InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A question of vanity ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Diclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha.
SO, yet another short “moment”, pointless and cut short as always. My english is even worse than usual these days, but it's not like there's some emotional and soulfilled scene that can be spoiled by lousy spelling or grammar in this piece, so it should be OK. Right?
Sango, Miroku and even Shippou were busy holding Inuyasha back, leaving Kagome free to be fully upset with Kouga caressing her leg. Or rather, Kagome was busy with being upset about Kougas reaction about said legs.
“Wha - Kagome, you have no hair on your legs! Are you sick?”
For a teenager who compliments herself of having nice, lean and attractive legs that was not a welcome question, even if the concern behind it was sererne. Also, due to her latest visit at home Kagome was pre fed up on the “are you sick?”-quiestions - and since when was hairless legs a sign of sickness anyway???? Composing herself somewhat, Kagome carefully pronounced:
“No, Kouga-kun, I'm not sick. I've just shaved my legs is all.”
Blue eyes opened up impossible wide and Kouga jumped to his feet, fur fluttering in the light breeze.
“SHAVED?! Shaved, what do you mean, shaved?!”
How on earth does one answer a question like that? And more so, why did Kouga have to let his hands stray in the first place? For the first time since their first encounter with him, Kagome agreed with Inuyasha about Kouga being a nuisance. However there was one of the Inu party who understood Kouga's reaction better than Kagome did and thus Sango the demon slayer left her position as hanyou holder and approached the upset couple to meddle.
“Kouga-kun, Kagome-chan has different habits since she comes from” Sango started awkwardly. “It's considered attractive with hairless legs there - at least for women.” She explained to the wolf prince.
Kouga blinked rapidly, mouth hanging agape.
“A-a-attractive?!” he finally stammer-shouted. “How is cold and unprotected skin attractive? What kind of idiot would want his woman to freeze just because he's got crappy taste??” Kouga spat out, completely missing Kagome turning from white to red and back again over and over. Sango, unfortunately, missed it too and made damage worse.
“Um, Kouga-kun, no one has really asked Kagome-chan to, um, freeze. She just wanted to, uh, umm...”
Sango's voice faded out when she realized where her explanation was headed but it was too late. Everyone in their little clique knew that vanity for one's own sake was accepted and even expected in Kagome's world, but here attention on one's own apperance was a way for women to show a man her affection and even willingness towards him in a rather discreet way. Not by shaving one's legs though, but the trail of thoughts were the same. So what Sango had more or less said straight out was that Kagome struggeled to be found attractive by a certain someone (and guess who in his mind??), though the others knew she was just plain vain.
Either way this was NOT a shining moment for Kagome and when hopeful and lustful blue eyes turned towards her Kagome welcomed the growl giving away Inuyasha's “surprise attack” before the starteled cries from Miroku and Shippou did. Enough of the wolf prince for today!
Owari! : )