InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Altering Mistletoe ❯ Because of Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Foreword: Lets get this straight people. When I say there are no good Kagomé / Inu Yasha fics. I seriously mean it. There have only been two authors that have been able to capture my attention. One is my friend and another is lelio. I think that's how you spell her name. I've been searching, I've been searching really had but there is none is able to capture my attention and/or keep it. I have high expectations, but that doesn't mean I don't try and read others. Most IY/K fics drag on, and lack or have too much detail. There very rare gems, I'd say rarer then Dragon Ball Z gems (if you've read of the DBZ crap…)

You also need to realize that all you and me have different taste all together. What might seem the best to you might seem shit to me. Okay? You guys name several, give me the URL and than next chapter I'll tell you if it's good. Please don't attack me because of my opinion. Now I didn't go into this fic because of all the K/IY shit. I've been planning this when I first started watching IY, and I suddenly felt this urge after all the crap. Now I do realize that my fic isn't the best. Maybe future chapters will change your mind. See, I wrote chapter one 12 at night ( I have to read at least five fics since I was busy all day ) So my writing didn't come out as good. But this chapter…watch out. ^_^. My story may not be the best story you've read, but hey at least it's a change. Oh and will ANYONE tell me how I am doing on my characterization? That is my weak point, and I just need somebody to tell me how I am doing. Also and why I add a ' é ' to Kagomé's name is of a personal reason.

Also, to the reviewer that said Kagomé changed her feelings way to fast over a kiss, you obviously don't know how one kiss can waver your thoughts of someone, if not consciously. But don't assume, please. My stories always take twists. Oh and this chapter is very emotional and deals with suicide. Now before any one lectures me about emotions about suicide, I want you to know at one point I was considering suicide. All these emotions that (the character if feeling) is what I felt. So no lectures, okay?


Altering Mistletoe



Chapter 02: Because Of Me


Love does not consist in gazing at

each-other but in looking together

in the same direction.

- - - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You need someone to love while

you're looking for someone to love.

- - Shelagh Delaney

Kagomé pulled away from the kiss, and turned to the crowd, "Okay? Are you happy now?" She asked breathlessly. The people just grinned and turned to talk to each other. Kagomé sighed and started walking away when Inu Yasha pulled her by the wrist.

"You never told me what your name was, girl."

"Let go of my hand and I'll tell you." Kagomé answered, "You know, it's funny how you were dating my best friend but you never knew me. Only shows how much you cared for her."

Inu Yasha let go of Kagomé hand and spun her around and looked at her, "She was probably so beautiful---"

"Kikyo, and my name is Kagomé. Now please, I came here to enjoy myself."

"So tell me, how do I kiss?" Inu Yasha grinned. Kagomé rolled her eyes and crossed her hand, "I seriously don't care how you kiss. But now I see why you so easily fluster girls. Your kisses…. mesmerizes them. Making them want you. I must say it kinda persuaded me but once I heard your voice…" Kagomé sneered, "The spell broke. Now excuse me, I have to go talk to my friend and actually enjoy myself! Hmp!"

Kagomé walked away from a smirking Inu Yasha, when she walked she found Kikyo staring at the wall, sitting alone. Kagomé smiled slightly and sat next to her.

"Did you enjoy it?" Kikyo said all of a sudden, not looking at Kagomé. Kagomé stared at Kikyo for a minute before answering, "Kikyo, what do you mean? I mean it was only a forced kiss…wait a minute, I see it. You're jealous! Kikyo, you have some nerve to actually think---"

Kagomé stopped as she saw Kikyo started crying. Crystal clear tears fell through the air and landed on the floor. It took Kagomé a moment before it registered at Kikyo was crying.

"Kikyo, don't cry. It's nothing! He's nothing! Hey listen, think about it. After this…. phase is done we can go boy hunting again. I mean even though we're in college doesn't mean we can't fit in the time to---"

"Kagomé, it's not the same. It's just…. he hurt me, you know? Kagomé you honestly don't think I can just get over him like that, do you? Think about it. I'm harvesting this deep feeling. I feel as though I-I-I'm not complete without him."

"He dumped you for another girl." Kagomé whispered, "don't do this to you. I don't want you hurt anymore."

Kikyo sniffed and turned to Kagomé, "You're a good friend, Kagomé. Don't change."

"Thanks." Kagomé thanked, "But don't stress yourself over a guy, Kikyo. You're not like that!"

Kikyo looked toward her friend, "Love does weird things to your personality, you know."

"Puppy love, also." Kagomé also smiled, "It does weird things to people personality if I must say so myself."

"Hey, Guys! Come on! The part is just getting started!!" Miroku yelled, "It's time for break-down break!"

Kagomé gasped in happiness and grabbed Kikyo's arm and shook it, "It's time for break-down break! C'mon! We weren't here last year for it; we have to see it now. I heard that Juicya is the breaker this year!"

"Kagomé, do, please. Go enjoy yourself. I just want to be by myself." Kikyo said, "Go enjoy yourself."

"No, I'll stay here with you." Kagomé smiled and made herself comfortable. Kikyo looked at Kagomé as she stared at the wall, smiling softly. She could practically guess what was Kagomé was thinking of. How boring this was.

"Go, Kagomé, I know you want to."

Kagomé turned to look at Kikyo, "But…"

"Just go." Kikyo waved, "I understand."

Kagomé nodded and got up, looking at Kikyo before running to the crowd. Kikyo sighed and held herself, looking at the floor.

"Am I going to feel this for a long time? This feeling. Argh! I want it gone!!" Kikyo whined to herself. Tears, she felt coming. 'Why'd he do it?'

"A penny for your thoughts?" A voice asked. Kikyo looked to her right to find Inu Yasha there, his hand in his pockets.

"Go away, Inu Yasha." Kikyo said firmly, but could feel her exterior disintegrate. Inu Yasha walked to her and put his arm around her shoulder, "Kikyo, I just wanted to say…"

"Sorry? A bit too late for that." Kikyo shrugged his arm off and got up, "You hurt Inu yasha." Kikyo said looked up at the ceiling, tears building up. She looked at him and the tears rolled down her pale cheek. She shook her head, "You're not sorry. You know as well as I did you did all this for sex, Inu Yasha, sex. If you had waited a little longer…you would have hurt more than I could ever imagined. Then I would be added to your little list huh? Well guess what? You fucked up!" Kikyo said now yelling, walking away arms crossed.

Inu Yasha stared at Kikyo's disappearing form, and turned away. Looking at the crowd, he found Kagomé back, screaming at the girl who was dancing.

"Ooooh, yes!!" She screamed, smiling. Inu Yasha looked at her for a moment before sighing.

'Why does she hate me so? I barely know her…' Inu Yasha thought to himself, staring on one spot. It took a while before he realized he was staring at Kagomé's behind. He casted his eyes down and blushed. Even though he was no virgin, he still had to seem modest in front of public.

"Why am I looking at her that way? She's just another girl. There's lotsa other pretty girls…but why does this one capture my attention more than others?" Inu Yasha whispered to himself, "Ask listen to me. Sound like a dumb girl."

Inu Yasha shook his head and marched over to the crowd and watched the girl move her body in weird ways. Raising his eyebrows slightly, "What the hell is she doing?"

His golden eyes flickered as he saw a familiar tall figure come through the crowd. The man turned and tapped on Kagomé's shoulder. Kagomé turned and smiled brightly and hugged the man.

"Sesshoumaru…" Inu Yasha growled angrily. His eyes narrowed as Kagomé talked to him with such ease. 'I think I'll see what dear brother of mines is doing now.'

Inu Yasha walked to the two were and smiled as they saw him, "Hello, Dear brother, what a pleasant surprise." Inu Yasha derided. His brother put on a smiled, "It is. Now excuse me Inu Yasha, I'm talking to Kagomé here."

"Really, and why would you be doing that?" Inu Yasha asked. Sesshoumaru raised a irritated eyebrow, "Why such a nosy pest, brother but if you must know Kagomé is my ex-girlfriend from high school."

Inu Yasha stared at the two before Kagomé spoke, "This is your brother Sessy-chan? Why didn't I ever meet him?"

"At the time when we were dating he was living with his mother as me." He answered, "About a month later after we broke up he and father moved in, his mother passed away."

Kagomé watched as Inu Yasha eyes flashed grief and then blank, "Well we stayed friends afterwards."

"Yeah, but you need to realize, Kag-chan that you never came to my house again. We only was together when our friends was."

Kagomé shrugged, "Good. Glad I met him later than sooner."

Sesshoumaru arched an confused eyebrow and turn to Inu Yasha, "What did you do, Inu Yasha?"

"Broke my friends heart. You know Kikyo?" Kagomé answered he attention now back to the girl in the circle dancing. Sesshoumaru shook his head, "Inu Yasha, you left her. I said that she...never mind. Now please excuse yourself, you interrupted a very important conversation. Now please," Sesshoumaru waved away, pushing Inu Yasha.

Inu Yasha walked away looked as Kagomé and Sesshoumaru talked to each other.

"Whatever." He muttered.


Kagomé waved to Sesshoumaru as she ran to the car, "Bye Sessy-chan! I'll see you soon!"

Sesshoumaru waved back and nodded, Kagomé smiled before running to car to find Kikyo sitting down in the passengers seat.

"What did Inu Yasha do again?" She growled and narrowed her eyes. Slamming her fist against the car, she caught Kikyo attention. The girl waved and tried to wipe away her tears. Kagomé opened the car door and sat down.

"Hey Kagomé. Party over already?" Kikyo said in a cheery voice. Kagomé sighed and looked at Kikyo, "Don't fake it."

"He talked to me you know." Kikyo sighed, messing with her fingers. "But don't worry, I showed him a thing or two."

Kagomé smiled and turned on the car, "Good! You won't believe what I found out!"

Kikyo turn to Kagomé with a curious look on her face, "Yes?"

"Remember my ex-boyfriend in high school, Sesshoumaru? He's Inu Yasha half brother!" Kagomé exclaimed, "Which kinda surprised me because I dated the guy and not once did he mention about him having a brother."

"Wow." Kikyo said; shocked, "I never knew Sesshoumaru was Inu Yasha brother, Inu Yasha never mention him having a brother to me."

Kagomé sighed, "Most be siblings hate or something. Oh well,."


Kagomé sighed and rubbed her temple as she ate a little bread. She broke apiece off and chewed on it, she glanced toward the porches door as someone banged on it. "Who could that be?"

Kikyo came out of her bedroom and glanced at the door, "Someone is here."

Kagomé nodded, "Yeah, listen you go back inside and I'll deal with the person."

Kikyo nodded and turned away and went back into the bedroom. She slid against the wall next to the bedroom door and listened as Kagomé opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" Kikyo heard Kagomé sneer at the person.

"I want to talk to Kikyo." A man answered, "Let me in."

Inu Yasha.

Kagomé gripped her nightgown and shut her eyes, it still hurt.

"Did you follow us? I can't believe it!"

Kikyo stood up and went to her nightstand and grabbed her cars keys. She needed an escape.

"Let me talk to her. It's very important, you stupid girl! Get out of the way!"

"Is that so? Well guess what, I'm not moving!"

Kikyo sneaked out of the room, watching Inu Yasha and Kagomé fight over her. Opening the front door quietly, she walked out.

The overwhelming of feelings were too much., the tears streamed down her face. All Iu Yasha wanted to do to her was hurt her. Mock her. She couldn't take it. The thought had always been buried in her mind. Her mother's death. Her father's death. So much more…

There was only one escape. To be free, void of any emotion. Tears streamed down her fair, and she felt damp. Walking to her car, she got in and turned in the ignition. Backing up, she sped away; the cars engine loud and clear.

Death was the only way.

It wasn't just Inu Yasha. It was her life. She had always been the outcast. The one without friends because she was mature. She wouldn't do what others did. The pain that carried with her as she grew. Then Inu Yasha came, and it was like the light shown through years of darkness.

Then it just disappeared. Leaving her dark and alone. Kagomé was great, but it just…the pain. The darkness now overshadowed any light.

All hope was gone, and there was nothing to live for any longer.

((Back at the house.))

Kagomé paused, "Did you hear that?"

Inu Yasha arched an eyebrow and listen, "Sounds like a car engine. Going really fast."

Kagomé eyes wide, "Oh My God." Pushing past Inu Yasha, she looked at the parking lot to find Kikyo's car, speeding out of the parking lot at top speed.

"Oh no, Kikyo!" Kagomé rushed to the table with her keys and ran out, grabbing Inu Yasha's hand.

"Come on! We have to go get Kikyo!" Kagomé yelled panic. Inu Yasha his hand, "Hey how do you know she's not going for a pizza?"

"Inu Yasha! Baka! Are you telling me---ohhh!! Inu Yasha, hasn't Kikyo ever told you about her past. Do you realize several times she tried to…she thought of killing herself! DID YOU KNOW THAT? Inu Yasha, listen to me. When you and Kikyo got together, she was so happy. But since you broke it off with her…oh my God." Kagomé cried, "She's -she's…. fine, you go, but I'm finding my friend." Kagomé yelled, tears now coming.

Inu Yasha stared as Kagomé rushed to her car, "Hey! Wait up!"

Inu Yasha ran to Kagomé's car and got in the passenger seat. Buckling his seat belt, he jolted back as the car started head on.

"You're driving too fast!!" Inu Yasha cried.

"She's already ahead of us, we need to gain miles." Kagomé answered, "This is all your fault Inu Yasha!"

"My fault?!" Inu Yasha asked, "How was I suppose to know she'd be crazy enough to kill herself. Yea, she told me of her fucked up past but…."

"Oh just shut up!" Kagomé screamed, "Just take the blame like a man! Oh! I see her car!!"

"Look, instead of arguing let's just focus on Kikyo. She needs up right now. She's about to kill herself and if it's because of me…" Inu Yasha soften all of a sudden.

Kagomé from the corner of her eye, watched as Inu Yasha eyes flashed shame. "Right now, we're focusing on the same direction. We're focusing on Kikyo." He said.

Kagomé nodded, and froze as she saw Kikyo stop her car near the closed bridge. She heard Inu Yasha take a sharp intake of air.

"She's going to jump!" Kagomé realized. She sped up and stopped near Kikyo's car, her eyes never leaving her friends silhouette. Before she could tell, Inu Yasha was heading toward Kikyo.

Kagomé walked slowly and watched as Kikyo started climing on the bars. Hanging on the lines to keep her balance.

Kagomé ran close to Kikyo and could feel Inu yasha watching her.

"I'm sorry."

"Kikyo, don't do it!!" Inu Yash yelled. Kikyo turned, her eyes shocked as she looked at the two.

"He's right, don't do it!" Kagomé yelled. Kikyo stayed silent and watched the two, "Inu Yasha…" She moved a little and lost her balance….

"Kikyo!!" Kagomé shrieked as she watch her friend slip….