InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental love ❯ The coming of a secret ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!
Kagome lay on her bed day dreaming. `He loves me! He loves me!' was the only thing going through her head. She sighed happily. `I do love it here. But I should be with my friends maybe Sesshoumaru will let me invite them here. Sure they'll be suspicious of him but they'll get over it' Kagome jumped off her bed and ran out to find Sesshoumaru.
Kagome looked everywhere she could think of to find Sesshoumaru. She looked in the garden, by the lake, in the kitchen, in the Great Hall, and in his room. `He's not anywhere! Maybe Suka will know where he is' she made her way back to the kitchen.
“Suka, have you seen Sesshoumaru anywhere?” she asked.
“He's been gone all day so far. He had to do some business in the east. He should be back before the day is done,” Suka answered. As usual she was up to her elbows in flour (A/N: I don't care if in the feudal era they had flour! They do in my fic!).
Kagome nodded and found Rin and decided to keep her company.
Sesshoumaru sat in a room where the eastern lord was. Naraku had been giving them some problems because they had found half of Naraku's Shikon Jewel shard.
“Please Lord Sesshoumaru! You must take this! The West is much stronger than the East!” The Eastern lord begged.
“Very well. I will take the Jewel Shard back with me to the West,” Sesshoumaru answered.
“Thank you Lord Sesshoumaru!” the Eastern lord bowed low before sending off a servant to get the Jewel shard.
On his walk back he looked once at the evil jewel shard that was half of what Naraku once had. `Such an evil thing. It can't be touched or come close-`his thoughts were cut off as he heard Kiba's voice. He ignored Kiba and entered through the side door. Suka knew what he hid. Kagome sensed it and came just in time to catch them talking so low she could hardly hear them. She did hear however:
“Are you sure that should be here as well as the….one” Kagome missed the middle part of what Suka asked.
“It has to be done,” Sesshoumaru answered, “There is no other choice.”
“Just make sure you keep it separate,” Suka whispered them went back to what she was doing. Kagome blinked wondering what they were talking about.
After dark Kagome silently followed Sesshoumaru to see where planned to put the Shikon Jewel shard. Sesshoumaru walked down a long dark hallway and down countless stairs to a room that was guarded by two bird demons. After the guards saw Sesshoumaru, they stepped aside. Kagome suddenly felt a strong sense of the Shikon Jewel after Sesshoumaru opened the door to the room.
`What is behind that door?' she wondered and scurried back up the stairs to her room when she heard the door open.
Sorry for the short chapter. I would have posted more only I have typed up more but had to end it there.