InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Adventurer Like You ❯ Gamers Delight ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Explorer flew down the park roads smoothly. The small raven haired woman was drivng and laughing, trying to keep focus on the road. Miroku was holding his stomach and sitting back carefully.
"So then he sent a giant golfer to beat you up?" Sango said almost laughing. "I'm glad you're ok."
"Yeah I'm fine, we got to find him though." Miroku said smiling toward her.
"Damn right, he's been acting like a nut ball all day." Sango said shaking her head. "He's lucky I don't kick his ass." She said smiling.
"God I love you," He smiled. "Oh, I got to call Kagome, hang on." Miroku slowly pulled out his phone and dialed.
"Tell her I took the game with me." Sango threw in.
"Ok." Miroku nodded. "Yeah, Kagome, have you heard from Inuyasha at all?" He switched his phone to another hand and made himself comfortable.
"Yeah he said something about a wizard he was going to buy spells from." She sighed. "It sounds like he's at the strip mall."
"He's going to Gamer's Delight" Miroku said over to Sango.
"On my way." She nodded and drove with more conviction.
"Hey Kagome." Miroku paused.
"Yeah?" She sighed back.
"You still love him right?" He asked.
"Somehow, yes I still do. He's great as long as I keep him from games." Kagome said as her tone picked up a bit.
"Have you seen that dragon statue anytime recently?" Miroku asked waiting for a response.
"Um, actually no. I think he moved it somewhere. Why?" Kagome said confused.
"You need to find it and break it." Miroku waited for an answer while Sango gave curious glances.
"Break it?" Kagome asked.
"I'll explain later, just smash it up if you see it." Miroku said wincing as he adjusted in the seat again.
"Ok" Kagome agreed cautiously.
"Alright, let me know if he shows up there. Later." Miroku hung up the phone and slid it back into his pocket.
"So Miroku," Sango smiled. "What exactly are we doing now?" She asked keeping her eyes on the road.
"Were going to the game store to try and get Inuyasha, who is acting like his Skyrim game is real and that he is on real quests." Miroku said taking a breath.
"Oh is that all, ok." She smiled. "You guys are never boring." She smiled more as she drove into town and parked outside the Gamer's Delight game store.
They stepped out of the car and looked around the strip mall. A mexican diner, a shoe store and between them the game store. The sun was begining to lower in the sky and a large clock in the parking lot chimed four times.
"So how do we know he's been here?" Sango asked looking around.
"The bad man stole my sweet roll!" A child cried out near the game store.
"Yeah he's here." Miroku chuckled a bit.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" A man screamed from inside the store.
"Let's go." Miroku said, running into the store fast.
The store clerk was standing behind the counter, his piercings and tattoos showing off as he yelled at Inuyasha to leave.
"Dude get the hell out of here or I'm calling the cops!" The clerk screamed. "Welcome to Gamer's Delight, where we have your delight." The clerk spoke flat as Sango and Miroku entered the store.
"Inuyasha!" Miroku screamed as he saw him.
"Still trying huh?" Inuyasha laughed. He ran to a wall and picked up a foam sword. "Finally I found it!" Inuyasha smiled as he swung it around.
"Hey Inuyasha. calm down and get home, Kagome is worried about you." Sango said softly. "Or I'll bust you up here." She smiled.
"Ha! How could you? Now that I have this I can't be stopped!" Inuyasha laughed loud.
"Dude, really, you're pissing me off!" The clerk screamed over to Inuyasha.
"I can hear the dragon's call and he is in danger! I'm off to protect him!" Inuyasha yelled out and ran through Sango and Miroku smacking them with the foam sword. "Ha ha!" He laughed as he jumped into a nearby cab.
"What the hell?" Sango asked confused. "He bitched smacked me with a toy."
"Excuse me." The clerk said clearing his throat. "Since you know him, it's fifty bucks for the sword or I call the cops on him."
"Really?" Miroku answered back.
"Plus tax." The clerk smiled.
"Fine" Miroku sighed paying the man.
"Let's go." Sango said, flipping the bird to the clerk.
"Have a nice day." The clerk smiled as they left.
"So now what? Your screwed up friend is going home now." Sango said tired. "I'm done running around."
"Ok, but I still have to finish this with Inuyasha, if I don't nobody will be safe." Miroku sighed.
"He's right you know." Kaede spoke up. Leaning up from the wall. "It's clear what needs to be done."
"Who is this?" Sango asked confused.
"This is Kaede, she is a therapist. Shes going to help with Inuyasha." Miroku explained.
"Oh." Sango paused taking it all in. "Well I'm going home, ok sweety. You deal with your wako friend."
"Ok thank you for the help." Miroku smiled.
"Don't mention it, I had fun." Sango smiled. "I'm going to go home and make us some food, and when you come home, after we eat." She paused and traced her body with her hands. "Yeah." She smiled.
"Yeah." Miroku smiled and moved closer kissing her on the lips.
"Later." Sango smiled as she hopped back into her Explorer and drove off blowing back a kiss.
"Ok Miroku, It's time to finish this." Kaede said walking over. "Come on, "I'll drive."
"Ok, Let's go" Miroku said smiling in the direction Sango drove. "Let's finish this."