InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ After Dinner"SIT" ❯ Sango's Suggestion ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is my first fanfiction. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: Maybe if I wish hard enough? Nope don't own Inuyasha maybe next time.

After Dinner "Sit"

Chapter 1: Sango's Suggestion

Once again there is an argument going on at the bone eaters well.

"Inuyasha move so I can go home!!" Yelled Kagome her temper rising as she asked him for the fifth time already.

"Why do you have to go home now? We could be looking for shards!!" Yelled the hanyou his anger flaring.

"I've been gone for a week, I'm tired, and my family will be worried," Kagome said with desperation but ready to sit him if she had to.

Inuyasha stayed glued to the spot but gave a look of disappointment ready to give in. When Sango, who had been waiting a little ways off with Miroku, Shippou, and Kilala, spoke up just as he was about to move.

"I have an idea since tonight is the new moon he can go with you and you two can maybe do something together," she said while looking at the forest floor her cheeks turning rosy at the suggestion she made.

Then taking their brief pause as though she had said something bad took it back.

"Never mind forget I said anything it was a stupid idea," Sango said shaking her head.

They stared at each other blinking thinking about the idea.

"No, it's o.k. I guess," They both said.

Then Kagome had a bad thought and added, "But you better behave yourself or I will use the "S" word until your back goes out, got me," she said threateningly.

Inuyasha mentally shivered at the thought knowing full well she meant and nodded his agreement. So with that they jumped through the well. After they climbed out the well and were outside the little well house they were greeted by Kagome's little brother Sota.

"Cool you brought Inuyasha with you!" Sota exclaimed happily.

Inutasha pulled himself up feeling really important right then.

`Please,' Kagome thought to herself with a sigh.

"Oh yeah mom says don't make plans for tonight we're going out," Sota says just remembering what their mom had said.

"Great that's perfect tell mom I'm bringing Inuyasha with us," she said.

"Wait a minute your bringing him like that. Are you sure?" Asked Sota with disbelief and concern on his face.

Inuyasha scowled at this and wondered what was wrong with him.

"Don't worry little brother just ask mom if we can a little after dark," Kagome said with assurance in her voice.

"Sure I'll ask her when she gets back home," Sota said still not sure what his sister was going to do he just shrugged it off and went into the house.

"So what are we going to do until then?" Inuyasha asked.

"I am going to take a nice long shower you are going to wait in my room until I finish," Kagome said.

Then walking into the house and saying hello to her grandfather then heading for her bedroom to get some clothes going to her bedroom first to get some clothes then going straight to the bathroom. Inuyasha took his usual route to her room right through the window.

About thirty minutes later Kagome was feeling relaxed and clean having taken a shower and gotten dressed. When she got back to her room she found Sota trying to teach Inuyasha a new game.

"You lose," Sota said calmly.

Her brother was unaware of how Inuyasha would react but Kagome new all to well he didn't like to lose at anything.

"What do you mean I lost? I never lose. Let's play again!" Inuyasha yelled.

Sota looked at the hanyou in fright but kept his cool he knew Inuyasha would not win for a long time at this game and he wouldn't dare tell him that he lost again so next time he just told him that he won.

"See I told you I would win," Inuyasha boasted.

Kagome had noticed that her brother had just lied and she knew why she also knew better than to tell Inuyasha the truth. She saw the look in Sota's eyes that told her he was ready to leave, so she made something up.

"Sota don't you have to go help grandpa fix up the shrine today?" She asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot," said Sota suddenly remembering something that wasn't real.

"Before I go mom says that it's o.k.," that said he left not knowing where to go but glad to leave the room.

"So what now?" Inuyasha asked.

"Well….,"Kagome said apprehensively.

"Well what?" He asked looking at her questioningly at her.

"Well I have to take you shopping for your clothes," she said watching his expression go to that of angry confusion.

"What is wrong with my clothes?" He asked.

"Well no one wears kimonos anymore," she said.

"I guess that's o.k. but I pick what I like," he said.

"There's some other things you have to wear a hat, sunglasses, and you have to leave Tetsusaiga," she finished cautiously.

I hope you like my first chapter I have put this up before but have updated it some so it is easier to read. I should have a new chapter up every week it's not very long. Sorry if the characters are out of character. Please review. Thank you.

