InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Mother Miko's Instincts - Chapter 7
By Majicman55
“Are you still grumbling about that?”
“Feh. It's embarrassing. Besides, it wasn't me.”
“Look, InuYasha. Even in my time, people blame the dog.”
“I ain't no dog!”
Kagome pushed the covers off, got up on her hands and knees, and wiggled at her mate. InuYasha whimpered and threw the covers off, got up behind Kagome, entered her and started thrusting.
“Now - umph - what - umph - were - ooh - you - umph - saying - umph - about - ahh - not - umph - being - umph - a - ooh - dog?”
“Shut up.”
“Mush, dog boy.”
“It means `go.'”
“Ooooooooooooh, INUYASHA!”
“Leave them alone, Fluffy.”
“This Sesshomaru was just going to knock to let them know breakfast is ready…and don't call me Fluffy.”
“You can give them a little time and send Jaken after them later.”
Sesshomaru sighed. “You are spoiling this Sesshomaru's fun.”
“Fun? You are having fun? I didn't know you had it in you.” Kagura smiled. “This is a whole new side to you. I think I like it.”
Kagura walked over beside her mate at InuYasha and Kagome's door, knocked loudly three times and threw the door open. “My, my. Looks like they're having fun.”
Kagome, who had a look of utmost ecstasy, looked up and quickly turned beet red. InuYasha, looked up and froze. There stood his brother with a smile on his face.
“It's nice to see you being true to your Inu heritage, little brother.”
“Breakfast!” called out Kagura as Sesshomaru pulled the door closed, grabbed his mate and jumped back just in time to watch the business end of Tetsusaiga protrude through the door.
“I think he's upset,” said Kagura.
“You think?”
Sesshomaru was still smirking a bit as he sipped his tea. “Do you think they'll be down soon?”
Kagura smiled, too. “Judging from Kagome's blush, I'd say it might be a few minutes.”
Jaken walked into the room, whistling.
“You seem cheerful today, Jaken.”
“It is a wonderful day, isn't it, m'lord?”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands raised his eyebrows.
Jaken, still whistling, poured himself a cup of tea, assembled a little breakfast for himself, and sat down to enjoy it. “A wonderful day, indeed, m'lord.”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands raised his eyebrows higher. “Jaken.”
“Remember your place, Jaken.”
It suddenly registered on the imp youkai that he was being a little too familiar with his master…even to sitting down with him at breakfast. “M-m'lord?”
“Fetch Rin for me.”
Jaken looked at his breakfast. “Right away, m'lord?”
The tips of Sesshomaru's fingers began to glow a poisonous green.
Kagura regarded her mate. “Fluffy…”
Jaken jumped up, stammering. “Y-yes, m'lord! Right away, m'lord! I shall be back with Rin in a…”
Jaken scrambled out one door as InuYasha and Kagome entered through another. The hanyou was scowling. The miko started to blush again as soon as she entered the room.
Kagura smirked at both. “You two really should lock your door. Any little wind could blow it open.”
InuYasha reached for Tetsusaiga, but Kagome stopped him.
“I can take a little embarrassment, InuYasha. Besides,” she said sweetly, “we'll get them back.”
“I'll get `em for both of us, Kagome,” exclaimed InuYasha. “Where Kagome comes from, they say “payback's a bitch.”
“And I'm the bitch who can do it.”
“This Sesshomaru does not fear idle threats.”
Kagome didn't say anything, but simply looked at The Great Lord of the Western Lands and gave him one of her infamous smiles.
“I do not fear you, miko.”
Kagome's smile broadened.
“Creepy,” whispered Kagura to her mate.
“Shh, we must not show fear,” Sesshomaru whispered back. He could feel his hackles rising. Fortunately, Jaken chose that moment to enter the room, Rin in tow.
“I have brought Rin, m'lord.” Jaken looked around the room and wondered what he had walked in on.
Rin ran up to her adoptive father, almost catapulting herself into his lap. “Yes, Lord Sesshomaru. Rin came as soon as Rin heard that Lord Sesshomaru wanted to speak with Rin.”
While Rin settled herself next to Kagura and Sesshomaru, Jaken noticed that Kagome was looking at him strangely. Even InuYasha was looking at him and kept sniffing in his direction.
“Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?”
“Do you remember when Kagura and I told you that you would soon have a baby brother or sister…and then Izayoi came along?”
“Yes, Lord Sesshomaru.”
“And you understand that having Izayoi around doesn't mean we love you any less?”
Rin was swaying nervously. “Y-yes, Lord Sesshomaru?”
“We need to talk with you again.”
“Oh, Lord Sesshomaru! I didn't mean it!”
Kagura's eyes narrowed. “Didn't mean what?”
“I didn't know giving her spicy food would make her…”
“Enough, Rin,” said Sesshomaru, remembering the messy diaper incident not too fondly. “We called you here for another reason.”
“You are going to have another brother or sister,” announced a beaming Kagura.
Rin looked at her Lord Sesshomaru and Kagura. “You two have been busy.”
“Rin!” exclaimed Sesshomaru.
“This Rin is not completely ignorant. Lady Kagome has been kind enough to talk with this Rin about the bird youkai and the bee youkai.”
Sesshomaru glared at Kagome. Jaken used the distraction as his opportunity to snatch up his now-cold breakfast and beat a hasty retreat.
“Well, it didn't look like you were gonna do it.”
“This Rin doesn't mind having another brother or sister, but this Rin does mind having to think about you two doing that.”
Both Sesshomaru and Kagura were looking a little sheepish.
“Embarrassed?” said Kagome.
Down in Jaken's quarters, in the cave under the castle, a certain disembodied ass was glowing as it floated over its makeshift altar. Every few seconds, there would come a rumbling followed by an explosion of gas.
Increasingly, the small explosions sounded like words.
“Good,” it thought. Then it sensed that once again it was surrounded by a host of lesser youkai. Again it thought, “good.” It reached out with its power, drawing the youkai to it in a scene reminiscent of a hentai monk's wind tunnel. Soon all the youkai were absorbed.
“Power!” thought the creature. “Must have more power.”
After breakfast Sesshomaru, Kagura, Rin, Kagome and InuYasha decided to take all the children on an outing. Accordingly, the nursemaid youkai got all the babies ready for the trip…with Kagome underfoot the whole time.
The nursemaids looked at their Lord for help, but Sesshomaru appeared unwilling to intervene, so they just did the best they could.
“Where are we going, Sesshomaru-sama?” asked Kagome.
“To the seashore, miko,” answered Sesshomaru. “Our father had a summer place here. There is a beach. I believe InuYasha's mother brought him here once, but he probably does not remember.”
“Do you remember, InuYasha?” asked Kagome.
“Feh. It was so long ago.”
The group made the trip in just hours with the help of Sesshomaru, Ah-Un and the other flying youkai. As the beach came into view, InuYasha ran ahead, then back.
“I do remember it. Mother taught me to swim here.”
Sesshomaru had maintained the summer home over the years and, while a few of the youkai nursemaids remained to help with the babies, the others opened up the home and swept it out. Supplies were laid in.
“Are we staying overnight, Sesshomaru?” asked Kagura.
“This Sesshomaru wishes always to be prepared.”
The older children quickly rushed out onto the beach to explore, finding shells and all manner of other curiosities.
The adults finally made their way out to the beach and found a good spot to relax.
“I've always wondered, Sesshomaru,” said Kagome, “are there sea youkai?”
“In a way.”
“There are?”
“The sea youkai are completely wild now,” continued The Great Lord of the Western Lands. “Among Land youkai, some are wild and some, especially the Inu-youkai, have developed civilized ways. We work to keep our instincts from controlling us. None of the sea youkai have done this and many kill without reason except to eat.”
“Are there any here?”
“Look up, miko.”
Kagome glanced upwards and saw several specks in the sky. “You've placed sentinels.”
“Of course. Don't worry. You and the pups are completely safe.”
Dinner that night consisted of several types of fish that had been obtained by the flying youkai nursemaids, who also served as dive-bombing fishermen. Kagome would marvel as one by one the youkai would swoop down, skim over the water, and come up with a struggling fish in their claws. The young miko mother had to keep reminding herself that these same youkai could be and were gentle nursemaids to her children. Of course, she also reminded herself, hers and InuYasha's children were tougher than most.
After dinner and putting the children to bed, Sesshomaru and Kagura and InuYasha and Kagome were relaxing a bit longer on the beach.
“Anyone up for a night swim?” asked Kagura.
“Umm, I would…but I don't have a suit,” answered Kagome.
“Suit?” said Kagura as she started stripping off her kimono.
Sesshomaru saw what his mate was doing and started removing his own clothes.
Even InuYasha began stripping. “Aren't you going to join us?”
“You…want to go…skinny dipping?” Kagome gulped as she looked over just as Sesshomaru's rear end met the moonlight. “Nice ass,” she thought before catching herself and turning even redder.
“Hey! Stop looking at my mate that way,” laughed Kagura. The wind witch stood naked before the miko.
Kagome hurriedly looked back to her mate, just in time to see him facing her in all his glory. She couldn't help it. Her scent spiked immediately.
“Come on, Kagome. Join in,” said InuYasha.
At least it was getting dark. Dark enough, Kagome guessed. She finally removed her clothes and stood up to walk with them to the water.
“I see what you see in her, little brother.”
“What?” thought the miko.
“Kagura's not bad, either.”
“Yo. I heard that. Keep your eyes on your own mate.”
Kagome sidled up the nearest male silhouette and wrapped one arm around its waist. “I'm still a little nervous, InuYasha.” Feeling a little playful, she grabbed onto…something…and the shadowy figure jumped a little.
“If you want to talk with InuYasha, this Sesshomaru suggests that you stand over there.”
“EEP!” Kagome ran to InuYasha and grabbed on as if her life depended on it. “What have I done?”
InuYasha was trying not to laugh. “You forget. Your vision may be better since we mated, but it's still not as good as mine. We can all see each other quite clearly.”
“Down to the bite mark on the inside of your thigh,” said Sesshomaru.
Kagome made record time into the water.
Back at Sesshomaru's castle, Jaken had just ended his duties for the evening and had returned to his quarters for what he considered a well-deserved rest.
The imp opened the door to his quarters and backed in, carrying a tray with a late supper. For some reason, tonight his cave reminded him of the swamp of his youth. The same dankness, the same fetid smell…
He heard a low rumbling.
It sounded like expulsions of gas, but it was definitely his name. Slowly, the imp youkai turned around…and the disembodied ass came into view…floating…in midair.
It was glowing. It was pulsing with power.
It puffed out his name.
Jaken set the tray on the ground and timidly approached the apparition. “You! You're…alive?”
“Wor-ship me, Ja-ken.”
Jaken knelt at the feet of the disembodied ass. “Yes, my mistress!”
“Kiss me, Ja-ken.”
Jaken could feel the raw power radiating from the disembodied ass. It felt almost as powerful as Lord Sesshomaru.
Jaken did the sensible thing: he kissed ass.
A/N: I guess I'll have to come up with a name for this “thing” on my own. I will still entertain suggestions, although I intend on giving it a name in the next chapter. <grin>
As always, please read and review. Thanks!