-who? I-Inuyasha? B-b-but I was defending you from that vile half-breed.” She stuttered.
Kagome scowled at her. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much. And stop calling him such names!”
“But that's what he is, a vile, disgusting, unwanted half-breed that doesn't deserve to live. Someone as cute as you shouldn't be treated like that.” Kagura retorted.
Kagome's powers spiked up again. Kagura started shaking in fear.
A cold, emotionless voice rang out through the quiet hall. “Girl, calm down, lest you want to purify every demon in this school.”
Kagome whipped her head towards the voice, glowering. It was a guy, leaning against what was presumably his locker. He had his arms crossed, and a look of indifference on his face. “And who are you?” She looked him over. The guy that spoke looked familiar to the hanyou, except for one thing. He was full-demon, and extremely powerful too. Damn, no wonder he knew I was a girl… so much for this prank The guy had the same colored hair as the hanyou but it was longer, and looked way more silkier. His eyes were the same color as well, but much colder. His face was more structured and regal than the hanyou and had markings on his face. A purple crescent moon in the middle of his fore head and twin magenta stripes on each cheek and stripes on both of his wrists as well. He's so cold… I know! Until I find out his, he'll be dubbed as “the icicle”
The “icicle” narrowed his eyes at her. “Sesshomaru.” Was all that he said her.
“Not the talkative type, I can tell.” She commented.
Sesshomaru glared at her.
She just rolled her eyes. She looked between Inuyasha, who was gaping at her, and Sesshomaru. “So, you two brothers? You kinda look alike.”
Inuyasha snapped out of it at her question, and asked a question of his own. “Wait, you're a girl?”
Kagome raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Yea I am…wait a sec…. before we go into introductions and all that stuff, let me finish with her.” She said jerking her head towards Kagura.
She turned to Kagura just to find her staring at her in shock, mouth gaping. Kagome crossed her arms. “Yah know… you outta close that mouth of yours, before any bug demons find their way in it.”
Kagura closed her mouth with an audible snap and glared at Kagome. “You're a girl!!” she screeched in a shrilly voice.
Kagome stared at her. “If I wasn't, Icicle over there wouldn't have called me `girl'.” she responded, jerking her head towards Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru started growling at her, giving her the coldest glare he could muster up.
Kagome just shrugged it off, not thinking much of it. “Ok back to where we were before he interrupted.” She told Kagura, advancing on her. “Now listen to me, don't call Inuyasha any more of those little names you make up. The only one here that's disgusting is you. So what if Inuyasha is a hanyou, ain't nothing wrong with that. He's still a living being like each and every one of us. He has a heart in his chest, pumping blood, just like the rest of us does. He's still a person, and doesn't deserve to be judged by what he is, but by who he is, get it? Got it? Good.” Kagura just stared at her in disbelief, along with almost everybody else in the hall, including Inuyasha. The only one that wasn't was Sesshomaru, but if you looked very closely, there seemed to be a tiniest bit of surprise, gratitude, awe, and curiosity in his eyes.”
He started to speak “Girl, wh-“
“Its Kagome, Higurashi Kagome.” She interrupted him.
He narrowed his eyes at her, but let it go. “Kagome, why did you defend the hanyou?”
She looked him in the eye and stated truthfully. “He doesn't deserve to be treated like the dirt under your shoes, he deserves to be treated like anybody else no matter what, it isn't fair to him. I hate people who are like that. They disgust me.”
He could tell that she wasn't lying, that she truly meant it with all her heart… he could see it in her eyes. They were a rare sapphire blue and they seemed to be the window to her emotions. He nodded to her answer.
Inuyasha spoke up then. “Hey,” he said softly, “Thanks for doing that, and for meaning it.” He walked up to her and held out a clawed hand. “Let me introduce myself.. the names Takishi Inuyasha, and to answer your question early, the guy that seems to have a stick up his ass is my older brother, Takishi Sesshomaru.” Sesshomaru glared at his younger brother, but Inuyasha was used to it so it didn't bother him.
She gave him a lofty grin and shook his hand. “Hey no problem, it was my pleasure to put that girl in her place. I could tell she isn't the nice type……Wait did you say Takishi?”
Inuyasha looked at her warily and nodded. “Yea… why?”
She jumped up in the air and pointed a finger at him. “I knew I recognized you from somewhere!”
Inuyasha jumped a little, a bit startled. He started to chuckle nervously and rubbed his head sheepishly. “Uhhh have we met before?”
Kagome shook her head. “Nahh but your Kikyo's boyfriend, aren't ya?”
Inuyasha furrowed his eyebrows at her. “Yea… but how do ya know that? You know Kikyo?”
She smirked. “Well yah, of course I know Kiki… she's my cousin. She's told me about you before, saying how cute and sweet you are.”
Inuyasha blushed at this statement but something hit him. “Oh yea… she told me about you too… she mentioned that her cousin was transferring here… she said you got kicked out,” he studied her, “how did that happen?”
It was her turn chuckle nervously and rubs the back of her head. She gave him a sheepish smile. “Well let's put it this way. Some of the teachers and students didn't like my personality too much, so we had a lot of… disagreements and those lead to some heated confrontations. The last `confrontation' I had was between me and the head cheerleader and it ended with her being pinned upside down to the wall in the cafeteria… being suspiciously bounded by miko powers. She had it coming too… shouldn't have called me an emo… frickin' slut” she muttered the last sentence quietly.
That piece of information had both the Takishi brothers raising their eyebrows in surprise. Inuyasha let out a loud laugh while it got Sesshomaru to chuckle quietly.
Inuyasha slapped the tomboy on the back. “That was a good one.” He managed out while still laughing.
Sesshomaru gazed at Kagome and thought for a minute. #This girl is very different than those others.#
His beast spoke up. (I agree with you, unlike every other girl that you've met…she actually hasn't tried to jump, flirt with, or hit on you at first sight. She's a spitfire that's for sure… and one hell of a powerful miko. A force to be reckon with.)
#Indeed, and she doesn't judge people either. She actually accepts a person at first sight, no matter what you are. She'll make this last year of school very interesting to say the least, for she's going to cause a lot of trouble here, especially with the girls here… maybe even some teachers.#
(Your right, this year is actually going to be fun.) His beast said chuckling and he receded for the moment.
Kagome noticed Sesshomaru staring at her weirdly. -Wonder what's on his mind.—
“Oi, Sesshomaru… wactchya starin' at?” she asked him, shaking him out of his reverie.
Sesshomaru blinked a little, and stared at her. “Nothing of your concern.”
She shrugged, “Whatever.” She started looking at the lockers, trying to figure out where hers is.
Inuyasha saw her looking around. “Ya looking for something?” he asked.
Kagome glanced at him, cocking her head. She nodded. “Yea, can't seem to find my locker around here.”
Inuyasha walked over to her, “Lemme see the number.”
She gave him the paper, waiting to be told where to go.
Inuyasha chuckled while looking at the paper. “Well looks like ya don't have to go far, its right next to us,” he paused and looked at her and then to Sesshomaru. “Or more specifically, right next to fluffy over there.” He finished, nodding over to Sesshomaru..
Kagome snickered. “Fluffy?” she asked curiously, her voice laced with humor. She heard a growl, and turned to Sesshomaru. She gave him a once over. “I think it suits him.” She chocked out before laughing.
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at her, but turned to Inuyasha and walked towards him. When he reached him, he hit him over the head. “Don't ever call me that infernal name again, understood?” he asked Inuyasha in a cold voice.
Inuyasha just rolled his eyes and nodded. “Whatever you want ya bastard.”
Kagome just stared at the two brothers and chuckled, causing them to look at her. “I can just see the brotherly love between ya guys, its beautiful.” she commented sarcastically.
With that, she walked over to her locker, ad tried to open it, leaving the two boys to stare at her in something akin to disbelief. She put in the combination the lock and pulled on the door. It jammed. She pulled again, harder… no such luck.
“Ughhh,” she groaned out, “come on you freakin' locker, open up!” she muttered while pulling the door over and over again.
Sesshomaru strides over to her and gently pushed her aside. He laid his left hand on the top of the locker door and he hit the middle twice with his right. He put his hand on the lock and jiggled it a little, before pulling the door open. “There you go, the lockers sometimes do that.” He explained to her.
She looked at him in shock, along with Inuyasha, before blinking. “Arigatou.”
He nodded to her. “It was nothing.”
When he said that to her, she swore she could see a ghost of a smile among his lips. She blushed a little, a barely noticeable pink covering her cheeks.
As Sesshomaru stared at her, he couldn't help but notice that she looked kind of cute when she blushed. He froze at that and mentally choked. #When did I start thinking like that? No, I must just be seeing things. I don't think she's cute, no, I think she's rude, brash, annoying-#
His beast interrupted him. (-Tough? Brave? Confident?)
He mentally nodded, not really paying attention #Yes, those too#
(Has a gorgeous face, beautiful, fiery personality, and a hot body) his beast took a perverted turn in the conversation.
#Oh yes, most definitely-# Sesshomaru realized what was going on. #Whoa, whoa, whoa there, slow it down, I most certainly do not think that.#
(Yes you do. By the way you helped her with her locker, I think you like her.) If Sesshomaru could see the expression of his beast, he knew there would be a sly smirk on its face.
He mentally sputtered. #I do not! And I helped because I felt like it… nothing more. I don't think those things and I don't like her at all.
His beast just chuckled knowingly. (Sure… keep on telling yourself that, you'll realize it soon.)
#Wait one second! What are you talking about? Realize what?#
No answer. His beast receded once again, leaving him to ponder on what was just said.
#I don't think those things about her are true, and I most definitely don't like her. I just met her… so that wouldn't be possible, right?… right?#
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A/N: Awwww poor Sesshy... he's soo confused. Hahaha…well he's probably gonna stay confused for a while. Also, he's not going to get together with Kags that soon… I'm not going to make them fall in love in a snap… nope they're going to have to through a couple hard times and become emotionally confused and distressed before anything happens. But enough of that, so how'd you guys like it? I hope it was as good as or even better than my first chapter. Well tell me what you think PLEASE!!... your opinions really matter to me, no lie… the more reviews the more it'll encourage me to write more and get it up faster. Well, until laters… Ja ne!!