InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Voice Within ❯ A voice within ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Voice Within

Young girl, don't cry

I'll be right here when your world starts to fall

Young girl, it's all right

Your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly


She sat in the small clearing of the forest. Tears flowing freely down her already tear stained face, following the same path made by earlier tears. She didn't know how she ended up here, she didn't even know where here was. All she knew was that she ran. She ran until her feet could not carry her anymore. She ran until she collapsed, in this clearing.


When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream

Of a place where nothing's harder than it seems

No one ever wants to bother to explain

Of the heartache life can bring and what it means

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`He said it was a mistake he said sorry. I told you he didn't love you. He only sees you as her copy. That's all you are. In the end he'll leave you and go to hell with her. All you'll have to remember him by is the ache in your heart. Forget about him Kagome.' Her mind screamed at her. Her hands absently reached up to touch her lips. She remembered the warmth of his lips on hers. `He said it was a mistake'


When there's no one else

Look inside yourself

Like your oldest friend

Just trust the voice within

Then you'll find the strength

That will guide your way

You'll learn to begin

To trust the voice within


She knew she loved him, but she put her feelings aside. She promised herself that she wouldn't shed another tear because of him. She would have been happier if he didn't kiss her. It would have probably hurt less when she had to say goodbye. At least that's what she convinced herself was the truth. But all he did kiss her, and stirred up all the feelings she thought she put to rest. "Damn you Inuyasha." She mumbled as another sob escaped her throat.


Young girl, don't hide

You'll never change if you just run away

Young girl, just hold tight

Soon you're gonna see your brighter day

Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed

It's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid

No one reaches out a hand for you to hold


`Forget it happened, I'm sure he did.' Her mind advised, `But you can't, you know you can't, no matter how much you try.' Her heart argued. `You love him' her heart said. "But he doesn't love me" the words escaped her lips softly. She pulled her legs closer to her and wrapped her arms around them. She began to slowly rock back and forth, quietly sobbing to the woods around her.


When you're lost outside look inside to your soul

When there's no one else

Look inside yourself

Like your oldest friend

Just trust the voice within

Then you'll find the strength

That will guide your way

If you will learn to begin

To trust the voice within



He followed her to the clearing, and watched her from the shadows of the trees. The sounds of her increased sobbing reached him, it forced him to comfort her. It drew him out of is hiding spot, and closer to the rocking girl.


Life is a journey

It can take you anywhere you choose to go

As long as you're learning

You'll find all you'll ever need to know

(Be strong)

You'll break it

(Hold on)

You'll make it

Just don't go forsake it because

(No one can tell you what you can do)


He reached out to touch her shoulder, she flinched, somehow knowing it was him. "Kagome, are you… alright?" She turned and looked at him with watery eyes. And a sad smile.


No one can stop you

You know that I'm talking to you

When there's no one else

Look inside yourself

Like your oldest friend

Just trust the voice within

Then you'll find the strength


She accepted the fact that she was to lose him, she would have to accept it. "I'm fine, just fine." Her voice was soft, and sad. He sat down next to her. "No you're not. Tell me what's wrong. I'm not going anywhere `til you tell me."


That will guide your way

If you will learn to begin

To trust the voice within

Young girl don't cry

I'll be right here when your world starts to fall


Another sad smile played at her lips. ` You are going somewhere. But I can't do anything to stop you. Even if I do tell you, my love.' She sighed and stood up, wiping her tears and putting on her fake happy smile. "I'm fine, really"



~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ THE END ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~