InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anxiety ❯ Change of plans ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

++Chapter 28++
++Change of plans++
“So what do we do?” Sango asked. The three had returned to the village after Inuyasha told them the bad news.
“We go after him.” Inuyasha stated as if it was the most obvious reason. “Kagome, watch Kyasha and the kids. We'll be back.” He kissed Kagome's forehead and nodded to Sango and Miroku to follow him.
Inuyasha stopped suddenly and turned to see a boy standing in the distance. He started to growl,
“I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter?” The boy seemed unmoved by the hanyou's comment.
“I'm here because I smelt her blood.” Kooketsu stated as he walked closer, earning him yet another growl from Inuyasha.
“Who are you?” Sango asked.
“I'm Kooketsu, Kouga's son.” Sango and Miroku's eyes widened.
“And you know Kyasha?” Miroku asked.
“Yes, we met a little while back.” The wolf youkai sighed. “You're going after Daitan, correct?”
“How the hell do you know?” Inuyasha huffed.
“I overheard the conversation.” Kooketsu smirked. “I'll stay behind and protect Kyasha.”
“No way in hell.” Inuyasha tried to go after the wolf but Sango and Miroku held him back.
“Thank you, but Kagome has her under control.” Miroku chided.
“But she will be busy watching your other children, let me take care of her and help you mate.” He directed the comment back to the hanyou.
“Inuyasha, just let him…he obviously cares about her.” Sango whispered.
Inuyasha growled and shoved the arms off his friends off of him.
“If you do anything or touch any of my friends or family, it'll be your head.” He then turned and ran off. Sango and Miroku gave a small smile to Kooketsu and ran off after the hanyou.
`Man, that was harder then I thought it'd be…' Kooketsu sighed and walked into the hut where the kids, as well as Kagome and Kyasha were in.
“Kooketsu?” Kagome asked.
“Yes, I'm here to help you watch the children.” Kagome nodded and went back to bandaging Kyasha's wounds. “I can take care of that, the humans look a bit tired.”
Kagome smiled and stood up,
“Thank you, I'll be right back.” Kagome sighed and guided the kids into the other hut. Kooketsu sat down and got a good look at the hanyou's wounds.
“You sure did a number on yourself this time.” Kooketsu smirked as he wrapped the foreign bindings around the girl. He winced when he heard a small whimper come from her.
Kooketsu sighed as he finished the medical procedure. He sat and stared at the unconscious girl before him. She was still out cold and not looking to good, her skin was white, and the lack of blood wasn't helping with her hanyou healing either.
He gently dragged a hand over her face and traced her jaw as he pondered what it would be like to kiss her again, to feel her lips on his once again.
Kooketsu smirked; he smelt it all over her when he kissed her the first time. Kyasha's body pretty much went limp in his arms.
However, a scream pulled him out of his hentai thoughts as the wolf youkai jumped up and ran out of the hut to find the moth youkai just outside of the village.
“We're here for the hanyou.” It demanded.
“No way are you getting your hands on her.” Kooketsu went to jump and attack the youkai when arms pulled him back and he landed on his ass.
“You will stay here.” Came a very female voice. Kooketsu tried to turn and look but felt an overwhelming sensation in his body as he felt sleep overcome him.
Blackness was all he saw as he fell to the ground.
“Inuyasha it isn't your fault, we'll get him back.” Miroku consoled the hanyou as they ran back to the village.
“Damn, it's my fault, what kind of father am I?” The hanyou growled.
They returned to the village, not able to find Daitan or any other trace of the moth youkai anywhere, it was as if they had disappeared completely.
“Oh my…” Sango gasped when they saw the village in almost ruins.
Inuyasha growled when he caught a whiff of the smell…moth.
“You two stay here.” Inuyasha ran and entered the hut where Kyasha was. To his horror…she was gone.
“Inuyasha!” He ran out to find Sango in tears.
“What the hell is wrong?” Inuyasha was pissed.
“Who ever were here…moth youkai obviously…they kidnapped the kids…even that wolf.” Miroku choked out.
“Then let's go…we have to get everyone back and before those damn moth youkai take Kyasha and Daitan's souls.” Inuyasha growled.
“I can help.” A small voice called. Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha turned to see Kagome standing there, untouched.
“You're not Kagome, are you?” Miroku blurted out. Sango and Inuyasha's eyes widened and looked at the delusional monk.
“What are you talking about?” Inuyasha growled.
“He's correct; I'm not your friend.” The woman stated. “But I can still help you find your friends.”
“Who are you then?” Sango yelled.
“You'll find out eventually, but we must hurry before it's too late.”
`Where am I?' Kyasha mumbled as she sat up. A stabbing pain indicated that her side disliked the movement as Kyasha let out a whimper and she fell back down to the hard ground. `Wait…where'd the…what the hell am I lying on?'
Kyasha hesitantly opened her eyes and found herself in a small, dark room. Nothing underneath her but hard rock ground.
“Kyasha?” A voice asked. Kyasha looked over and saw Daitan huddled up in the corner of the room.
“Oh Daitan, where are we?” She asked, not knowing what was going on.
“The moth youkai took us…” Kyasha gasped and ignored the pains her body shuddered as she sat up.
“No…how'd they get us?” Kyasha mumbled. “Where's Papa?”
“I don't know…you just got here.”
“You mean you were kidnapped before?” Kyasha's eyes widened. “How? When?”
“You were injured…you must have been out cold for quite a while.” Kyasha shuddered at the thought.
“Oh god…that means they're going to try and take our souls…no.” Kyasha whispered. “We've got to get out of here.”
Daitan started to cry. Kyasha was struggling; she couldn't get over there to help her own brother.
“It's going to be okay, Dai…Papa will come find us and bring you, me, and Mama Home.” Kyasha smiled sadly, “Don't worry…don't cry…be strong.”
Kyasha slowly fell asleep and didn't notice the small tear that fell down her cheek.
Hanna opened her eyes and screamed when she looked down. She was lying in a small cage, almost like a birdcage, quite high off the ground.
Where was she? How'd she get up here?
“Hanna…” She glanced over and smiled to see Chansu across the room in another cage like hers.
“Chansu…where are we?” Hanna's mind played back the memories, she started to cry.
“Don't cry Hanna…Mother and Father will come for us.” Chansu consoled his younger sister, but then a loud door slam was heard below. Both human children looked down to see a couple of moth youkai carrying a human…
“Aunt…Kagome.” Hanna whimpered.
“Hanna, stay quiet.” Chansu smiled sadly to her and they both stared at the moth's that were holding their aunt in their arms.
Hanna gasped when she saw them put Kagome into another cage underneath Chansu's. A rope was pulled and the cage was raised to the same level as the children's.
“Now you three will watch the ceremony.” A moth youkai chuckled as they all left the room.
“What ceremony?” Hanna asked Chansu.
“I don't think it's a good thing…” A small whimper caught their attention and Hanna and Chansu looked up to see Kagome waking up.
“Auntie!” Hanna shouted.
“Hanna?” Kagome whispered and opened her eyes. It took her a few minutes to take in her surroundings but she let out a gasp when the memories came back to her. “What are you two doing here?”
“The moth's got us…as well as Kyasha.” Kagome gasped.
“Where's Inuyasha, and your parents?” Kagome was horrified. “What happened to Daitan?”
“He's probably here too…I'm not sure about Mother and Father, or Uncle Inu.” Chansu sighed.
“We've gotta get out of here.” Kagome mumbled.
“I wouldn't plan on doing that, you're all in for a surprise.” A moth youkai, looking like the leader of the tribe stated, grabbing Kagome, Hanna, and Chansu's attention.
Just then, the doors opened.
“Kyasha, this isn't going to work, your wound is opening.” Daitan cried. Kyasha stood up and looked out the small window in the room.
“We've…gotta get out…we have to…or else…” Kyasha trailed off as she fainted from the loss of blood. Even her short nap couldn't get back her strength now.
“Kyasha!” He rushed over and caught her. “Oh god…where's Papa…Mama.”
“You won't be seeing your parents for quite awhile.” Daitan looked around and gasped. A couple of moth youkai stood at the doorway. “Come with us and we won't have to hurt you more…it looks like your sister would agree.”
The moth youkai chuckled. The larger of the two grabbed onto Daitan, and with much needed force on the hanyou boy, they grabbed a hold of the two hanyous and brought them out of the room, to their master.
Hi there and here's another chapter…I've started another story called `Cinderella rules'. It's about a girl and the whole `love story' setting. I believe it will be a good story, it's an original so if you have time, go check it out…
Thanks for the reviews:
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, anime of manga. Rumiko Takahashi does and I'm glad she had the imagination to create such amazing characters to play with.