InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ All sorts of crazy **** ❯ Acts truth and lies ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Facts,lies and truths

1) Inuyasha a half breed yet he has two women in love with him, their reincarnations, how sick can it get?

2) Sesshomaru is a guy,or is he?

3) Ever wonder how Inuyasha and sesshomaru clean themselves? how do dogs clean themselves?(you don't wanna know)

4) miroku and sango are cousins, they just dont know it, YET!

5) ever wonder if sesshomaru is a virgin?

6) Is rin really a child?

7) why does kouga were a skirt?

8) kagura is a lesbien, but with who? (dun dun dun!)

9) What if Inuyasha met spider man

10) what if sesshomaru mated with a vampire(eeeeek!)

11) we see naraku's room, it's all pink (Naraku,you sicken me)

12) if my brother adam was on the show what would become of it?

13) miroku is gay(right)

14) inuyasha likes taking bubble baths (OMG)