InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Animal I've Become ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n: I am soooooo sorry for the long arse wait! I had school work that I was majorly behind in! Plus I was trying to come up with new ideas for this fic and my other one! So anyways, thank you all of you who reviewed. I was in a hurry to get this chapter out and a chapter to my other fic that I didn't have time for shout outs! So thank you all of you 8 reviewers!
Disclaimers: I don't own them! But I borrow Sesshoumaru on holidays and weekends, and Jaken to do my chores, but shh…
I was sitting blissfully in eternal darkness when I was rudely thrust out of it. I started coughing and hacking up my own blood, my eyes were slowing adjusting to the light of the real word. I looked up and saw a tall erect figure standing above it, since my vision was still blurred I could only make out colors. The person had silverish colored hair, I panicked at first thinking it was the half-breed then I noticed the person was wearing white. My vision fully came back to me, and I was staring wide-eyed at who it was, it was Sesshoumaru looking down at me disdainfully, Tensagia out of its sheath, I connected the dots, and it hit me, Sesshoumaru had revived me.
I heard a slight squeal to my left and looked over and saw the little girl that always traveled with Sesshoumaru these days, what was her name again? Oh yes that's right, Rin. Anyways, she came running over to me at top speed, before immediately halting a foot away from me, her hands clasped behind her back, looking nervous. I managed to smile warmly enough before she launched herself in my arms for a bear hug. I hugged her fiercely, relishing in the moment of feeling wanted since my demon traits took over. Not once during the ordeal of me waking up from the dead and Rin hugging me did Sesshoumaru say a word; which was fine with me. The moment was short lived, because that annoying toad thing started squawking about how Rin isn't just suppose to run to a stranger and hug them, or something along those lines, I wasn't really listening.
Sesshoumaru just stood there looking down at me, as if trying to guess why I was a Youkai, and why I ran away from InuYasha and the others. Though it was a surprise that he didn't look at me with disgust or sneer some rude comment about me being pathetic. Then again, I was a Youkai, but for attempting to kill myself I could be considered pathetic. I stood up looking down at my blood stained clothes, I grimaced at the amount of blood, and Rin was still clinging to me. I bent down and picked her up, she instantly settled down on my hip, looking up at Sesshoumaru. Jaken started squawking again, this time about how Sesshoumaru doesn't approve of Rins' actions. Of course I didn't miss Sesshoumaru reaction to that, which was knocking Jaken unconscious with his Staff of Heads.
Sesshoumaru's P.O.V
I looked down at my brothers' wench, she was Youkai now, and I don't know how that is possible. I usually know everything, and I can't figure out how she could be Youkai, the Shikon no Tama wasn't full completed so it couldn't have been that. Damn to hell, since I didn't know how it was possible, I decided she would travel with me and Rin. I don't even know why she ran away from my brothers' side. So with her traveling with us, I would figure out how she became Youkai, besides she would be good company for Rin. Rin was getting to the age where she would need a female in her life, as much as I hated to admit it, it's true. This girl, I don't quite remember her name, but she was a mystery to this Sesshoumaru, a mystery I plan on solving. She killed herself, and since I revived her, I have a right to know why; probably something the half-breed said or did.
Rin looked at me from her position on the girls hip, she looked like she belonged there, never thing that again Sesshoumaru! Anyways, Rin looked at me, silently asking if the girl could accompany us, of course I had already decided that she would. The girl didn't have a choice in the matter; she had to travel with us. I motioned for them to follow me, as I walked I stepped on Jakens' head, how I loved tormenting that stupid imp. The girl was walking along side of me, so I glanced at her from the corner of my eye; Rin seemed to have taken quite a liking to this girl, and visa versa. As I contemplated more on this girl, the more I started thinking about her. When I had gone in search of the half-breed to check-up on him, thought I'll never tell anyone that, he of course flung the sword around like he was high and mighty. I noticed that the other human that accompanied them was missing; I knew she was a miko that came from the future, so it wasn't all that strange. That houshi, if you can even call him that, seemed to know the question I was thinking, so he answered.
The houshi said that the girl had gone missing over two months ago, also including the fact that she was a Youkai now. InuYasha didn't appear to fazed by the missing girl, then again he had that clay pot, oh what was her name again, Kikuyu… no Kikyou, yes that's it, anyways she looked like the missing girl. From closer inspection I could clearly see the difference; I don't know why people said they looked alike. The girl had a more flamboyant air around her, whereas the clay pot had a dull and boring air about her. The girls' eyes were a deep blue, very peculiar, and Kikyou's were a dull brown. Kikyou didn't have a properly curved body unlike the girl; her body was curved in all the right places. Wait, where the hell did that come from, I need to stop thinking about this girl. I took another glance from the corner of my eye and saw that the girl was happily talking with Rin; as if previously she hadn't tried to kill herself…she was strange indeed. She was definitely a mystery this Sesshoumaru was going to solve.
A/n: Its short, and i probably could've finished this chapter better, but I hadn't put any thing since the 30 of last month and I feel really bad for that! Yes, I'm still taking a break from both my fics, why there is this chapter is because I had updated my other one before the A/n and so I realized I needed one for here! So here it is, oh and please read Careful what you wish for by alana124pyro