InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Hope Arisen ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This Fanfic is dedicated to my friend Jesse who died at the age of 13. Jesse and I began to write this about a year ago, and his mom found a blue worn notebook labeled Fan fiction in thick black sharp. She gave it to me, and told me to do what we both knew Jesse would have wanted to do with all his stories. Jesse wanted to be a writer when he was out of collage. I know this is what Jesse would have wanted. Please review and tell me what you think, I know that Jesse would be happy to know what kind of mistakes we made while writing this. Neither he, nor I are the sharpest tool in the shed. Thank you.

A New Hope Arisen Jesse Co-written/Typed By Kenya
solitary figure walked down a dimly light ally, he stood tall and proud; like a lone wolf, forlorn but powerful. When he reached the end of the slim passageway, he leaned casually against the brick building façade. Brows frowned, with arms crossed in front of his muscular chest. His unruly dark locks tied back into a high pony tail, blowing behind him in a light summer zephyr; head cocked to the left watching the various students stamped out of the tall building. His mocha eyes searched the mobs of humans for a head of raven hair. He took another step, closer to putrid scent mortals. It was now brighter at the end of the ally and you could see more of him. He wore a brown long sleeved muscle shirt, worn with holes here and there, and baggy black jeans, that hung low on his waist. He placed a pair of black-mirrored sunglasses on his head before stepping out in to the light fully.
where is that girl?' (Jesse refused to say, bitch, wench or other such words that would be an insult to women in his fanfic, so Inu-yasha might be a little ooc) His eyes swooped down for a second check before finally spotting a teenage girl, wearing the required green skirt and white sweater school uniform. Her azure eyes burned with life, and her pail skin glowed in the late after noon sun. `She better hurry up, were going to be late, and I know HE isn't going to like that one bit'whipped out his cell phone and spoke only two words, "Found Her" before hanging up and once again walking back into the ally, fading into its dark depths.girl walked through the school courtyard, contemplating all the work that had to be made up. An autumn wind blew her sweater up slightly, making her shiver. A zap ran up her spine, unconsciously making her still developing powers kick in. Her head flew up, and turned to look down a dark damp ally; where a lone figure could be seen slowly walking away, a satisfied smirks on his face. She shivered again, but not from the cold, from the horrific memories that had arisen.she thought, `not again. How could he find me here, I left, and I left for good! Oh Kaimi, please don't let it be true.' Tears welt up in her eyes, as she ran the rest of the way off campus.
blinded by tears, the raven hair girl ran through the flocks of teenagers with quick and practiced grace; well at least until she tripped over one boys overly large feet. She through here arms in front of her face, reading for the impact of the cold concert, but it never came. Instead she felt a pair of strong arms lift her back onto her feet, and an aura of tranquility.
was sitting on a low green bench, in the middle of campus just watching the students talk, and walk. Contemplating about my newest mission, when a human girl came running towards, so fast that I didn't have time to get out of the way until it was too late and she had already collided with my feet. Before she could fall, I sprang to my feet, grabbed her around the waist and hauled her back unto her feet.
could I not have smelled or heard her coming? Was I that deep in thought?' he asked himself Normal***
man spun her around, so they where face-to-face. His eyes scanned her body; looking to any injuries. She looked him in the eyes, for the first time noticing his liquid amber eyes, and silky silver, that flowed down his back in waves. He didn't wear the required uniform, but a red silk shirt, unbuttoned at the top, with baggy blue jeans, aced his hands on her shoulders, bringing her back into reality.
you okay? You came flying through here so fast; I didn't have time to pull my feet in. I'm sorry." His voice was like liquid silver. She looked into his eyes once again; they were filled with concern for her, which surprised her beyond belief.
don't even know this mans name, and yet in his eyes there is more concern for then anyone has ever shown all my life.' she thought.I think I'm okay now, thank you for catching me, she said sweetly while smiling brightly, but then she remembered why she had been running in the first place.god! I have to get out of here, before they find me!' she thought frantically.
sorry Mr. " she trailed of, not knowing his name, "but I must go, I'm kind of in a rush, and I must be going." she bowed low and was about to run again, if not for the boys hand grasping her upper arm. She turned around to face him again. He smiles at her before speaking.
at least let me given you a ride, it's the least I can to for delaying you further." he said, while jingling the keys in his right would get me home faster, and would be relatively safer.' with another half smile, she replayed, "That would be great, thank you again." He smiled back at her. Then realized that he didn't know her name. "What is your name?" he asked.
my! How rude of me! My name is Kagome, Kagome Hiragashi, you are?"