InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Young Youkai ❯ A Young Youkai ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Hahaue? Please wake up, Hahaue. I'm hungry Hahaue, please get up, please?" Young, five-year-old Inuyasha begged the still form of his mother, shaking her as silent tears rolled down his face. His mother had been sick for a while, but just yesterday she had said she was feeling better and would probably be able to take him to the meadow tomorrow.
But Inuyasha's senses told him that his mother wouldn't be going anywhere.
His mother's body was cold, her heart and lungs still. She had died in her sleep without a word, but Inuyasha refused to accept the truth and kept calling out to her, begging her to wake up.
A shadow fell over the young hanyou then and he blinked, then looked up into the intruder's eyes.
"Ses--Sessomaru." Inuyasha stammered, wiping tears out of his eyes.
The fifteen-year-old Sessomaru looked back at his half-sibling for a moment before turning his gaze to Inuyasha's mother.
"She's dead, you know." He stated.
Inuyasha whimpered and flattened his ears, fresh tears forming in his eyes.
"Now stop that." Sessomaru chided. "It's not right for you to be crying like this. I can smell sickness here, isn't it better that your dear, precious mother is no longer suffering?"
Inuyasha whimpered again and sniffled. "I'm...I'm glad she's...not in pain anymore...but what'm I gonna do now?!" Inuyasha's lower lip trembled. "I'm all alone now!"
Sessomaru tilted his head, looking at his younger half-brother for a long moment. "No," He said finally. "You're not alone. I will take care of you."
" will?"
"Yes, I will. Father would be ashamed of me if I didn't give his young bastard son any care."
Inuyasha wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Hahaue wasn't a bad human, she loved me."
"No...I suppose she was an acception as far as humans go, but most humans are not as kind as she was, Inuyasha."
"Most just don't understand..."
"No Inuyasha, most just don't care. Come with me now and I will show you humanity's true face."
"Can I...take some things with me?"
Sessomaru gave a haughty sniff. "If you must."
Inuyasha scrambled to his feet and started grabbing his favorite toys, and then some of his mother's things like her most precious comb, all while Sessomaru watched and waited.
When Inuyasha had collected all he wanted to take, he unrolled his carrying cloth and dumped the three toys and four precious things that belonged to his mother onto it, then he rolled it closed and tied it shut. Inuyasha then straightened and looked at his brother.
"Will you help me bury her, Sessomaru? That's...that's what humans do for their dead..." Inuyasha said softly.
Sessomaru looked at his hanyou brother with contempt. "I'm not going to dirty my hands burying a human." He snarled.
Inuyasha sighed, realizing that his brother meant that and that he would have to bury his mother on his own. He went about the task of doing so, dragging his mother's prone body out of the cave where they had been living for the last three years and then looking around for a good place to bury her.

After Inuyasha had buried his mother and lit an incense by the grave, Sessomaru walked over to him.
"Are you ready to leave yet?" He asked with a trace of impatience in his voice.
Inuyasha wiped his eyes off and stood. "Hai, let's go." He said.
"Good." Sessomaru said and turned to head off. Inuyasha turned to follow.
"So, you used to live in a village with your mother?"
Inuyasha jerked slightly. "Uh...hai...until they kicked us out."
"'Cause I ate a chicken."
"Hm...they should pay."
Inuyasha blinked and looked up at his older brother. "Pay?"
"Yes. You are half of a great youkai's blood. They, lowly ningen, have no right to treat you with that sort of disrespect."
Inuyasha blinked. "But...but I'm half human..."
"Half youkai, don't think about the ningen half, little brother. You're better than they are."
Inuyasha blinked at his older brother. "'F you say so, Fluffy." He smiled slightly.
Sessomaru gave him an annoyed look. "Don't call me that, and stop talking like you're a two year old."
Inuyasha's ears went back and he looked away. "Sorry..." He muttered.
As they approached the village where Inuyasha had been born, Inuyasha began to lag back.
"I don't wanna go there, Sessomaru...they'll hurt me..."
Sessomaru looked at his brother and sighed in exasperation. "I'll be with you, foolish pup. We're going to exact revenge on the lowly humans for the disrespect they caused you."
It was the last thing the young hanyou remembered for quite some time...

Inuyasha opened his eyes and blinked. He was surrounded by blood and fire.
What had happened?!
Inuyasha looked around himself slowly. He could smell blood everywhere and fear, lots of it. The stench of death leaked from everywhere and fire was all around. He looked down at himself and cried out in surprise to find himself covered in human blood.
"Sessomaru!" He cried out desperately. "Sessomaru!!!"
"Hush." Sessomaru said, appearing next to his distraught brother the next moment. "I'm right here."
"Sessomaru!" Inuyasha turned to cling to his brother's robes, but Sessomaru moved away from him. "Sessomaru, what happened?!"
"You killed them, of course." Sessomaru replied calmly.
Inuyasha stopped short and stared at his brother in mute shock from under the blood that almost completely covered him. "I....did...this...?" He whispered.
"You did."
Inuyasha stared for a couple of more seconds, then he broke down in puppy whimpers and covered his bloody face with his bloody hands. "I didn't wanna kill them!"
Sessomaru sharply cuffed his younger half-sibling upside the head. "Stop that snivelling and go find a river to wash in, you're covered in their sickening blood." He curled his lip to show his distaste.
"They're NOT sickening!!!" Inuyasha ran off, out of the village and returned to his mother's grave, collapsing in front of it.
"I did something very bad, Hahaue..." He said softly, tears making their way over his bloodied face so it looked like he was crying bloody tears. "But I promise I won't ever, EVER do it again! Please forgive me, Hahaue...I didn' mean to...." He curled up by the grave and cried, begging for forgiveness over and over to his mother's soul until exhausting himself and falling asleep.
Hours later Sessomaru came and carried his blood-covered brother off to a river, where he dunked him in, waking the hanyou pup abruptly.
"Wash." Was all he said.
And Inuyasha did, cleaning the blood from himself and his clothes and then rejoining his brother on the bank, then leaving with him.
Ten years later, Sessomaru discovered his brother's secret of the new moon and abandoned him and Inuyasha was left all alone...

Three years later...
A shadow fell over a long neglected grave and a red-clothed figure crouched before it, offering flowers to the blank stone that sat before the grave.
"Hello Hahaue," Inuyasha said. "It's been a long time..." He closed his eyes, imagining that the summer breeze that blew by was his mother's hand carassing his face, then he opened his eyes and looked down at the grave.
"I've met someone, Hahaue. Her name is Kikyo and she's very nice to me...I think I love her, Hahaue. I wish you could meet her, I think you would approve..." He put his hand on the stone. "I still miss you, Hahaue, but I like to pretend that you're watching out for me...and that makes me feel better." He looked toward the rotted ruins of the village and sighed heavily, then looked back at the stone.
"Did you forgive me for murdering the village, Hahaue? I wouldn't blame you if you hadn't, I still can't forgive myself...but I kept my promise, Hahaue, I haven't hurt a human since..." His tone dropped to a whisper. "I still love you, Hahaue...I'll try to visit more often. Ja na, Hahaue...I'll come talk to you again." Then Inuyasha stood and with a last look at his mother's grave, he left.
And he could have sworn that as he left, he heard his mother's voice.
"I love you too, Inuyasha..."