InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental love ❯ Kiss and a smile ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! Please don't sue me whoever does!
Kagome had been in High Stone a week and could already see how crowded it was. Travelers' human and demon alike came and went all the time. High Stone had a really homey feeling to it. `I can get used to this' Kagome thought as she wandered the halls. Rin was usually with her group of friends. Some were human, others were half demon, and others were demon. `Maybe Inuyasha just complained it doesn't seem that bad here' she smiled as she watched then run past her. She hadn't seen Sesshoumaru at all since the brownie incident (A/N: I know they didn't have brownies in feudal Japan! So get off my back!). Shikobira had been giving her a better tour of High Stone and the land surrounding High Stone. He even told her that before Sesshoumaru's father died he and Sesshoumaru were in some weird way friends (A/N: I know Sesshoumaru is ooc!)
Kagome walked into the garden where flowers she never knew existed were. “All so beautiful,” she muttered. Flowers of bright colors shone around her. The smell of it all flowed around her like a river. `This can be a home away from home.' She looked through a window and saw Sesshoumaru he looked bored three other demons were with him. `He's in the Great Hall. I should go save him' Kagome giggled and ran a number of ideas on what she could say to get Sesshoumaru away from the other demons. She ran into The Great Hall “Sesshoumaru! Sesshoumaru!” Kagome called out, “Something has happened! Please hurry!” Sesshoumaru immediately stood up and excused himself then left with Kagome.
“What is the emergency?” he asked with slight alarm in his voice.
“There isn't one. I just felt like saving you,” Kagome smiled. It took Sesshoumaru a second to comprehend what she was saying.
“Not many would do something like that. Thank you,” the word thank you was slow and thoughtful like he hadn't ever said it before.
“You don't say thank you that often do you?” Kagome asked.
“There isn't much point to saying it if one does something for you because they are afraid you'll kill them,” Sesshoumaru simply put. Kagome nodded it made sense. They walked through the gardens and Kagome realized that her like was quickly turning into love. `Her presence I more than tolerate, I long for it. Why is that? Could I be feeling love?' Sesshoumaru asked himself. Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru and inched closer to his face and he inched closer to hers. Their lips locked and when they did both were surprised but were soon lost in the moment. Reluctantly they separated both stared into the others eyes for a moment. Kagome blushed then looked down.
“I'm sorry,” she muttered.
“Do not be,” Sesshoumaru whispered in her ear causing chills down her spine. He then had to leave to do his lordly duties. Kagome watched him leave and smiled. Sesshoumaru as he walked away with his back to Kaogme a small smile appeared. Suka had been watching `She got him to smile a feat even Rin hasn't completed I will have to try to get those two together more often' Suka thought.
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I did it! Yea I know nothing good happens and I don't plan to make this r rated so those who want r rated stuff….YOU'RE READING THE WRONG FIC!