InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another High School Venture ❯ Explanations and Meetings ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Explanations and Meetings
Lunch rolled around rather quickly, and Sora was more than ready for Amaya to explain herself. Not only was she here at her school, but she was in every class with her so far in the day. She wondered if anyone had noticed the resemblances between her and older sister, Amaya.
She thought about the day so far as she waited outside the door for Amaya. Amaya had done everything in her power to annoy and agitate Taicho-san. She laughed quietly when she remembered the looks Inuyasha would give Amaya. They bickered like siblings.
“Well that's not very nice Sora-san. How could you think that way of me?” Amaya question in a pained voice, “Right, like my words really wounded you.” “So are we going to stand here all day or are you going to show me the lunchroom?” Sora smiled and held out her hand. Amaya smiled as well then grabbed Sora's hand and the two made their way to the lunchroom.
“That dump girl who does she think, she is?” Inuyasha grumbled around the hamburger he was eating. The young man that sat to his right patted his back sympathetically, but his dark purple eyes twinkling mischievously. He wore a rose-purple shirt with black slacks.
“What girl, Inuyasha?” he questioned. “That kitsune girl, Miroku” Inuyasha all but shouted. “The one that has been in all of my classes, the teacher sat her next to me and she's been so annoying!”
“Now, Inuyasha, think of this positively if she is a beautiful girl why should her words bother you?” A fist suddenly connected with Miroku's head. “Miroku Nishimura, you pervert, you better not be thinking something inappropriate again.”
“Why my dearest Sango, how could you think so poorly of me? I am nothing but loyal to you, besides I was just telling Inuyasha that he shouldn't call the new girl's advances annoying.” Sango glared fiercely at Miroku, her fists clenching and unclenching at her side. Sighing she walked around the table to the other side, her knee-length navy blue skirt and white blouse fluttering slightly as she sat down.
“What new girl?” Sango questioned as she set down her lunch. “There's a new girl?” A blue eyed girl with long wavy black hair questioned at she sat down with her lunch next to Sango. She was sporting a pair of hip hugger jeans and a sleeveless black t-shirt. “In the middle of the year?” she added.
“Yeah, her name is Amaya and she's a pain! She's been bothering me since we have the same homeroom.” Inuyasha repeated to the two girls. The girl smiled when she noticed something the other two humans hadn't. “You like her,” she stated casually. “What! I do not Kagome, besides I have Kikyo.”
“No. I mean you like arguing with the girl not the way you like my cousin.” “I well… um …I,” Inuyasha stuttered as the group laughed. “So why do you like arguing with her?” Inuyasha was about to answer when the girl in question entered the lunchroom. “That's her!” He cried out and pointing at her. The three turned to look at her at the two girls that had entered.
“So, Sora-chan, how have you been faring these last few years?” Amaya questioned as they walked down the hall together. “I've been well as I'm sure you already know, and I am happy. But what are you doing here, and why are you going to my school? And why did you only write me once a year?” Sora questioned again as she opened the door to the lunchroom, that fell silent upon their entrance.
“That's her!” A cry came from the middle of the room and both girls looked in that direction. Inuyasha sat pointing to them and a few people turned to look at him. He blushed and whispered to his friends. Ignoring the white haired boy the twins headed to the back where there was an empty table where they could talk without being bothered.
As they sat down quiet chatter began to fill the relatively silent room. Sora took her lunch out and when she opened her bento box saw that her mother had packed more then usual. She also had an extra pair of chop sticks. “Looks like okaa-san knew you were going to be here.” Sora said in an accusing voice.
“Okaa-san should know, it was, after all her idea.” Sora just blinked. “Okay well you know how otou-san likes to move around, right?” Sora nodded, “Well he wanted to move to America and to tell you the truth I was tired of new places and new faces. So I told him so. He was more then a little upset, but he was glad I told him. He and mom got together a little after and he asked her if it was okay for me to stay with you guys for the rest of my school year.”
“And she, of course, said yes.” Amaya nodded, “and now you'll be living with okaa-san and me for the next two years.” Sora smiled, when Amaya nodded again. “Good we can catch up on everything.”
They spent the next few minutes eating their lunch and talking about the few things they couldn't say in their letters. It was only when they had finished that they noticed how quiet the lunchroom had become. Looking around they saw everyone was watching the main door to the lunchroom.
There stood a group of six people, and they were all youkai. “Who are they?” Amaya questioned as she watched the group make their way through the tables. “Those are the six most popular people in this school,” Sora whispered.
“The tall silver haired one in black is Sesshoumaru Taicho. He's the President of the school council, and is an emotionless inu youkai. He is also the heir to the Western Land of Japan. Inuyasha is his younger half-brother. They hate each other so don't talk to one about the other.” Amaya nodded for her to continue.
“The one to his right is Naraku Kobayashi, he's the vice president and a kumo youkai. He is well known as a notorious youkai who loves to make plans and confuse people.” Amaya nodded again still watching the group.
“The one hanging onto Taicho-sama's left arm is Kagura Takeuchi,” Sora continued still. “She loves flaunting her beauty and taking advantage of people, and she's Kobayashi's second cousin. She is a kaze youkai, and has taken a liking to bothering me.” Amaya quickly glanced at Sora's face. “Don't worry; I won't let her do it anymore.” Sora smiled before continuing again.
“The boy behind Kagura is Kouga of the wolf tribe and the girl with red hair is his girlfriend Ayame, they are both ookami youkai. They are actually really nice. I don't know why they hang out with Taicho-sama and Kobayashi-san.
Finally, the last person there is Yura Tanaka. She is a hea youkai I think, considering she has an obsession with hair. She's also the school slut. She'll sleep with anyone as long as it suits her needs. I have seen many a men who were broken by her.” Amaya nodded again. It was then that Kagura took note of Sora. She said something to Sesshoumaru. Who turned his head slightly and regarded them with an icy glare.
He turned and the group made their way to Amaya and Sora. It was only a moment before the six were at their table. Amaya watched them warily for she could sense the strong auras they gave off.
It was Kagura who finally broke the silence. “Sora-san who is this pretty girl sitting next to you?” She asked her the picture of perfect innocence. “This is…” Sora began, but Amaya stood up. “Amaya?” Sora questioned, but she didn't say anything.
Amaya reached down and grabbed her and Sora's bag. Then she reached down and delicately grasped Sora's wrist and pulled up from her seat. She took one glance at the group before leading Sora toward the door.
“Woman,” A cold voice called to Amaya who turned her head to look back. “Do you know who you are turning your back to?” She could hear the deadly warning behind the icy words. Turning around completely she dipped into a bow.
It was a proper bow, no lower then it should be, but no higher either. It was a bow showing she understood his statues, but would not be intimidated into submission by it. All this she told him in that slight gesture. Then she took hold of Sora's wrist again and walked out of the Lunchroom.
Vocabulary used:
Okaa-san - mother
Otou-san - father
youkai - demon
inu - dog
kumo - spider
ookami - wolf
-sama - lord/lady
hea - hair
Yeah! *Does little dance* Chapter 2 is done, and it's longer, isn't that groovy? (I love that word) Anyway thanks to anyone who is reading this and actually looking forward to another chapter. Well updates might be sporadic cause of school, but I will do my best! Lots of thanks to anyone and everyone, Laters!