InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Admit Your Love ❯ In Walks Inuyasha ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello my great readers I hope that you will like this chapter. I thank you for any and all reviews I enjoy them so much. Please read and review. Enough said it's time for the disclaimer my favorite part.


FB05: So Kagome what do you think so far?

Kagome: Pretty good but its missing something

FB05: What?

Kagome: Me sitting Inuyasha

FB05: Don't worry about that it's coming up soon

Kagome: So what happens, did he deserve it?

FB05: I'll tell you as soon as we finish the disclaimer

Kagome: I'll do it. My friend FB05 doesn't own any of us.

FB05: Thanks. Oh yeah, well you see he *whispering*

Kagome: You're right he did deserve it that was good.

FB05: Thanks again. *talking to readers* Did you really think I was gonna give up a part of my story you'll have to wait and see, now on with the story.

Admit Your Love

Chapter 5: In Walks Inuyasha

A tired Inuyasha was walking home after spending the better part of the day at Miroku and Sango's house. They were supposed to be fixing the roof but he had sat listening to them argue about something before they got started. The monk had tired out easily taking many breaks so he had worked alone for some time. When the sun got low he had headed towards home ready for dinner. He was going to kiss his mate as he always did when he came back home even if he had only been gone for five minutes.

Then as a gentle breeze blew his way he caught a scent he knew all to well.

`Sesshomaru,' he mentally growled at the thought.

`Not him, what does he want? Not that we hadn't been getting along better it's just that we still couldn't stay in a room for more than half an hour before we started insulting one another. Which ended up in me getting sat and Sesshomaru with a smug look on his face,' he thought bitterly.

With his older half brother still on his mind he forgot to kiss his wife upon entering the house instead he went straight for the question that was on his mind.

"Why is my brother here?" He asked with an angry edge to his voice.

Kagome was a little offended at not getting her kiss and gave a little indignant huff before she explained the situation, ignoring her husband's rude behavior. Inuyasha listened, his full attention on her the whole time.

He sighed at the prospect of having to spend more than five minutes with his half brother. There was no point in arguing with Kagome either he would only accomplish getting sat a few times for being so heartless. Plus he was tired from working so hard today. Then he suddenly remembered Sango's message.

"Oh yeah, Sango said she would be over around noon tomorrow for tea and so the kids can play. Speaking of which where is Kahari?" He asked after telling her the message.

"She's in her room taking a nap. Can you wake her dinner is ready and give this to Sesshomaru and ask him to join us please?" Kagome asked him distractedly while she set the table only stopping briefly to hand him the clean haori.

"Sure," he mumbled taking the haori and walking off.

"Thanks," Kagome mumbled back an automatic reply not really paying attention.

He decided to take the better option and headed for his daughters room first.

"Kahari wake up its time for dinner," he whispered in her small furry white ear, which immediately started twitching at the sound of his voice.

She heard his voice, recognized his scent, and knew who it was. She rapidly lunged at her father giving him her tightest bear hug she could muster effectively winding him as she exclaimed "Tousan."

He returned her hug and they both released.

"I missed you too now go wash up some before you eat," he said.

"Hai," she said then left to wash up.

Inuyasha walked the few dreaded steps to the spare room where he smelt his brother and Rin.

Sesshomaru had smelt Inuyasha's scent and heard his conversation with Kagome long before he reached the room. He removed his hand from Rin's hair so as not to raise ant suspicion with his little brother. He also moved his chair back up against the wall so he wasn't so close.

"Hello Inuyasha," Sesshomaru said in his usual bored voice to the hanyou in the doorway.

"Hello Sesshomaru," Inuyasha said in an even tone.

"Do you have something for me?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Hai," Inuyasha answered tossing him the haori and walking to stand next to Rin.

Sesshomaru reveled in his brother's lack of manners but ignored it. He watched the hanyou while he put on his clean haori. Inuyasha took a look at her back and found slightly red bandages. He put the covers back around her and took a good sniff and her scent came to his nose but he also smelt something else his brother's scent in her hair. That surprised him but he didn't let it show. Thoroughly satisfied she was okay and wanting to ask his brother a question he turned around but Sesshomaru was gone.


Review Responses:

VAOH: Thank you once again little sis for reviewing. I'm glad you like.

BlackMoon13: Thank you glad you liked it.

TheMaven: This is the most detailed review I've gotten so far. Sorry for the run-on sentences I will try to do better but you can tell English is not my best subject. To answer your question I have no idea why he couldn't have but they had to get to Kagome's house some way and I liked this way best. I'm glad you liked my story. Thank you for reviewing.

Nonschool39: Thank you for the review. I haven't gotten a Review from mm people in a while.

Yay another chapter done and I got in another cliffie. Where did sessy go to? Well you will have to wait till the next chapter. If you don't know some of the Japanese words just ask and I will tell you what they mean. I'm a little sad I think I'm losing reviewers I'm feeling sad that no one likes my story and mediaminer people really don't like me seeing as they don't review on my stuff at all. Oh well all I can say is thank you to all the people who have read and reviewed. To those that haven't please please please review. Sorry this is so spaced out for mm readers but this is how it shows up best on ff and I don't feel like readjusting it I'm to lazy.


FluffysBijin05 (ff)

Sango16 (mm)