InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Appetizers? On Me! ❯ Not Mine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The scent was one he didn't recognize, and yet, he found it painfully familiar. Curiosity drove his feet forward until he stood amongst the trees at the edge of the forest.
She was there, looking older than he last remembered. He'd been gone for many years.
For the first time he wondered if it was too long. She wasn't the child he remembered. True, she was Rin, but was she his Rin?
He didn't enjoy the way that question left him feeling so unsettled.
It didn't take long to pinpoint the source of the unfamiliar scent. His cold amber eyes watched as a child presented her with a bouquet of flowers. She smiled as she accepted them. Wrapping her arms around the boy, she cradled him to her chest and kissed the top of his dark head.
A boy.
A son.
Her son.
His chest tightened. He fought to breathe. The tree next to him suffered the punishment of his claws as they dug deep into the bark.
A human son.
He repeated the thought, unsure what the sickened feeling in his gut was supposed to mean.
He watched mother and child play together in the warm afternoon sunlight, feeling every part the unwelcome voyeur. At one point she glanced his way as though she knew he was there, watching her. His muscles tightened to run but she simply shook her head and went back to entertaining the child.
Her child.
Not his.
He'd been gone for far too long.