InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Across the Cafe' I Saw You ❯ Chapter IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Alright, I don't own anything with Inuyasha or Harry Potter o.k.? Got it? Good.
Across the Café I Saw You
By: IsisTheEgyptianGoddess
Chapter IV
Moving In, an Encounter with Naraku Onigumo, and New Neighbors
*Last Time*
“Bye everyone!” they called
“See you at break!” Kagome called
“Kohaku, you better not forget to feed Kirara!” Sango called to her brother.
With that, the girls pulled out of the driveway and drove off down the street.
*This Time*
Kagome was sitting on a box of her clothes in the parking lot when Sango came running back out of the building.
“O.k.! I've got the key! Let's start moving in!”
“Took you long enough! What floor are we on?”
“The fourth. Let's get started!”
The girls carried as many boxes as they were able without pulling out their backs. It wasn't too busy with people yet as most of them were probably waiting till Monday to move in. However, the fact of the matter was, by the time they were on their fourth trip, Kagome was huffing, while Sango hadn't even broken a sweat yet.
Kagome sighed, that would be because Sango was way sporty. In high school, she'd been the star of the track team, and the girl's basketball team. While she, Kagome had always been inside painting and drawing. Kagome sighed but picked up another box and began to make her way up the stairs once again.
Finally after much lifting, setting down, and muttered words, Kagome and Sango were beginning to unpack.
After an hour or two, they surveyed their work. Their dorm was looking pretty good. Sango checked her watch.
“We have to go to work in about another forty minutes or so. What do you want to do?”
“No clue. Um, wanna go to”
Kagome was cut off by a knock on their open door. A guy was looking in. He was wearing a black baggy T-shirt and baggy camo pants with combat boots, had fairly long black hair tied back in a pony tail, and eyes that looked faintly crimson. And Kagome didn't mean that they looked blood-shot, the actual color of his eyes was this freaky brownish-reddish color. But eyes aside, he looked kinda hot!
“Hello there. I'm Naraku Onigumo. I'm your floor advisor.”
“Oh hi! I'm Kagome, and this is Sango. It's nice to meet you.”
Kagome who happened to be closest to the door walked over and stuck out her hand to shake. But to her surprise, Naraku took the outstretched hand and kissed it instead his eyes never leaving hers.
“The pleasure is all mine.” He said releasing her hand after a minute.
Kagome blushed lightly in response. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Naraku continued briskly,
“I'm sure you know the rules of the dorm, no major late night parties, and curfew at 10:00, etc. etc.?”
The girls nodded and he continued,
“If you need anything, my room is the very last one down the hall.”
Kagome looked out and saw the door he indicated. She nodded showing she knew which one it was.
Naraku gave them a small smile- okay, a smirk- and said,
“I hope I'll see you two around.”
With that exit line, he left walking down the hall to his room.
“Well, he seemed…interesting.” Kagome commented looking after him, “Hey Sango, how come you didn't say anything to him? You made me feel a bit weird,” Then she looked over at Sango and noticed the odd look on her friend's face. “Sango? What's wrong?”
Sango had the strangest look on her face. Her usually warm chocolate eyes had turned cold, and she looked as though something had…unnerved her.
“What about `him'?”
“Didn't you notice something weird about him? Or get one of those feelings you get sometimes?”
Kagome thought. Come to think about it, she had got a slight sensation, but it was so slight, she had to really think to remember having it at all. Kagome was descended from a long line of powerful mikos or priestesses. Sango on the other hand was descended from a long line of youkai exterminators. Both of them had grown up hearing legends of evil youkai from Kagome's grandfather, and they both thought of youkai and magic as just that. Legends, myths, children's stories. But sometimes, Kagome could sense things… As she had once confided in Sango, it was like this strange feeling. Almost like butterflies in her stomach but not quite. She got these feelings at seemingly the weirdest times, but sometimes, they signaled untrustworthy people, or helped her find things. But she didn't really rely on it considering she also got the feeling about what seemed to be perfectly nice normal people.
“Yeah, but it was hardly even there. I didn't even remember feeling it until you said something…”
Sango gave her a look, “Well, he gives me the creeps. Did you see his eyes??”
“Yeah. But what does that have to do with anything?”
Sango shook herself seemingly to go from dead-pan serious to her normal chipper self.
“Well, wanna explore a bit?”
“Sure. We've got time to kill. Um, Sango, are you sure you're o.k.?”
“Yeah. I'm fine. Let's go!”
Kagome shrugged and grabbed her key and followed Sango out. Sango pointed to another open door with boxes on the outside. Someone else was clearly moving in. She and Kagome walked over and copying Naraku knocked peering inside.
In the middle of the floor, a petite girl with dark brown hair sat unpacking. She looked up questioningly with large brown eyes.
“Hi there! I'm Sango.”
“And I'm Kagome. We just moved in.”
“Oh hey! I'm Rin. I'm new too.”
The girl (Rin) got up and shook hands with both of them.
“It's nice to meet you. Are you freshmen too?” Rin questioned
“Yeah just starting this year.” Kagome answered
“Would you like some help unpacking?” Sango asked politely
“Yes! That would be so nice of you…”
Kagome and Sango smiled
“What can we do?”
For the next half an hour, Kagome and Sango helped Rin unpack. The girl was very friendly, and the three of them had a lot in common. Sango had lifted up a box filled with books and pulled one out dubiously,
“Harry Potter?”
“Oh yeah! I love J.K.'s work. She's awesome!!”
“Me too!” Kagome squealed excitedly, “Who's your favorite character?”
“Um, o.k. this is going to sound weird, but, um, Ron.”
“Seriously? Me too!”
“For real?! Everyone I know likes Harry best.”
“Ugh! I know. Ron's hilarious. Not on the level of the twins to be sure, but come on!”
Sango had rolled her eyes letting them debate.
A bit later, Rin had pulled out a trophy
“What's that from?” Sango asked
“Swim team! I got first place in the 200m swim.”
“Cool! Swim team wasn't my thing, but I was on track…”
Kagome smiled and let the two talk sports for a while. Then she looked at the alarm clock Rin had installed on her bed-side table. 3:19.
“Oh! Sango!” Kagome pointed to the clock.
Sango looked, “Crap! Um, Rin, Kagome and I have to go to work.”
“Really? Where do you two work?”
“At Café on the Arbor. You know the one right next to the forest nature preserve?”
“Oh really?! I've gone there a few times. Killer chocolate cake.”
“Thanks. I make it.” Kagome said proudly.
“You do? Cool. Hey do you think, I could maybe, hitch a ride with you two? I wanted to pick up and application there actually. I wanted see about working there part time.”
“Sure thing! We're taking Kagome's car.” Sango said
Kagome shook the keys and the three new friends ran out the door and down the stairs, (after Rin had carefully locked the door) and shot out into the parking lot. It looked like the start of a great friendship.
Isis: Thank you all for reading and most especially for my two reviewers!
Review Responses!
Inuki: I am so glad that you like my little work of fanfiction!! Reviews like yours make everything worth it! Especially when you have to fight your father for the computer… ^_- lol
cherry_blossom17: Thanks for your review love! I am so glad you like it. I really hope you keep reading and like what you find. Many grateful thanks and love!
Isis: Please keep reading and please review. I know that all authors ask and I hope I don't sound pathetic when I do. When I get reviews from people telling me how much that they enjoyed my writing, it makes me feel great and I write much faster and become more inspired. Because then, I know I am not merely “talking to a rock” so to speak. Thanks again! Until next time people! ^_^