InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Wolf Prince's Love ❯ Demon ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey, guys! Thanks for the reviews; you know how much I love `em!
Chapter 16, Demon:
Kouga's eyes flew open, startling him out of his dreams by the unexpected sound. Beside him, Kagome sat up and sleepily rubbed at her eyes, stretching her arms out with a yawn. She stared absently around the room for a few moments; then, remembering where she was, she let out a yelp, jumped out of Kouga's bed and flopped into the chair next to it. He smirked at her, amused. He wondered what the doctor would have said if he'd seen her in bed with him like that.
“Yourouzoku-san, may I come in?” a muffled voice asked from behind the hospital room's door.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he groggily answered.
It wasn't until the doorknob turned that Kagome remembered that she probably wasn't supposed to be in there, considering visiting hours were only from 12:00 pm through 7:00 pm. But it was too late now. The doctor was already walking through the doorway.
“Good morning, Yourouzoku-san,” Dr. Kimaro greeted him warmly, shutting the door behind him. He took a few steps toward the bed, oblivious to Kagome's presence. “How are you feeling today?” he asked.
“Not bad, actually,” Kouga grinned, sitting up and stretching to prove his point.
Kimaro shook his head, bemused. “You certainly are a strange one. Your ability to heal so quickly is superb, yet puzzling. It defies all logic, even. Just what are you?” he asked. Kouga couldn't tell whether he was being serious or not, so he laughed it off.
He couldn't disguise the uncomfortable shake in his voice as he tried to convince the doctor, however. “Ha ha! I'm human, of course! W-what else would I be?”
Dr. Kimaro sighed. “I don't know,” he said, shaking his head and looking stern. “But you are different, you must acknowledge that at least.”
Kouga gulped, unsure of what else to do.
“Think about it: You were in here not three days ago with enough poison coursing through your veins to kill five grown men at the very least. Now here you are again, shot in the chest from a short distance. Yourouzoku-san, you should be dead!”
“Well, thank God he's not!” Kagome finally spoke up, wheeling her chair around to face the doctor, the anger in her words reflected on her face. “Honestly, doctor, is that any way to speak to a recovering patient?” She demanded, scowling up at him and crossing her arms over her chest.
Dr. Kimaro almost dropped the clipboard he was holding. “Hi-Higurashi-san? What are you doing in here?” he asked. “Visiting hours don't start until noon.”
“U-uh…” she answered, at a loss for an excuse.
“And good lord, what happened here?!” he asked, pointing to Kouga's tangled mess of an IV.
“Uh…” Kouga glanced at the wires connected to his wrists, which had been yanked all over the place the night before when Kagome had kissed him.
One look at Kagome's blushing face was all that the doctor needed in order to piece things together. “I see. Every quandary must have a catalyst,” he said, raising an eyebrow at her.
Kouga cleared his throat to keep himself from laughing. “Don't worry about it, doctor, they aren't necessary now anyway,” he said. “Speaking of which, when can I go?” he asked.
Kimaro sighed. “Let me check the wound.”
Kouga nodded, pulling the shirt he was wearing off his chest. Sitting on the bed, the doctor unraveled the bandages from around his back and gasped. Kouga glanced down out of curiosity. The wound was almost completely healed by now, leaving only a bullet-sized scrape where a hole used to be. Kagome sighed in relief.
Wide-eyed, Kimaro shook his head and slapped his hand to his forehead. “This is insane!”
“Ano…does that mean we can leave now?” Kagome asked.
“I…suppose it does,” he said, looking bewildered. Scooting forward, he removed the IV from Kouga's wrists. “Be sure to sign out at the front desk…” he muttered, shaking his head and standing up. He glanced back at Kouga, looking confused, before walking out the door.
Kagome flopped on the bed beside him, breathing out a sigh of relief. “Phew, that was close! That guy was getting annoying,” she frowned, laying her head down in his lap.
“Yes, but he was right,” Kouga sighed, running his fingers through her hair absently. Kagome nodded, closing her eyes.
“Anyway,” she began, sitting up again. “We should go before he decides to question you again.” She stood up and walked toward the doorway. “Let's go find my mom and get out of here.”
“Good idea.” Kouga kicked the blankets off himself and stood up from the bed. He took a few steps toward Kagome, then stopped, glancing downward. “Oi, Kagome?” he asked.
“Hmm?” she asked, turning around. Her eyes widened and her face turned bright red.
“Where are my clothes?” he asked, smiling amusedly, gesturing toward his bare chest and legs. Kagome thanked the heavens that he was still wearing the loose white shirt provided by the hospital (which only covered his shoulders and back) and the boxer shorts her mother had purchased for him the other day at the mall. He winced, removing his tail from inside the shorts, and wagged it absently to rid it of the stiffness it had accumulated over the past 24 hours.
“I…uh…” She pointed to the bedside table's only drawer with a trembling finger, somehow unable to tear her wide eyes away from his exposed chest.
Kouga smirked, placing his hands on his hips. He clucked his tongue and shook his head. “Kagome, you naughty girl,” he said, turning toward the table and opening the drawer. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I can't walk around like this out there.”
If at all possible, Kagome turned a deeper five shades of red. “Mou, Kouga! Hurry up and put your pants on!” she demanded, closing her eyes and turning around with her arms crossed over her chest.
Kouga laughed. “Only my pants?” he asked, pulling his jeans out from the drawer and slipping one leg in.
Kagome sighed. “Well…I don't know if you remember this or not, but…your shirt was kind of destroyed.”
Kouga thought for a moment back to the ride in the ambulance as he shoved the other leg through. “Yes, I think I remember now.”
“You can't walk around without a shirt on, though,” Kagome mumbled, turning around and giving him a sheepish look.
“Can't I?” he asked, raising an eyebrow without looking directly at her; he was too busy attempting to poke the stupid button through the little hole in his pants.
“No, you can't!” Kagome shouted, flinging her arms up in the air out of exasperation.
“Well, why not?” He asked, hoping for an answer that would allow him to tease her more.
“B-because…” she muttered, staring down at her feet. “I'm not the only girl in Japan, you know…”
Kouga smirked knowingly. “Ah, I see,” he teased.
“Y-you do?” she asked warily, frowning at him.
Kagome sighed. “Okay, let's hear it so I can make fun of you for a change.”
Kouga grinned. “You don't want any other girl to see me like that because you want me all to yourself.” He said, laughter ringing in his voice with every word.
“So?” she asked, averting her eyes as her cheeks tinted pink. Bull's-eye. Kouga grinned wolfishly.
“So,” he answered, reaching out and grasping her hand, “I'm already yours.”
She smiled appreciatively, taking a step closer to him. “But, what if you find another girl out there who's prettier than me? I mean, look at you!” she said, jabbing at his defined torso with a finger. “I wouldn't stand a chance…”
Kouga's smile never faltered. “Hey,” he said, hooking his finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “That's impossible. You are the most beautiful girl- ningen or youkai- in the world, in looks and character. You, Kagome,” he said softly, wrapping both arms around her waist and pressing her against his chest, “honor me with your love.”
Kagome smiled softly, tears forming in her eyes, and placed her hands gently on his chest. His eyes never left hers as he leaned toward her slightly parted lips, pausing for a moment in case she objected, and kissed her softly. His arms tightened around her waist as she slipped hers up slowly to wrap around his neck, one hand burying itself in his long, midnight black hair. He kissed her gently, silently conveying to her the sincerity behind his words.
Suddenly, she pushed upward onto her tip-toes, clinging onto his neck, and kissed him severely, dropping one of her hands from around his neck to rake across his chest. She felt the familiar tickling sensation in her lower belly when he gasped, surprised, and moaned against her lips in pleasure. His hands began to explore, rubbing up and down her back and sliding down her sides to finally rest on her hips.
So consumed was he in finding ways to make her react to his touch that he failed to pick up on the three scents of Notaishita, Grandpa and Souta rapidly approaching their room until it was far too late.
His lips left hers only when it was apparent that she needed to catch her breath. With his first intake of breath, he gasped, eyes widening and jerked his head toward the doorway. Alarmed, Kagome glanced at the door also…and felt her entire face burn.
Standing in the doorway was her family, all three ogling at them with wide eyes and dropped jaws. There was a thud as a bag that her scowling Grandpa was holding fell to the floor. When her senses returned to her, Mrs. Higurashi clapped a hand over Souta's eyes, much later than she should have. Kagome buried her hot face in Kouga's bare chest, unsure of what else to do.
“Um…” Kouga began awkwardly.
Grandpa spluttered and scowled, looking at the position of Kouga's hands. Kouga followed his line of sight and blushed, releasing his hold on Kagome's lower hips.
Kagome sighed and glanced up sheepishly at her family, her face still brick red. “Um…ready to go?” she asked.
“Hmph,” Grandpa muttered.
Notaishita cleared her throat. “We brought you a fresh shirt, Kouga…um…We'll just go now and let you change. Come on, Grandpa, Souta.” She turned and started to lead Souta from the doorway, but Grandpa refused to budge.
“There's no way I'm leaving my precious granddaughter alone with him, Notaishita!” He scowled, shaking his head angrily. “Honestly, did you see the way he was attacking her? Like some kind of a…a…”
“Wolf?” Kouga asked, amused. Grandpa narrowed his eyes, clearly not finding the situation as humorous.
“Oh, very well. I've already paid, so we'll be waiting in the car,” she said, taking Souta's hand and lead him out of the room. Grandpa gave a grunt in acknowledgment.
A few moments later, no one had moved.
“Well?” Grandpa demanded, tapping his foot impatiently. “Does she have to remain glued to you while you put a shirt on?”
Kagome let go of his waist reluctantly as Kouga moved to pick up the bag by Grandpa's feet. Before he'd taken two steps, however, Grandpa had scooped it up from the floor and tossed it at him. Kouga caught it with ease and pulled a dark green t-shirt out. As he slipped it over his head, the old man stalked toward them and pulled Kagome to the door quickly, never taking his eyes off him.
“Seriously, Grandpa, what do you think he's going to try to do while you're here?” Kagome rolled her eyes. Her answer came in yet another angry splutter.
“While I'm here?!” He shouted, his eyes widening in horror at Kouga's smirk. “That's it! I'm not going to leave you two alone for one second when we get home now!” He glared at Kouga when he attempted to stand next to her. “And I'm sitting between you and the youkai in the car, too!”
Kagome glanced apologetically at Kouga behind Grandpa's back. He gave her his trademark smirk and winked reassuringly at her in response.
He walked between them all the way to the car. Once there, he climbed into the middle of the back seat.
“Don't worry, Kouga,” Kagome whispered, a few feet away from the car. “Grandpa's going golfing again tomorrow,” she said and gave him a quick kiss.
“Hey, hey, none of that!” Grandpa ordered from inside the car. Kouga raised an eyebrow and grinned mischievously at her and they both climbed in.
The car-ride was uneventful, if not awkward. Souta kept turning around in the front seat to stare first at Kouga, then at his sister, with wide, unblinking eyes. Grandpa kept his arms crossed and scowled, refusing to look at either one of them. Luckily, this time Mrs. Higurashi kept her eyes on the road and got them back home in no time- the silence was driving Kagome mad. Every second was torture and her face hadn't lost any of its redness from a few minutes ago. She sighed and glanced at Grandpa out of the corner of her eye. He was practically fuming. Kagome gulped and shifted slightly in her seat, embarrassed out of her mind.
Her family was old-fashioned and believed in abstinence when it came to physical relationships with the opposite sex before marriage. Grandpa was especially strict when it came to boys, which was one of the reasons why Kouga had been her first kiss. She was sorry she had made Grandpa so upset, but she didn't regret her actions at all. She loved him and he loved her; he had loved her for years without any attention from her at all. There was no doubt in her mind that he deserved the past two heated kisses she'd given him, and plenty more…but she'd have to explain to him her family's morals lest they get too carried away.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Mrs. Higurashi sped up the driveway to their home and parked the car. Kagome jumped out as soon as the car stopped moving and ran around the other side to help Kouga out.
“So,” she began awkwardly, strongly aware of Grandpa's gaze piercing into her back as they walked inside the house. “What would you like to do now?” She asked, opening the front door and leading him inside.
Kouga thought for a moment, tapping his finger on his chin. “Hmm…well, I should like to know where the hot springs are located, I guess. It's been a few days now since I've had a decent wash,” he said, running his fingers through his hair.
“Oh, well, we don't have a hot spring, exactly…but you know the small dippy thing next to the toilet I showed you?” He nodded.
“That's the bath. Come on, I'll show you.” She grasped his hand and turned around to face her family. “I'm going to go show Kouga how to take a bath,” she announced. Mama nodded with a smile and walked into the kitchen to prepare lunch while Souta dove for the television remote control. Grandpa, however, had another splutter episode.
“OH, NO YOU DON'T, YOUNG LADY!” He shouted, glaring more at Kouga than at her, as if this was some suspicious plot of his to “attack” her again, only this time without any clothes involved at all. “I will show the youkai. You will stay down here- as far away from him as possible,” he said, nodding toward Kouga.
Kagome scowled and placed her hands on her hips. “His name is Kouga. Stop treating him like an animal. And I'm coming upstairs with you to make sure you don't bully him.”
“You're right: he's not an animal- he's a DEMON!” He shouted, causing Mrs. Higurashi to poke her head out of the kitchen and Souta to turn away from the television, his interest caught. “One more night, youkai, and then you're out of this house. The Higurashi's don't house demons. Now come on, upstairs.”
Kouga followed him up the stairs with a blank face and they disappeared around the corner toward the bathroom. Kagome sighed shakily and buried her face in her hands, all thoughts of following them forgotten. She jumped when she felt her mother's arm around her shoulders. Sniffling, she glanced up at her with tears in her eyes. Her mother was smiling gently.
“Don't worry, Kagome,” she began, giving her shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “Kouga can stay here as long as he wants. I pay the bills around here, so I say he stays.”
Kagome smiled. “Thanks, Mom. But what about…?”
“I'll talk to Grandpa later on.” She alleged with a smile and wink.
Kagome nodded and trudged up the stairs to her room, refusing to look at Grandpa as he passed her on his way back down the hall.
“I mean it, Kagome,” he said, turning around to talk to her retreating back. “He can't stay here. If he doesn't leave tomorrow, I'm calling the police.”
Kagome still refused to look at him as she paused in her doorway. “You never seemed to care when Inuyasha stayed here. What makes Kouga so different from him?” she asked him softly.
Grandpa's voice was cold as he answered her. “I put up with Inuyasha because he's at least half human. This one's pureblooded evil! And don't let him kiss you anymore. It can only lead to trouble; I won't have a youkai in my family.”
Kagome shook in anger as she whirled around to face him, fists clenched at her sides. “I love him!” she shouted. “I'll let him kiss me as much as he wants!”
Grandpa scowled and looked as if he was about to say something, but she cut him off. “Kouga is a wolf and wolves mate for life. I intend on becoming his mate someday soon, so guess what? There will be a youkai in the family whether you like it or not!” She shouted, whirling around and stomping into her bedroom and slamming the door shut.
However, he wasn't done with her yet. She scowled when she heard his voice just outside her door. “He's a demon, Kagome! A devil! There's not an ounce of good in him! He'll lure you in with all this mate talk, use you as he pleases and abandon you when he's had his fill! Use your head, Kagome, and let him go.”
Kagome had never been so angry in her entire life. There had been the time Inuyasha had insulted her cooking, and the time when Souta had read her diary, but this was too much. She shook from head to toe and her voice trembled in anger when she spoke to him.
“How DARE you talk about him like that?! Kouga isn't like that at all! He loves me and I trust him completely!”
There was a pause and for a short hopeful moment, Kagome thought he had gone downstairs. There was the sound of a weary exhale outside her door and when he spoke, there was pity in his voice.
“Then you are a foolish girl. He's going to break your heart.”
“No, Kou-!”
“If not him, then his family.” He paused for a moment to let that sink in. Then, “Youkai never associate with humans. His family will be just as opposed to this as I am, and probably even more so. They're barbaric! They might kill you in their rage. Listen to me when I say this, Kagome: it will only end in heartbreak.” She waited until she heard him descending the stairs in silence before throwing herself onto her bed. She buried her face in her pillow as her shoulders racked in silent sobs.
She flinched, surprised, when she felt a gentle hand rub her shoulder. Sitting up slowly, she turned her watery eyes to his pained ones and flung herself into his arms. He caught her with gentle ease and sat himself down on her bed, placing her on his lap. Sobbing harder than ever, she clenched her hands in his fresh shirt and cried into his chest. Hugging her to him with one arm, he used the other to run through her hair, comforting her silently. Gradually, her crying simmered down to nothing more than an occasional hiccup here and there.
Kouga sighed into her hair. “Thank you for sticking up for me.”
Kagome had to force back another sob; the hurt that was apparent in his voice tore at her heart. She clenched the fabric of his shirt in her fist and snuggled up against him.
“He's wrong, you know,” he said, resting his chin on the top of her head.
Kagome sniffled and then looked up at him with puffy brown eyes.
“My tribe already accepts you, Kagome. In fact, they consider you a hero. My people have not forgotten your bravery when you helped us fight off the Gokurakucho. In fact, they have added a verse about you into the Kyousei Shiku, the Great Verse, of the wolves.”
Kagome allowed a small smile. “The Great Verse? What is that?”
Kouga smiled softly. “My tribe has been around for a very long time, Kagome. It is one of our customs to write down, in wolf-song, every great event that our tribe is a part of. Every verse goes into one song, and so the song itself is more like a collection of thousands of other songs, all put into one.” His smile faltered a bit as he became lost in thought. Then, “My father's last battle takes up almost five pages.”
Kagome sighed and leaned against him again.
“Can you tell me some of mine?” she asked, hoping to distract him from saddening thoughts of his late father.
Kouga shook his head. “You wouldn't understand it. To the ears of a human, it sounds like nothing but howls and barks,” he said. “Anyway, my people do care for you, Kagome.”
She played with a strand of his damp, towel-dried hair anxiously. “But…do they want me as their Princess? I mean, I'm completely human.”
Kouga chuckled. “They're already calling you `Kagome-hime-sama.” He said, tightening his arms around her.
Kagome brightened up at once. “Really?”
Kouga nodded. “Mmm.”
She tilted her head until she was looking up at him again and giggled. “Your people must have a lot of faith in you,” she said.
“Hmm. I'm glad they did. I certainly didn't. For a while there, I thought you really had chosen…” he trailed off, not wanting to speak his name just in case she decided that she really did prefer his rival.
Kagome sighed. “For a while there, I thought so, too. Oh, Kouga, I'm so glad-“ she paused.
“What?” He asked, blinking down at her curiously.
“I almost said I'm glad you were poisoned. But that sounds so evil.” She giggled.
“No, it all started before even that,” Kouga said, shaking his head, his eyes glazing over as he explored his memories. “It was when I ran into you and your friends on the outskirts of the forest. You said you were on your way to Kaede's village.”
Kagome nodded. “Oh, yeah…when Inuyasha said…”
“'Baka Ookami, she doesn't have any feelings for you at all!'” he quoted in an obnoxious, high-pitched voice.
“You remember what he said?”
Kouga shrugged. “More or less.”
Kagome sighed. “He was wrong even then, you know.”
Kagome blushed. “Well, I always thought you were…sexy…” She paused, concentrating on preventing the red coloring on her cheeks from deepening. “Ugh! It's that stupid mini-skirt! Anyway,” She had to pause again- Kouga was laughing too hard to comprehend what she was saying. “When you gave me those flowers…well…”
“Ah, I knew I struck gold with the flowers!” He said, grinning from ear to ear.
Kagome laughed. “You know, I never thought I'd say this, but…I'm so glad Inuyasha's such a jerk. If he hadn't been so stupid, we might not have…”
Kouga smiled softly and kissed the top of her head. “We may owe him one, but…I still can't wait to see the look on his face.” He chuckled evilly.
“Mou, Kouga!” Kagome reprimanded, jabbing him with a finger in discipline.
Kagome sighed and sat up from his lap, and walked to the door. She paused apprehensively before opening it, fearful that her grandfather had come back to harass Kouga once again. She was surprised, however, to see Souta holding two plates of food and balancing two water bottles under his chin. Kagome helped him immediately.
“Arigatou, Souta,” she said awkwardly, still embarrassed that he had witnessed her little intimate moment with Kouga at the hospital.
“Mmm,” he answered, glancing at Kouga, who had come over to help Kagome with the lunch plates. “Oi, Kouga,” he began uncomfortably, kicking his feet on Kagome's doorframe.
Kagome frowned. “Don't do that, Souta!”
“Yes?” Kouga asked patiently.
“Ano…are you…going to ask my sister to marry you?” he asked.
“Souta!” Kagome exclaimed with a blush.
Kouga smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist. “If that's another word for mate, then, yes, I do intend to ask her.” Kagome tried in vain to suppress a smile and looked at him hopefully.
`I wonder when…?' she thought, but at the same time, scolded herself for being impatient.
Souta frowned. “But, that's not fair! She was telling `kaa-san last night how much she likes you! She'll say yes for sure! It's no fair, I tell you! Now I'll never see Inu-nii ever again!” He shouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Kagome fled to her bed and screamed into a pillow, but Kouga hadn't missed the deep red coloring on her face.
Kouga knelt on the floor beside Souta and sighed. “You really don't like me, do you, kid?”
Souta frowned. “Of course not! You're mean to Inu-nii!”
“Hey, he was mean to me first,” he sighed.
Souta blinked. “Really?” he asked, trying to look as if he was less than interested.
Kouga hid a smile. “Yes. He kil- uh- beat up my friends while I wasn't with them. Well,” A guilty look flashed across his face. “I suppose they did deserve it…Anyway, he called me mean names! Although…I guess I kind of did the same thing…But, that's not all!” He exclaimed, holding up his index finger.
Souta gulped. “I-it's not?”
Kouga shook his head. “Nope. He stole my girlfriend!”
Kagome snorted behind her hand as her shoulders shook in laughter.
“So, you see, I'm not the only one at fault here,” Kouga pointed out. “Now, what do you say? Friends?” he asked, smiling.
Souta pondered this for a moment, tapping his finger to his chin. “You can be my new brother on one condition,” he said, nodding his head as he made up his mind.
Kouga nodded. “What's that?” he asked.
“You have to play Super Smash Brothers Melee with me.”
Kouga smiled. “It's a deal. But it'll have to wait until after lunch, I'm starving.”
Souta grinned and pumped a fist in the air. “Yes! I call Samus!” he yelled, retreating to the living room to set up his Gamecube.
Kouga sighed and shut the door. “Kagome…what is super smash…whatever?”
Kagome removed the pillow from her face and smiled. “It's a video game. He'll teach you how to play after we've finished eating.”
“All right, but after that, we have to talk,” he said on a more serious note.
“We could talk now,” Kagome suggested, not liking the uneasy look in Kouga's eyes.
“True,” Kouga nodded, sitting down next to her on the bed.
“Well?” she asked, tilting her head curiously.
Kouga sighed. “Well, when I leave tomorrow-“
Kagome frowned. “You don't have to leave tomorrow. My mom said you're welcome to stay! Forget what Grandpa said, he wouldn't really call the police…I think.”
Kouga smiled softly and inched closer to her, taking her hand. “Kagome, I need to leave soon, anyway. I've been away from my tribe for way too long now. I don't want the Kyousei Shiku to say I am a neglectful Leader who doesn't care for his people.” Kagome nodded. Kouga's tribe needed him. She knew she had to let him go back, but she couldn't help selfishly wanting him all to herself.
“And…what about me?” she asked, holding her breath and hoping against hope that he wouldn't ask her to stay behind.
“Well…I…that is…Kagome…” He trailed off, looking anywhere but at her.
“Yes?” she asked impatiently. She smiled when he gulped out of nervousness.
“Will you…” Swallowing his fears, he shifted so that he was looking directly into her eyes. “Will you be my mate?” He blurted. She had never seen him looking so hopeful.
She grinned slyly. “I thought I already answered that question on the way home from school yesterday.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Of course it is, you-“
Using his wolfish speed, he dove on top of her, crushing his lips against hers in the most intense kiss she had ever experienced. She gasped against his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her if that were possible as he rapidly moved his lips against hers. Finally, he released her lips, allowing her to breathe, but lost no time in kissing his way down her neck. He tucked his arms behind her back, pushing her chest against his.
When she had caught her breath enough to speak, she muttered a distracted “Kouga…”
He ignored her and moved on to her collarbone.
“Kouga,” she murmured a bit louder.
“Mmm…” he answered her, kissing the tip of her nose and moving on to her jaw.
“Kouga!” she shouted, slapping her hands against his cheeks gently and forcing him to look at her. “When I said yes, I didn't mean right now!”
He grinned slyly. “I know,” he muttered huskily. “I just got a little excited.”
“A little?” She faked a frown. “Off.”
He pretended to think about it for a moment, then shook his head. “Hmm…Nah, I like it here,” he said, collapsing against her.
He laughed. Smiling handsomely, he kissed her cheek, and leapt off of her.
“Does this mean I get to come and live with you in your den?” she asked, reaching her hand out for him to help her up.
“Of course,” he smiled, grasping her hand and pulling her into a sitting position. “If you want to, my hime.”
She giggled. “You know I do.”
“Hmm,” He smirked, obviously pleased by her remark. “But before I take you home with me, I think you ought to stay with your friends for a while. I need to go to my tribe alone to tell them the news and to prepare the den for your arrival.”
Kagome raised an eyebrow and grinned knowingly. “In other words, you have to clean your room before I see it, is that it?”
Kouga blinked. “You sure know how to read me, Kagome.”
She nodded. “And besides, I also have to break the news to my friends. Ooh, I can't wait to tell Sango!”
“And I can't wait to tell Inu-“ She silenced him by placing a finger against his lips and shaking her head.
“Kouga, I don't think you should be the one to tell him,” she said.
Kouga nodded. “You're right. He'd probably go for my jugular.”
Kagome sighed. “Probably.”
“Then it's settled. I will leave you in the care of your friends for…” he paused for a moment in thought. “Three days while I go ahead and prepare the den…and my people for your arrival.”
“Three days? Kouga, how messy is your room?” She demanded, crossing her arms against her chest.
“It's not just the den, Kagome, I also have to tell my people…and my mother. Not to mention all of the preparations I'll have to make for the upcoming Tribal Gathering.”
Kagome grinned. “Your mother? Oh, I can't wait to meet her!”
Kouga smiled affectionately. “I'm sure she feels the same way. All right, three days it is, then. Use the time to work something out with your friends.”
Kagome pouted and glanced up at him, her eyes determined. “One.”
“One day.”
Kouga narrowed his eyes. “One day? Are you kidding me?”
She shook her head obstinately. “One. Three is too long.”
Kouga sighed. “Two, then.”
Kagome frowned, thinking it over, then, “No. One day.”
Kouga moaned, running his fingers through his hair. “Higurashi Kagome, you are going to be the death of me. Fine; one day.”
She squealed, delighted, and threw her arms around him. “Oh, Kouga, I'm so happy!” she exclaimed, kissing him on the cheek.
“…and hungry,” Kouga observed, smirking at her blushing face.
“Oh, shut up and eat.”
A/N: Wow, sorry for the long delay, guys! I made it extra lengthy to make up for that. There was a lot of kissing in this chapter…sorry `bout that…Well, anyway, thank you so much for all of your reviews and PMs! Sometimes I need to be reminded that there are other people out there waiting to read this.
Until next time.