InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Day ❯ shards ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


It started to rain.

He could hear the raindrops against the window. They'd be beautiful, if it wasn't for his fucking headache.

He sighed, and leaned his head against the window. The cool glass felt nice. His breath fogged up the windows, and he smiled. His heart ached.


In his mind, he could see her reflection in the glass. She always wore a skirt, always ankle length…always. Anything else just didn't look right on her. Her hair, tied back into a pony tail except for…

It made him smile.

"Hey, Inu Yasha. You feeling okay?"


It started to rain.

"Hey, Kouga, check it out. You don't see that skirt everyday." The guy said, bringing his cigarette back up to his lips. He breathed out the smoke. It felt so good out in the rain. "Ain't that from one of them "prestigious junior highs"? What's she doing skipping class?"

"Apparently rich little girls don't care when they do their shopping." Another guy quipped. This got a slight chuckle out of the surrounding guys.

`Stupid', Kouga thought, looking at his comrades, annoyed. Their usual routine was beginning to dull him. He wanted something new. The same girls everyday, cheap sluts and whores without a shred of decency. It was fun, when he was younger, but everything was fun when your head was empty. He'd be twenty soon. That was another dull prospect, doing the same delinquent shit until the day he'd be officially booted out of his Yakuza gang and then not being able to do it at all…

He wanted a cig right now. Everyone with them looked so relax, so calm. He wanted that serenity, but not the disgusting piece of shit in his mouth. Despite his rebellion, he knew that what his parents had taught him would forever be etched into his brain, that meant no drugs, no beer, no sex, no smoking, no dishonoring the family. He had done everything but three, but if you WERE to ask his family…he didn't want to think about that right now.

He looked at the girl his friends were talking about. She was close by, but still far off, and she had her back turned. He saw the skirt and recognized it. It was the rival school of his old junior high. Not that he attended enough to really call it his old school…

The girl had some nice legs, kind of pale though. He could maybe see a girl from that school as skipping class, but normally they were a healthy tan, and their skirts were hiked up much higher…but such a frail little girl…?

He felt his heart skip a beat. He had a thing for the little girl? Pedophile among other things, he could imagine his family now… "You disgrace this family, dishonor! Dishonor! What of our pride?"…bunch of pricks…

"Screw you guys, she's hot, I'm asking her out."

He looked around. Those words didn't come from his mouth…

"Haha. Taro wants to play with the baby?"

Taro turned to glare at them from the street. "Fuckers."

Kouga sighed, looking down, a little irritated. "Taro get back here. I'll go talk to her."

Taro looked pale. Kouga hadn't meant to come across so pissed…no matter now. He could talk to the girl in peace.


"What, knocking too good for you?" Inu Yasha said, holding the side of his head he had bashed into the window. The window haw a crack in it now, and some blood was smeared on it. Damn, had he really become so fragile?

Miroku's sudden appearance had startled him and he knocked his head against the window.

"Be grateful I came at all. I'm surprised you haven't died of alcohol poisoning. How long have you been awake?"

"Awhile, two hours maybe…what time is it now…?"

"And you didn't bother to clean up?" Miroku tossed some stuff on the floor and started to pick up the cans. "You're really out of it…let me fix that gash on your head, then I'm leaving."

"I'm fine."

"Like hell… do you want glass shards lodged in your face or not?" Miroku said, tired.

Inu Yasha looked thoughtful, then as the blood made a pool on the floor.

":Fine," he said, pissed. "Just hurry."

"I will. Kagome's much cuter than you."

"A girl you haven't scared off?" Inu Yasha said, chidingly. Miroku's…habit, was a little too much for most…every girl he's come across.

"I can't help that. It's in my bloodline." Miroku said, wrapping the gauze around Inu Yasha's head.

"Your father must have drugged your mother. At least got her drunk."

"I could stab you and good Samaritan laws would let me get away with it."



two and a half pages…I'll start getting back up to four when I have a clear idea what happens, everything from now till then will just be filler...uh…"rising action".

I'm so happy, I could cry, I'm up to 10 reviews and over a thousand visits, this fic is on page 36 of most visited Inu Yasha fics. W00T! Seriously, this is my one source of human interaction (I'm seem to like that phrase don't I?) I get in a month, so ever review is appreciated.

Is everyone in chracter? I'm really worried about Kouga's character…someone help!