InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Questionable Dream ❯ The Question i Finally Answered ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter: 3 'The Question Finally Answered'

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled. "Wait up!" As she was running after him.

"What?" Inuyasha said As Kagome finally caught up to him.

"Inuyasha what was I saying it may help me remember."

"Nothing just...some sad stuff that's all."

"Oh ok let me think a minute?"

"Ok fine."

After a minute or so Kagome finally realized it and figured it out.

"Oh ....Inuyasha." She said as her eyes started to get dewy and tear up.
"What...what is it? Why are you crying?" He asked looking terrified as Kagome walked over to him and gave him a hug and held his hand. Inuyasha was so shocked, scared, and terrified all he could do was to look into her big dewy eyes that were staring right at him.

"Kagome...?" He whispered. "What happened in the dream?"
And with two simple words she told him.

"You died." And gave him a hug again and dug her head into his chest.

'What a weird girl I died in a dream and she's crying over me ...OH NO! Damn it, she is crying over me ...What do I do? What do I say? Does she really care that much for me?' ME? 'He thought to himself while hugging her back.

"Kagome." he said "Its ok it was only a dream. I'm right here."
Still hugging him Kagome lifted her head and looked into his golden colored eyes that sparkled at dawn approaching then said "No...You don't understand." And buried her head back into his chest. "I thought I lost you..." Then started to cry again. "....forever...." she said finishing her sentence. Inuyasha hugged her back tightly as if she were to fall then he picked her up and walked her to a tree and sat her back against it. Then he sat down in front of her.

"I'm.......sorry" she sobbed as she put her hands into her face and sobbed into her hands.

Inuyasha slowly moved her hands and looked into her salted face and into her watered eyes. "Kagome what do you have to be sorry about?" He asked
"....for crying over a stupid thing ...I mean it wasn't even...." She was cut short by Inuyasha grabbing her hand. "Kagome." he held her hand against his chest. "See I'm here, alive 'n all and is as happy as can be." He said then gave her a hug.
"Now stop that crying." He said playfully. Kagome giggled and slowly stopped crying and lifted her head to look at Inuyasha.

"Thank you Inuyasha." She said and kissed him on the cheek. Inuyasha blushed.
"Why are you thanking me?" Kagome rested her head back against the tree again. "You may be a jerk sometimes but I know your true colors *she giggled* and you just showed them to me."

Then she reached up and kissed him on the cheek again. Inuyasha blushed again. Then before he knew it he was smiling. "So .....Kagome...uh do you think ....we should go back to camp?" He asked. Kagome stood up and Inuyasha followed her up. She walked a couple of steps and stopped almost causing Inuyasha to hit her.
"Kagome what is it?" Kagome turned around slowly and looked into his beautiful eyes and hooked her arms around his neck and lowered him close to her face and she closed her eyes and kissed him and this time on the lips. Inuyasha hesitated then returned the kiss to her and some they were locked into each others mouth tongue 'n all. Finally the kiss broke and Kagome hugged him.

"I just want to stay like this a little longer." Inuyasha nodded and hugged her tightly never wanting to let go.

Well thats it kiddies :_: im so sad i never get any reviews....waaaaaah anywayz hope you enjoyed this....