InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental love ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any other Inuyasha character!
Few years later (A/N I don't know how many)
A small half demon child with silver hair and black ears ran around High Stone in a white haori and white hakma pants. The half demon was a little girl by the name of Kairi. The little heir of the Western lands.
Everything had worked out. Of course Sesshoumaru and Kagome got married (or whatever they did in the feudal era) and had little Kairi. Miroku and Sango got married as well and decided to stay in the West. Shippo stayed as well.
Sesshoumaru walked to the grave of Inuyasha. `Everything has worked out' he thought. Kagome joined him she was pregnant with their second child. Suka said it was she was pregnant with twins.
“Maybe Inuyasha knew what he was doing,” she offered.
“Maybe,” Sesshoumaru replied, “maybe.”
I'm done now!